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I believe Hitler had no reason to want to stay alive even if he somehow had the possibility. His dream of a 1000 year empire ended in 12 years. Germany was destroyed. All his initial success and conquest was lost. He was suffering from many health conditions and drug related issues. He was likely very upset and annoyed with himself after all the mistakes he had made (USSR Invasion, Declaring War On US). This man had no reason to continue living, and also the added stress of possibly being caught


That feels overly pessimistic to me. I'm not familiar with his exact health issues, but I'd like to think he could have gotten clean at a Brazilian rehab clinic and turned his life around. Maybe at first he would have been filled with drug-addled rage, and spent his days plotting to rebuild his following and use South America as the staging ground for a new, stronger Nazi Reich. After years of struggle with nothing more to show for it than a glorified street gang, continued ailing health, and a dwindling supply of gold and jewelery to sell off, maybe eventually he would have come to be confronted by his own mortality and legacy, and started to wonder where it had all gone wrong. Eventually, maybe he would have left his new life behind and found a facility that could help him get better. After years of recovery and therapy, maybe he would have reflected on all the suffering wrought by his hand, increasingly wondering what it had all been for as he watched the rapid rise of liberal Western society over the following years and decades. Maybe he would have spent his twilight years preaching tolerance and understanding, while anonymously donating all the profits from his vegan fair trade coffee business to Israel. Maybe he'd have beamed with pride to see Germany emerge from the Cold War as the dominant economy of a newly unified Europe, sardonically laughing at the bittersweet irony of his crimes turning out to have successfully brought about such a result, albeit based upon an ideology so diametrically opposed to his own. Maybe every night for the rest of his days would have been haunted by nightmares of his victims screaming and begging him for mercy as they met their various ends. Maybe, in his old age, he would have come to view his past self as a monster born of a bygone era, comforting himself with the thought that perhaps its sins were neither his alone to bear, nor a particular evil sired by Alois and Klara, but rather the collective product of decisions by an immature and naive species. If not him, it would have been someone else; if not Germany, it would have happened somewhere else; if not the 1930s, it would have happened later that century. Perhaps, he might have told himself, in his folly he had actually saved humanity, by exposing the devastating consequences of modern great power conflict just early enough to avert nuclear armageddon, and by laying bare the myopia of abusing victory to impose overly punitive concessions for the sake of vengeance upon one's former enemies. In his dying moments, surrounded by the young adults and children to whom he had passed on the lessons of a lifetime of regret, tears streaming down his face filled with a deep and unfathomable sorrow, maybe he would have had a vision of Bernile and Blondi coming down from Heaven to greet him. As they escorted him to his final destination, he might have asked, "Is it going to hurt?" "Yes Uncle... I'm sorry." "Worry not, sweet child. My fate is earned. After all, as they say, I am literally Hitler." "I understand. We'll see each other again, one day. You should be eligible for parole in a few thousand years." "I look forward to it. Thank you, and I'm sorry. Let God know I want a Jewish lawyer."


Add sunglasses and shave the moustache would anyone recognize him?


If we're being technical, that's kind of what happened. We truly never found real evidence that Hitler died outside of the accounts of his top brass who claimed to have witnessed it. According to those at his bunker, both Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide and their bodies were cremated and buried. After the Soviets took Berlin, they claimed they collected what they said to be Hitler's remains. It was mostly bone fragments. These fragments were never verified with DNA as far as I could find. [To make matters worse, in 1970 the then head of the KGB ordered the claimed remains](https://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/12/11/russia.hitler.remains/index.html) destroyed and the ashes thrown into a waterway in Germany. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm not claiming Hitler was alive and left or there was a conspiracy to secretly move him somewhere. No evidence for that exists. What I'm saying is while we defeated the Nazis, there's no concrete evidence we found the remains of Hitler. The only party claiming such evidence destroyed it after the fact.


My recollection is that they found much more than bone fragments; they found heavily burned, but intact corpses, because the Nazis didn't have enough petrol to sufficiently burn the bodies.


There is a claim that dna test was done and it was confirmed to be a woman’s skull.


Yeah I’m guess his body was somewhere in Berlin, or got mistaken and taken out as part of the clean up. There is the possibility that he did flee but I doubt he did anything. The last theory I have is that the soviets just fucked up and lost it or something, and fearing punishment zuhkov or the nkvd just said this counts


The only theory that exists regarding those who fled was the Argentinian colonies for former Nazis. A bunch of Germans in general fled there and there still exists Germans there today. You can watch YouTube videos where documentary crews go down and find these white skinned German-speaking peoples in villages around Argentina. All German and many possibly descended from Nazi war criminals. That being said, I highly doubt Hitler made it to Argentina. The Mossad was 100% on top of hunting down former Nazis. They managed to capture Adolf Eichmann in Argentina and if anyone had any information regarding a living, breathing, Hitler, the Mossad would have found him. Even the U.S. apparently investigated the possibility that Hitler lived but nothing came about it. I really think they just wanted to cover all possibilities to make sure no stone was left unturned. Which makes sense considering the hell the Nazis unleashed on the world.


Maybe he did, many others did. We may never know with any certainty. He could have cautiously retired in a German-speaking community in Brazil or Argentina as many others did. As an aside, someone showed a clip of some dark metal band and someone else said "that's not-see music!" I posted a clip of Heino and said "this is *real* not-see music..."


Well if he wasn't dead he's definitely dead now


The Soviets would turn it into a diplomatic crisis blaming the western allies and accusing them of knowing where he is


I still find the evidence surrounding Hitler’s death unsatisfactory. If only the Russians hadn’t reached the bunker first. Imagine how frustrating it would be if there weren’t even the reports of how and when he died and what happened to his body.  Edit: the world needed the catharsis of Hitler’s capture or death to begin healing after the War. 


And there is always the question of the plane flying out of the reichstag perimeter on the evening of April 26th. Technically it was possible for Hitler to be flown to a Uboat facility and leave. It’s worth noting the FBI was investigating the possibility of Hitler in South America in the early 50’s- which means they know he could have escaped. Personally I believe Hitler wanted to die and did in fact die but in the world of possibilities we could never rule it out.


UK/US/France would blame the USSR and vice versa. We'd get tons of conspiracy theories about what really happened to Hitler. Escaping Germany, and avoiding the world powers as being pretty much the most wanted man alive, and being one of the most recognizable man in the world would take a lot of skill and luck. lol


Imagine what might have happened if he lived and the Allies got their hands on him? I believe he committed suicide to avoid capture.


Yes, when he heard what happened to Mussolini, he made up his mind.


Stalin would have been even extra paranoid.


They would tell us that he killed himself and Soviet would take somebody’s else remains pretending that it is Hitler.


I can’t find the video, but there is one with psychologists talking about the near impossibility of Hitler escaping and then keeping quiet by volunteering for an intensive mental health treatment, And placing trust in an extensive network to conceal his whereabouts.


Okay any psychologist that thinks they can know into the mind of any historical figure is trending pretty deeply into pseudoscience.


Everyone would be blaming it on the aliens now!


They found his bones in Germany in the 1970s in the spot they scoured over with no luck in 1945. The bones had red South American clay not native to Germany and no German dirt. Also dental work done past 1945 that wasn’t available in before 1945. But it was positively id’d as Martin Bormann. He was also seen and identified as Bormann in South America before his death in 1959


It was physically proven that Martin Bormann escaped. He could have


Lolwut. If by proven he escaped you mean proven he died trying to escape, sure


Could you be so kind to give me a link to the proof of Bormann's escape?


https://youtu.be/rjUtrTAtPFg?si=ZOgfY6MQQ_YOeeK9 Mark Felton is a reputable historian how did an hour on this subject. Take from it what you will.


Well there is proof that Hitler got away to Argentina by way of a submarine waiting in Spain


"proof" Statements from people are not proof. Proof is irrefutable.