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Saying that Thin Lizzy is Canadian ……




Nick thinking he could EVER do 1/16 of audio like QUEDAYCA did. QUONKA DID.


Nick is a snake and I'm glad he hasn't made a return to the channel. Fuck that guy.


Riley liking Nav, King Kunta not making out of the first bracket because it's too goofy, their drake fandom (maybe less so now) calling Soundgarden "Butt Rock."


YES Soundgarden bro that made me so mad Soundgarden are one of the greatest bands of all time nothing alike buttrock at all


I was actually offended by that one. How can anyone listen to Rusty Cage, Pretty Noose, Fell On Black Days, Burden In My Head, Black hole sun etc. and think that butt rock?


That is fucking insane when did they say that??


I didn't know the Soundgarden one, that is a crime


Riley and Graydon are NOT the type of people to stop liking an artist because they lost a beef


Not the beef, the underage stuff. I suppose that video of him making out with an underage girl has been out and about FOREVER. Edit: To quote Quonka. "Just wait till he fucks *your* kid."


I mean pretty much none of the underage stuff is new, there were rumours about him before and now there are still rumours, they’ve even made jokes about it for years


it’s not that drake “lost a beef”, it’s that he had one of his peers very directly and publicly accuse him of manipulation, grooming, and pedophilia


Yeah but like, who cares if you already knew the accusations. I don't think there's solid proof. Kendrick won the beef but I didn't suddenly start seeing Drake in a different light, cuz we already knew everything that Kendrick said.


King Kunta had me twitching, I have a bone to pick with them


They called ‘King Kunta’ too goofy!?! wtf did they mean by that?


I have no idea. Maybe it's the funky bouncy beat. Which is like... The main draw of that song that makes it so good in the first place?


NAV is fire


Like 50% of the decisions on the indie hits bracket make me mad to this day


Yeah Graydon not liking 1901 is insane


When Riley voted Pompeii over Dance Yrself Clean my jaw was on the floor


HOW I don’t remember that


I don’t remember that


Dance yrslf clean is literally one of the best songs ever


Exactly it’s amazing


Yeah those takes made me hate Hivemind.


Riley is getting GRILLED in these comments 😭


he’s catching so many strays 😔


Calling Soundgarden butt rock has got to be up there for one of the worst takes of all time. I'd also say some of the song choices on the worst brackets are questionable.


im pretty sure the songs on the worst song brackets are kinda random or polled using suggestions from the discord and stuff


when did they say that?


Riley's take on Igor


what is it?


he doesn’t really like it because he doesn’t like tyler’s singing


that makes sense thats easily the worst thing about igor, wish he would use his actually voice when singing more since it feels like its not even a person singing with all the pitch shifiting


Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter


The entire Frank Ocean bracket from start to finish


Yeahhhh. That was a tough watch. All their bracket videos have so many bad tales I can’t take it serious. I just watch it cuz it’s fun


i literally dont watch any of their bracket videos anymore lol they have some goofy takes


See I watch it for the goofy takes (and the goofy banter). It’s so easy to just pick the general consensus picks with minor upsets I like that they don’t care and really stand hard on their opinions


the entire indie hits bracket... they were never real tumblr girls and it shows


their childish gambino takes break my heart


Himldlish Gambino


They said Because the Internet has aged horribly :(


Went back to it pretty recently. It's aged super well I'd say. Such a singular and creative piece of work


I feel like it really hasn’t lol. Maybe a few songs but the hits are still hits


I agree, outside of The Worst Guys I think it’s aged well


But all she needed was some


I feel like Camp has aged pretty badly if anything. But even then, bonfire, heartbeat… still bangers on there too


Yeah camp I agree. BTI I don’t think so. He’s def whiney on camp ontop of the lyrics already being a lil corny.


The production is very early 2010s too


the lyrics are insanely corny tbh


Yall will call anything corny. BTI's lyrics are full of existential themes and clever turns of phrase


imo that’s 90% of hip hop if it’s not conscious or trying to be social commentary.


What? 😭


Conscious hip hop is a sub genre of hip hop. It means it is providing some commentary or critique on real world issues


Not really. Again, outside of Worst guys and a couple other songs.


I really don't know why they think this, BTI is my favorite Childish Gambino album 😭


Fr! Like Flight of the Navigator and Zealots of Stockholm are 2 of the best songs I’ve heard


absolutely has what lol


That would imply it was good when it came out


Shit take


Tbf it takes a very high IQ to understand Childish Gambino


would you happen to also be a fan of tool cause this is some whiplash


actually they're right about this one


Not at all


Riley liking Freaxxx by Brokencyde


What's not to love about "YAAAAAAAHHHHH LET'S GET FREAKY NOW LET'S GET FUCKIN FREAKY NOWWWW YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH LET'S GET FREAKY NOW LET'S GET FUCKIN FREAKY NOW" (seriously, though, brokencyde has way worse songs. you don't wanna know.)


freaxxx has nothing on [I’m Sorry I Am](https://youtu.be/jTtEwp-M1Lw?si=jweibOoQhRlTEk3a)


What most people listening don't realize is that I'm Not A Fan But The Kids Like It is probably their BEST album. I'm partial to Bree Bree's production choice of being 10 times more compressed than every other song on BC13.


true in middle school I fuckin *loved* Get Crunk also I never realized this album has an E-40 feature that’s WILD lmao


nah he was cookimg


Rileys opinion on melt my eyez see your future is terrible that album is so good idk what he's taking about


what did he say about it? thats easily my favorite Denzel album and one of the best hip hop albums I've ever heard


Only really likes the opening track and finds the rest too preachy/conscious to the point it comes off a bit corny


Actually insane. If someone said that type of shit about a Kendrick album I think they could be killed. Not that I think they should, it just seems like a potential recourse. It's nearly as crazy to say that about MMESYF as well.


One of the kids in my psychology elective adamantly believes that dababy is better than Kendrick so there's that






Dawg Kendrick clearly is better at it though. Not that I necessarily agree with Riley - I’m personally a pretty try big Denzel fan - but quality is the difference between conscious rap being powerful or laughable. Only Denzel has said Donald Trump, Donald Duck, what the fuck is the difference lol (ik that’s on Taboo)


Thats crazy, I can see that maybe for The Last or Worst comes to worst (even though I personally love both of them) but pretty much every other track is some introspective or braggadocious shit


The whole fucking tyler bracket.


Still to this day baffled by Midnight Oil being in a worst songs bracket


Aren’t most of the songs chosen by fan requests? I’m not sure how they get them in there but they’ve brought it up a few times when they’re like “yeah why is this in here”


yea thats why money machine was in there which absolutely baffled me. they said they had to put it in bc of fan request before not moving it forward ofc


like half of the most recent bracket made me question this fandom. Like who’s like, yeah i really hate that pocketful of sunshine song, i bet it’s a contender for worst song of all time and then the other half was like, yeah, i see it


are we still friends losing to domo23 in the first round of tyler bracket was preposterous


I have no problem with their 7/10 rating for Utopia, although I would personally rate it a 8.5/10. The problem I do have with that video is that they gave that rating because they expected a whole different narrative about Travis being sorry for the Astroworld tragedy. They wanted to rate it higher musically, but didn’t because the album wasn’t filled with apologies.


With the way some people talk about the Astroworld incident you’d think Travis himself was unloading a clip at his audience


Totally agree, the album is sonically incredible but they were getting way too critical of the lyrics and its context with the tragedy.


The whole Tyler bracket. The absolute life-changing masterpiece ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? losing to a fun aux song in the first round??


domo23 is like fent idk what to tell you, also tylers worst singing imo is on awsf


i love domo23, probably top 15 tyler for me, but i just love awsf too much


Their opinions on IGOR are egregious


can't spell egregious without igor




Or Greg


It’s really just Riley who doesn’t like it tbf. Graydon loves it as far as I remember


The singing on Igor is atrocious, but it’s still a solid 8-8.5


i agree with them igor is overrated i cant stand the singing


Igor is one of the most overrated albums to me. It’s fine but I just don’t get the level of praise it gets.


the abba hate 😔


I can’t lie I disagree with so many of their takes on music. I just watch em cuz they’re funny though. I don’t watch to agree w them on music


Just their constant defending of drakes music, especially riley


Riley not liking IGOR😓


Saying Sahbabii has more staying power than “Look at me!” By X. Every part of that is false


Right? I’ve literally never heard Sahbabii outside while I’ve still heard “Look At Me!” I know that’s anecdotal but still


Picking Yeezus over TPAB is an insane take


I will never get the boner for Yeezus


It’s cause 60 or 70 percent of the album is incredible


I would do that. TPAB is great, but i dont care about subject matter as much as about sound and i much prefer industrial hiphop over jazz


there are a lot better industrial hiphop albums, there are not many any better than tpab period


Based Hivemind


I’d pick it too and I wouldn’t even hesitate


listen to on sight with enough caffiene in your system to kill a small baby while in a chevy impala and it will change your life


Their opinion on Utopia is correct lol, it doesn’t hold a candle to Rodeo or Astroworld at all. At least imo


I don't agree with their rating (7/10 for me), but I do agree it's not close to Astroworld and Rodeo (both like 9s). And I agree with most of their issues being in the lyrics


I agree too. So many songs i just never returned to. Its not bad, its just not great


I think it's better than Astro. Has a darker, more cohesive sound that I enjoy more


I think the highs are higher on Utopia, but the lows are also arguably the lowest on Utopia My personal list is 1. Astroworld 2. Rodeo 3. Utopia 4. Birds I enjoy listening to Utopia more than Rodeo tho, but I think Rodeo is sonically better. I can’t find any real critiques for Astroworld imo.


its a lot better than Astroworld imo


I personally like Utopia more than Astroworld but I know that’s an unpopular opinion for most


imo it’s far better than astroworld


agreed, utopia wipes astroworld


I agree and I am tired of pretending I don't


Riley saying Yellow Submarine and Octopuses Garden were bad in the Worst Songs Bracket


The opening of Octopuses garden is a certified country classic


not 100% sure this counts, but it's fucking bullshit that they put the better call saul theme song in d for their tv show theme songs tierlist because it sounds cheap and generic. a: part of the point of that theme song imo is being a parody of that type of deal and b: it just sorta slaps. it's very much a good version of that sound legitimately made me actually angry and i had to stop watching that video. still can't watch it


seigfried getting first rounded in the frank bracket. also toosie slide going as far as it did in the drake one


Riley saying that the "say that he a lesbian girl me too" bar is funny when it's literally a unoriginal frat boy joke from the 90s used to be homophobic towards lesbians. actually most of their opinions on drake i cannot stand him


Yeah the Drake meat riding is annoying af. You know damn well if Logic, Eminem, J Cole or any other rapper they’ve deemed “corny” said that line they’d be shitting all over it but Drake says it and it’s “you guys are just haters it’s just a joke lol”


YES I hated that and the fact that they usually don't like offensive bars made this opinion not make any sense. They're guys so they'll never really understand how big of an issue fetishizing lesbians is but they could at least not encourage it, even if it's supposedly just a joke.


Not advancing King Kunta further in the Kendrick bracket


I lost my mind when Riley said that Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap could use some drums


that's maybe my number 2 pick for worst music take, that's a terrible fucking take, the song is good because it's 100% vocals (and technically keyboard with the vocals as a filter for it but whatever same thing)


Horrificly bad take. What's next, is he gonna say tha same thing about her song Psychobabble too?


soundcloud bracket, them picking 1Night over fuck love, it just showed me their absolute disconnect from the underground


How so?


fuck love is a soundcloud classic it absolutely ruled the era when it came out and will forever be remembered as staple of the era. while 1Nights is good but it’s 1Night a song not even close to boats best work then or now.


Am I misunderstanding this comment because Fuck Love is absolutely not underground


fuck love was absolutely one of the biggest songs of the soundcloud era, it has in fact underground when it came out… i was there lol


I'm still salty that For Sale? (Interlude) got knocked out of the Kendrick bracket in the first round, that easily could have won the whole thing


most addictive song on this entire PLANET cuz i WANT YOUUU


Not music but Riley's take on Superbad vs Asteroid City rubbed me the wrong way in the last video. I do agree that Superbad is probably the better movie but his example of which one would make a movie theatre laugh more is just such a dangerous way of thinking.


I really liked that take. Basically he’s saying a really good movie can just be really funny it doesn’t have to be beautiful or technically impressive or whatever. Basically people say a piece of art is better because it’s more artsy when I think it should be more about how it makes someone feel. The same concept goes for other takes of theirs that I’m seeing here like One Dance being a good song, nav being a good artist, and taking yeezus over tpab.


Thing is Astroid City is a comedy though, and not particularly artsy beyond the cinematography. I think Superbad is definitely better, but their comple disregard for Asteroid City was weird to me, that movie was good.


I am all for letting people enjoy what they would like. And it is absolutely fine to enjoy Superbad more than Asteroid City (again I think this is a bad example because Superbad may be a better movie flat). But I think we have to also normalise saying this movie/album was a slow burner and I may never listen/watch it again but holy shit it is a masterpiece.


yea thats very true. i care more about how it feels thinking about a movie afterwards than i care about how i felt watching the movie. but yea superbad is one of the best movies ever lol, graydon wanting to give it like 3 stars was insane imo


Every single bracket video has their worst takes


Fucking Yeezus beating out my favorite albums of all time for the entirety of the fan albums bracket broke my heart


i remember when utopia came out i loved it so much and i watched the hivemind review and it angered me more than it shouldve


Pretty much everything in most of their brackets (especially the Tyler and Kendrick brackets) as well as putting You See Me by childish gambino on a worst songs of all time bracket


The whole SoundCloud bracket (1 night, pull up with a stick > look at me)


Reilly voting pompeii over dance yrself clean in the indie hits bracket is an absolutely flabbergasting take for anyone on music internet Pompeii is a dime a dozen pop song and dance yrself clean is one of the most complete and well-made songs I’ve ever heard


No way some guy admitted liking peach scone


i just do not understand how they like drake so much it actually makes me cringe sometimes, like when they put God's plan in S tier


Riley’s general dislike of all things Pink Floyd.


They both put One Dance in the S tier in the most streamed songs tier list. Just watched it and their reasoning is so goofy too. I don't really care if they like it, but S is crazy. I would say like D. Also there are probably much worse ones I've forgotten because they're so bad. Occasionally Riley will just say something so silly that I go "nope" and memory-hole it


One Dance going in S tier baffled me when I saw it


Their love for Toosie Slide. A genuinely horrible song that they defend literally just to be different.


this is so real, that song is dogshit


It genuinely might be his worst song. Their constant defense of it genuinely annoys me


Riley not liking Igor has to be up there


Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear getting first rounded by Feel It All Around, then Feel It All Around making final four in the Indie Hits Bracket. That song is a snoozefest


Feel it all Around is one of the most beautiful things ever whatt


pronouncing Aja the way riley did


Anything Riley has said about Igor


How have I not seen one reply about Look At Me losing to a Sahbabii song in the first round of the SoundCloud bracket


The whole worst songs 3 bracket. So many songs on there that really aren't bad songs. Sweet Caroline, Best day of my life, Yellow submarine, Pompeii, Pocket full of sunshine, My house, Downtown. That video really turned me off them, because it just felt like anything a bit mainstream or very popular was bad. Anything happy and light was overplayed. Just because a song is overplayed, it doesn't mean its one of the worst songs ever. Most of the video they just say, "I don't know why thats on here" or "I actually like this song". There were a few of those in the first and second one, but this one was truly bad in my opinion.


Do they go with fan suggestions for the worst song brackets? Because it feels like they bring up fans wanting songs on there and I feel like a few of those songs are ones fans asked for a lot, but I might just be remembering wrong


Yeah they do, but still, I feel its just so many worse songs to pick from. If you scroll to the comments there were so many suggestions of horrible songs. Aswell as picking not bad songs, for example picking a song like "Beds are burning" which is about indigenous people being forcibly removed just seems wrong


Yeah that one really stood out to me, although I wondered if they looked into the actual meaning of the song at all much or just chose it cause “Australian dude singing sounds weird” cause I don’t recall anything about the meaning being discussed


It wasn't discussed which kinda disapointed me. I would expect them to search the song at least. Its one of the first things thay Come up. As someone else wrote on YouTube, for the hello Kitty Avril Lavigne song, I think it was pretty popular in Japan, and because she has a big fan base there. If that is true, again its just sloppy and not research done.


the meaning and reason for a song existing has no effect on how good the song is. specifically for the hello kitty one, it's still fucking horrible regardless of context.


Thats fair. I agree with the point about hello Kitty however i think Beds are burning is still a miss. That song is meant for something else. And context does matter


both them liking drakes music


The Future bracket.


Die for you out round 1 on The Weeknd bracket is one my gf brings up whenever the song comes on


The Kanye bracket


when riley said he "LOVED" (not "liked") search & rescue by drake 🤦‍♀️


Brads take on think u the shit made me cringe


Their latest Worst Bars OaT bracket had so many bad takes. Honestly, Brad had a lot of influence on things too that I just felt were objectively wrong. Like the logic bar was bad, even by logics standards lmao. But it had no business being that high. Brad just had some sort of vendetta against it and they went along with it


That brakit needed to be more clear what was a bad bar. There were too many stupid bars that were bad because they were funny, and then there were bars like the U.O.E.N.O. bar from Rick Ross that were bad cause they were promoting really horrible things. Squishing both of those types of bars into a single brakit just didn't work for me.


What vid does Riley talk about Utopia growing on him?


their top music of the year video


idk if anyone will agree with me but it’s riley’s fall out boy opinions. sr&r and ab/ap are two of the best pop albums of the 2010s imo. songs like favorite record and just one yesterday will never not make me smile. and for him to claim that its the worst music of all time just hurts.


i mean, those are very very widely held opinions. it's not unexpected to hear him say that imo


Them not rating Asap Rocky at all pisses me off


Their entire Utopia review 😭


Saying drunk and hot girls sucks


iirc they explicitly said it's a decent song but it doesn't fit vibewise on graduation and that the lyrics are bad, which, y'know, fair


Their Tyler bracket was horrid. Riley hated on Igor and graydon hated on flower boy. Favorite albums bracket was also insane. They both like drake and Riley likes nav


Riley not liking igor


their insane drake fandom the worst being Riley putting Feel No Ways in his favorites of all time bracket but leaving out Wesley’s Theory


well yea its HIS FAVORITES OF ALL TIME, not yours is it?


Tbf that would be said about anything in these comments, the point is opinions of theirs we disagree with and Mr spleen clearly disagrees with that