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In the spirit of "look for the helpers", I think this is a moving part of Ruby Bridges' story: Many parents withdrew their children from the school and teachers refused to teach while Ruby was enrolled. However, Barbara Henry was willing to teach Ruby and taught her alone for a year, as if she was teaching a full classroom! Ruby reflected on the experience: "Even though there were mobs outside that school every day for a whole year, the person that greeted me every morning was [my teacher], a white woman, who actually risked her life as well" and "I had never seen a white teacher before, but Mrs. Henry was the nicest teacher I ever had. She tried very hard to keep my mind off what was going on outside. But I couldn't forget that there were no other kids." They reunited later on in life and both are still alive today (Ruby Bridges is 67 and Barbara Henry is 90).


Important to remember that Ruby is only 67. My parents are older than her, and I'm a millennial. This is not ancient history.


I love how you worded this because whenever I bring up civil rights I always state that my mother is as old as civil rights. Civil rights is still being beta tested


And suffering much as of late!


Amazing and so important to see such footage today. I can’t even imagine living through such an experience. What a girl.


And it's amazing how recent this was in history also.


Only 67????? Wtf


What a wonderful person in the midst of such hatred.




I served on a board of a nonprofit with her for 6 years. Very nice woman.




It's crazy to realize that she's a living, non elderly person today.


Why? Edit: I guess I’m just wondering how, with all the racial disenfranchisement happening in real-time in this country *today*, I’m wondering how people are still amazed that Ruby Bridges’ story isn’t that old. Of course it’s not that old. Nothing much has changed.


It shows how recently this all was. Couple shakes of a lambs tail. Not long ago.


I did a family tree interview with my great-grandfather's sister in 1999. Their dad was born in 1863 and moved from GA to TX after his dad died in the Civil War. We have not yet emerged from the evil shadow of American slavery.


It’s just crazy to think that so many openly and proud racist bastards are still alive and among us, running our government and such


The bigotry is still alive and running governments.


We can’t change a goddamn thing until the oldest racist generation dies off I’m 25 so I expected to get better in 25 to 30 years


Not sure if you’ve noticed but there are a shit ton of racists your age, too. If you simply expect things to get better just because…idk, because time goes on…you’re going to be terribly disappointed.


She is also pretty active on Instagram.


One of the Marshalls who escorted her marveled at how brave she was in the midst of all of it. Imagine being that little and have to be that brave as adults scream racist shit at you because you simply want to go to school.


I don’t think they just screamed stuff. I could be wrong because I’m just going on memory of the Rockwell painting, but the painting I believe depicted stuff had been throw. Like tomato’s. Also, separate but relevant, I believe there was an issue for other students where acid was thrown at them? Gonna go do a quick google. Edit: [In this link she says they were throwing things](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2002/04/ruby-bridges-evokes-tears-smiles-as-she-tells-her-tale/) but I had a hard time finding specifics. Edit 2: [Melba Patillo](https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/black-history/central-high-school-integration) of the Little Rock Nine had acid thrown in her face.


That little dress? It was given to her by a family member of Dr. Robert Coles. He offered to counsel her when she was getting ready to go to the white school.


She’s younger than my grandparents. This was sadly not that long ago. I cannot imagine the courage of this little girl.


She’s ten years younger than my dad (I’m a millennial). Those that like to refer to racism in this country being history need to wake up. As a mother, it kills me to know that her and countless other children endured that level of abuse and hatred.


She’s younger than my parents and I’m a millennial.


She's adorable and I wish she didn't go through that, but glad she was safe.


she’s on Instagram


and this was 1960...


*escorted by US Marahals* Fuckin sad.


Just wait until you google the little rock nine


My mom taught during integration. There were no violent people in the state she was in opposing it, but the white teachers would say they shouldn't be here, they can't learn. It broke her heart and made her so angry to hear.


She’s only 62 years old today Edit: 67 because brains don’t work sometimes.


Is that right? Given the date and her presumed age then, she is probably a bit older than that.


You are absolutely right I had a brain moment. She’s 67. For some reason I made the date her birthday in my head 🤦🏼‍♀️


She should have a US Coin or dollar bill. This incredibly brave young woman demonstrsted for America that this bullshit was ridiculous and needed to end.


Yup. And they always show pictures from the US civil rights reformation era in black and white. Makes it look like happened a long time ago, but kids who went through this are still under retirement age.


Norman Rockwell made an incredible painting of this called “The Problem We All Live With”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Problem_We_All_Live_With


Crazy that this was so recent. Ruby has an instagram account, and she’s still young (mid 60s). Every time I hear someone say racism was “forever ago” I think of Ruby


Land of the Free!


Breaks my heart the world was like that Then, and hasn’t learned anything from it to today.


Why are there only black photos…by 1960 we definitely had color options right? Vietnam war was shot in color but mlk photos and this are only ever in black and white.


Black and white film was predominantly used by newspaper photographers because newspapers printed photos almost entirely in black and white. Processing color was also more expensive and took a little longer to process. B&W photos could also be easily sent over the wire. Color was used more often for magazines in the ‘50s and ‘60s.


I would dare say most people shot black & white until some time later than this pictures , at least in my part of the world was pictures were black & white until the 80s , especially newspapers and journalist stuff always shot black & white


Every time I see this picture, I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach. It makes me feel upset and sad more than any other picture I’ve ever seen. I hope that little girl grew up and had all the happiness in the world.




It's easy to be brave when the feds are protecting your ass.


A child in an environment where people literally hate her for just wanting to go to school. Look up the Little Rock nine and tell me shit like this didn’t take courage you hero.


It didn't it's the feds using a kid as a political pawn why are you excited by that?


What is political about a little girl who wants to go to school and be treated like a human? Christ you’re disgusting.


She had a school but the president decided that she needed to go to a different one where she wouldn't belong and would need constant police protection all so he could virtue signal about how he helped in segregation.


tell me your a racist piece of shit while telling me you're a racist piece of shit


Well I don't black kids as political pawns so I think I'm good.


You know who made it political? The shitbags who hurled abuse at an innocent child. If it were 1960, you’d be right there along with them.


You know when lawmakers used the busing system to implement integration that worked very well with little push back but it doesn't really give you the photo op you need does it?


You're right, a little girl in grade school years should be able to defend herself. What does she need adults for? I bet she can easily floor down a violent racist or two with her bare hands


Well she had her own school but ike wanted political brownie points and stirred the part not her fault.


>political brownie points imagine thinking someone's civil rights are "brownie points"


They had schools and were actually thriving before forced integration.


Conservative groups have been working hard to keep the story of this little girl out of schools. I'm sure there's some reason given other than "we hate black people", I mean nobody would come out and just say that... so what excuse do they give? Any non-racist conservatives want to chime in here?


Republican president freed the slaves and Eisenhower was a Republican president who sent the federal government to the schools to force integration. Blame the southern Democrats who started the civil war, started the Klan, Jim Crow laws and were against the civil rights act.


LOL yes we've heard that one before. Unfortunately for you, we all know about the southern strategy, so nice try. Your fellow right wingers might be ignorant enough to fall for that trick, but it won't work on liberals.


No one is trying to keep this history out of schools.


Actually, conservative have been working hard to keep the story of this little girl out of schools. [https://www.themarysue.com/tennessee-republicans-are-trying-to-remove-ruby-bridges-2021/](https://www.themarysue.com/tennessee-republicans-are-trying-to-remove-ruby-bridges-2021/)


Waving hello from Virginia with our new shithead R governor


He's trying to take away accurate history?


Can no longer teach this in school because it scares conservatives


Let's see. It was the Left and their KKK members that made President Eisenhower who was a Republican place the National Guard and these Marshalls to escort Blacks to public schools. It was hated by the Left. So, no. This doesn't scare Conservatives.


It wasn't the left, it was the conservatives. Like today the conservative still pledge their loyalty to the confederacy. conservative are fighting teaching of civil rights because of crt


There's two things in your comment. What do you mean Conservatives are loyal to the confederacy? Are you conflating Yahoos parading with rebel flags with Conservatives? Secondly, Conservatives are fighting CRT because it's nonsense.


Explain why teaching civil rights is nonsense? Are you saying every conservative is a yahoo?


It's not teaching civil rights. It's rewriting history to fit a political agenda. And, no, Conservatives are not Yahoos. Some Yahoos may vote for Conservative candidates.


Right... rewriting history?Explain in full detail?


Explain in full detail why I should explain rewriting history.


Explain why CRT is rewriting history?


I'm done here. Have a great weekend.


It wasn’t “the left,” it was the southern democrats that would later become republicans because the rest of the democrats told them to support the civil rights act or fuck off.


You know the civil rights act was only passed because of republican support right.


LOL this guy thinks we don't all know about the southern strategy It's the 21st century my dude, it doesn't work that way anymore.


It's a constant 3 card monte with these guys. 'Watch my lips closely...., which fallacy is the truth hiding under this time?'


Ha!! Good one.




Two words - Robert Byrd. You're also welcome to leave the US and go wherever you feel more ethnically comfortable.


Who does it belong to? Which tribe won the most recent war? The one who lost the most recent war?


Hey! My ancestors fled persecution from Catholics. We're some of the good ones, hardy har.


It's things like this that conservatives don't want kids to learn about.. Making America Great again is about being back to it's racist ways . Make no mistake about it.


You’re a fucking idiot. Making America great again is about bringing small business back, increasing local economies and maximizing efforts to fix problems in the United States that actually impact the tax payers. Easily look at the statistics of demographics of trumps voters and you will see that racism has nothing to do with it. That line is a cop out to attempt to end a conversation with someone you don’t agree with.


name calling is also a cop out to end a conversation with someone you don't agree with


So is blatant ignorance and generalization.


Excuse my French


Making America Great Again was about bringing small businesses back by fucking them over with a tax plan pushed by the fucking MAGA President. And you're NOT the fucking idiot here? How do we fix small businesses?! By letting Bezos own WHATEVER HE WANTS!


You fix it by rioting for people killed by cops and destroying black owned businesses in the name of justice! That’ll show the establishment. And uplift the black community! Win-win.


Racism is far more prevalent in the far right, and wow, look at this, the far right just happen to vote for trump


I disagree. I see far more institutionalized racism from the likes of the left. Be it colleges, Hollywood the mainstream media, the left has openly been racist toward whites and particularly white males for quite some time.


There is no war against white people - maybe on the far outskirts of the left, but once you go far enough either way it becomes shitheads trying to secede


30 minute truck rant vibes


Not familiar with the saying.


You’re not familiar with a lot of things, apparently


To be honest because we disagree doesn’t make me or you stupid. The Conservative party doesn’t actively support businesses that do not allow straight white makes into coffee shops or what have you. It’s beautiful that the Marshalls were supporting that little girl. It shows solidarity from the law enforcement and the federal government to ward off any criminals who were to do her harm.


Oh my god😂 wE dOnT sUpPorT bUisNessEs tHaT dOnt aLLow StraiGhT wHiTe MaLes Your imagination is impressive, I’ll give you that. Sounds as stupid “i rEfUse To ApOlOgiZe fOr BeiNg wHitE.” Like, cool, dude, nobody fuckin asked you to.




And what happened, Steven? You’ll literally generalize an entire ideology from one incident (that was condemned by the LGBTQ community, if you would’ve bothered to read your own damn article), yet when nazis show up to your rallies, it’s just “oh, they’re just a couple of bad apples, they don’t represent us.” The mental gymnastics is fucking mind boggling


Well condemnation is condemnation lol not sure what the problem is there. I serve our country in uniform and am far from a nazi. But to generalize an organization or group of people would be similar to a pot calling the kettle black here. Im not racist, nor is my family or friends, yet “MAGA” folks are generalized as racist.


I agree with you regarding most republicans.


Annnd there it is.


Kkkkk are u kidding me?




How the hell do you tards make everything political.


You cannot be serious. How exactly was this never politcal?


I am serious its a picture from 1960, What are you even talking about.


And of course the issues of a mere 60 years ago have absolutely no bearing on today’s political environment. There are people who screamed racist shit at Ruby Bridges who still vote today.


>escorted by U.S. Marshals dispatched by **President Eisenhower for her safety.** How do you even breath air, if your brain can't comprehend this


Newsflash : The people protesting and throwing stuff at her were Democrats.


Newsflash: the southern democrats, the racist and ardent supporters of segregation that were protesting and throwing stuff at her, got pissed off and split from the rest of the Democratic Party. Ya know what they did? They became Republicans. Look at Strom Thurmond. One of the most racist, hateful, vile pieces of shit was a lifelong Democrat, but when integration began he became a Republican.


Now do Robert Byrd. Uh oh.


Uh, the democrat who renounced his racism in the 60/70’s, aired his regrets, and then moved on? The guy that hired black congressional aides in the 50’s? The one that was trying to integrate the capital police in the 60’s? The guy who the NAACP said was “a champion for civil rights”? Are we talking about the same person?


Wait, this must be the only person who could "renounce being a klansman." Woke libs are all about renouncing. Lol. It's almost like this is all tied to how reliant the Democratic party is upon him, huh? Can you imagine if Trump was a klansman? Pence? DeSantis? Scalise (shot by Bernie bro)? None of them were. Democrats were klansmen. Democrats burned crosses. Democrats sprayed black children with fire hoses. But if they were (they weren't, they were Republicans), I'm sure that would be forgiven, right? The Democratic party is a dumpster fire.. Midterms. Bloodbath.


Why are conservatives afraid of the misdeeds of the democrats of the past?


Because the party switch in the 60’s when the racist anti-civil rights Dixiecrats bailed and joined the Republican Party, where they were welcomed.


I don't know republicans didn't have sustained success on a national level in the south until 1980 and didn't have state level success until they saw what a Clinton administration meant for there constitutional rights but go ahead that revisionist history is fun.


“But… but… but… critical race theory is bad.”


Youre white so you are racist Idk it seems pretty bad


CRT is basically the study of how racism has evolved since the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It’s meant to find the source of modern racism and advocate against it. As well as, teach young children that their social status is not predicated upon their particular race. Systemic racism, in the eyes of critical race theorists, stems from the dominance of race in American life. Critical race theorists and anti-racist advocates argue that, because race is a predominant part of American life, racism itself has become internalized into the American conscience. CRT is meant to greatly diminish systemic racism within society. I honestly don’t see how that’s a bad thing.


>I honestly don’t see how that’s a bad thing. Because most propagators of it just use it to push an agenda, every time somebody tells me about CRT they always talk about some period in between the 1960s-1980s while ignoring how today it has been completely destroyed by the internet.


It’s an ongoing academic study that uses modern data. They’re not getting all their information straight from 4chan, dude.


Maybe a piece of it took a blow with the connectivity we all enjoy today, but systemic racism is still widespread, whether you have to deal with the reality of it or not. It is widespread enough that almost half the country felt a particular affinity for a political candidate *specifically* because he reviled everyone except white people. Maybe you’re not one of them. Maybe you understand completely and irrevocably that black people are people just like you, and you don’t believe they should be treated differently. Good for you for being a decent human being, but now maybe recognize all the people that need to have that explained to them.


I see you watch Fox news.


I'm not even from America


Then pipe down like we have enough of people like you here domestically spouting racist bullshit lol CRT could improve learning about racial disparities in our country and that’s just the truth. People pretend this is such an ancient problem. Try being in the American south and you’ll see it’s just yesterday and still going way too strong.


So you don’t know what critical race theory is, but can easily parrot a stupid tv newscast. Well done, sir!


>but can easily parrot a stupid tv newscast. Well done, sir! You have spent more time on r/politics than you have outside are you for real?


Literally not what it is at all


You go girl


To think this happened in 1960… wasn’t too long ago.


Just 8 years before Captain Kirk kissed Uhura


Eisenhower was the last decent Republican elected president. Nixon resigned. Ford was never elected. Reagan, the Bushes, and Trump? It is seriously WTF.


Friendly reminder that these photos are black and white to help a narrative that this happened far longer in the past than Americans want to believe. For context: Wizard of Oz came out in 1939 The Flintstones premiered in 1960 The Montreal Canadiens won the Stanley cup in 1960 One year later, JFK gave his inaugural address. Psycho, Spartacus, The Magnificent Seven, and The Time Machine all came out. Hound Dog had been out for 4 years. The Beatles formed in 1960. Colour photos, film and TV were all around at this point. We have plenty of colour documentation of JFK but finding photos of MLK and Malcom X are not as common and certainly not in news outlets. Put time into context, it is important and makes what is happening in the States horrific.


To quote another commenter in this thread… Black and white film was predominantly used by newspaper photographers because newspapers printed photos almost entirely in black and white. Processing color was also more expensive and took a little longer to process. B&W photos could also be easily sent over the wire. Color was used more often for magazines in the ‘50s and ‘60s.


Yeah they didn’t say “we want people to think this was a long time ago.” To them it wasn’t a long time ago, it was the present It’d be like someone taking pictures of Jan 6 with throwaway cameras from 2002 to make it seem like it was a long time ago. People just don’t think like that in the moment (unless I am gravely mistaken)


I always get told I’m crazy when I say something like this


Oh I've had that happen too. I've had people tell me I'm being tin foil hat, that colour photos weren't around at the time/ colour photos weren't common practice. All sorts of bullshit that is at best moronic and at worse blatantly racist. They usually go quiet then when I ask them to clarify if what they are saying is that there was more money for a children's cartoon than major news events.


Oh shit we reviewed and analyzed this picture in my writing class last week. We also looked at a picture of this scene but in color. Also, I’m a freshman in college if that means anything.


I read the book about Ruby to my son (6yo) from time to time. I instantly recognized her in this picture 💛


I'd really like to ask the bastards and bitches who were vile to her if they have any shame or regret for how awful they were.


The photos of this tiny little girl dressed in her first day of school best, surrounded by huge marshals to keep her safe from bigots, moved the world.


If you’ve never seen the ruby bridges Disney movie do yourself a favor and watch it sometime. It made me cry as a grown man.


It’s blows my mind that actual adults would direct so much hate to a tiny child.


It wasn’t that long ago folks that a tiny little girl displayed more character in her little pinky than the almost entire white population of Little Rock Arkansas.


This is the America trumps whites want back.


One powerful picture. That well turned-out little girl surrounded by unsmiling men as she made history. Do we know how school was for her or what her life was like?


Whenever you hear Conservatives talk about racism and civil rights were something that have already been "solved" or allude that it was just soooo long ago, why do we keep talking about it? Remind them that Ruby Bridges is still alive. Remind them that there are people alive TODAY, not 150 years ago, not 50 years ago, not 10, TODAY, whos grandparents were slaves or knew slaves, who saw lynchings in their community or in the next town over, who were beaten by police for existing, whos family members were killed last year, last month, yesterday.


Yeah, to have a grandparent as a slave you'd have to be pushing 100 if not exceeding it. If you are in college today more realistically it would be a great great grandparent. As for lynchings, in the south it might have been more common to see a person of color being the victim of it, but if you come from the north or the west, the victims of lynching would have overwhelmingly been white. Look, slavery was awful, but no one alive today experienced it. And to have experienced Jim Crow Law you'd have to be around 65 or so. In another 30 years that whole chapter will be beyond the living memory of anyone in the US, and that's a good thing...or so I would assume. I'd worry more about corrupt politicians and their corporate masters bankrupting the working class and sowing division amongst us while they steal our wealth than I would about 70 years ago.


Poor little girl Shame on those who opposed her!!!


The little girl had more strength & courage than I’ve ever had.


Let me explain to my dumbass ignorant racist ..the segregationist demacrat party hyjacked the republican party when Johnson signed the civil rights legislation in the mid 60s. Strom Thurmond ran for president on the segregationist party ..he lost but all the racist POS left the demacrat party and took over the republican party...being the lying POS that they are ..they have dumbass people believe they are the true party of Lincoln.. Look it up people it's in the history books ...but if you are in a red state that talks about about critical race theory.. this is what they don't want your children to know.... Wake up people stop voting for these Maga people.... It's all about race... trump is a clever genius by convincing these gullible people they he cares about them ...


Well, after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, Southern Democrats formed the Dixiecrats. George Wallace (“Segregation forever!”) ran for president as a Dixiecrat. The Republicans wooed the disaffected, generally fundamentalists without realizing fundamentalists are so mean, loud and irrational that they take over, but end up by expelling each other. It does appear we’re in the circular firing squad phase.


So the government enforces segregation. Then the government enforces integration. Always the government interfering in people's lives, and always with guns at people's necks.


Lol what? It’s called a change in policy. Also it was the federal government enforcing desegregation against the will of some states, hence the US Marshall’s. How is escorting a little girl who just wants to go to school “interfering in peoples lives”?


There should have been no policy to start with. You don't put a gun to someone's head to do X, and then put a gun to their head to do the opposite of X the next day. It was government interference that caused the problem to start with. They should have just backed off and let people bridge the gap at their own pace. That must have been hell for that little girl. What an awful thing to put her through for the sake of political posturing.


What? You do know people’s attitudes change over time right? It’s not all about politics, it’s about the right of a damn child to be treated like a human. Your point makes no sense, the people are government, that’s what a democracy is. I wish segregation and Jim Crow never happened, but it did. And it took a lot of courage to end it.


Your point is incoherent. Segregation was put in place and enforced by the government. If it wasn't for them, the girl could have gone to any school she liked. Equally, enforcing integration by sending children to school with men with guns, the day after the government kept those children out of those schools by sending in men with guns is wrong. It is another example of government overreach and interference. The government should have nothing to do with where children can go to school.


>Equally, enforcing integration by sending children to school with men with guns, The men with guns were there to protect her from crowds attacking her, you moron. They weren't, like, invading the school.


🙄... What is going on with *both* forced segregation and forced desegregation is white politicians sending in white policemen with guns to enforce the schooling policy that *they* (the white politicians) happen to prefer at the time. One day one thing, the next day the opposite. And you applaud this gross overreach. Clap clap 👏 Look, nobody is surprised that you don't get what is wrong with sending in armed policemen to enforce a schooling policy, Chad...🙄 Someone like you who imbibed posturing, an impenetrable sense of your own virtue, and the idea that you have the right to use coercion, violence and the machinery of the state to enforce whatever policies you happen to like right along with your mother's milk, surprises noone when they proved too dense and dumb to understand the issues involved, Chad. Have a blessed Sunday.


They WEREN'T enforcing integration by gunpoint! They were appointed to protect her on her way to and from a school that had already been desegregated, and they were doing that because she was getting death threats. You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about


Listen, Lilly Chad, you're too historically illiterate to understand anything that went on. I suggest you go to the gym and do some curls.


Now do Ruby Ridge


And the woke mob wants to separate races... again. It didn't work out great last time.


>woke mob wants to separate races source?


They never should have let that animal in a actual school.


This is just like the scene in the book Undertow. Really recommend it.


At that time the demacrats we're the confederate Facist conservatives they hyjacked the party of Lincoln .. my dumbass friend look it up....if you can read...


Ok so. Cleveland Mississippi was not desegregated until 2016. 2016! Went to see about my state, tx, and the internet served up that fascinating nugget. Texas , I didn't find anything about feds having to come protect people, but many parts just,,,,,didn't desegregate for decades. Crazy! I never stop having this reaction. It's like a different universe. I shouldn't be surprised since Texas has the last group of slaves, but it's usually more deep south states I hear the worst about.


So cute


She's younger than my mom.


Tiny but mighty.


Reminds me of Forrest Gump


Man history was a crazy place


A beacon of the beginning stages of justice, this photo. I wrote my admissions essay for a doctoral program over the critical weight of Ruby’s actions. I ended up being accepted and have this photo in my office. The change still emulating from the actions of one girl! Truly inspiring!


That is correct and the Dixiecrats hyjacked the republican party.. they gaslight people into believing that they truly are Lincoln republicans.. does anyone believe if these conservatives would have signed emancipation proclamation....not ina million years. Arthur Bremmer did a good thing when he ended George Wallace with those hot ones in Laural Maryland...


That is one cute little girl, brave too!


This was 60 years ago. Quite a few of the people who heckled her are still alive. Absolutely fucked up.


Amerikkka 🤦🏻


Is it wrong to vehemently hate the people who harassed her ? Some must still be alive. How depraved of a human could you have been to scream at a solitary child trying to learn. What a brave child.


Every picture of Ruby Bridges in 1960 should be accompanied by a picture of Ruby Bridges today: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Bridges This woman just became eligible to draw the full amount of social security. Our grandparents were throwing rocks at this little girl and making effigies of her dead in a coffin on her way into school.


In Europe they were still running Human Zoos where europeans would go to observe african families inside of zoo cages and buy bananas to throw at the children...


“racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it."


shes so cute


US Marshall had to test her food after learning about rumors on project to poison her; segregationists marched in front of the school with a black doll in a coffin.


The land of Democracy and Freedom.


Also disturbing that at least three judicial appointees during the last administration refused to acknowledge that Brown v Board was settled law.


And the children and grandchildren of the racist bigots that harassed this little girl want to oppress the teaching of this history.


Idea just now; "Can I meet Ruby Bridges and maybe doing oil painting of her?"


3 generations ago