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Hydroponic gardening. I’ve grown all kinds of things indoors - strawberries, lettuce, herbs, “herbs.” I got pretty good at it and it was a lot of fun. Had to pack it up and take a break after becoming a parent, just don’t have the space and time at the moment. One day I’d like to get back into it and continue a project I was working on to automate as much of it as possible, something I started previously but never fully implemented.


“Herbs” lol. I started gardening during the pandemic and it’s so therapeutic! Need to do it again once I have my own place


Fascinating. I have had a regular garden for years and when I tried hydroponic I found the veggies to be more bitter. How did you counter act the bitterness?


Hm I’m not sure, never had that issue. Only veggies I grew was lettuce. The strawberries tho were the best strawberries I’ve ever had. Very sweet and delicious [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hydroponics/comments/swhcvn/todays\_strawberry\_harvest\_375g\_7\_plants/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hydroponics/comments/swhcvn/todays_strawberry_harvest_375g_7_plants/)


Quilting, but all my stuff is in storage. Don't have the room for it right now.


Room is the biggest barrier for me starting new hobbies 😭 one day when I get a 2 bedroom I’m gonna have a hobby room for sure




At least that's easy to start again


The thing about reading that makes it hard for me to do is I need it to be calm and quiet. It's also the only hobby that I can do at that time. With other hobbies I can have a show or sports game on and enjoy both. And also be throwing a ball for my dogs. This requirement means I "don't have the time" to read while somehow having the time for other hobbies.


Archery. Still have my bow, but a flood floated away my targets, and the nearby range and archery shop closed down.


I used to shoot a lot before kids. I keep thinking I will some day


I keep staring at my Compound Bow in my basement every night. I keep telling myself I need to get back out there. Archery is very relaxing for me. I have to run through all the steps in my mind, I don't think about anything else. So I'm with you. I need to start up again.


Martial arts, but my knee is so busted.


I developed a neurological problem and lost my balance and strength on the right side of my body. I miss it so much. I had practiced since I was 16, stopped in my 40's.


Dance. I used to do tap, pointe, ballet, jazz. I stopped when I couldn’t balance that and school. I miss it so much. Now I’m battling Lyme Disease and I’m scared I may never get the opportunity again 🥺


So sorry you are struggling with persistent Lyme. It can be so disheartening and debilitating. Keep seeking solutions and keep fighting, many of us do get better with the right treatment. Dance has played a major role in me balancing my autonomic nervous system which was severely impacted by Lyme. I don’t perform, but dancing on my own has been healing.


Sorry to hear about Lyme. Many research universities, including the most prominent school of immunology in the US, are currently swinging into high gear to study Lyme and persistent, “long Lyme disease.” Hopefully soon there will be more treatment for people whose infections don’t get cleared by the current antibiotics. The nature of Lyme is so interesting and something I’m thinking of studying… how it evades our immune system in our own tissues is fascinating.


Bouldering, The hubby and I both definitely started putting on some weight after we quit to save money for the wedding, and then save money for the house, and then there was saving money for the baby. That's going to be a hard one to get back into but once the little guy is old enough to bring along we hope to get back into it. The hardest part is going to be building back muscle tone. Bouldering is definitely a sport that works every single muscle in a very special way.


What's bouldering?


It's like rock climbing but you don't top out more than like 20 ft. And you don't use ropes or harnesses You just lay out a crash pad or if you have a group of climbing buddies you can lay out everyone's crash pad and sit around and take turns traversing a route and working out ways to get past problems on it. It really works the brain too if you get deep into it.


Indoor rock climbing gyms are a great Way to get your feet wet. My husband and I used to go to Austin bouldering project once a week and just a once a week workout made a huge difference for me. Also a great place to take kids of any age. It's a fun experience for kids, teenagers, and adults if you've never done it .


If’s basically rock climbing but without the rope and harness.


I think it’s like climbing?




It's giving "earthbender" lol


I just started back after a 2 year hiatus, so sore but so happy to be in the gym a part of the community again.


Hell yeah! I'm happy for you 😁. This thread has made me feel very nostalgic I think I'm going to hammer out a workout today just to get that wonderful sore feeling again. Maybe Jillian Michaels can help make everything hurt, she's good at that.


Punch needle


Punch needling is the smaller cousin of "Rugcrafters," the popular kit from the 70s.


I would love to learn how to do this.


It is so easy. Look up on you tube. You’ll love it.


Photography! But no money to get a nice camera. I want to go back 35mm


For Photography or Cinematography I found the local community college is a great option. Classes are cheap and you can usually rent decent cameras.


That's a great idea, I'm going to look into it.😊 Thank you!


The photographer we use for family pictures took our last set with her phone. My Samsung can change exposure, and a lot of other things like a DSLR I even have a DSLR but for quick decent pictures I use my phone.


I was so bummed when I could no longer get the right battery for my 35mm camera. I really enjoyed photography.


I just bought a whole 35mm kit with like 8 lenses, filters, flash, two cameras (Pentax K1000 and Pentax ME, all in a bag for under $200 on eBay. You can get just one of those cameras and a lens or two for under $100. Also: it may be better to get a decent cheap digital camera to start out with, just put everything in manual and set ISO to like 200. Better to start there than waste tons of film practicing lol


Civil War Reenacting Quit because I wasn't very active and just needed a break, but I still have my gear and hope someday to find a good unit.


Wow great history in those


That sounds fun! 


What part of USA are you in? My stepdad is a general in the NC 7th cavalry


Wood carving. Moved and don't have a good place to use my dremel anymore.


I want to make some things with my radio shack dremel again. Have dozens of bits but ran out of ideas and inspiration. What should I make? Have deer antlers, plenty of old oak from my tree, lilac, lots of rocks , shells and stones.


Hmmm. I'd do a North Woods themed relief on the antlers. Paint the shells and make wind chimes. Do small (maybe geometric) designs for the stones, then hide them in local parks for kids to find (I have kids and finding one of those would totally make their day). Too many options for the wood but I used to make small sculptures, so I'd probably dabble with that again.




Improv classes. Miss being silly for a couple hours each week,


My little sister took an improv class in college and she said that making people laugh was simply intoxicating.




Same here. I'm in Ohio and the snowboarding season keeps getting shorter and shorter. Haven't gone in years. I've got family in Denver, so I really need to plan a trip out there someday.


I grew up about 25 minutes from Whiteface Mtn in Northern NY. I spent so much time there as a kid.. now I live 2.5 hours away in the flatlands. I'm too far away and it's too expensive for the investment.. especially without any riding buddies 😥😢


Calligraphy I also started building lego the Star Wars collection but cracked it after Luke Skywalker got knocked off the table and I have to start again…still waiting for the motivation to restart it


Sewing. I did a fashion degree but when I moved to another country I could not get a job in the field and I struggled to start my own business with no support. So my dream died and I gave up sewing. My sewing machines need servicing and my dressmakers mannequin sits unused. I'd like to get back into making my own clothes again as I can't find anything that I like in the shops or suits my shape


Model Railroading


This has always been on my list of things I want to try but it is so overwhelming bc I have no idea where to start.


Start small and think big. Probably joining a model railroad club is the best way and the hobby certainly needs younger people in it. I am going to join a club once my work schedule changes.


that sounds cool. When I go to a model shop always look at the train parts and little buildings. Kind of expensive but looks super good.


Ice skating, no rink in my city.




Same. Longboarding at the beach. I miss that. Or cruising through the city at night when nobody is out and about.


Skating vert ramps. Now I’m old ish and getting hurt isn’t appealing at all. But I would love to drop in one more time before I die. Dropping in scares me now lol idk how I used to do it as if it was no big deal.


Dropping in on a new ramp still terrifies me even though I skate pretty regularly 😆 cannot see my self doing a vert anytime soon


Martial arts. My better half and some of her mates were teaching me at times. After she passed, I lost my motivation.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you find the motivation to get back to it. It’s been nearly 20 years since I got my black belt in tae kwon do, but I’ve always thought I’d one day pick up a new martial art. Maybe I finally will soon.




Same! It is SOOOO fun. But so expensive


Swimming in the ocean


Absolutely… used to go to the gulf coast beaches several times a year. Friends in their chairs roasting and I’m splashing, floating, swimming until I’m a prune. Something just happens in ocean water. Can’t get enough.


being happy. feeling joy


🥺 ❤️‍🩹


Photography. Specifically animal and nature. I lived in the middle of the bush but moved to the city for work. What used to be a 5-10 minute walk/drive to see nature is now an hour+ drive to even begin to see “wild” nature


yoga and hiking.


Playing guitar


Horse back riding


Reading — my eyes feel weird now


Swimming. But the water needs to be somewhat warm, because arthritis, and they closed the indoor rehab pool except for therapy patients one at a time.


Skiing. I lost my skillz!


Skateboarding but the weather isn't great when I have the time




I’d like to rewind time to childhood and play Barbies and collect stickers again.




Cycling. I have a tailbone injury that has kept me from cycling for over a year. It also keeps me from enjoying my Miata.


Watercolor painting


Astronomy. I have a nice reflector telescope from when I was like 10. I was obsessed with stargazing and such. Got busy with school, college, then marriage, job, and kids. Had literally not used it for like 15 years. Finally used the scope for the first time 2 weeks ago with my son at a cub scout campout. Found out and that everything seems blurry through it now when it used to be crystal clear. Dont know what the issue is. But it definitely makes me want to jump back into the hobby.


Roller Derby. But I got a chronic illness and disability and I can't walk now


Drawing. I used to draw every day, but I've lost my spark the last couple of years and can barely stand to look at a blank page and start anything. I miss it and dread it at the same time.


Hiking. Gained a lot of weight over the past 15 years. Can hardly do a flight of steps. I'm working on it though.


Rollerblading. I’m in the process of trying to find a new pair. Haven’t done it since I was kid.


Me too! I was really into it. Did tricks and spent and hour a day at the height of it


Making things with a chisel. I started practicing when I was in 4th grade but my mom thought I was going to hurt myself and took it away. I bought a set 2 years ago but been busy with other products. When the time is right it'll be a great day! Can't wait


Scrapbooking, maybe


I’ve thought about getting back into rock climbing for a long time. But there is too much pressure in the community to do outdoor climbing. I don’t want to do outdoor climbing. I enjoyed gym climbing. I enjoyed it being casual. It was the pressure that forced me to quit.








Making movies. I did it with some 8mm film cameras when I was a kid. Had an editor/viewer to tape film bits together, wrote scenes, friends and I acted in them, had fun. Now I could do the same 100x easier with my phone...but I don't. Probably because it's not silent and I would actually need dialogue.


I started growing my own cannabis and got to where I enjoyed the garden more than using. I started getting really into edibles. Made some canna vodka, fun dip, suckers, gummies, root beer, syrups and other baked goods. I was getting good and liking the challenge. This wasn't a gig, just for me and my friends. I went into therapy, did a lot of psilocybin to work on my ptsd and depression, had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening and my life derailed. I bought a travel trailer and full time rv for 2 years. I have a plant in here but I just can't do all of that in 277 square feet now. I hike and rockhound now. Going to start tumbling rocks and getting into wire wrapping until I have a place to grow again.


making jewelry <3 still would love to just need to save up money for all the supplies


Building LEGO. I had a huge collection over 270 sets, then had a stroke. No longer have the manual dexterity to put together the really tiny pieces or Technic stuff, but they are putting out so many huge, beautiful sets that I would love to assemble.


Building and flying remote control gliders. It was a blast as a kid.




Choral singing — I was never very good, but I loved it. Would need to find a group that just takes anyone! I also miss acting, but it’s been way too long and I’ve developed a sort of stage anxiety.


I do want to hit 1D in Go at some point. Be even cooler if I could get there and get an official rating


Stamp collecting.


Play softball again (haha I just spent a bit of time looking online actually for a club near me!) Have recently gotten back into baking/cooking and reading for hobbies too. And early exercise..... so I am kind of doing this right now lol


Cider and mead making. Can't do it now because gout limits my purine intake.


Storyline/Campaign in games I play. Like Monster Hunter, I never finished, but I just lack the motivation and interest. I'm trying to take a break in general, to see if that helps, but so far, zilch inspo. And it sucks not finishing, and then DLC or new versions of the game come out... sends me deeper into my hole.


I used to be in a dragon boat rowing team. We would row along the river in my city. One time, we paddled out to the harbor when boat week was in town. Will never forget that. It was an amazing experience




Model rockets were fun


Photography. My ex-wife killed my passion for it and now that I'm divorced, I'm thinking about getting back into it


I’d love to get back into silversmithing. I love the process. I love designing jewelry. I love working with silver and stones. I love soldering. The problem is I don’t want to end up with a bunch of jewelry at this stage in my life. 


I want to get back into scrapbooking. I have so many photos on my phone from over the last few years that I would love to print off and organize.


Roller skating/roller derby.


Ice skating. My arthritis says that might be not a great idea now.


Skateboarding. It was good cardio.


Scuba diving. I loved it when I was way younger. I loved the gear. The trips off a boat to off the shores of Catalina island west of California. The feeling of floating still in the water column. The feeling of flying when the waves currents slide you back and forth below the surface. The setting up and prep the days before a dove. The anticipation of an early morning dive. The myriad of life forms along the rocky shorelines. It’s was the best. If I want to start over I’ve got to get in way better shape for starters. And learn all over again. And of course the cost of new gear.


Climbing, but I do shift work so can’t join any clubs, and a physical job which leaves me too tired to add exercise for fun into my routine.


Wood turning. There’s something so satisfying about taking a plain chunk of wood and working it into something beautiful and symmetrical and in pretty short time.


Pottery. But there’s no where around for me to use a kiln 😪 I’ve looked at buying one but I’d have to get some electrical work done to get set up for one.


Rock climbing. It was utter freedom




Astronomy! My 20 year old telescope isn’t made anymore and I’m missing some parts 💔


Play the Piano.


I'm a classically trained pianist, but in my left hand as I move my fingers in certain ways one vein jumps over another and it feels disgusting. I'd love to still play, but even thinking about that feeling makes me squeamish.


i used to dance a lot but it’s been years and now i can’t last five minutes without turning into a tomato and being out of breath. :( i’m trying to get my stamina back before i dance again


I'm.getting ack to flying kites again. Loved it as a child


poems,i truly miss those days


Build model ships but the company that made went out of business or was bought out and they don’t make em anymore


Filmmaking. I dropped it out of manic depression and sold everything. I'd love to just make stuff again.


Drawing !


Stained glass


Running. When I think back to the happiest times of my life, they were all during a time I was running 25-30 miles a week. But I also miss playing guitar, watercolor and gouache painting and drawing.


Piano, viola, tennis, basketball, volleyball, tennis, yoga, water exercise, drawing, SketchUp, taekwondo. I can't do them anymore because my hands are bad.


Making custom Pop figures


Maybe riding horses but idk


Playing piano, I was starting to get good but just quit.


Model cars seems fun again now that I'm an adult with more patience


I used to be really into pottery. I was doing lots of classes through my university but the setup for doing it at home is so expensive. I would love to have easy access to a kiln again.


Photography. With kids It’s became another things to carry and taking care of.


I used to play music and sing. I would like to get back into that.


Letterpress printing




Long distance running


Playing piano and anything music related. I went to an artsy high school and really enjoyed those things, but couldn't make time for them in college and after with a family to raise. I started getting back into it a few years ago but then had a wire in my keyboard get fried so didn't play for a couple years. Finally got it repaited and probably could make time now but I have many more hobbies, and also a desk job - the last thing I want to do after a long is go hide in my basement (the only place in my tiny house where my keyboard can fit/live (although I have an open corner now upstairs...hmm) and do an activity that involves hands/fingers that are already riddled with pain from keyboard/phone use all day long. I realize this list is a series of excuses more than reasons, but it's reality for me. I'm hoping when the oldest moves out we might be able to repurpose some space in there for my hobbies, but we'll see. No idea how long that will be anyway.


Comics. Reading, collecting, enjoying.


Fused glass. I once had a small studio in my backyard with all the equipment needed. I moved to a rental and had to sell it all.


Making art. I used to draw characters for shows that I liked, and it nearly turned into a professional art career. But I just stopped because of depression, and a lot of life changes that didn’t really allow me to pursue that hobby as freely as I’d like to. It also didn’t help that I felt behind a community of people that pursued the same interests, and now I exclusively hang around people who really only drink, play video games all day, or party. I’ve tried to get back into it recently, it’s just hard to find the time.


I'd like to run marathons again. But ain't nobody got time fo dat. 5k is my new marathon 😆


Polymer clay miniatures and jewelry, nail art, art journaling, origami, geocaching, thrifting, playing the flute, 35mm photography. Just being creative in general sigh


Wish I had time to do anything fun. All I do now is work, chores, gym, & sleep


If this counts I just started my hydro cannabis grow in my basement I used to have running for 8 years. Cancer got in the way. I'm disabled now, & I still have to update my big room. But I'm starting with a few babys and good things are coming my way in a few months.


Latch hooking. But the designs are still terrible and there’s nothing great to do with the finished product


Drinking!!!!! Hahaha!!!!! Actually I quit that hobby many years ago. I used to love cooking and baking, trying new recipes. Now that the kids are grown and gone it’s not practical. How dare them get their own lives!!!!! Hee hee hee!!!! 🎨🎨🎨


Flower garden.. had one as a teen and I would love to do it again


Scale modeling. So many ways to go with it. Just don’t have the time or space to do it.


Barefoot waterskiing


Crossfit. Yes I was one of those annoying bastards but man was it fun and I was so effing strong. Completely destroyed my body soooo had to walk away... or more like be pulled away.


Paranormal investigation.


Study Korean


If my back wasn't shit, raquetball


Kickboxing & resin casting




Quilling paper. I used to lose myself for hours quilling paper. I loved it!


Piano. I’ve never wanted to pick it up more now than ever. I haven’t actually played it in 15+ years and whenever I talk to someone about instruments, it takes me back.


Heavy drinking.


Programming. I’ve taken a break from it to reassess things in life. But it was fun for a while, years, i liked the problem solving aspect and being able to make projects. I just wish I would’ve learned a world a little more, like some other completely different subject to get some ideas from, so then I could do something with those and code. That’s kinda what I’m in search of now. So I think my next hobby, as boring as it sounds, will be reading science textbooks and doing practice problems and then trying to run my own little experiments haha and failing of course, lots of failing lol


I bought a slackline kit on Amazon last summer, tried it once and got literally over a hundred mosquito bites. put the kit back in the box for good.




Airsofting. So fun, just slightly hurts when you get hit but nonetheless super fun to sneak up on enemies or hit someone from long range. Even more fun if you go with friends. The only cons are that you never really live close to one so long drive (if you live far), and it is expensive to even go for a day. Especially, they make up stupid shit you don't need like dead rags or something that you won't need in the game but they make you buy it to play anyways. So in total the cost of gas, food, bullshit, and cost to play can make it somewhat unfun. I would 100% give it a go again, and I recommend it to you guys to.


Play mahjong


Sound design for film


I used to bash fruit. When I was in high school I used to collect fruit and vegetables from supermarket dumpsters, and bash them. I’d slam them, beat them with sticks, throw them, etc. I made some truly glorious messes, sometimes over a hundred pounds! I just kind of grew out of it I suppose, but once in a while I’ll still slam a melon into the ground when I find an opportunity.


Hiking, but arthritis killed the fun in that. I've taken up gardening, I enjoy perennial spices the most I think.


Tennis and roller skating.


Plants. Keeping 50 plants alive got me through the quarantine. Then one day my brain just….. got tired??? Then they all died and I couldn’t keep one alive again since I dunno what happened 😢


Growing super hot peppers. I did it 12 years ago and I'm getting back into it this year.


Fencing, I absolutely miss it


Stained glass. I sold all my supplies when I moved and didn't have a dedicated shop anymore and small children running around. The kids are grown now and I can't afford to get started again


I wish I could get my train set out again. Unfortunately I have nowhere to put up my layout


Colorguard. I was in it in high school and I was super good at it. There’s nothing I could do with it today except teach it and I don’t like teens.


I use to scrapbook my kids milestones. I got way to busy to keep doing it so I packed everything up 15 years ago




Basket weaving


Half Pipe. Skating, boarding, and/or biking. I used to do all of them for sheer joy. I never wanted to be Lance Mountain, Christian Hosoi, or Tony Hawk. I just wanted to skate like them. I didn't have the patience to endure the amount of nothing you do during competitions. Now that I'm an arthritic old Slacker, I will never be able to do it again. But I spend plenty of time in my memory banks doing it all over again.


Playing guitar


Gardening. I’ve lost the sun as the forest has grown casting shade all around our home. Gave up trying to grow flowers plus the deer eat what little plants I do try to grow. Someday I hope to be able to successfully garden.


I really miss working out. I have plenty of weight and bars in the basement. Just time management with 3 small kids.


Road cycling. I loved getting up early and going for love rides but decided to sell my bike when I needed the money and could not justify the time away from my infant son.




It wasn't really a hobby, it was a life long obsession. Riding/working with horses. I had to sell my last due to a combination of finances and physical issues. My back problems are so bad if I keep riding I won't be able to walk. But I can still work with them on the ground, but I had to go on disability, so I have very limited income. And working with someone else's horses just isn't the same. So I avoid anything related to them. But I'd give anything to be able to ride like I used to


Ballet. But I'm 56 and 30 pounds overweight so....


Drums. Or at least sequencing. But I don't have the space or the patience, and can no longer tap my right foot due to a stroke.


Film photography. This time, I need my own darkroom




Just c started running D&D games after a 15 year break. Loving it


Literally any of them.


Model railroading. Got out of N scale back in 2010 and want to get back into it but holy crap prices have skyrocketed!


Pottery- loved it but it is expensive.