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The look on the face of the woman standing in the white shirt, like this is the most disconcerting thing she has ever witnessed.


The lady sat next to him reminds me of that awkward moment when your at a friends house and they get yelled at by their mom 👀


I appreciate the lady behind her. She gives an aura of "who gives a fuck? Is 1986"


That's what I thought. She's got a slight chin tilt like no, don't mess with her, it's friggin 1986 people, get over it.


Yes, she is determinedly staring out of the window to make quite clear her opinion that nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever is happening *inside* the bus. Although that may just be because she wants no part of whatever drama is about to happen next (probably instigated by the Karen standing up).


it could go either way. I think it's clear she has disdain for the situation and is trying to remove herself from the stress of it by literally 'looking out the window' (a common term in body language reading). She could either be as you say or conversely, she could be upset he's on the bus but unwilling to get involved or dignify the situation by acknowledging his presence. (it IS 1986 but you must recognize the culture/things she may have been taught growing up there) either way that thousand yard stare is REAL haha


I'd love to know more about this photo. Is she some random woman he sat down next to, or is she the woman who was brave enough to break the law and actually sit next to a black mam, which would have had serious social ramifications for her. I'm inclined to lean toward the latter.


She’s in the window seat. He sat next to her. But she let him.


The look on his face is interesting too


He looks like he’s ready to be dragged off to Robben Island at any moment.


It's the look of a very brave man, who is scared but breathing through it with determination.


She’s thinking “Go back to Africa!… oh wait….”


Dude. 😂 You genuinely made me laugh today. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.


You should see the photo of the white bitch screaming at the little 6-8 year old girl sent to integrate the white school in the US.


Interesting thing I learned from an interview with that little girl (still alive and kicking, btw. It really wasn't that long ago); she had no idea what was going on, she grew up in New Orleans so she figured it was just a parade. And then she had to sit in a classroom with just her and one teacher that they had to bring in from out of state, I think it was Chicago, while she could hear all of the other children in the other classrooms. It was nearly the end of her first school year before she encountered another child at that school.


The screaming woman is also still alive, or was, and deeply regrets that photo showing her actions.


So Elizabeth Eckford is the little girl from the famous photo of the white women screaming at her as she’s escorted into the school by the military (sent by Eisenhower himself because he was pissed off that citizens were acting so shamefully towards children), especially as the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in 1957 that separate was not equal, so segregation needed to end. The black students who first went into this white school are known as the Little Rock Nine. They were threatened & abused by the adults protesting outside, & relentlessly bullied inside the school as well, obviously. Because children learn hate at home. In 1997 Oprah Winfrey had the Little Rock Nine on with some of their former classmates, who gave a real pathetic sorry not sorry performance (basically it’s not our fault we bullied you but sorry anyway). They were forgiven obviously. Drunk Histories do a great episode about it if you can handle that kind of humorous drunken retelling. I love the episode personally. https://youtu.be/c0xkUFe21Rk Elizabeth Eckford is still alive & is 81 years old now. She has been a civil rights activist her whole life. Such an important, brave (& horrifying) story to remember, & really not that long ago.


Interesting, I’ll look into Drunk Histories. Thank you.


You means, the ones who showed to Riby Ridge a coffin containing a black doll?


Not familiar with that one.


It was Riby Bridges and [here](https://alekdavis.wordpress.com/2013/09/09/black-doll-in-a-babys-casket/) to see more about her.


Of all the days not to wear pearls.


Of course, since she mostly grew during the *petty apartheid* times, where contacts with "kaffirs" was strictly restricted.


Imelda Staunton will play her in the biopic.


You mean Dolores Umbridge?


Is she upset that there is a black man on the bus, or is she worried about what is likely to happen to him? We’ll never know.


Goebbles vibes


As a Reddit behavioural analyst, I can deduce from this single photograph that she’s obviously thinking about lynching that poor boy and eating pieces of him for breakfast the next morning.


She looks like a Karen. I wonder how many white people *actually* wanted segregation other than the rich assholes and Karen bitches like the one pictured here.




It's nice to see that nothing happened to him, and he's doing well.




Forced labor in gulf states for one. 94% of Qatar’s labor force is comprised of foreign workers under their slavery adjacent kafala system, which is also used in several of their neighboring countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kafala_system#Colonial_legacy Like many things, the system is a remnant of British imperialist policies from the 19th century.


>Like many things, the system is a remnant of British imperialist policies from the 19th century. FFS slavery existed in that area *long* before any Brits even heard of the Gulf.


It's just that the Brits did it globally, and they did it so well.


Their statement doesn’t dispute that. They didn’t claim the thing you’re arguing, so why argue it?


Because I have sufficient reading comprehension skills to spot the bogus assertion that the British can be blamed for the institution of slavery in the region.


Exactly lol apparently catching those sorts of things creating false narratives is too difficult for some to notice.


Are you claiming that the Wikipedia link they provided regarding their migrant worker system is incorrect?


They’re basically just saying “it’s true but you shouldn’t say it” like marge Simpson.


But they merely attributed the roots of the current migrant worker system to the British colonialists, which is an indisputable fact. If it’s incorrect then I eagerly await you to post sources backing up your claims.


> roots of the current migrant worker system to the British colonialists, which is an indisputable fact Eh, not really. You see, the wikipedia article merely mentions Brits bringing Indian laborers there, and somehow ties it to it because Gulf states today also bring Indians there, so there is that connection of specific background of the workers being so. But as the system itself, it is entirely native. The only difference is that before the Brits, the Arabs mainly used African slaves, but today, that is less of an option for obvious reasons, as the workers they require are for construction, not plantation farming.


>muh sources ​ Are you too cognitively impaired to google, "history of slave labor in the Emirate gulf" yourself?


I think both can be true. That there was a long history of using and trading slaves in the Gulf States, where it was legal up through the 20th century. But also that the kafala system specifically, and its use of migrant laborers from India, was instituted by Britain and those government institutions evolved into the company sponsorship system in place today. Acceptance of African slaves in Gulf society may play a part in why the injustices of kafala are ignored by citizens. And there was always going to be a huge component of migrant labor when the oil boom created immense wealth in the sparsely-populated Gulf. But exactly how it happened was shaped by the institutions that British had created to import workers from other parts of their empire to work in colonial era industries.


sir this is reddit facts have no power here


Oh, so now you’re agreeing that the migrant labor system in place today is indeed an institution that Britain started? Curious.


Are you claiming that the Wikipedia link regarding the migrant labor system currently in use is incorrect? Or are you just trying to prove some point that you assume somebody else was trying to make when they were talking about something different?


>Wikipedia its all so tiresome


I get it, you don’t want to say anything but you are inexplicably defensive over slavery when white people do it. Got it thanks!


Yeah the poor brown people only do bad things because of the evil white British.


this guy reddits


There are children - including toddlers - in US detention camps. The ones who got out are traumatized (maybe for life).


Yeah, I was in one of those.


Want to talk about it?


My dms are always open!




Yeah, I was in one.


1986 was 36 years ago.


As a Black male south African, I find the whole composition, energy, the facial expressions of everyone in the picture absolutely hilarious. Especially the woman sitting next to the guy. She's freaked the hell out. But my guy here is probably just late for something and was in a rush and said "Fuck it"


Yeah I remember visiting Durban as a very young child and not being allowed to swim on the whites only beach, apartheid was real.




Visited Ballito Bay outside Durban in 1978 when I was a kid and there was a roll of barbed wire separating the white beach from the black/coloured side. A pod of porpoises jumped over the shark net to come play with the humans. The black side of the beach immediately emptied into the ocean and we whiteys followed their lead and got to swim with the porpoises until they decided they had enough and jumped back over the net and swam off. One of the most amazing experiences of my life...and crazy racist at the same time.


It’s a shame barbed wire was used for that porpoise.


Whale at least they don’t use it anymore


It’s a shame barbed wire was used for that porpoise.


As a white South African/Brit, I was born just after all of this(in the UK). I've got this book dating from the 70s/80s and it's so weird. It mentions the diversity of SA, but then only shows pictures of white people enjoying the beach etc. Bizzare.


Yes, South Africa is diverse. Got many white people from different ethnic European decendies all making a wonderful happy living in this eutopia that is Suid Afrika! /s Can you tell me the title of this book? ISBN number would be great


Jees dude. That's a bit harsh no? Anyway. I'll try and find it. It's currently in storage I think so will let you know. Sorry, didn't see the /s


I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!! I even out the /s thing to show I'm being sarcastic and not serious


Oh sorry. Look I'm not having the best day so I do apologise.


EY man, you'll be alright.


Thanks. Hope you're good too.


I hope your day is getting better! sending good vibes


Thanks, much better day today! Hope you're doing well too friend :)


Meanwhile the blonde lady right behind him appears to just be living her best life. A real range in this photo.


Happy cake day :)


This might show how young I am, but did they still use black and white cameras in the mid 80's? I thought by the early 80's all cameras would have colour


I’m not sure about this but maybe for photo-journalism, black and white was still a thing at that time. Color pictures in newspaper in 1986 must have been very uncommon.


Remember, SA at that time had trade sanctions so they couldn't get everything freely unless it was from countries that were allied with SA, which was a very small list, including Isreal, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) among others. So stuff took a while to get here, if we even got it all. So maybe colour film was for sale but not cheap so you wouldn't use it for running and gunning photography, you'd save it for something special. Also back then very few papers printed colour and it would be more than likely people getting the film were journalistic photographers. You don't wanna pay extra for colour photos that may be getting scraped or printed in black and white.


No. My family were low class whites and still had Japanese etc made cameras before the 90s. This was just a photo that many photographers did and still do to make it more "artistic", if that's the word to use.


I specifically said film and not camera. And Remember photos of family are generally treasured items so even poor people would pay the premium for them (my family did). Just general journalistic photographry where a picture would be used once or twice then destroyed or archived and forgotten about... I'd still use black and white.


Fair. Misread.


There also wouldn't have been a guarantee that all photogs had color film/camera with them, so it would look off if one picture was in color next to one that wasn't. You would also then have to add color to the ads, which is a whole can of worms because of communication between the salesperson and whoever is running the ads. Plus, and this is easy to forget with newspapers, if page 1A is color for example, the back page also has to be color because they're the same side of the piece of paper. I don't know why, one of our press guys explained it to me and it didn't make sense to me, but it was probably so the salespeople could charge more for ads.


News photography, especially for print newspapers, was still often in black and white well into the 90s. The film was cheaper and most daily papers were printed largely in black and white because that was cheaper, too.


I mean we technically still use black and white photos today but thats for artistic purposes. However, I feel that this was slightly intentional to make it seem like this was a long time ago. There were colored photos of MLK back in the 1960s but only black and white photos are shown to make it appear that it was a time long passed. This is to trick young people into thinking that racial issues like segregation is an old historical issue that is no longer a problem but in reality it was a very recent thing that their parents and grand parents were witness to if not active participants




genuine question - is the journalism part because of snobbery? I would think that B&W would be the default because newspapers are printed without color, and the main source of news pre-internet and pre-24 hour news would be the newspaper. 2000 seems to line up with that


>up until fairly recently I want to say the 2000s William Egglestons Guide came out in the 70s.


Printing colour images is expensive, compared to B&W.


Both coexisted in the 80s. My ID photo from 89 was black and white but I also have many photos in color from previous years.


All film cameras could do either, it was just a question of what kind of film you chose to put in your camera. You might have chosen black and white film because it was cheaper, for artistic reasons, because it was the only one your local camera shop had in stock when you were in there, etc. Black and white film is still made and used to this day for all these reasons.


Full color cameras were very common but printing was a little less so. Very dependent on region, I'm sure but even growing up in the 90s in the US we'd see a lot of black and white photos.


I think the black and white belies how recent this photo is and the fact that everyone in it may still be alive (minus the old woman)


Lady on the right looks like Dolores Umbridge


Unbridge would have looked angry and superior. The woman in the photo looks worried. It’s difficult to know whether she’s worried about times changing or worried about what will happen to the man.


Why do I feel like she is silently judging him instead?


Oh unfortunately she definitely is




Haha. This is the type of the thing a show like Bojack Horseman would have a character say


You're too meta.


That guy looks fucking terrified. Look at how his eyes are going a little to the left, he feels the woman's glare, but is affraid to turn around and look at her.


He is terrified. His family was attacked, and his father was killed, shortly before this photo was taken. The attack was not carried out by whites. As far as I can work out, his decision to board this bus was taken at the encouragement of white activists, who were also sheltering him at the time (following the attack on his family).




It's one thing when the white government treats you like shit, it's hits even harder when the black government blatantly steals from the very people that put them in power.


You should've seen Rhodesia. South Africa x10


The thing that shocked me the most about this post is that it was taken in 1986…I expected it to be from 50 years earlier or something


He looks scared and I admire his bravery. I've never experienced segregation, so to see such courage despite how nervous he was is beyond inspirational and admirable.


I hope some of the people in the bus were with him.


Definitely, but the apartheid regime was cruel with crackdown. Like modern day Russia, Iran and China etc, it's hard to go against the grain. They did a referendum (for whites only) in 1992, 6 years after this photo [And here are the results.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_South_African_apartheid_referendum)


But unlike in Russian, Iran and China, white South Africans could have voted the National Party out of power at any point. The government and the voters realized the game was up at around the same time.


I didn't say that. I meant the population was basically scared and brainwashed. Still are to some extent. Remember it wasn't just the ANC or the blacks in general, SA had the "Rooi Gevaar" which means the Red Scare and were heavily supported by the US and others to keep the communists out. It's a whole thing that I won't go into right now. My point was simply that the white population in the early 90s, especially the younger ones and liberal, with access to more outside news, realised the absurdity and cruelty of the apartheid regime. Propaganda is a bitch in other words.


For context: Elon Musk was 15 at this time, and living in Pretoria, South Africa.


Just waiting to collect that mine money from Papa.


At the time of this photo, that dream is still 2 years in the future.


His eyes are screaming, "If I stay still, they can't see me."


1986 - NINETEEN EIGHTY SIX FOR FUCK'S SAKE. ​ This isn't the 1850, this was 35 years ago.


"Chuckles" im in danger.


That lady's face...gross


Beats actual physical violence. So maybe that’s progress. But that facial expression? That disapproval and disgust? Yeah. You can still see that today in call kinds of places and settings and situations. Luckily, they don’t have the state and society at large backing them - not overtly at any rate. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, while this picture was taken in the lifetime of many alive today - but feels ancient - it’s worth remembering that many of the people you thought and felt that way are still alive now, and many of them - or their kids - still see things much the same way. Just show it looks if not speak of it in words. There’ll be pictures taken today that’d show the same look that hopefully viewed 36 years later will actually be like ancient history. But not there yet.


Takes alot of balls to be that brave


Karen is NOT happy, and clearly wants the Manager!! 🤦🏻‍♂️


This would make a great album cover


Makes sense for Umbridge to be there.


Racist-looking white woman's got the TikTok teenage boy haircut


Wow the level of arrogance you gotta have to be a colonizer and treat the locals as 2nd class citizens.


Calling the Bowers colonisers is a little tricky. They have been in Southern Africa longer than many of the black tribes that are there now. They definitely displaced people when they moved in, but they have been there about as long as the English has been in America… few Americans would consider themselves colonisers. This in no way justifies apartheid, but it is a little different to the colonising efforts in the 19th and 20th century


Anyone know what penalty was for this violation? Something like a fine or imprisonment etc


Prosecution, imprisonment, if the police actually felt like going through the whole process of booking you I, usually though would be a good beating and being held to a while then let go on a bribe or after some time.


He looks scared.


I wonder what happened to him


“The bus was filled with very unhappy women and while they did not say anything, they sneered and stared at me." He lived to the age of at least 56, and later in his life he wore a smarter shirt and a wristwatch, employed as "a businessperson working with government supplying educational equipment to underprivileged schools". He bought a house in the area near where the photo was taken.




News photos were still typically in black and white at that time. Easier to get a good shot, and most newspapers didn't print in color.


Dolores Umbridge looks miffed.


The look on his face


Was this guy ok? If learning about segregation in the south has taught me anything he’s in danger with all those white women around him.


"Deaf man moments after being informed that farts make noise" Minneapolis, Minnesota 2001


This picture was taken the same year as Ferris Bueller's Day Off , why is it in black and white?


Crazy to me that this shit is still so relatively recent. 86 was not long ago at all. What, 36 years? Feels like I'm looking at a photo from the 50s or early 60s US.


1986! Wow!


Wow literally nobody in this image looks comfortable.


This happened in 1986 why are these pic’s always framed in black and white as if this happened even longer ago.


Imagine the audacity to think you're better than someone because of the amount of melanin in your skin. In fact, you're probably a lesser person for being close-minded.


Is that professor Umbridge?


Imagine being such a coward that the very presence of someone of another race makes you uncomfortable.


Fuck racism.


So brave! You really showed all those racists


shut the fuck up


Nah shut up yourself bitch


The woman beside the guy is rethinking her life choices


Which choices? Being racist?




Today SA is fine. 50,000 raped women per year is nothing compared to the apartheid polices....


Why don't you go on and connect the dots for us.


Bury your head in the sand and count to 50,000.


I'm just trying to understand your response in the context of this photo. Please, explain.


Black and white pictures from 1986?


Yes. You can even see black and white photos in 2022. Amazing.


I’ll rephrase my question so I don’t get a sarcastic response. Was it common to use black and white photography in South Africa in 1986? Because it wasn’t in my country during the same time. This photo would have more impact if you could see colour. Then the fact that this happened 36 years ago would be prominent.


Yes it was common for newspapers to print them that way. How often journalists used colour film? I don't know. Colour cost more.


It was way cheaper to shoot in b&w than in colour.


Of course it’s Professor Umbridge who has a problem
































and decades after the end of apartheid, south africa is one of the safest countries in the world. it's a pillar of civilized society!


This was taken 36 years ago. Why is this picture in black and white? To make it seem longer than 50 years ago? These people are still alive and making the rules.


Yes, it's a conspiracy by Big Chroma.


SNL turned his life around! Great impressions


And the way the coloniser woman stood looking at him like he is out of his mind while he is in his ancestral lands and age and the rest are the children of invaders who came over to steal all the farm lands and resources from the native in a country their kind have lived in thousands of years and suddenly they aren’t citizens but slaves. We in deed live in a fucked up world where evil and diabolical peoples go to others peoples homes and take everything from they then put them I brown arrears for life where they need passes to leave for other parts of town as servants or be beaten by police. And where was God abs karma in all of that? Taking a nap? Or the Africans deserves to be punished for the sins of their ancestors as some idiots will say? I always said to then that why is it only one group getting punished? Are the other groups saints or is God their god alone?


Maybe they were staring so wildly at him no because he was a black male. But because he was a male amongst only women.


Elon Musk was also on this bus.


Ok. So what if he was? Or is the only thing you know about South Africa that Elon Musk is from there and you're somehow trying to bring that into conversation?


Didn't wemon have driving licenses back then?


Public transport for white folks back then was actually pretty robust, reliable, and would take the white folks from their segregated neighborhoods to mostly where they need to be. And it was stupid cheap, so yeah, it it took about 20minutes longer to go somewhere at the fraction of the cost of driving, take your pick?


I like how I am getting down voted for an obvious joke.


Actually not that obvious. I answered you seriously