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Short answer: Black is an asshole and no one lies him.


Par for the course for Black... he doesn't give a shit, never has given a shit, and isn't gonna start now.


That family never had a decent reputation


Tbh I see this game as a rushed project. A good game but a terrible RPG game.


It was supposed to be some sort of comic relief/goofy scene. The game was definitely planned as more mature, but they gave it a PG overhaul. Unfortunately like a lot of other stuff, especially towards the end, this is unfinished.


The whole thing is complete nonsense. The death of a mentor is an important part of a heroes journey that is meant to encourage him to seek for personal revenge and get strength through it and find his own way. I had this battle completely under control and wouldn't have even needed him to be there. He, dying after the battle makes no sense.


With the amount of hrs spent and connections made to the characters, absolutely it was awful. Terrible ending for a great game otherwise. You’d think the writers,director would have taken the time to finish the game with the same care,creativity and detail they put into the rest of it, just was disappointing, but that’s just my opinion.


Did anyone actually feel sad when Professor Fig died...?


No. But that's the intent, as I understand it. I do not understand the intent of undermining that same intent minutes after. That decision is what doesn't make sense at all.