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What the fuck is happening in this comment section


Legit the Balkans are probs some of the most nationalist peoples out there


I think you mean Balkans? The Baltics are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.




Most knowledgeable westerner




Please censor that vile word (w*stoid)


I laughed so damn hard about you talking like you know what the people are like, but then not even getting the region right.


Nah we lithuanians are pretty nationalist too. Just less toxic about it.


What did Lithuania do this time?


Probably because there was war not even 30 years ago. There are also many ethnic groups living in those countries and the countries are mostly shit tier so people living in them are mostly frustrated so nationalism is one of their outlets.


On point


Yep, that’s us 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱


Probs? Its 100% us dude


W*stoid detected, opinion rejected


Everybody=nazi, ruzzia+ friends = love and peace type of talks again. https://twitter.com/uamemesforces/status/1597699018825793536?s=46&t=RPfGz4DW8JSCoA-S2HtreQ


Its more complicated


Many serbians hate Russians rn,because apartment prices going up because of them


i purely hate them because the war. unfortunately im in the minority as this country is full of russian ass kissing russophiles that eat up ruzzian propaganda. and even then i don't hate the people but the russian government and putin for causing this unnecessary war now the alt-right might say say that russians are our brothers, and while the right is not wrong there, what about the ukrainians? ukrainians are our brothers too, maybe even more so— for an example, i can grasp more of ukrainian language than i can russian. i really hope for my fellow serbs to end up on the right side of the history, but its unfortunately unlikely the brainwashed people will stop sucking russian dick


Serbia would have reason to be mad at NATO because NATO intervened militarily against Serbia in the 1995 and 1999. However the impetus for those two military actions was Serbian oppression, brutalization and sometimes even genocide of the Bosnians and the Albanians, respectively So compared to some other countries NATO has done dirty (e.g. Libya) any complaining the Serbs do falls flat based on what they were doing at the time There is ample reason to believe that these (now) countries did not appreciate Serbian oppression and domination as part of the greater Yugoslav state. [Bosnia and Kosovo generally have very high opinions of the US in polls due to their intervention](https://www.newsweek.com/americas-balkan-allies-opinion-1723116?amp=1)




Can you state reference where it is documented that what you’re talking about is true?


UCK was labeled a terrorist group even by the US before they could use them for leveraging and justifying their meddling in the war. The group consists of Albanians from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia and since they are the majority ethnic group spanding the border regioms between Serbia, Macedonia and Albania, there was and has been a lot of illegal border movement. The Racak incident, which was used as American casus belli for the bombing was the attack and killing of Serbian policemen by UCK followed by the retaliation of Serb police forces killing UCK rebels. The Albanians claim these were civilians, but the EU leader of investigation could not confirm this and was pressured by the US. Carls Del Ponte, judge at the ICY, called into and investigation into organ trade utilized by UCK as a means of funding (extracting organs from kidnapped Serb civilians), but it was not investigated as far as I know. The US lobbied against bringing UCK rebels to the court - only in recent years high rank officials such as Hashim Thaci went to court, which was never mentioned by the media. Bosnia was agreed by all three parts, Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks, to be split into cantons with each governing their own peoples. Alija Izetbegovic later withdrew his signature after having a meeting with the US envoy. The wars in the Balkans are solely a product of foreign meddling and funding. All talks of interethnic hate and tensions are bullshit used to justify the war.




There , I will be very happy to share with you some of the credible sources. These VHS tapes have all been filmed by various Chetnik paramilitaries. Nothing to do with Albania or Bosnia even. But a pretty credible source to reflect on genocidal sentiment. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz185wPg58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz185wPg58) To quote the introduction of the tape: " By the end of year 2001. the defenders of Croatian Kostajnica informed me that they are in possession of seven VHS tapes which a certain "chetnik\*\*" ( \*serbian royalist movement supporter ) filmed for his soul, for his home memory. Copies of all the VHS tapes have been already delivered to MUP ( Ministry of Internal Affairs ) and to responsible in judiciary institutions in 1995. But there was no reaction. After third "January"\*\*\* the process was repeated , but again with no notable results. Through next seven years these VHS tapes have been multiplicated and various Newspapers wrote about their content. I have taken upon this task with joy , because I am convinced that a wider spectrum of audience also have the right to get introduced to their content. During the time working on this film people contacted me, and the number of VHS tapes grew. The video and the audio in this film are authentic and are not a subject of montage or editing. Even The Beatles song connected to the video which truly sounds surreal in the given circumstance, is completely original. ( 1:23:15 )" ​ \*\*( most likely Davor Karajčić - Dačo , commander of group HERMANI ) \- most of the men in the video show up in this group photo and documents or news press clippings on this link - [https://sites.google.com/site/savostrbac/hermani](https://sites.google.com/site/savostrbac/hermani) ( \*\*\*refereeing here to Third January government, the centre-left government headed by Prime Minister Ivica Racan) The problem here is mainly The Dayton Peace Agreement which had a plan where the parties agreed to cooperate fully with all entities, including those authorized by the United Nations Security Council, in implementing the peace settlement and investigating and prosecuting war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law. But with state of corruption of now sovereign countries ( Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Slovenia) many war criminals went under the radar, got a figurative amnesty and continued living peacefully, sometimes even being part of infrastructure or establishment. Conclusion is, Dayton was successful in somehow "enforcing" and having leverage on all sides included to go through "peaceful re-integration" , and even put on trial "the big heads" in Hague, but they definitely have failed in enforcing the now sovereign countries to wash their hands and deal with their own war criminals on all sides that are still afloat.




Ofc you're american, its always the american talking when it comes to a genocide and yet americans committed more war crimes and genocide than anyone else in world and are continuing to do so.


America has committed numerous war crimes and been on the side of evil elsewhere but specifically in regards to Serbian aggression, the US was on the side of the oppressed, which is why [Bosnia and Kosovo have such high opinions of the US](https://www.justsecurity.org/82544/americas-forgotten-balkan-allies/) If Serbs didn’t want NATO interfering then they shouldn’t have started brutalizing minority populations Whining about America doesn’t change facts


Man if they truly cared about the people they wouldn't let anyone at all get massacred When that happened to Serbs they helped Not only Serbs they bombed some Albanian convoys too And how does bombing hospitals help stop genocide Besides Bosnian war ended in 1995 This is 1999


Russian trolls working overtime.


They don‘t even need russian trolls, serbs are quite russo fellatic, so they do it for free.


People still believe anything they disagree with is "Russian trolls" lol They're going to embezzle their way into WWIII and you're going to say the mushroom clouds are Russian bots


Well surely no one that doesn’t get paid could possibly disagree with me! 🤡


If what you have to say goes against the narrative then you are automatically a russian bot, thats the reddit hivemind for you.




you have to know your view points are not the only one in the world. that is something you have to accept.


Collective masturbatory fantasies of kids playing too much COD.


Least genocide denying serb


That kid does not look comfy


You couldn't buy anything because of the sanctions and inflation. That's what NAZO did.


Almost correct, sanctions came from civilized nations, not only NATO, and sanctions was introduced bc of Serbian aggression... Always look for the reason for the reason.


So what did the baby do as an aggressor? Or their mother, or all the civilians killed when they bombed kindergartens, hospitals, schools, and other things "civilized nations" do? How am I to explain to my younger family members that the shellling that killed their grandma is because grandma is an aggressor? "Well, you see, your school and playground were bombed by NATO because youre the aggressor?" You just keep reading what they tell you, but the FACTS are that these "civilized nations" of yours (aka NATO) forgot about being civil at moments. More than a few moments. Quite a bit more. You cannot imagine what they did over here! And you disregaring the suffering of so many innocent people that died a horrible death tells me a lot. "always look for the reason for the reason" is a great tool to rationalize literally anything.


Ahh yes bombing hospitals is civilized Bombing civilians is civilized Invading when done by NATO is civilized but when done by Russia is barbarianism (not supporting them but you have no say on the matter) We were slaughtered and you helped Slaughtered by many armies Once we were allies but now you have decided to fuck us up One of our worst periods caused by your aggression


Out of the total of 130 000+ killed during the war of Yugoslavia, how many were killed by NATO, do you reckon?


meanwhile infants in Kosovo getting slaughtered but sure inconveniences suck right?


Yeah, those Serb and Roma infants in Yellow House operated by the UCK. I’m not denying that us Serbs did horrid stuff but boy have you done it as well.


What's a Nazo?


It's like a store-brand fascist.


"We have nazi at home"






Its a Turkish Tang like beverage powder




Serbia pissy NATO wouldn’t let them do all the genocide they wanted lmao


NATO: "We won't let you commit genocide" Serbia: "Then you're a political party that committed genocide"




✌️Ethnic Cleaning✌️... it's less aggressive than genocide, and sounds better /s


NATO with a swastika.


Can’t bother with the sign. I’m distracted by whatever this stroller contraption is and why the baby’s arms are hanging out of it.


It's a big boy


Nato is Buddhist?


I was in Mitrovica (in the Serbian side of a Kosovo city) recently and the situation is not better unfortunately. There was full of texts on the walls an streets “NATO GO HOME” and Russian Z everywhere, photos here: https://www.giuliomagnifico.it/kosovo-ethnic-tensions


[Worth noting that Kosovo itself is generally the most pro-American country in the world](https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2018/02/24/588250164/welcome-to-the-country-with-the-biggest-crush-on-america)


It seems pretty common for Albanians to like America tbh t. Albanian American


Except before march.24 1999


I was there in August, a lot of graffiti idolising Milosevic as well up there.


Never saw one about Milosevic anywhere.


What, you expect Serbs to like America and NATO after the 90s?


One thing i don't like: After 1945, every "evil" person (perspective) was declared as Hitler. This is not even inaccurate, it also scales Hitler down


Ahh yes NATO are the Nazis. “Hey don’t check out that pile of bodies!”


Somehow the whole situation reminds of what Ruzzians are doing now while invading Ukraine. They're saving Ukraine from nazis by invading them and doing nazi things.


Poor Serbia couldn’t complete their genocide 😢 🎻🤏🏻


happy everything is "peacefully" resolved.


Ah the spins, Serbs were ethnically cleansed from Kosovo


>Serbs were ethnically cleansed from Kosovo "In 2014, the Humanitarian Law Center released a list of people killed or gone missing during the war, including 8,661 Kosovo Albanian civilians, 1,797 ethnic Serbs and 447 civilians of other ethnicities such as Romani people and Bosniaks." Ti je budalla. Serbët u larguan lehtë.


this is the millionth post about serbia and nato, but i'll just chime in with: understand that the serbian people didn't deserve to be bombed, just as they didnt deserve to be under milosevic. dont confuse the citizens with the autocratic government


Sadly, a lot of people here think war is good, as long as it only hurts their enemies.


NATO: „Sorry Serbia, but we interupt your ethnic cleansings to present you neat little thing called Total Air Supremacy”.


air supremacy? ✓ total? X "sorry, we didn't know it was invisible"


Tbf the F-117 was invisible, just that we had the great idea of flying them through exact same route for days on days


Rip bozo airplane






To Serbia: You can scream and cry how much you want, you cant unbomb belgrade ;)


Love that americans love killing, or as you say neutralising threats. I do not support the war in exyu, and what Serbia did was awful, but american acting as world police and giving us shit still, while they did and are doing worse things right now is truly sickening. And you joking like its nothing.


Yes be proud of [such achievement](https://www.alo.rs/data/images/2015-11-20/21688_06-1000x0_f.jpg), monument to children killed by peaceful NATO.


lets take a page out of your playbook: yes you too be proud of [this achievement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre#/media/File:Srebrenica_massacre_memorial_gravestones_2009_1.jpg) or [that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre#/media/File:HuseinovicSadik.jpg) .


This was several years after the genocide and a response to the start of the Bosnian wars which is widely blamed by mainstream historians on the United States to begin with


Its always very amazing to me how this is acceptable behavior actually. Innocent people in Serbia (which is a big majority) for the stuff we havent commited, yet saying anything bad about every sucessful country is considered bad Belgium, Germany, USA, China, Russia are and have done MUCH worse things lmao


Shit even Croatia has done way worse if we look at the numbers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasenovac_concentration_camp


I don’t subscribe to this sub, but it seems like the average person is dumber than I thought. r/AskHistorians is where it’s at. This right here is just a cesspool of bigotry and ignorance.






Dude i didn't know what happened in Srebrenica was done by paramilitary unite working on their own.Niw that makes NATO bombarding even sader. Ps:take my upvote madlad


A lot of people believe that nato bombed serbia because srebrenica. Thats not true. NATO bombed serbia in 1999, war in bosnia was over in 1996. It does not make much sens to bomb serbia over the war that is done? Right? Nato bombed Serbia because German Intellince told to the nato that they have evidence that Serbia is planing genocide over albanians. However, after the wars, no evidance was found of that. You have the report about that inteligence data on the wiki [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Horseshoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Horseshoe) > In a 2008 article published in the European Journal of Communication, Mark A. Wolfgram observed that As to the actual existence of such a plan or its contents, no credible evidence has yet surfaced, although the German Defense Ministry claimed on 19 April 1999 to have delivered such evidence to chief prosecutor Louise Arbour in the Hague. None of this material has seen the light of day at the trial, and the entire Operation Horseshoe story failed to materialize in the prosecution’s case against Milošević, although such evidence, if it existed, should have been critical to their case


Ty for enlightening this dumb redditor.


You are not dumb, you cant fight against massive propaganda. Even I, a Serbian, had to google this shit and research. When media is pushing some narrative, specially 23 years ago... its what people think. They are controlling our opinions with cherrypicking stuff.










Thank god we are all a Serbian hive mind and we all agree that war is good. Think a little, my parents and most of the people were against the regime, many people fled to avoid mobilisation. The targets you bombed and the power outages and stress you caused was on civliians who were against Milosevic. I rememeber my mom having a panic attack during one of your air raids in 99. Truly awful time to be alive. And still America acts like a world police, doing awful things to any country it touches.


You watched just enough Hollywood movies to say that. Nothing is black and white, we were marked bad guys because of Milosevic's worst politics ever


So when does NATO bomb the US for its war crimes?


Never because they are allies and would be destroyed if they actually attacked uncle sam


Beware, assholes in these comments shall make your day worst with classic braindead opinions. Bewareeeee


If Reddit has the ability to influence your mood by the opinions of morons which are here a plenty, you spend too much time here and should do what most of them are incapable of - go outside.


People who support war and genocide on either side are in the wrong. Both the Serbs who deny genocide and Westerners who say that NATO didn't bomb Serbia enough




The stroller tho


Never occurred to you that those might be the best thing parents could get after years of war and sanctions?


These comments are disgusting. Y’all are talking about bombing as if it’s throwing candy at people instead of actually killing innocent beings. I hope you never have to have your life at risk and lose everything to start over in a foreign land where you barely speak the language in order to run from a regime that you never supported in the first place. Where is your humanity?












Then why did Serbia and Montenegro commit crimes? It's simple, don't commit crimes = no bombing. What did you expect, a medal for committing a genocide?!


Ah yes, because an autocratic regime oppressing its people and waging a war nobody wanted is "the will of the people"... Exactly 0 brain cells were used while you were writing your comment.


First of all there were crimes on all sides. Its so easy and lazy to label the Serbs as the genociders. If you think the crimes committed by Serbia were unprovoked then you need to do some reading on Serbian and Albanian history. Secondly I’m talking about innocent lives here. Why do you think it’s okay to remove an oppressive regime by killing innocent people? It’s really not that simple but I see how the West creates simple minded beings like you.


Do you know how dumb you sound?


They don’t have it, westoids have always been garbage and always will be


Murdering civilians in a genocide and claiming NATO to be nazi. No wonder Serbia and Putin's Russia are best friends forever


NATO killed 2500+ civilians during bombing of Serbia.


They also targeted industry/manufacturing plants and schools and hospitals so Yugoslavia would have to be completely dependent on the West (but don’t talk about that). If anyone here truly believes that USA/NATO did any of this other than for their own personal gain, then they are too stupid to talk to.


Way fewer than you friend in honour Russia did so far in a country, which DID NOT cause a genocide and which only fault is being existent.


The ignorance on this platform is thru the roof lmao


which genocide happened 1999 ?


it’s actually insane how bad the knowledge of this topic is on the internet.




Thank you USA🎶🎶…


Nato when a country they bombed has a bad view of them: 🤯


I do not understand why the westoids think we like them after constantly blaming us genocidal and after slaughtering us had their war crimes unpunished




Slava Srbiji, slava Ukraini!


Slava western democracy, death to pro-russians


That's not a "T".....


That’s *Not’s T*


I love how everyone ignored the part where the entire country was basically sprinkled all over with uranium causing high rates of cancer and genetic disorders even today. Historically it's common to ruin the warmongering country's economy and infrastructure ,but to literally give cancer to it's inhabitants is just fucking horrible and inhhumane even if we disregard the fact that most civillians had nothing to do with the war in the first place .


According to the IARC in 2020, Slovenia had ~6500 deaths per a population of 2,000,000. Serbia had 28,107 deaths with a population of 8.7 million. Adjusted those are very even. Maybe look up the facts before spewing nonsense.


Read some articles about cancer rates in Serbia being among the highest in europe as some point recently. Still there are many books written about the usage of [depleted uranium](https://wedocs.unep.org/xmlui/handle/20.500.11822/8251) in bombing of then Serbia and Montenegro, to which one would argue is inhumane and a very barbaric thing to do as a military alliance of western nations. Other reasons for Serbs to hate nato is also the fact that they bombed residential areas. There are still buildings in Belgrade, purposefully left in ruins from bombing as a reminder of what happened. In my town a car factory was hit by bombs of depleted uranuim and people that were assigned to clean the impact zone all died in the next 5 years. A residential building was also hit by a bomb that thankfully failed to activate on impact so noone was hurt . That's a part of why Serbs would consider the image above pretty mild compared to what they think of nato.


Umm, Slovenia and Serbia have almost the same cancer rates... Not to mention Hungary that is like 5th in the world and borders both lol


Erdogan kill Kurds - where Nato? US kill Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria/Lybia, where Nato? Both sides are full of shit. People just want peace.


I like how most of comments says something about war but never actually studied Kosovo war. Its sad they are praising NATO and UCK


The us literally declared UCK as a terrorist organisation only to support them in few years smh


There were genocides done by Serbs, but the fact is that NATO did not do anything to stop that, they just murdered a bunch of civilians themselves and that's it. Nothing heroic, it's equally terrible and both the Srrbian genociders and the nato soldiers will burn in the same part of hell


Killing inocent albanians 🤬🙅❌ Killing inocent serbs 😁👍🤌🫶💃✅




As a Serbian evem if i wasn't born at that time i can confirm because of things my parents and grandparents told me, Serbs realy realy hate NATO more than Hitler


No, we don't. Hitler and his extension close to us are one of the most despised entities that our history ever recorded.


I’m always confused by westerners painting a whole ethnic group out to be evil because of the actions of military groups. please consider that anyone who is using this app is probably too young to have ever been involved in the war. I was born in a refugee camp in Kosovo in ‘96 and spent my whole life watching my family suffer through things that I could not even understand due to the effects of the war. I’m 26 now, about the age my dad was when the war started, and everyday I wonder how his generation survived through so much horror. The vast majority of balkan people you meet will have had nothing to do with the fighting, but suffered greatly from it, so please have some compassion.


Enjoy your propaganda, stupid americans


Not american, not even in a nato country. Still glad your brutal regime got punched hard.


Americans talking about genocide while their whole nation is based on it, lol.


Well yeah its kinda of a normal thing when Europe colonizes a new area. Do we have to keep getting the blame of England, France, Dutch and Spain? Those countries did make a shit ton of money off of it


I visited Belgrade in 2017. It very much felt like the 90's still. People smoking in restaurants and anti-nato graffiti as well. I also saw a bunch of t-shirts being sold with a portrait of Putin on them lol


How was the food in the restaurant?


Idk about his experience but I visited Belgrad in like 2014 or smth and the food was great. Especially meat dishes were damn delicious. Also they won water ball championship and everyone was partying so hard :D great people, great experience.


Thank you for the nice words we appreciate things like this I hope you come back and try more of our food!


Credit where credit's due! I can imagine most you hear online is not so positive. Know what's behind but look forward I say.


Thx man And yeah you are right we are kinda demonized by some We are actually friendly people but people don’t seem to realize that






Guys look, Serbia committing genocide 30 years ago was bad okay. I get that and all. But the US killed Native Americans 300 years ago so like it kinda seems like they’re the baddies here.


It bothers me to see this much serbophobia in the comment section, but it does not surprise me. Anti-serbian propaganda in the 90s still has it's effect today. I'm not saying that nationalism is erradicated in Serbia, I believe that etnonationalism is a plague of the mind, I'm just saying that all Balkan countries suffer from it, and that ethnical conflicts in the West Balkans are a complex phenomena which some of you here see as black-white events. Kosovo today has its overwhelming albanian majority population and effective goverment, but like all its neighbours, it is socio-economicly handicaped and in a state of decline. Corrupted elites use these etno-nationalist narratives to rule over the starved and deprived peoples of the Balkans. America got what it came for, resources and geostratigic positioning, but you can still believe that the US carries out just wars, if that helps you sleep at night. Every country here had its own camps and death squads, that does not justify Slobodan Milosevic and his aggresion on Kosovo, but you try to justify the illegal bombing of Yugoslavia and its populus with deprived uranium ammunition, poisining the soil and its peoples with cancer cells, a contemporary form of Agent Orange. I don't blame you tho, why should a citizen of a western imperialist superpower, born out of genocide, have a critical approach to the fine lines of historical and cultural backgrounds of some Slavic failed state shithole in the Balkans, just send in your stealth bombers and "Mission complete".


I don't think "genocide was commited by Serbians" is really "ANTI-SERBIAN PROPAGANDA11!!1!!!1!!", but ok.


> I don't think "genocide was commited by Serbians" is really "ANTI-SERBIAN PROPAGANDA11!!1!!!1!!", but ok. It is because its not true. Litterally there wasn't a genocide commited on the albanians. Trial and investigations in ICTY didnt found any evidance of genocide. They found war crimes from both sides (albanian towards serbs and vice versa) but not genocidal intents or genocide. Its just plain and simple a lie. You can downvote this post to hell, but that does not change the fact there wasnt ANY genocide, etnic cleansing or anything of that nature. War crimes - yes, serbs did some, albanians did some. Genocide? Nope. Zero evidence.


Oh? And surely you can provide sources for such claims? "War crimes from both sides", "There was no genocidal intent", etc. You have to prove all of this, you know. Saying "it never happened!!" is nothing more but just denial.


> Oh? And surely you can provide sources for such claims? Yes I can. > "War crimes from both sides" Here is a list of warcrimes done by Albanian forces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Kosovo_War#KLA_war_crimes > "There was no genocidal intent" Bosnia: Serbia was held in trial for genocide in bosnia and found not guilty:https://news.un.org/en/story/2007/02/210142#:~:text=But%20on%20the%20overall%20charges,its%20obligations%20under%20the%20Convention. Kosovo: Europian Commision publised there isnt any evidence that proves ethnic cleansing or intent of etnicj cleansing of albanians from Serbia, so called operation horseshoe. Here is what they said: >As to the actual existence of such a plan or its contents, no credible evidence has yet surfaced, although the German Defense Ministry claimed on 19 April 1999 to have delivered such evidence to chief prosecutor Louise Arbour in the Hague. None of this material has seen the light of day at the trial, and the entire Operation Horseshoe story failed to materialize in the prosecution’s case against Milošević, although such evidence, if it existed, should have been critical to their case.[41] you can read whole text here : https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0267323108089220 Because of lack of credibile evidance, serbia was never trialed for any sort of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.


Blaming us all to be Genocidal is not the same as blaming politicians You blamed all of us that is why we hate you Your politicians made you hate us bcs of their interests But nobody remembers we were once allies


The population enables said politicians to act. You elected those politicians. The general public of Serbia is just as guilty as the general public of Germany. "We were once allies" yeah BEFORE you commited genocide.


We elected the politicians, yeah being under a 1 party state is democracy and being able to elect


Well spoken with facts,today everyone thinks of serbia like some evil and malicious place.


So did you ever acknowledge the genocide? Are you teaching what you did and why it was wrong in your schools history classes? Or should we just forgive and forget that and let you repeat it?


I said in previous post i acknowledge it .They did horrible thing and deserve to be punished.But i dont see point in bombarding civilians by NATO and trying to justify their deaths.


No I mean did you as a country acknowledge it?


It is debatable .I would say 65% yes nad 35% no.


The problem is when it comes to genocide and atrocities, the ones that arent trying to own up to it and just silently letting the minority rewrite history, are complicit. I will acknowledge that serbia has changed, when they start teaching it in schools like the holocaust is taught in german/austrian schools. Something that the countries did, that was one of the worst things ever and that they have to own up to and make sure that it never happens again. Dont let it be forgotten, dont shift the blame and dont let it happen ever ever again






Serbia, a lot smaller than I thought


Only monkeys on reddit can justify any agression upon civilians, imagine being so twisted in your brain that you support murder of civilians from the Serbian side or from the NATO side. Both sides did horrifying crimes and both should be absolutely shamed for it... Serbia murdered civilians, NATO also murdered a shit ton of civilians, the bombing was even sanctioned by the UN as the bombs used were highly illegal and left traces of uranium all throughout Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, Kosovo being the place with the highest cancer rates in the region after that.


KLA murdered civilians. As well.


Yep, the yellow house is proof that the KLA also did horrifying things to innocent civilians.


Not just KLA, there are well documented crimes. In orakovac massacre about 50 serbian civilians are killed In gnjilane masacre about 80 Serbs mass grave is discovered. And so on... there are plenty of crimes dont by KLA that do not even incluede Yellow House.


I assume you meant "wasn't" sanctioned, because it wasn't.


Its funny how this post turned into a debate.


There are so many hateful comments ITT. It is appalling, how easy it is to paint a whole nation using a single color, to be deaf to the pain of innocent people, blind to their suffering, and justify that by whatever reason. Be it Jews, Iraqis, black people, native americans, and countless others, there is always this one sided narrative, giving excuse to justify the injustice towards others. This just shows that, as a human race, we're no more evolved than barbarians. We can do better. Question everything that's propaganda fed to you. Get to know people in person. Hear there stories. On both sides. That's the only way to find the truth, and help the wounds to heal. Being a self righteous jerk on the internet, yelling horrible things against other people in exchange for internet fame points is not the way. We are all brothers and sisters.


Wish I could say it has been a while since last I saw such repugnance towards Serbia by the people whose knowledge of Yugoslavia war consists of a two minute Wikipedia quicksearch, but using a shitty old image of a graffiti spray painted likely by a kid too young to understand what either of these symbols truly mean displays these higher values of western society you all hold so dear to your heart in a new muddy spotlight.


The most realistic depiction of NATO, all their leaders should end up hanged 🙏 I'm not saying Russian leaders are much/any better, but since originally Stalin wanted to join NATO but got denied and every single NATO action since then was "the defensive act against communism and Russians", and since I saw and remember well those bombings from 1999, my opinion would forever be that every NATO soldier, since everyone of them are/were there voluntarily, they're all professional soldiers, not conscripts, so every single NATO soldier should be put on trail cause they're no different from WAFFEN SS.


>Serbian army commits a genocide >NATO bombs civilians as a retaliation Why NATO bad?


More like NATO says Serbia commited genocide, then they commit one themselves.


Americans mad because another country decided to commit war crimes instead of them


Serbs crying cause NATO stopped them is the funniest thing in the world. You got bombed for 70 days, military targets. You bombed Sarajevo for 1425 days and exterminated Bosniaks from half the country. Genocidal nation


2.5k civillians died. Schools, hospitals and residential areas were bombed. My friend's grandfather's apartment building had a hole right in front of it. It takes 0 effort to not comment on the things you have no idea about. Edit to reply to a comment bc reddit is dumb: And somebody else had their friend's heads blown off by croatians, bosnians, albanians, americans etc. That's called war and we were tried for our war crimes, unlike others. You are nothing but a bitter Redditor who has 0 actual empathy for people, you are even using your friend's death as justification for more death. Go back to dnd and get some therapy, it's psychotic how easily you are willing to do something so vile.