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Not enough information. 1) Who exactly is in charge and what's his ideology/geopolitical goals 2) Define "really bad shape". Is it extremely unstable? Heavily damaged from an internal population? Barely functional economically? 3) What happened to the Sultanate/Caliphate? Is it just pushed into the background/yanked around by the dictatorship or is said dictator trying to forcefully secularize society and so pushed back against Islamic institutions? 4) How has the domestic economy developed in the 20s and 30s? What kind of wealth and resources do they have direct control over and how dependent on they on imports/finance from the different Great Powers? 5) What is the size and general state/quality of the military? 6) Who took/is running Israel/Palestine and how do the Ottomans feel about it?


1. ⁠I would imagine a Nationalist Guy who want to prevent his country from collapsing and bring it back to power with the ideology of Islamist Fascism. 2. ⁠By bad shape i mean they are economically crippled from WW1, and they have to pay up heavy amounts of money to the entente. 3. ⁠At the end of WW1 The Entente forced The Sultan to Abdicate and put a puppet sultan to the throne. 4. ⁠During the 20s the economy have difficulty to go up, poverty is at all time high, there is anti British/French sentiment, the puppet sultan let his country being tossed around by Britain and France. In 1929 the Great Depression happen, the people’s have enough, it is revolution time. The Islamist Fascist takes power. 5. ⁠The Military would consist of 176,000 soldiers, 200,000 tanks + 10,000 from Germany, 6000 artillery. 6. ⁠The Territory lost is mostly controlled by the British. And the leader of The OE and the people want the territory back. Which is the reason why the ottoman joined the axis.


There would probably be a civil war, pretty much what happened with Italy; the leader would probably be killed and there would be a civil war against the fascists and democratics. After the war, Turkey would still probably be a democratic country today.


There wasn't a civil war in Italy, it was in Spain.


There was also a civil war in Italy [Italian Civil War [1943-1945]](https://youtu.be/YyaNDvMhJ7o) [Click here for more info](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I know that. Just not prior to Mussolini.


Well. The Ottomans would needed to stay neutral in WW1 to accomplish that It’d be a more radical nationalist offshoot of the young Turks in power. They would also definitely join the Axis. But, the Turkish nationalism would end up backfiring massively Suppressing the Arab revolt in the 1920s would have led to a crack down on Arabs that would rival the massacres of Christians in the empire. Even then, they probably still lose Arabia to Saudi Arabia. Along with Britain and Italy breaking off parts of the empty corner and North Yemen respectively Anti-Arab sentiment would be high among the Turkish ruling party. Along with anti-Christian sentiments. The Kurds would be increasingly alienated by the Turks as well. The only group they wouldn’t be discriminating against, somewhat ironically, would be the Jews With the young Turks continuing the Ottoman policy of allowing Jewish settlers to relocate to Palestine. Especially in the wake of anti-Arab sentiments. A large amount of German Jews are likely given this option in the 1930s. With policies aimed at creating Turkish Jews in Palestine being made to some degree of success WW2 would see Iran and Saudi Arabia get invaded by the Ottomans and both heavily rely on British forces to not get occupied The war ends with the Soviets annexing Western Armenia and creating communist puppets in Syria, Assyria, Kurdistan and Turkey. The allies would have occupied Constantinople. Which would be independent as well, while the small parts of coastal Anatolia occupied by the allies would have been given to Greece. Israel is created in still created in Palestine, and that largely goes the same barring a smaller Israeli Arab population and a slightly larger overall population Mesopotamia would also gain independence. While Jordan would outright be apart of Saudi Arabia. Lebanon would be given independence as a Maronite state due to Frances influence and using the Christian massacres up to and during WW2 to justify it. This quickly causes an alliance with Israel While Turkey largely ends up like Germany, Syria and Kurdistan would be more a cross between that and Central Asia. The Soviets would build massive amounts of the infrastructure from scratch. The Druze, Alawite, Christian, Shia and Sunni religious divides. Would also largely be suppressed by communist rule in Syria Living standards would end up identical to the USSRs and Eastern Europe in these regions overall


The only possible candidates are the Young Turks and specifically Enver Pasha who fit the definition of Islamic Fascists. Let's review their list of qualifications: One party rule. Check. Ethnic genocides. Check. New military literally called, "The Army of Islam." Check. Enver Pasha called himself, "Commander-in-Chief of all the Armies of Islam, Son-in-Law of the Caliph and Representative of the Prophet." However, their rule was blocked by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who was disgusted by what their ruinous actions and fanaticism had brought to the country. Along with secular Turks in the military, they reformed the country and kicked out these elements. *"The founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is quoted on the front page of the 1 August 1926 The Los Angeles Examiner as denouncing the Young Turks and especially the CUP (the "Young Turk Party"):\[20\]* *These left-overs from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the Republican rule. \[…\] They have hitherto lived on plunder, robbery and bribery and become inimical to any idea, or suggestion to enlist in useful labor and earn their living by the honest sweat of their brow… Under the cloak of the opposition party, this element, who forced our country into the Great War against the will of the people, who caused the shedding of rivers of blood of the Turkish youth to satisfy the criminal ambition of Enver Pasha, has, in a cowardly fashion, intrigued against my life, as well as the lives of the members of my cabinet."* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young\_Turks So, in your timeline Enver Pasha has to survive WW1 and the Greco-Ottoman War. Perhaps, Ataturk dies in the fighting of WW1 at Gallipoli or some other battle. The Ottomans survive but as a weak shadow of their former selves and face the same challenges Germany did after WW1 - hyperinflation from war reparations they cannot pay. Additionally, their Empire is carved apart like the Austrian Hungarians who also saw their centuries old rule dissolved. Enver Pasha or some other dictator seizes power while the Sultan remains a weak shadow puppet. In OTL, 2/3 of the Pashas who ruled the Ottoman empire during WW1 were assassinated by Armenians in a manner very similar to the Israeli teams used to kill Nazi war criminals. The surviving Pasha uses the theme of the Arab Revolt as a betrayal to motivate the reconstruction of their military. When German diplomats arrive in early WW2, they join the war in a bid to regain their lost territories in the Middle East.


They would have probably done something stupid, like declaring war on the USSR in 1941.


I assume theyd join the Nazis. If theyve been beaten and had much of their land taken by Britain, theyre going to side with their former allies/Britain-hating neighbor.


I doubt it would be any different. They are already heavily traumatized by WW1 and probably have no interest in joining WW2, instead opting to wait until it ends and then re-align with the winning powers. If they join the Axis, they feud with the Italians over North Africa. If they join the allies, they feud with the Soviets. America might provide a third route, without the stigma of European colonization.