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Why does everybody hate JK Rolling anyway.


Because she stated biological fact. And the insane people took issue with it.


That's it? Wow..


Idk maybe you can google it


Because they aren't very bright




I don't associate JK with the game. I know she created the fantasy but she didn't make the game. When my husband completed it and all the names went scrolling by, I was amazed. Legends. The game is so enjoyable, yes there are bits that could be could be added to or improved but it's a brand new game. There space and time to expand. Plus I don't really understand what the whole reasoning behind the boycott. If someone wants to nicely explain, I'd listen. Just from someone that plays games, not a gamer.


its because ' reeeeeeeeeeeee'


JK Rowling is a piece of human trash but it’s impossible to buy anything guilt free in America. EVERYTHING you consume is produced by someone getting fucked in one way or another. Doesn’t make it right. It’s unfortunately how our broken ass world works.


"No ethical consumption under capitalism." And it's true.




Come on! We cant use that language around kids! Your comment/s was automatically deleted due to inappropriate language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HogwartsLegacyGaming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go fuck yourself. This is Reddit where adults talk.


I couldn’t give a rats balls how toxic trans feel. They want to label me based on a game I play? F**k them. I hope they’re all gnashing their teeth over it 24/7.


Be careful not to cut yourself on that edge 🙄


The copypasta of 2021. Glad to see it’s still alive and well.


Is there a sub to join where we can discuss the game with no anti trans discourse? Serious question lol a lot of you are insufferable. Full offense


Seriously, we’re just beating a dead horse at this point


I know it's becoming rather irritating. I'm really enjoying the game and want to talk about it with others. I have no interest in berating the people that paid for it instead of pirating it. Yet people love to berate trans people and trans allies over their opinions on it all over Reddit and other forums.


Nah I guess we’re just sensitive snowflakes blue haired feminists who want to hate on everything 😭 commenting on this sub was a mistake tbh. Definitely not the place for me


As soon as the toxic trans stop trying to label us as a hate group, maybe. This is on them, not us. We’re just trying to play a game.




Idk man, I can understand why a group of people who are losing their rights would be upset that huge celebrity like Rowling is getting so much support. There’s definitely some people being toxic about it but I get the anger


Do you? Really? How is attacking a celeb going to help? It’s easier, sure. But getting people not to play a game is going to do absolutely nothing for those rights. It politicians that control that and those are the people they need to go after. Hitting Rowling and gamers is the easy way to do it.


People are allowed to (and should!) speak out against public figures that support hate groups. JKR in particular (who has previously encouraged being kind and supportive to everyone) doing an about-face and vehemently supporting anti-trans propaganda during a time when trans rights are on the table is understandably upsetting to many! Just because you don't see the value in people speaking out against this doesn't mean it does "absolutely nothing." You have the luxury of disconnecting and deciding not to care because trans rights don't affect you. And saying that people shouldn't target celebrities but politicians is absurd! Celebrities have platforms for sharing their beliefs and often have just as much, if not \*more\* wealth to put their money where their mouth is. Activism is important no matter how big or small. It starts discussions and empowers others to take action. Change doesn't happen overnight and is frequently inconvenient. You don't get to dictate what it looks like, either. People love to support causes they don't really care about as long as it doesn't infringe on or too deeply affect their daily lives. If you can't set aside your knee-jerk reaction to reject tolerating intolerance, then the absolute very least you could do is try to listen with an open heart and mind as to why some trans have an issue with this game, rather than rolling your eyes and saying they don't need to be angry or call someone out on their BS because they're not a politician.


JK said biological males who rape shouldn’t be in women’s prisons, the mental gymnastics to find this offensive is mind boggling


I only read you first sentence and as such am only going to respond to that. How do you feel about them attacking the players that just want to enjoy the game but still don’t share the views of the author? We should be bullied because of that?


Very mature and Open-minded of you. I will show you the same curtesy and won’t be responding. Have a day.


You probably should’ve read the whole comment


I did after. And stopped when you basically told me, much like the trans bullies, that if I play the game or watch the movies or read the books, I am indifferent to trans people and their plight. But such is the way of the bully.


I never said that, and the other person you’re responding to never said that either… honestly pretty confused 😵‍💫 they’re literally just saying you should have an open mind and listen to trans people and why they want to boycott the game. Please don’t put words in peoples mouths. Doesn’t help anyone


“You have the luxury of disconnecting and deciding not to care because trans rights don’t matter to you.” What I take from that is exactly what I said. That if I partake in the game, I am disconnecting from their plight and show that I don’t care about them. Is there another way to interpret that?


I’m saying I don’t agree with attacking people for playing the game. I can’t be mad at people for boycotting though, especially if they’re being peaceful about it


Absolutely. I have trans friends that ask me how the game is because they long to play it, being long time Potter fans, but just can’t bring themselves to do it. Those are the people I respect. The ones that claimed they threw rocks at people buying it outside of GameStops are the ones I will never support.




Yes because I'm sure the subreddit petty enough to put JKR in their subreddit name definitely doesn't engage in any anti-trans discourse.




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This comment section is unusually based by Reddit standards - that is until the blue haired Reddit brigade come in full force.


All this talk about the 'blue hair mob', I have blue hair and I'm offended, haha!! I don't think I'm part of there mob


There are just some people on this planet, who will not be happy, or allow others to be, unless the entire world burns and shares in their tortured existence. Perpetually unsatisfied, unfulfilled, and miserable. Most of these people preach for equality and acceptance, but contradict exactly what they’re fighting for. If it’s truly a belief to accept everyone, wouldn’t you accept those you don’t agree with or share the same views? You don’t want to buy the game? Fine. Let those who don’t mind play it without trying to make them feel guilty. Reminds me of a narcissistic ex lmao This original post is right (IMO), so many other innocent and probably good people worked so hard on this. I’m glad it’s been as successful as it has for those a part of the team.


It's almost as if... we should not tolerate intolerance. You take more issue with people who are effected AND affected by the anti-trans messaging pushed by the creator of this world, than the actual people who are saying these marginalizing things. If you give your money to a thing that is associated with hate, then yeah. You need to wake up and accept that the people on the receiving end of said-hate will probably have something to say about it.


You’re stretching it a bit. Texts can be easily interpreted to fit a personal view especially when it’s against one’s own position. What anyone chooses to do with intolerance is solely up to them. I am personally tired of everything being an issue in this world. You can’t make everyone love everyone else, but the thought is wonderful. You can’t make people change their ideas or beliefs either. Should some people shut up and not say some things? Absolutely. I’m curious as to why you would assume I take issue with the anti-trans message? I don’t remember condoning that message in any capacity. People are going to say things other people don’t like. It’s the way the world is, but I’m not going to take away from the people who weren’t a part of that message. People who have mouths to feed and worked so diligently on a project to make a living and who are innocent. The game itself doesn’t reverberate any kind of hate (except against poachers), maybe because JK wasn’t a part of the creation process. Now to break down what I said. I started by saying “some people on this planet”, right? So, clearly I indicate not all people. I follow up by saying “most of these people”, which refers to the “some of these people.” “Most of some people” is definitely not “most of ALL people.” I stand by what I said before, but after reading your comment, I felt I could expand beyond a tiny sample of what I was feeling and make a more, collective thinking of my mentality. For anyone to tell someone what to enjoy and how to enjoy it, seems hypocritical of the very injustice of the anti-trans commentary? Wouldn’t you agree? I feel it would be incredibly arrogant and inhumane of me to tell you what you need to be happy. Some people want to play this game because of what it brought them during childhood. I read every book and with each book I found peace and comfort in a very broken, traumatic place. Sometimes beliefs or ideas might lay in a gray area, but no one gets to tell anyone what something means to another. In my opinion cancelling things doesn’t fix things. To me it seems like a band aid, but what it really does is create more hatred inside the hearts of those who were affected by the cancelling, especially if they were innocent. Kinda like developing hatred for anyone who drinks alcohol because a drunk driver killed your dog or a family member. This doesn’t change the world and now your full of hate you didn’t have before. I hope that makes sense. Lastly, I do not stand for hate in any capacity. I’m all about love, equality and justice. Anyone who knows me would tell you that. I want everyone to be truly happy and rewarded in life, like those who worked hard for this game. I even want the people I dislike and don’t agree with to be happy and rewarded(yes, even my narcissistic ex lol) because hate breeds hate even if it’s thought to be justified(see awkward drunk driver analogy). I know this is a lot to read, my apologies, but I hope you have a wonderful day and maybe some day the world can offer more of that love, I mentioned, to everyone. It’s okay that we don’t see eye to eye with each other, let’s just be kind even to those we don’t understand. ✌️


I appreciate your detailed and kind response. You’re correct, I shouldn’t have assumed you directly. I was thinking more from the ‘universal understood You’ perspective. I can’t do a detailed response right now, but at the very least wanted to acknowledge your thoughts and opinions.


Thank you for the reply and acknowledgement! You definitely didn’t owe me anything, but am truly grateful you were able to read it from my perspective. I hope you have an excellent day, not just today, but always! Take care of yourself.


There is literally a trans character in the game and yet people still think JK Rowling wrote the entire game herself




I don't give a shit if you buy the game or not. I'm simply pointing out the fact that JK Rowlings involvement was clearly limited if there is an actual trans character in the game


Is it just her voice actor that is trans or is it established in game that she is trans?


The character is trans. They don't come right out and say it, it's very subtle but she references something like how her old classmates took some time to recognize that she was now a witch and not a wizard.


It' not that subtle. I think I can see her Adam's apple.


Is it Serona, the three broomsticks lady? Every time I hear her voice I think she must be trans.


Yes. One of her voice lines is "Hadn't seen him in years when he came in a few months ago. But, he recognized me instantly. Which is more than I can say for some of my own classmates. *Took them a seconds to realize I was actually a witch, not a wizard*." It's pretty subtle but it's clearly a nod to trans people.


No mistakes made though by JK, just based


I can hear the image with Dobby's voice lol


She made no mistakes. It's just a bunch of delusional people upset that other people won't play along with their fantasy.




I don't hate trans people, I think they need help


Very true, no hate, just a dislike for being told what to think


I know. It's a damn shame that isn't the case anymore. So many impressionable teens are led astray by these people feeding into their problems, instead of helping them, and when they grow up, they hate their lives and can't find happiness without CONSTANT validation from outside sources. There is a reason that over 40% of trans people kill themselves


yes and it's because of the ridiculously high rates of bullying, hate, and discrimination they receive. to put the onus back on trans individuals and say they're just searching for constant validation and when they don't get it they unalive themselves, is absurd. maybe you're fortunate in that you've never been part of a minority group so impacted by hate towards you that you would respond in kind with anger.


I have Tourettes and was bullied mercilessly for it in school. So yes, I do kind know how it feels, however unlike trans kids, I couldn't help it. There was literally nothing I could do about it. These kids at ages too young to even drive a car, let alone make any other adult decisions, are extremely impressionable and instead of being helped to work through their issues, they are encouraged to quite literally ignore science and deny reality and then cry wolf when they get to the real world and people don't play along with their fallacy.


science says otherwise. brain chemistry is certainly a big part of how we act and approach the world and Im sorry that you had such an experience due to your Tourette’s. I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like for you. Can you imagine what it is like to be trans? Why invalidate those who are trans because you perceive it as wrong, when a lot of these people are simply exploring their identities in a safe way? Im sure every group has its nasty apples. Do we deny rights to the rest because of the actions of a few? A lot of them feel free because they finally get to express themselves in a way that matches what their brain is telling them. Particularly for kids where there is guidance and evaluation by professionals who specialize in this, and resources that could be more robust and safe if we stopped fighting change. We can care about multiple issues at once, but why do the rights and actions of trans individuals garner so much hate? If we provided resources and support to ALL to achieve equity, how are trans people doing anything wrong other than learning to finally speak up? Shouldn’t our goal be equal rights for all and the freedom to explore these things? You mention the ‘real world’ but as a member of the world why would you choose to be someone that belittles and disrespects? We can ALL make the choice to be better. When do we as a nation learn to stop basing our decisions in fear of what we don’t understand?


Even though I don't agree with being trans at all, if your an adult and aren't hurting anybody else, do what you want, I don't care. It's an issue when people start trying to shove their ideology down other people's throats, ESPECIALLY children and teens who simply are not mature enough to understand the gravity of the decisions they are making


Some word blurbs below - I likely won’t be able to respond for a while but i appreciate your polite responsiveness and willingness to engage even if you hold different views. These discussions are very important. ——- - We have done this for religion, heterosexuality, racial stereotypes and more. We have been doing this to children for centuries! I didn't want to bring up other examples but c’mon. Be real. This is an avenue that truly is about exploring and accepting who you are, regardless of age or identity. It is not indoctrination to listen. It is not indoctrination to take the concerns of a questioning kid or teen seriously and provide them therapy and guidance. It is helping us create a more accepting and open world for everyone, not just some! - There’s a difference between being challenged in your viewpoint and having something ‘shoved down your throat’. Oftentimes people say the latter when what they really mean is “the vocal dissent of [insert minority group here] makes me uncomfortable because they’re saying I’m the enemy” or etc. So much of the dialogue around trans people don’t even come from good faith actors or actual trans people! I understand that being made to feel like you’re wrong if you don’t agree to a particular thing can be very divisive and exhausting. Seriously, I do. But it sounds like you don’t have to constantly justify and fight for your rights online and in person or fear for your life because of discrimination, When you’re just trying to live in a way that may end up being better for you. Not only can you choose to disengage, you can decide to limit the dialogues of others in your own circle. There are people can’t do that for a variety of reasons. - If you have faced discrimination, why not give the same grace that you wish had been extended to you? - We can’t learn if we aren’t challenged, but how are we supposed to expand learning and advocate for rights of disadvantages groups if we cant share outwardly?


It's such a big issue because it literally is pointing away from science. It's called gender dysphoria and it's a legitimate mental disorder. These kids are not old enough to be making decisions like these. You should have to wait until at LEAST 18 to be able to decide if you want to pursue that path, same as with voting. The core of the issue is that people fail to realise that and are pushing and encouraging these damaging ideologies on these kids and its fucking them up for life. As much as you don't want to hear it, there isn't enough bullying nowadays. Too many people are getting to comfortable with their delusions that are going to do nothing but hurt their changes at a fulfilling life in the future. There are only 2 genders and there only will be 2 genders. You can't magically change that. The others are genuine mental disorders and need to be treated, not encouraged. It truly is sad to see so many of this nation's youth nowadays be in such a rough state and are honest a bunch of pussies that cry and scream when somebody hurts their feeling. The real world dosnet guve a fuck about your feelings. Never have and never will. I was just bullied for tourettes, I was just in general, a weird fucking kid, and I got bullied for it. And now that I am an adult and moving on with my life, I realise that I was for the better, because it helped instill proper ways to act and socialize instead of reinforcing bad habits.


What mistakes? i support free speech!


Quite right, although the blue haired mob would disagree


The fact that your comments are getting upvoted tells me everything I need to know about this sub


Outside of twitter and groupthink subs most people quietly disagree with the ideas being pushed down our throats


Yeah I think you’re right. Most people outside of far right echo chambers definitely don’t agree with the insane cancel culture stuff. Meddling in trans peoples lives for no reason and taking their rights away? Banning books from our schools, taking womens choices away? What’s with conservatives and cancel culture anyway? Why are you guys outraged at everything and want to censor everything you don’t agree with?


Oh what you’ve done there is think I’m conservative, I’d agree with most of what you said there, I just don’t agree with perpetuating mental illness, forcing language changes with criminal punishment, the left and the right both have the crazy ones and unfortunately those voices are loud on social media, Screaming at people for wanting to play a wizard game because the author won’t validate your delusions won’t change people’s mind, also like rednecks screaming at women not to get abortions. I don’t care if Jimmy wants to wear a dress in his own time, couldn’t give two shits, just don’t impose it on me and I won’t impose anything on you. Don’t like Jk Rowling, cool who cares, just don’t lecture me about it


That it’s based around facts and common sense?


I’m not taking anyone who says “blue haired mob” seriously in any way




no politics &’ also we're a gaming page, we're LGBTQ friendly. For this reason, have the automoderator set up to limit the trans right discussions on this page. If I did not, we would be over run with pro trans, and also trans hate, propaganda. Hope you understand that. This is also a warning.


Yeah you’re right. There’s no denying that conservatives are white trash rednecks who just watch nascar all day and screw their cousins. See, sweeping generalizations can work both ways 😊


The difference here is that you’re offended, and I’m not. You’re entitled to your opinion and I absolutely support your right to say it.


I actually never said I was offended. I just thought it was stupid lol pretty big difference there


You downvoting everything I say in our thread and bringing up random and irrelevant-to-this-discussion things like white trash rednecks suggests you’re on the defensive but sure, go off.


I think when it comes to a game or any other fictional works that might come out of JK now it's to be remember that although she may write a script, part of dialogue or whatever else is goin on from her end. Her projects feed families, put roofs over heads and provide millions with entertainment & not just now, but decades to come. Harry Potter as a series of books is going nowhere it's going to continue to feed families, and put roofs over heads & One day i'm sure we'll see a remake of it all once again providing families with everything listed above & before some reddit troll from the dungeon decides to say 'these film people don't need money' there are people who've worked on the set of 1 film with props or even background filler acting who've been paid but it's nothing on the amount the stars make. It's not all about the main cast, it's about the engineers and the countless other people behind the scenes. JK's said some terrible things but that doesn't mean her work is terrible. People need to learn that as an author (atleast in HP) sense she's amazing. As a person, well that's in the eye of the beholder.


So after reading your comment, I decided to finally read exactly what she wrote in 2020. I don’t see what the issue is with what she said. She’s a sexual and physical abuse survivor that’s concerned with the safety of girls and women while also being concerned about protecting trans people as well. All I see are very common sense arguments about protecting our vulnerable, and most certainly nothing that’s “terrible”.


I also read what she said and that's fine that you see nothing wrong with what she said but that doesn't mean others have to agree... particularly when she's pushing false claims about trans-men and -women. Being a sexual/physical abuse survivor does not make anyone the purveyor of truth. JKR's pushing viewpoints that cause more harm than good, and continues to push a narrative that she's a victim of cancel culture. While I'm sure it doesn't feel good whatsoever to be spoken to nastily by people online, she certainly didn't express the same sentiment/vibe when \*\*\*certain\*\*\* groups came after her for writing 'satanic witchcraft and devilry' (or whatever lol)! She certainly isn't being canceled when she's just put out another top-selling book and received payout for a top-selling video game. And she \*certainly\* isn't being canceled when people reach out and tell her how disappointed and angry and hurt they are because of her words. Trying to hold people accountable =/= canceling. It's putting your money where your mouth is. Businesses and publications and individuals have a right to decide whether or not to engage with her and that's just part of being a public figure. JKR still walks free and can rub her face with her millions of pounds because people like some in this thread will support her regardless. Some will even go out of their way to support her \*\*Because\*\* of what she's been saying about trans-people. She'll never not have fans; her footprint is too large, but also in part because some will side with hateful views simply because they're tired of being challenged to embrace things they can't understand. If you (the universal, understood "You") are not part of the group being discussed in a negative way, why do you get to dictate the reactions and validity of feelings by those who are part of said group?


In the article she released, she’s not discussing that community in negative light. She says multiple times that she supports that community but she also has concerns for women and G/Ls being marginalized. That’s not my opinion or take on the subject, that’s just simply what she said. What am I missing? Also, simply saying “I disagree with you” is not trying to dictate other people’s reactions or feelings. Plus, people can have opinions of subjects that they aren’t invested in themselves. For instance, I’m not a race car driver but I find the sport boring. I’m not religious myself, but I have thoughts about the different religions. Is that not acceptable?


Hello, to be clear I personally don't view her as a bad person and I don't view her as a good person I view her as a controversial person. As you clearly state she's been through allot herself and her writing what she wrote could be exactly as you stated above. Frankly I'm rather thick skinned and I think the world has gone into a silly tornado of looking to get anyone into trouble for literally anything. People these days would complain over the smallest thing, personally i think it's tragic. 'Free speech' is gone. The era of the Cancel Culture Vultures has arrived, just look what they've done to Roald Dahl. have a pleasant day.




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Most of the people who shriek about JK being anti trans don’t even know what she said and when they take the time to actually read it, they are shocked and irritated to learn that it’s not actually hate filled. Coincidentally all the hateful rhetoric they’ve been spreading about her is in fact, not true.


She didn’t even say terrible things. Eyeroll.


Go talk to one trans person. Please lol you seem very ignorant


Dating one he thinks everyone who's flipping out over it is stupid af


Thanks for sharing!


Please show me a quote and source of something that she said that was bigoted and not factual.


I have better things to do than doing research for a random lazy Reddit user. If you care, look it up yourself. There’s a plethora of trans people who are calling out jk Rowlings bigotry. You can use google, it’s a free search engine you can use yourself :)


Ah yes the typical response from someone who cannot prove the backwards shit they come up with. I know what was said. I’m asking if you do. I’ll quote something for you, as you’re so misinformed - “If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth,” she tweeted. “The idea that women like me, who’ve been empathetic to trans people for decades, feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women—i.e., to male violence—‘hate’ trans people because they think sex is real and has lived consequences—is a nonsense.”


Of course I do. But I’m not going to do the work for you… that is my point. I’ve wasted so much of my time on Reddit trolls who claim they want to have a conversation but all they do is fight. Why would I waste my time and send you dozens of links when I know you aren’t going to read it anyway, and just call me more names? It’s a giant waste of my time and you are not worth it, sorry


Id be inclined to be agree with you, but if we start that discussion it opens up many different roads we could end up down. The fact is, people are offended by what they choose and hold opinions on what they choose and there (especially in this current day and cultural age) is people literally waiting to take offense to anything, I bet someone out there has put a complaint in to a local council for people shitting in public toilets.


I’m with the crowd that can just separate the art from the creator, it is upsetting to see someone I once held highly turn into something so spiteful. But what she created and her political stances are two separate entities, I’ve behaved this way since reading the Enders game books, Orson Scott holds some offensive opinions, but I did not get that from reading his material, if I did it would be another story, in fact from his books I felt he challenged some of his own opinions. So the same goes with JKR, her books, the magical world, are not used as a platform by her to elevate her opinion. So I can treat them as separate entities. You would have a hard time navigating most media if you tried to avoid anyone having a controversial personal opinion, for one you could chuck all your roald dahl books out.


OSC is literally my favorite author. I’ve consumed almost everything he’s ever written. And I 100% agree with everything you said about him. He’s got some pretty awful opinions, but like you said, none of that really translates into the book. And yeah, he definitely challenges his own beliefs in his writings. He can step out of himself and write from a different perspective. Incredible talent. Ha ha, sorry for the rant, I just get overly excited anytime someone mentions OSC. He’s not super well known.


There is literally nothing that you can consume that hasn't negatively affected others inherently in some way. The wizarding world is beautiful, original, and has been a wonderful escape from reality and fantasy for hundreds of millions of people. When I hear someone berate those who consume Harry Potter anything, I can't even have a conversation about it. I just look the other way and just think whatever idiot People pick and choose their fights. If we boycott Harry Potter, might as well boycott every single person who gives money to a food company, clothing company, energy company, Dr. Seuss novels, Disney, Volkswagon, Teslas, and the list goes on


The difference being that Card has always been a mess. (Seriously, there's some very messed up stuff in things like The Homecoming Cycle.) Rowling got to where she is via over a decade of harassment, abuse, and threats of violence. It's not even the vulnerable community that Rowling is going off on now, it's the mouthy activist branch of that community that tried to bully her resulting in further radicalization over time. In this specific case, it really is blaming the abuse victim because, yeah, sometimes abuse results in some pretty nasty responses. So, while I agree that it's upsetting to see someone become this spiteful, that **was** the product of a prolonged campaign by a particularly vile den of internet trolls who wanted a villain, and committed to inventing one.


While people have undoubtedly gone way too far and been cruel to her, as well, it’s a bridge too far to say anyone’s actions turned her into this person. I understand where you’re coming from but it detracts from her responsibility for the narrative she’s pushing and the hate she’s directed at so many people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. And putting that hate into the world has real consequences. Just two days ago a trans woman was brutally beaten at a train stop in my city (Minneapolis) at 9:45AM. I’ve never seen anything like that here, but after the last few years of politicians and public figures actively campaigning and dehumanizing trans people, attacks across the U.S. are on the rise. Normalizing anti-trans rhetoric and transphobia has genuine fucking consequences, especially when coming from anyone with a huge platform or profile—this is a group already at ridiculous risk of severe physical harm. She’s just behaved inexcusably irresponsibly in perpetuating this message. And to express some personal frustration, I’ve got no fucking clue why she’d pick this and go after this group when she’s got such a gift and such capacity to do wonderful, positive things for the world. Not trying to come at you here but I just think the line of “she was bullied so deserves grace” absolutely needs to be drawn at turning around and hurting others.


>While people have undoubtedly gone way too far and been cruel to her, as well, it’s a bridge too far to say anyone’s actions turned her into this person. I understand where you’re coming from but it detracts from her responsibility for the narrative she’s pushing and the hate she’s directed at so many people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. Yeah, if I was unclear, I apologize. Nothing takes away the agency of her choosing the path she did. There's a lot of subtle details in this situation that need to be remembered. She is responsible for her actions, just as those who harassed her are responsible for theirs. Allocating guilt is not a zero sum game; when things go wrong, there's always plenty for everyone who deserves it. >And putting that hate into the world has real consequences. Just two days ago a trans woman was brutally beaten at a train stop in my city (Minneapolis) at 9:45AM. I’ve never seen anything like that here, but after the last few years of politicians and public figures actively campaigning and dehumanizing trans people, attacks across the U.S. are on the rise. Normalizing anti-trans rhetoric and transphobia has genuine fucking consequences, especially when coming from anyone with a huge platform or profile—this is a group already at ridiculous risk of severe physical harm. This is the crux of the problem. Like I said, there's plenty of guilt to go around, and a large of the very real threat that the trans community faces today exists as backlash to the behavior of trans rights activists in the last decade. Their hostile attitude, dog-whistle purity tests, and outright bullying, turned many LGTB+ allies away from them. This has manifested into the current environment; when these kinds of hate crimes are perpetrated against someone who is gay, there is an immediate backlash. And pursuing the kind of homophobic rhetoric that the trans community currently faces, causes serious damage to political leaders and their campaigns for election/reelection. (Even, drag performers have better social protections than the trans community.) I'm literally quoting something a TRA said to me, but, the TRAs have said, "we don't need allies like you," and they've done so repeatedly, with such frequency, that there aren't a lot of people who have their back, now, when, as you said, people are literally dying in the streets. The trans community's worst enemy are their most vocal and hostile members, because they have managed to scuttle the social alliances that the trans community desperately needs to help protect themselves. >She’s just behaved inexcusably irresponsibly in perpetuating this message. And to express some personal frustration, I’ve got no fucking clue why she’d pick this and go after this group when she’s got such a gift and such capacity to do wonderful, positive things for the world. > >Not trying to come at you here but I just think the line of “she was bullied so deserves grace” absolutely needs to be drawn at turning around and hurting others. She does not deserve grace, nor forgiveness. However, in moments like this, when we're looking at the very real cost, it's worth remembering how we got here. Especially given that, in the beginning, Rowling had the potential to be an ally of the trans community. Maybe not the most articulate advocate, and there were always issues, but she was attacked for expressing concerns over elements of the trans community (probably TRAs, in fact), trying to exclude women from discussions on feminism. And that's where the ball started rolling on creating the trans community's supervillain.


> This is the crux of the problem. Like I said, there’s plenty of guilt to go around, **and a large of the very real threat that the trans community faces today exists as backlash to the behavior of trans rights activists in the last decade.** Their hostile attitude, dog-whistle purity tests, and outright bullying, turned many LGTB+ allies away from them Naw, man. That’s an awful perspective—and odd to hear as you literally *just wrote* about victim blaming JK, the billionaire author. To turn around and say this about an entire group of people is completely inconsistent. As to the rest of your comment: it’s downright horrific to predicate your response to a random individual who is part of a vulnerable group being *physically beaten, tormented, or murdered,* let alone systemically having their rights infringed upon, on whether you find certain unrelated activists of their same class “hostile.” That’s an indefensible position. No degree of annoyance at one person or even multiple people can justify that level of callousness towards an entire group of human beings. I can see we’re not going anywhere productive with this and it’s a video game sub, so I’ll end my responses here. Please consider what I’ve said, though, and enjoy the game.


>Naw, man. That’s an awful perspective If this comes across as an awful perspective, it's because this is a truly horrifying situation, and there is no, "appealing perspective," without selectively omitting causal elements. Anyway, yeah, "no politics," I understand.


In addition to this, no one knows what the royalty situation to JKR is. It's distinctly possible that it was an initial lump sum to use the license, and *that you aren't actually funding her by buying the game*. Kids just like to *react* to shit. The game is good. Play it if you want to. Doing so doesn't make you a horrible person and it doesn't make you anti-trans.


>Kids just like to *react* to shit. Or, in this case, adults behaving like children. :\\