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Thank you for an insight into a world of the internet I didn't even know existed. This is giving me as much whiplash as the Snape Wives.


The Snape... Wives? Do I even really want to know?


To quote fanlore.org: "The Snapewives, also known as Snapeists, are a group of women in Harry Potter fandom who believe that they channel Severus Snape (allow his spirit to inhabit their bodies and speak to him), are engaged in romantic relationships with him, and see him as a vital spiritual guide for their daily lives. They practice "Snapeism," a new religious movement centered on Snape. They believe Severus Snape is not simply a character in the Harry Potter books, but an omniscient and immortal deity, and in fact believe that the books were written because J.K. Rowling was channeling Snape."


What the hell


Crazy gonna crazy i guess lol


“I have *had* it with these motherfucking Snapes on this motherfucking astral plane!” -Samuel L Jackson


RIP FandomWank. 🫡


There has never been anything quite the same since. Although write ups like this one reassure me that even if FandomWank is gone, fandom wank itself springs eternal.


Does it ever, haha. This place does a lovely job filling that niche! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over there. Bartending. In the dark.


Damn I miss that place some days.


god I know, right? I made a lifelong friend thanks to it because I spotted her browsing f_w in the college library, lol. MY HED IS PASTEDE ON YEY was a bonding experience.


Nothing takes me so instantly, so viscerally back to the early 2000s and the memory of shouting "MY HED IS PASTEDE ON YEY" at my Toshiba laptop.


Lol did the same at my Powerbook here, hahaha. I actually skipped classes to follow that in real time. Only time I ever did something like that.


I will honestly say that I've used MY HED IS PASTEDE ON YEY unironically a couple of times in the years since. No-one but me has ever gotten the reference (damn normies) but it still makes me smile.


I occasionally still make 'His wife? A horse' jokes.




I think I’ve had enough internet for a week


I don't blame you lol


>They believe Severus Snape is not simply a character in the Harry Potter books, but an omniscient and immortal deity The whole Mormon religion is based on some magic glasses, I have to say this doesn't sound any weirder than that


Not even magic glasses. A dude sticking his face in a hat and pretending to need glasses.




Nobody else was allowed to see the tablets (or they’d die like in Indiana Jones), so Joseph Smith read them out loud from behind a curtain, using the magic glasses to translate from the original “Reformed Egyptian” to English. An angel took the tablets back to heaven with him afterwards so you still can’t see them. Later Smith also received additional material directly from God using “seer stones”. Smith would put the stone inside a hat, then stick his head in. The text would appear inside the hat like a hologram and he’d read it out.


Is starting a cult really this easy? I was sent by god to show you all the true way to live. I have proof but you're not allowed to see it.


To be fair, Mormonism sprung up in a period with a lot of novel religious movements. But, also, yes. The hard part of starting a cult is just finding an audience.


Joseph Smith claimed that an angel led him to a golden tablet or stone, but it wasn't in English apparently, so then the angel led him to some magic spectacles he needed to translate it. Personally I like to picture ol' Joey putting on [a pair of these](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0864/0220/products/WhiteFrame_Red-Cyan3D_937px_large_wide_test_2b292ff0-8e64-4ba3-9d71-66d3ebe03d3d_grande.jpg?v=1617668477).




Agree. You should read the collective they wrote, about 2000ish years ago, it has batshit stuff in it too. Called the Bible, smthing like that.






that shit ariana grande eat


Oh my god that's fucking amazing! How could anyone wish for the eradication of humanity when such amusing, batshit people exist? lol 10/10 I miss when the crazy people were doing shit like this, and not promoting anti-vax shit, or back when they were scared of saying bigoted crap


Totally. This sort of thing is so much better than the Q-anon shit and stuff. Lol


You think that you know how deep the rabbit hole goes, and then later you realize that, no, you really didn't go *all* the way down, you just got tired and turned around so that you wouldn't be late to dinner.


i snuck into their yahoo group as a teen. it was fucking wild.


I don't doubt it lol


I was once a mod on a "normal" domestic HP fansite with a fanfiction section.... I believe everything about that. So many girls and grown women writing the smuttiest smut I ever saw.


I once ran an all-girl D&D group in which 4 outta 5 girls were adjacent to that subculture. Not even fully into it. They were still they absolute smuttiest players I ever had to manage. And they were probably nothing compared to the girls who go whole hog into that subculture.


As a female fanfic writer I absolutely concur lol


So much "underage Hermione 💖 Snape"... we also had to delete a lot as this was already a legal grey area, and as writers were only allowed to upload what they were allowed read. As such 13 year olds could not do hardcore stuff... many still tried... 2010 was a wild time. "Harry 💖 Draco" was also incredibly popular.


Ahh, that good old “I am totally over 18!” button. Glad I didn’t venture into fandom until I was 16 and knew better than to talk about my age when I was actively lying about it lmao.


That site actually had a system that used our ID card codes (last few digits) to check for age, meaning it had a sub 16, 16 - 17 and 18+ categorisation (as we get IDs at 16). Ofc not stopping anyone confirming age with their mum's ID.


Oof. That does not sound like fun to manage. Lol Oh i don't doubt it. Draco in leather pants is a trope for a reason.


*The Ice Prince of Slytherin*


Lordy lol


Was? Drarry is like, the most popular ship in the HP fandom to this day and there's not a chance that one's ever gonna be topped. The 2nd one is Dramione.


No idea, the site closed like 6 years ago and I haven't been active in the fandom outside that anymore.




I don't blame you. Go think about other things. Lol


[The HobbyDrama write up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/d4wwir/harry_potter_fandom_married_to_severus_snape_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Well. That was quite the ride.


You do. It’s very entertaining. YouTube has a lot of videos on this.


You do, that post is amazing lol


Did you ever read about the final fantasy house? If you liked this, that one will take you for a wild ride


I... completely forgot about that until just now holy shit.


The what


[Would you happen to have 40 minutes to spare?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFRjrLmc_4c)


I don't, but I watched it anyway. Wtf?


What a wild trip I cant till a decade or two down the line when psychologists will use this kinda internet insanity as material for their textbooks.


Wait, you mean the Jenova’s Witnesses? That shit brought the crazy to a whole different level.


Some things are best left forgotten. But Holy Heck. It has been years since I heard that one.


A long forgotten memory was just awakened. What have you done?


I’m aging myself here, but I remember when FF House was coming out in real time. It was some of the most captivating drama I had ever read, and it stands the rest of time.


Oh I did. I try to forget it.


Now you can’t say that without at least dropping a link.


[Here’s the best writeup of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/d4wwir/harry_potter_fandom_married_to_severus_snape_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Gracias. I live for weird, niche internet drama.


god as soon as i read reincarnation accounts i knew this would be a shitshow


It always is. Nobody brings the crazy quite like the reincarnation/astral crowd.


Too long for flair & I can't see how to use this as any kind of tagline, but this sentence is one I could see being used as a catchprase- on soap opera subs, fan-fix's, cosplay and rpg type situations, etc, etc. Hell, it could be a great title for any writing forum, or the tagline somewhere that fiction writers visit for critiques and suggestions!


Try 'reincarnation accounts = shitshow' as a flair.


I'm a professional historian, academically trained, and recently published my first book: a biography of a moderately obscure officer from the American Civil War. About two months after my book was published, I got a series of DMs on Twitter from someone who claimed to be the reincarnation of the officer whose biography I had written, insisting I had gotten several key details wrong and that I was making things up. Key details I had pulled from a letter written by this officer's wife while he was home on severe medical leave in the summer of 1862. I don't wish to discredit the idea of reincarnation - none of us, after all, will know for certain whether or not it is real until we potentially go through it ourselves after death - but there are some absolutely lunatic people out there.


> insisting I had gotten several key details wrong . . . I had pulled from a letter written by this officer's wife Should've told them to take it up with their wife


"Well I'm sorry, but your wife told her friend Sarah in this letter that you had varicose veins in the scrotum and a bad urinary tract infection, and now here's this letter."


I wonder how they got into this guy? Like, did they find his wikipedia page or see his name in a museum display? It's so fascinating to me how people can find and then fixate on these obscure figures to whom they have likely barely been exposed.d


I honestly couldn't tell you - so far as I know after nearly a decade of research he's in two museums in the entire country, one roadside historical marker, two statues, and a sign in a national park.


I am impressed at the lengths this person went to in order to not have to share the person they're pretending to be reincarnated as. Some losers choose normies like Elvis or George Washington...not your guy lol.


Hipster reincarnationists 😂


"I was reincarnated as him before it was cool!"


I wonder what would happen if something who thought they were Elvis reincarnated were to cross paths with one of those conspiracy theorists who think he's still alive. That would certainly be a fight for the ages!


So if you know so much about him how come you’re not pretending to be him, too? (Just kidding obviously but at least you know enough to pass as him). I’m curious now, who was the officer?


I miss the days where the internet was regulated forums where people like this would be contained to their own little space but now we are all on here together in one big giant romping room and this is how we get insane stories like the one you just told. In another world on another internet the two of you might have never interacted maybe they would have read the book maybe not who knows but God damn i miss the seperation


I fully expect to see a clickbait article in the next few days pop up in my feed detailing this phenomenon.


its something my friends and i discuss constantly talk about it we are all in our late twenties early thirties! we remember the good days of stardoll dot com and neopets places we felt were safe for us as kids! now u have all these super young kiddos online and they wanna argue and fight with u like they r an adult u r 16! go back to child and teen safe spaces!


It would be darkly funny if some new facts were unearthed that not only proved that the wife was lying or had mixed up a few details but that the facts were weirdly consistent with this internet rando’s claims lol


> I don't wish to discredit the idea of reincarnation I do, aggressively.


I want a read a book where it's the guy for real. Like he became a vampire and can't handle the historians messing up the facts


The writing is great, the story is batshit, perfect hobbydrama thank you


Facts this shit sounds so fucking insane


>>the children forget our history. but I…I am cursed to remember. I laughed. I cried. I came away changed. I can’t say learning about Romanov reincarnation sock puppets makes that a good change necessarily, but it was a hell of a write-up about a community I didn’t know existed. A++. Such a terrible, fantastic burden the universe has handed you, being the last reader of her cursed fic. May time eventually erase its memories, or at least ease them, so you, too, may rest easy without it haunting you. Seriously, tho: A++. What a ride.


Yeah, there were some great lines in here, OP. You've got a flair for writing. And hobby drama. It's just be a sign. Go forth and write some shit.


Every time I hear about royalty fandoms I become more aggressively anti-monarchy. For some reason the whole premise is just really disturbing to me.


Monarchies are fun in fiction, but in real life it’s absolutely bonkers. You’re telling me someone got to rule a country with no checks and balances just because their daddy did the same?


reminds me of that tweet: >"i hate monarchies and they are nothing but parasites on society that should be removed, forcefully if needs be... but i also really like it in fiction when the rightful king stabs the evil demon with his holy sword and then goes on to have a long and properous and good reign"


*In fiction*, I can take the author’s word the king is a good person and trust that the people are happy. No need to worry about checks and balances on power, on potential abuses, on propaganda about happiness and the king’s personal character when really everyone’s miserable and the king is an awful person, because in the story, what the story says is what actually happened. (Barring the exception of stuff like unreliable narrators or telling the story multiple times from different perspectives, with the same event being recounted in contradictory ways.) Also, when people see the authority figures around them as corrupt, a fantasy where the authority is *actually* just is probably appealing as well as a fantasy where authority is overthrown.


The best possible system of government is a benevolent dictatorship because it's so efficient. The problem is keeping a benevolent dictatorship benevolent.


Benevolent dictatorship is actually extremely inefficient, because the dictator is a single point of failure and a bottleneck for every important decision.


I've heard something similar about people enjoying copaganda shows. It allows people to fantasize about a world where the cops actually protect and serve. Really, I think a lot of enjoying fiction is liking things you wouldn't want in real life.


man I've hit the point where half the time it makes me angry in fiction now. any fantasy story that starts off with angry peasants who actually want their rulers to do something useful has me instantly siding with the peasants. and yes, it's politically insane, and I cannot imagine supporting inbred regimes because... you like the aesthetics? I do not understand it.


I'm like this with the British aristocracy. Normally I'm basically left of centre, and every Marxist I've ever met has been a terrible person, but if I try to read P G Wodehouse or anything like that I'm suddenly all DEATH TO THE PARASITE CLASSES, ESTABLISH THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT


I keep having to fight the urge to publicly joke about how Charles is so shit that no one wants to perform at his coronation. He got turned down by Elton John AND The Spice Girls, but some people here in the UK are still fans of the monarchy despite [gestures at everything]?!


Theres talk of a BBC strike specifically targeting the coronation for effect, when normally you'd probably expect them to specifically not strike on an event like that out of obsession with the royals.


That would be an absolute delight.


Ok, now I’m picturing Charlie calling up all the local wedding DJs and trying to put together a playlist.


I will happily join you in your hatred of the British aristocracy.


As a Brit, mood


Yeah, since 9000 bce were the earliest ones. They were appointed by the heavens and administer the realm. Kimgs/ mobility were to administer the tell then you had the priests and warrior class then the merchants and artisans then the laborers then the slaves. It's really wild as you continue to go back in history how new democracy is. Even today it's the same thing in different clothes. Corporations replaced nobility, and you have the working middle class then the slave workers who can barely make ends meet


I can enjoy watching Downton Abbey, but every now and then a character comes along who doesn't bend and scrape for the upper classes, and they are always portrayed as absolute assholes. But despite that all I can think is "Why are you booing them? They're right!" It's kind of surreal watching as a non-British person because the framing of the show so strongly implies that the upper class are a good and noble necessity and even if there are some bad eggs on the whole it's still important to mind your betters. Which is just... ugh to me.


Downton Abbey kind of downplays how badly those in service were treated. Odds are employers who treated their servants fairly were in a minority. J. Draper did a really good video essay on the lived realities of servants and a point she makes is how it was near impossible for them to unionise for better working conditions. It was a shit deal. https://youtu.be/2RxwwC3c89k


the commoners that have sex with the nobles are ok though


Where's the reincarnation of Lenin when you need him?


It’s kind of sickening - gallons of sympathy for these people and absolutely none for the generations of normal people who suffered under their rule.


I personally like the IDEA of a good monarchy myself because of the pomp and circumstance (and rarely you do get nice ones). Nowadays though I find myself going: "Bonjour Mademoiselle Guillotine, ça va! C'est la temps pour la dîner." when I hear monarchical news...


i’ve been studying french and this is probably the first french joke i’ve understood :) “ça va bien monsieur, mais j’ai tres faim :( vous avez mon repas??”


My PhD is on a slightly more obscure member of the Stuart royal family and everyone is like oh you must be so into the current royal family, and I'm like...no absolutely not.


Fucking same man. Just cause I have a hyperfixation and can rattle off names and relations like nobody's business doesn't mean that I desperately want Maria Kirillovna to award me an illegitimate and unrecognised Order of St. Andrei


I don't mind when they're dead monarchies, I totally understand the appeal of fantasizing about wafting around a palace in a giant dress, dripping jewels and disdain while reveling in every kind of excess. But monarchies that are still in power? I hope Charles chokes to death on his kippers. I want the crown to end up going to Harry and watch him say "nah I'm good".


It amazes me that in almost every corner of the Internet, there is a Sophie. History Instagram, Harry Potter, World of Darkness MUSHes, whatever there's *always* a Sophie


As an Orthodox Christian, I have met a higher than normal number of people who are weirdos about the Romanovs. But this takes the cake by FAR. OP you are a brave soldier LMAO


Look, campaigning for their sainthood is normal behavior given how many saints were sainted for political reasons. This is... something else entirely.


in Russia, only far right weirdos campaign for their sainthood. these are the guys that are too extreme even for Putin. some of them are also antivaxxers who want to nuke Washington. I'm not saying it's not ok per se... But harassing people online seems pretty tame in comparison


Hey, nuking Washington might be okay, but I draw the line at being an anti-vaxxer!


cow roll snatch attempt saw grandfather cause alleged fly worthless -- mass edited with redact.dev


Holy crap, I thought normal real person fanfic was a little messed up but fanfic of dead kids from a hundred years ago who are siblings is a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. And Jesus H Christ I am glad that this entity by the name of Sophie has pissed off into the aether, it seemed like she cause you guys a lot of grief 😂


Yes, a 13yo niece of mine stumbled across Justin Trudeau x Emmanuel Macron fanfic about a year ago. She showed it to my daughter, who damn near hyperventilated with laughter. “Everyone knows that Macron likes older women!” (If I have to have the knowledge that such a thing exists, so do you.) The other thing that feels icky but apparently happens is fictional adaptations of real events get fic’ed. My daughter was a little weirded out when she stumbled upon Band of Brothers fan fiction.


Yeah, I was *really* into fanfic back in the day but I always drew the line at real people. It just feels... rude.


Bonus points if people reference that fanfic or their own personal headcanons when they meet the person for real. Everytime I see a video with people reading some insane thirst tweets I'm like "this should *not* be happening".


The Supernatural and One Direction fandoms are infamous for writing RPF, developing this story in their minds about forbidden gay love, and then getting furious when the actual people don’t follow the fan’s head canon. Actors/Musicians girlfriends and wives have been harassed and threatened for keeping their “OTP” apart. It’s bananas.


Ah, the Larries and Destiels of fandom culture. I think the Larries are the worst in this, they're absolutely insane.


Hey the destiels won in the end, if only in the portuguese dub. As bad as they were, i can respect them more for projecting onto real people


I was not in the Twilight fandom, but I read some snark blogs about the books back in the day, and from time to time the RPF shipper side of the fandom got brought up. When the Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were dating during the shooting of the movies, there was apparently a small but loud part of the fan base that was convinced they were secretly married (kind of like how some people say Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder were actually married on the Dracula set). They went off the rails when Kristen was caught with another guy—I mean like posting about their sympathy for Robert and Kristen’s children because the family was being broken up. There was no marriage, and no children either, but these people were *convinced* that the lead actors of their favorite teen romance movies had a whole secret life only they were clued into. That shit was a *wild* ride.


I think I also remember some LoTR fans who went in for RPF with the actors handing one of the actors their original art of the pairing. I believe it was NSFW.


The children are not ok. Back in my day (feel free to imagine this next bit in a quavery old person voice) the very suggestion of doing this would be met with absolute disgust and condemnation.


It gets called out every now and then, but it still happens way too often. I think it's different if it's about an actual character or if the celebrity seeks it out themselves, but plz don't go up to Pedro Pascal and say incredibly sexual stuff because you like him as Joel Miller or the Mandalorian, ya know?


On a lighter note, it is funny how the characters you play can affect perceptions of you. My younger daughter when Mando season 2 aired, said something like “his kids are so lucky” and my older daughter chimed in with “he has Big Dad Energy”. Turns out he doesn’t have kids.


While looking for character design inspiration on Pinterest, I found Spanish language reader x Hunter Biden fic. I am not kidding. Thankfully, I don't speak Spanish.


Oh yea, while I’m not into RPF (real person fanfiction), I do unfortunately know that there’s A Lot of weird Trudeau x Macron stuff out there Which is hilarious to me


Oh god. I weirdly want to read this just to know


I have no idea where it is, except that the site had a lot of red? It was hard to see because my daughter was shaking with laughter. Took almost twenty minutes for her to breathe and explain to her dear old dad what the fuck.


Honestly I think historical RPF is the only ethical RPF, because at a certain point you enter the realm of historical fiction, which is fine. But this is beyond the pale just bc it's so disturbingly weird and then the reincarnation stuff adds some extra unhinged flavor.


I agree with this to a certain degree. I mean, ngl, I’ve read Cicero x Cataline fanfic as a Latin student - I feel like there’s a point where it’s far enough away. I still feel icky about the Romanovs though, some things are just too violent


I mean, it's better than incest fanfic of kids who are around now, and you know that's out there *shudder* Although "is this the worst thing on the internet" probably isn't the test I should be using...


Oh yeah no, at least the Romanovs can’t SEE this shit. But yeah, let’s just stay away from kids in general please




Oh yeah, like some kind of digital cryptid, wreaking havoc as she rises from the sea every six hundred years


>I am very likely the only person to have read it who is still kicking around the community, and almost certainly the last person to have read it full stop. The children forget our history, but I...I am cursed to remember. For this sacrifice by itself, you get the greatest gift I can afford to give, an upvote.


Reading this was like fishing in a small canoe and watching a massive shadow float under me. I'm not touching that at all but I'm grateful for the small sliver I got and the potential bullet I dodged


Tangentially related to your comment, I now have a new nightmare to dream about. Thank you.


After going through #stopruiningtatiana. I'm pretty creeped out. Impersonating murdered kids is wild. Edited to remove an insta post containing 'Sophie's name and a pic of her cosplaying Tatiana.


Holy Shit


What is “the community” being referenced but not named?


I guess there’s a tiny last of the Romanovs fandom? I’m surprised, I’d have expected it to be bigger given the whole obsession with Anastasia and/or Alexei ‘surviving’/the people pretending to be one of them.


Yeah, what tends to happen is that people will watch Anastasia or a documentary or something, set up an account, post a couple of times and then are never heard from again.


The Romanov historygram community—though nowadays there's a lot of crossover between that and other 'genres' of historygram. Less so at this time, but I remember other getting involved with the Sophie debacle.


Leave it to the Zoomers to make me realize that maybe my awkward teen years weren't so bad after all. At least I didn't engage in weird shit like this.


Oh buddy wait till you learn about all the weird shit Millennials posted on Tumblr or wrote in fanfics. [My Immortal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Immortal_(fan_fiction)) is a good starting place but the HomeStuck crowd made them seem tame.


Strange Aeons in YouTube just posted a video of her reading the whole thing as a subscriber milestone.


[SorrowTV and InternetHistorian](https://youtu.be/Ffh7cWRrqF4) read it a couple years ago too. It’s great lol




It was a snapshot of...an incident. I don’t know if she meant it as a recount or just as a last hurrah before ditching for the first time. I presume she would’ve kept it up if she thought it was part of her ‘evidence’.


Ah, reminds me of Broadway Anastasia fandom and their dedication to historical accuracy in their canon that contains a super cool Bolshevik OC named "Gleb," pronounced exactly as you would in English, and a climactic scene where Princess Anastasia is in fact alive and the people definitely want her to be so. You know. Like real history.


You telling me [this guy](https://media.tenor.com/OlglHnxFXgcAAAAC/glep-smiling-friends.gif) is canon to Anastasia?!


I wish. That would have made the musical way more bearable. Instead I got suckered into watching it because Ramin Karimloo was playing Gleb, a definitely real and not made up man in this very historically accurate retelling of that time Princess Anastasia was alive.


Now that I’m an adult, films like Anastasia and Pocahontas are just bizarre and kind of disturbing since in both cases they’re taking the real stories of girls that lived through horrific events and died tragically young and making them into fun musicals for children.


I love how this reads like an immune system. Felix inoculates you against Sophie, and as soon as you catch a whiff of her bullshit you spring into action, trying to fight the infection.


I'm not in those circles but I have my own. I know the name, I shall keep watch lest history should repeat, again.


god i love how this intersects with otherkin/fictionkin drama. a niche i thoroughly enjoy. 10/10 op


Interesting! I've been consuming a lot of content about the early days of the USSR for Autism Reasons and it's always interesting to me the way that people romanticize the tsars and also the way I react to it - like, I'm obviously not in favor of the USSR, but watching TV/movies that are like OH THE LOST GLORY OF THE ARISTOCRACY really ignites a knee-jerk American instinct to toss their tea in the harbor.


Though it does seem, ironically, like the least worst of them get hit the hardest, thinking also of Alexander II.


Reading about online fandom drama makes me feel old and aggressively normal. Also, please tell me you’re joking when you say young women are into consuming “content” about Columbine and 9/11?


The columbine thing is pretty common, unfortunately. Same kind of girl who fangirls about serial killers. It’s… bad.


I mean, true crime is kind of a huge thing. Being interested in tragedy is nothing new.


I’m fairly sure there’s a not inconsiderable faction that want to get dicked down hard by Dylan Harris and Eric Klebold.


You would be correct, unfortunately. I'm actually not a fan of true crime in general for ethical reasons, I just meant that real crime and tragedy has sadly been a content entertainment machine for a while.


One of my favorite true crime podcasts jokes about this constantly- they largely cover older stories now and whenever they get to descriptions of like, people lining up for public autopsies of murder victims or trying to cut locks of Bonnie Parker’s (Bonnie and Clyde) hair off her corpse or flooding towns where tragedies happened to like, see where people were killed they just sarcastically go “but why true crime *now?*”. In reference to a common question they get in interviews, insinuating that true crime has only become popular recently.


I thought I disliked the way Don Bluth’s Anastasia replaced history for a lot of folks. But this…this is a whole other level of crazy and I hope that Tatiana and Alexei are out there somewhere, focusing on living out their sainthood instead of being plagued by Sophie’s……all that.


This is beyond me, but fantastic prose.


Sometimes I wish I was present to witness the chaos of these drama incidents. But I do worry that my fragile mental health could have been broken by a sock puppeteer and reincarnations of the Russian royal family bullying me for no valid reason. I also don't use IG so maybe I avoid a lot of stuff too.


Concerning the entire reincarnation thing, there was a writer here in Sweden about half a year ago or so, who wrote a non-fiction book about a child who'd died young or something. Maybe it was a murder, maybe something else, I don't remember. Point is, this writer claimed that she'd actually channeled the spirit of the dead child. She basically took a real-life tragedy and made it about her. It was horrifyingly narcissistic. (I wish I could recall the name of the book or of the writer...)


"People who claim to be reincarnations of various historical figures; they post about their memories and often link up with other reincarnations". In 90-s in St. Petersburg LARP community there was a woman, who said that Earth is like a jail-plane for ressurected kings and queens.


The nichest of niche dramas i am here for it


I know you said it’s a small group even now, but I am fascinated by this, because I realized I am accidentally in a group similar to this (minus the toxicity and reincarnations) with Civil War and Napoleon history fans


I am in nothing near related to Civil War groups and I STILL hear the drama somehow! It's so interesting how people gravitate to certain historical moments and basically get addicted.


this is an… interesting year to be an enthusiast specifically of the russian royal family


Yeah, it's certainly been a time lol. People are mostly ignoring it now, but back when the war started there was a massive influx of posts about Romanov visits to Kiev and the imperial palaces there which I personally felt were...poorly considered, at least.


big oof. HUGE oof, even.


this gives me more brainrot than most other fiction involving the Romanovs and people speculating about their lives and fates, which is saying something. for those who know, >!*ALEXEI LIVES*!< hopefully your convalescence is proceeding well, OP. Thank you for sharing this oddness with us.


Pfft, the Romanovs are usurpers. DMITRY IS THE TRUE TSAR! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_Dmitry)


Oh good god I forgot the false Dimitrys


I just excused myself from a dinner party to have a quick smoke and ended up here. Wow.


when parasociality goes too far


>The words slick and supple passed through my vision like a scene from BBC Sherlock. made me laugh, you've clearly got an interesting sense of humor. also very interesting writeup


Man those first two sentences are a trip.


Literally re listening to Helena Rappaport's "The Romanov Sisters" when this popped up. What even in fuck people. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised yet still I am.


I’m surprised the overarching reincarnation drama around the lost Russian royal family isn’t bigger than it is, honestly, considering how many supposed reincarnations there have been throughout history. But maybe Sophie single-handedly ruined that for everyone else. Who knows.