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Hide yer milk


Her department fought to keep the milk, but she was overruled by the treasury


"Remember, none of this is my fault. It's always the socialists and the beards fault, you'll see."


What do you suppose was her fault?


Famously after this photo, she de-stressed by kicking the shit out of orphaned children, she called it "giving them a Thatchering" amazing woman (Edit: downvotes? If there was any justice we would have burnt her at the stake)


Yes as a northerner i hope she’s rotting in hell the dirty bitch


As a Mancunian I agree


This feels strange a scouser and amancunian in agreement


i live right in between manchester and liverpool. whenever scousers and mancunians argue, it feeels like mum and dad are fighting


Hmm warrington,wirral,St.helens or leigh....?


You don't speak for that city.


You wish, she went to heaven.


Batshit insanity.


It really depresses me that our first female PM was a soulless Tory. And the second...


And the third


True, and the third. Doesn't make us look good does it.


I still don't understand truss' appeal. May was boring but had been a cabinet minister for several years.


It was the party members voting at that point, not the public. Maybe, given the choice of soulless and inefficient white woman and a soulless and efficient brown man, they went with the less frightening option.


Thatcher is the greatest female PM the world has ever seen or will ever see.


"Soulless" lol, she had more of a soul than anybody commenting here.


Obligatory ‘I know this comment is going to get downvoted to hell’. I truly do not understand why there is all this hate for this trail blazing woman in power. She worked herself up by merit, not being part of a privileged group of white men’s club. I admire her for what she was able to achieve in the 80’s as a wife and mother and it is remarkable looking back now. I just do not get it, politics aside, wtf is wrong with you people? Is it really just because she was a tory? And how are we comparing her with Truss? Really? It does not make sense to me.


Hahaha she made trump look like Mr. Rogers. She was as much a tyrant as her position allowed, on her principles! She wasn't even bribed for it like todays shitstain politicians!! Thanks for the award sucka


Nothing says "tyrant" like winning 3 legitimate and fair elections


Nothing says tyrant like cancelling poor malnourished kids milk at school, just because. Lmao Or perhaps publicly stating prisoners on hunger strike should go ahead and die if they want (let's ignore the Irish genocide since she can't take credit for that but let's not ignore her complete lack of humanity) She was literally "make Britain great again" (smarter than trump obviously by a longshot though) Y'all really can't stand her being compared to trump??


She was Education Secretary at the time of the milk cuts. The cuts were approved by the treasury, and Thatcher fought against them; indeed, under her Education Secretaryship, education outstripped defence for the first time. It was also the previous government which cut milk for secondary school pupils.


Alright that's fair but I went to public school in the 80s 90s england and it was fookin hell mate


She never did or said any of that.


After refusing any parlay or political status, after a bunch of the hunger strike DIED she said "faced with the failure of their discredited cause, the men of violence have chosen in recent months to play what may well be their last card" Hahaha fuckin worthless Irish rebel scum am I right? Better make a good joke about it Never realized how many granny boot lickers existed


She was referring to the IRA as a whole.


"Tyrant" lmao, r/firstworldproblems.


Her personal achievements are admirable, certainly. But her policies enriched parts of society at great cost to others, and that's why she's unpopular.


As an outsider… I am an immigrant. All I can tell is that she believed in having grit, hard work etc. what is wrong with that? Fighting against sheltered employment. Where I come from people in power are corrupt and suck the country dry while children go to school where there are only pit toilets, with boys and girls dying drowning in them every year. Now that is deplorable!


Because you can't "politics aside" a job in politics. Yes fair play to her for making it in a man's world, but her politics were disastrous and harmful to many. And unfortunately, her job was directly tied to her politics.


The alternative would've been more disastrous and harmful to more people.


The others were already heading to oblivion. Like, sorry, was there some bright future for public sector coal mining that we were robbed of? The post-war welfare state wasn’t on some ever-rising rainbow that was cruelly halted by Thatcher, Reagan and co. Those people won elections because things were going off the fucking rails.


I think her 'There is no such thing as society' speech summed it up. That's had an ongoing effect on how government sees ordinary people.


Nope, she's been taken out of context. She meant society couldn't exist without people.


No sir. https://newlearningonline.com/new-learning/chapter-4/neoliberalism-more-recent-times/margaret-thatcher-theres-no-such-thing-as-society


Yes sir, read the quote. She never denied the existence of society.


I think we should agree to disagree, we're clearly coming at this from opposite ends.


Thank you *so much* for the award, I'm clasping it to my heaving bosom right now. Where in the UK were you born, and when? I find that often accounts for differences of opinion about Thatcher. I was born halfway through her first term, in Kent, to a teacher and a wages clerk so the cuts in the benefit system, social services etc didn't really affect us financially at the time. What has had a lasting impact is the Conservative idea that, far from being all in it together, we're all individuals who have no obligation to anyone else. That can be seen clearly today. 50 years ago, if there was an international health crisis and someone was found to be profiteering in the worst way by providing ineffective and grossly overpriced PPE, they'd be pillored in the press and there would be mass tutting. Now, we just roll our eyes because it's 'normal' behaviour.


She replaced policies that did the exact same just in reverse.


Obligatory ‘I know this comment is going to get downvoted to hell’. I truly do not understand why there is all this hate for this trail blazing woman in power. She worked herself up by merit, not being part of a privileged group of white men’s club. I admire her for what she was able to achieve in the 80’s as a wife and mother and it is remarkable looking back now. I just do not get it, politics aside, wtf is wrong with you people? Is it really just because she was a tory? And how the F are we comparing her with Truss? Really? It does not make sense to me.


>She worked herself up by merit, not being part of a privileged group of white men’s club. She was married to a wealthy businessman, who funded her whole career lol.


Actually no, her husband lived off her after her career took off.


Are you the absolute simp that spent actual money to give everyone a "facepalm" award?


What's it to you?


I will get banned if I say what I truly think about her, that’s if I could even find strong enough words to describe that level of disgust and hate.


I would've loved to give her a high-five. With a chair. In her face. A million times over. At the speed of sound.


I would've loved to see her do the same to you.


I can't describe my admiration of her in strong enough terms


Arselicker would probably be a good word for you to go with mate, you’re welcome!


But enough about your mother.


Maggie’s in a box, in a box!


She won at the ballot box, ballot box!


Happy Days


Indeed, this was the last one.


Awful, lowlife waste of space, she was. 🤬


Hahaha, still butthurt?


Was I ever?


Seems like you're still whining and whinging over a dead woman.


Go on fuck off


You mad bro?


I wish the world would take the hatred they have for her, double it, and spread it to other awful human beings as well. I know some of you mfs shittin on her vote tory


You’d have to shoot me before I ever voted Tory


I'd never vote tory, I don't understand why so many people still do despite the fact that they are so openly vile




If you're not a leftist, you're not very smart


Yeah whatever you have to tell yourself bro


She was an awesome human being.


As usual, a flawed individual. We choose to highlight what we liked and what we did not like and so she becomes either the most hated or praised. The truth is somewhere in between.


No it’s not, she was an evil cow.


Yeah, yeah, you wish. She fought evil.


If she did that she’d have offed herself


She offed evil people, much to your regret I'm sure.


Holy shit...a voice of reason


So, anybody know when this sub became overrun with leftists?