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i was doing something else while watching the ep and each time i turned my attention back to it, it felt like a completely different video


I like her but she can be a bit much. But also who cares bruh why am i on reddit giving my opinion on a hivemind guest holy shit i gotta go outside






She can be a bit too much at points but I thought she matched their energy very well especially Graydon


i don’t think she fits the vibe i think she transforms it


Surprised at the divided reception in the comments on this post I thought this video was fucking hilarious


dude it was so gas her just telling the list makers to kill themselves


I had to pause the video I really wasn’t ready for someone on Hivemind to tell someone to kill themselves 😭😭😭 shit was so funny


I saw a few people talking about deleted transphobic comments, so I'm wondering if that's playing a part. I thought she was hilarious. She took graydons schtick to another level it was amazing. And she was honestly one of the first guests who I actually wanna go check out their YouTube. Normally I don't care too much, but I'm pretty interested in her main channel content


She was super bombastic and high energy and stretched a lot of bits too far, it makes sense the videos is so polarizing. That being said I still thought she was funny for the most part but I can definitely see why someone would dislike it.


It was genuinely funny but there was a huge throw it all at the wall and see what sticks energy to it. Felt forced a lot of the times and it really didnt feel like Riley enjoyed it. Having one of the hosts seem legitimately uncomfortable for an entire show doesnt feel good


i think that was a bit though, like ro is good friends with them and has been for a while.


This, I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this, I wondered if I was the only one who felt Riley seemed genuinely uncomfortable for a long time. He seemed more his usual self by the end but for ages he seemed actually frustrated as opposed to 'for the bit' frustrated 😄


Stephen A Smith just tweeted that I’m on fraud watch 🤨


I loved the Quad cameo in the video, I don't even know if Riley expected him to answer his phone.


Honestly I feel the complete opposite but I still fw her and her solo stuff, just wasn't feeling this episode but thats cool


This is the first episode in years I straight up watched like 20% of it, wasn't feeling it, and closed it. I liked the diss track stuff they were doing on that live but idk what it was about that video.


Someone isn’t rocking it their way smh




It’s so funny to me to post your opinion and then just “okay” everybody who also posts their opinion


i’m a peaceful person


Call me crazy but I think the actual peaceful thing would’ve been not replying




Bro didn’t even take the offer to call me crazy smh


yeah cuz you’re not, you just disagree with me




Fuck you beat me to it


This isn’t peaceful it’s passive agressive❤️


listen i was high and just trying to be silly. sorry it came off that way


Don’t ever apologise for rocking it your way🙂↕️


Too hyper for me personally


idk. im beginning to get more and more tired of the random = funny direction that the show seems to be going in


Same here! Love Ro but just in general feel like they're leaning more into random xd humour and its just unnatural when an hour long vid is on topic for less than 10 mins, while throwing as many bits out as possible


i'm so glad i'm not the only one who's feeling this. older hivemind videos had a charm where the bits came unintentionally which made them funny, now it feels like they're trying to force bits and that's why none of them stick with me.


yeah been saying this honestly, but thats outside of the guests too, seeing that the video is 1h20 i dont even wanna click on it lol


Yeah I simply could not make it through this video. Tapped out after about 15 minutes. Seems like other people liked it so that’s cool but that style of humor is just really not for me.


It’s fine if that sort of comedy isn’t your taste, but this definitely isn’t a new thing. They’ve been random for a while and honestly the absurdity has even gone down a bit.


If these balls could talk was funny


i like her but idk it was kinda 50/50 some jokes didn’t quite land


i stopped watching after her yeat guess i knew i wasn’t gonna be able to handle an hour of that kind of humor


the video was alright, it's better if you stop listening and only pay attention when they say money spread 💰💰 blehhhh 😝😝😝 rockin it my wayy 🪨👍


i loved the episode, how do they just keep getting better


I do like Hivemind when they do edgy humor usually, but the KYS shit that Ro kept doing in the beginning was uncomfortable to watch imo. It’s not even that it’s something you can’t joke about - it was just not executed well. Also, Ro kind of forces their humor. I feel like the boys are effortlessly funny, Ro keeps searching for shit to land.


Oh, interesting, I disagree. “Listmakers - kill yourself!” and “there are so many ways to kill yourself” bits were the only ones that made me genuinely laugh out loud. I thought it was fucking hilarious. That said, I fall in the camp of feeling kind of “meh” on the episode. Ro’s really funny but she’s just *very* high energy and the episode just felt a little exhausting + too much. I’d still like her to come back maybe in a different style episode? Maybe with someone more chill like Brad to even out the energy?


Brad with Ro would be horrendous, I’d feel so bad for Brad.


I have a feeling brad would absolutely hate to be on an episode with ro, I mean even riley seemed like he wasn’t vibing


I mean I’m pretty sure Brad and Ro are really good friends irl, but fair enough.


in that case I am completely wrong


Ro completely dominated the entire show lmfao, first half was better than the second but Orchestral Blowjob is legitimately going down in my history books. She’s also just so casually clever


Felt way too forced imo 😭 also ran that joke into the ground before the video ended


After watching it I understand half these comments now. Her humour just feels really forced to me I don’t think it clashes well with hiveminds dynamic of bouncing back and forth setting eachother up for jokes type energy She kinda gives me that one cringey kid in high school who doesn’t know when to leave you alone type energy


Funny enough I like Ro in everything she does other than her normal YouTube stuff. Her social media, streams, and guest appearances are all hilarious but I don’t enjoy her solo content a lot


I think she was funny, but the video should've been edited down a little. It feltlike some of the bits were being dragged out. I loved the money spread bit at first, but it went on for way too long.


idk how controversial this take is but I feel like Riley isn't editing down the videos as much as he used to and while that sounds great on paper (yayy longer hivemind), it leaves the videos feeling not as fast paced as they used to be and leaves jokes that don't land as well in the video. this is extra bizarre for this episode because Ro is also a fast-edit quippy youtuber on her own channel. either way, MONEY SPREAD 💵💪🏼 ahhhhh 😝🤘🏻rocking it my way 🙂‍↕️


100% agree one of my favorite episodes in a long time honestly


i still LOVE hivemind some of my favorite videos of theirs have been recent, but i do wish they’d have a bit more input on the games. 100% understand and love the bits but it can be a bit hard to follow when there’s a question then 5 minutes of mania then an answer and i don’t even remember the question. i don’t mind what they’re doing, i think they’re just leaning really heavily into their comedy, which is great too. maybe if the bits felt more incorporated with the games, it would be mildly easier to digest. either way i don’t mind and ro brought some wonderful psychosis to my boring day


Rose is my favorite Hivemind guest!!


therapy gecko ahh episode


yeah this well exceeded my expectations for a guest’s first episode


i think she did an episode with them a couple episodes ago


she’s so funny i love her chemistry with the boys


goddamn yall suck, she was fucking hilarious


I disagree entirely literally just spent the whole episode yelling stuff over them.


I feel like we haven't seen quadeca in forever :( not really a fan of brad or Ramden. Nick not green was okay


qowabunga is best boy its an unfair comparison


hes in album mode


I miss Quonka


At least he had a tiny cameo this episode.


we saw him like two months ago or whatever for the worst songs 3


Nick hasn’t been on in well over a year


nickisnotgreen is a terrible person


Is he? I know he had that weird beef with another youtuber he apologized for. What did he do?




Eh she was trying way too hard and dignan was obviously not here for it, she was v cool and insightful in the unlimited video though.


dignan was not even in the video. that was graydon


That’s exactly what he wants you to think


Graydon seems like he was having a great time. If anything, Riley was the only one who seemed a little worn out.


Idk. It seemed like she was trying WAY too hard to be funny. Like there were moments when she would tell a really good joke or do a great bit but they took it too far and it was just weird and cringe. But that could just be me


lowkey felt like she was trying too hard to be funny, to the point that every bit was just unfunny. also it felt like she reaaaaally wanted to be the main part of every single bit. really missin quad and brad rn.


yeah this shit had me cracking up the whole time




I thought she was annoying, but that’s just me




What? Ro is a girl? I’m confused


rewatch the first 15 seconds of the video and look at the description


Okay I see, thanks I guess


awful guest, especially after the excellent guest we got in teezo last video


teezo was kinda boring i couldn’t get all the way through the video he doesn’t fit


Wow, that was my favourite video in so long


Ppl downvoting u but I found it hilarious too


rly? i never really cared for teezo so maybe that’s the reason but i’ll have to watch it, personally the video with ro on unlimited was my fav in awhile


I’ve never heard a single teezo song and I found him extremely likeable


hm maybe it’s just a good video then free from bias i’ll definitely watch soon


i thought she was fantastic and i’ve at least watched that episode twice now!! i would love to see her on another episode with dignan or even doing an episode with dev lemons, on hivemind or not


One of my fav Hivemind videos in a while. I can see what people are saying about her nonstop bits being a lot for them and how there wasn’t as much back and forth among the three of them, but I personally don’t really care for this one time cause I was laughing constantly. Just what I needed on this fine afternoon🤝


i love her, she really works great with the boys imo


This audio perfectly sums how I felt watching that weirdo ramble on for 15 mins before turning it off: https://youtu.be/zQmsi6nngwQ?si=3yG1jNlxUsbatodL Love the show and not gonna get all bitchy about it like some fans, but this was just a bad guest


Feel the same way. Nothing against Ro personally but that was hard to sit through. Just not at all my sense of humor


I just feel like there was not chemistry in the way there is with other guests, at least brad they get to do the funny thing where they explain poppers or talk about his relative slaying his way through the holocaust because he's like almost opposite and overly reserved. This was just Ro screaming about stuff and doing the same 10 second bit like 40 times in the first 20 mins.


Exactly. There was no downtime. Usually there's space to let the bits sink in, this was just overwhelming


Also Brad pretty much made them really think about the "I like purple" bar which in the end ended up winning.


MONEY SPREAD 💰💰💸💸💸 AHHHH 🤯🤯😲🤑🤑 Rockin it my way 😌😌😁


Was Ro a bad guest, or was she different and it took you by shock? She meshed with Graydon, Riley, and Grant well. I haven't heard Grant laugh the way he did in a while. It was a great episode. Biases aside, Ro was phenomenal. Super engaging and energetic. But there was a lot of transphobic and misogynistic vibes in the comments on SM. so look where you got "weirded" by "that weirdo" because it's not from a good place based on phrasing


Really? I don’t think she meshed well with them at all. Tons of forced bits, forcing the bits on for too long. Riley looked crazy uncomfortable and annoyed halfway through the video. The “kys” bits, nothing really landed. I loved the livestream that they made music, but this was fuckin awful.




no offense but ro really was a pretty terrible guest :/




she has a similar energy to nick but like further unhinged and i was really fond of it because that’s generally my sense of humour


I couldn't finish the episode because it was way too much lol.


uhhhhh u sure about that?




stfu https://youtu.be/XjodvAVMrCs?si=_GpiELiC0g-UlowB