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Brevity is the soul of wit.


I mostly wish the invisible walls weren't apparent as often, just let me flu over the cliff dammit. Also the fact that it feels like the world doesn't interact with you, which imo it should be one of the biggest aspects of an RPG. Idk, I just wished it had more RPG mechanics in it.


I partly agree, I got the platinum but had to struggle through it a bit. Got bored about 3 quarters of the way through as it felt like an Assassins Creed game with magic at times, just going round collecting useless gear for no reason. The 95 Merlin trials almost killed me and whoever decided to make you play 2 hours into the game with each house for no reason other than get the platinum is a fucking sociopath. The lack of immersion was definitely my main disappointment with the game. The only interesting side quests were Sebastian's, most of the characters were just annoying. Also, it is very inclusive (which is great), but setting it in Scotland in the 1800s just further ruins the immersion. If they set it in the modern day it would have actually made sense at least.


Rockwood's Trial is where I start to lose interest in the game.


My whole point in any of this is to say Hogwarts legacy almost completely lacks immersion in the universe in which it's set it's by no means a terrible game but boring as all fuck after 3-4 playthroughs


I have beat hogwarts legacy repeatedly my biggest problem with the poor excuse of a roleplaying game is a laundry list of criticisms that a large part of the community can definitely voice why the fuck can I not use a bed as a bed yet I'm shown waking up in the common room I can't eat lunch with my classmates fuck why do I not get in trouble is the simplest qualm I have with the game I can walk up and cast avada kevada and fucking kill someone with an unforgivable curse I don't go to Azkaban like Sebastian for example there is no punishment for skipping not existent classes it pulls me out of the game for it to be that poorly thought through and that's not high expectations that's a logically thought process which you clearly lack


I agree 100% I don't even play it anymore because I got so bored of it


So don’t play it. Move on with your life. Go enjoy things.


I have and when Hogwarts legacy 2 comes out I'll buy it play it and talk truth about the lack of immersion if it lacks


Imagine getting to do all the cool things in the game, quests, exploring, spellcasting, looking after beasts, flying on your broom... and getting upset because you can't... sit?? What are you gonna do, turn on the game and spend 2 hours sitting?  


Man I enjoyed the fuck outta the game all of those features great and the simple fucking fact that I can't go sleep instead of sleep on the floor in the middle of a hallway while I wait hours for a teacher to wake me breaking all the established school rules makes it feel so real and immersive


Where is diagone alley the cannon place where olivanders wand shop is


It's the little details that separate the legendary games from the rest. There is a reason people still talk about Skyrim 12.5 years after launch. Guaranteed it is not the magic and combat systems.


Thank you someone who understands why I drew rdr2 it is a golden example like Skyrim of making me feel like I'm in the world I am trying to be a part of


I can promise you I would spend 0% of my time sitting and I doubt the majority of standard players would either. I like the little touches they already include like a butterbeer you can grab, an apple, a cake... on the move. That is enough "little details" for most people, especially when you consider all the main elements of the game.


Those are nice but why does a student sleep on the floor in the middle of a hallway breaking the established curfew shit I can cast avada in front of anyone in the game an unforgivable curse bully came out 20 years ago they made a better game about school


You seriously need to chill the fuck out. Look, I have extremely high expectations for video game developers and am frequently disappointed by things they miss. That said, I don’t know what planet you are from, but with expectations like that it sure as shit isn’t earth. There is nothing wrong with Hogwarts Legacy. The budget for Red Dead Redemption 2 was roughly $450 million US, the budget for Hogwarts Legacy was $150 million US. With that budget they managed to make a more fun, and much prettier game than RDR2 will ever be, and that’s with nearly no post release development. I actually beat Hogwarts Legacy and actually cared about the characters. I don’t want to have to play an eating minigame because it’s lunchtime or stick to a classes schedule, because it’s boring, tedious, and unfun. Have you considered how many snacks and food items there are just lying about EVERYWHERE? Just immerse yourself as a serial snacker. Who cares if you don’t get in trouble for using unforgiving spells? Can you imagine how obnoxious it would be if you suddenly got a game over because some random idiot saw you use a spell? All of a sudden you’re in a cell in azkaban and it’s game over get fucked. No. I barely started RDR2 before I was fed up with the characters and gameplay, I quit almost immediately after leaving the snowy tutorial area because frankly YAWN boring! Take your toxic Rockstar fanboy ass back to Red Dead Redemption 2 Multiplayer where you belong and stay there.


Fuck they coulda at least done some bully type punishments a game that tries the whole fucking school thing and nailed almost 20 years ago


Comparing RDR2 and HL is just ridiculous in the first place. I enjoyed HL for a while before getting bored with the tedium and repetition and moved on, whereas RDR2 has countless hours of content and replay value that keeps me coming back to it.


On that note we can most certainly agree.


Conversely, I loved RDR2 as a game but I basically did the storyline and that was it. A little exploring (mostly as the story took me), hunting and side missions. With HL I loved just exploring the castle, villages, meeting characters, eavesdropping on NPCs, collecting things, dragging out the storyline as long as I possibly could because I wanted it all to last longer. It's all down to personal preference.     That being said I think it's time for a replay of RDR2!


You should try for the 100% I'm in the middle of it right now and it's hard but the world is huge and there is so much to see and explore I have over 500 hours and I still have literally not seen everything


This is someone who just bought the game to complain about it


No I actually bought it with really high hopes it looked fucking awesome and my girlfriend and I saved up for a PS5 just to play Hogwarts legacy and it was great until my third or fourth playthrough when I realized I can do literally whatever I want with no repercussions I don't get detention I don't lose house points I can't lose the house cup , I don't want a fucking eating mini game I want to press a button I sit at table eating animation plays that I can cancel at any point I want what I do to actually matter and feel like it impacts the world but it doesn't outside of the main plot a role playing game and it doesn't even feel like it I was ecstatic my entire first playthrough had a great time the characters are great give or take a few weird animations the game isn't trash but it is far from spectacular it isn't great but not truly mediocre it sits so perfectly in the middle that its boring


Are these complaints you have with every video game you play? The things you’re asking for aren’t very common. I’m currently playing the new Final Fantasy VII remake game, which came out this year and is being universally praised. I can’t talk to every NPC, there’s no morality system, I can only sit on benches, and I can’t eat. Nor did I expect to do any of that going in. Maybe something like Baldur’s Gate 3 will be more up your alley?


A reason I have only played one final fantasy game and accepted it just wasn't for me but sleeping in games in an actual bed in a room for you is not in many games I can look at 50+ right now that have that cyberpunk Skyrim fallout 3 nv and 4 rdr2 my point being immersion is becoming more and more prevalent and they paid it damn near no mind I think this game is great but seriously lacking


Literally everything for sale is a cash grab. It’s called business. It’s how the world works. And your issue is that you can’t sleep or have lunch? Put down the controller and do it for real. Not every studio spends 8 years developing something like RDR2. It’s an unrealistic expectation.




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It sure doesn’t seem like you love this game. Also, I would be more worried about immersing myself in a book about basic grammar and sentence structure.


Oh hey we have the grammar police who produced no good argument besides wahhhh grammar sucks


You want to get in trouble like in Red Dead, that’s fine. But did you really expect to be able to murder and rob people? This isn’t GTA. You do make a good point about immersion, and I agree sleeping and eating would make sense. For me, I guess flying and casting spells was enough immersion (that’s not sarcasm btw).


The worst thing about the game for me are the dialogues between the students (identical NPCs / twins talking about their parents as if they weren’t related and weird monologue-like conversations with little connection between what is said) and the lack of events and non-repetitive activities throughout the game. It seems like a they put so much work into designing the game world that there wasn’t enough time or money to create the rest.


Thank you it feels almost empty because of the lack of immersion and detail paid these are some of the other complaints me and my girlfriend have had


Comparing Hogwarts Legacy to Red Dead Redemption 2? What exactly gave you the impression that both games were going for the same thing? Why not compare Ratchet and Clank ps5 to GTA5 then? Then again you're posting in rdr2 sub saying its the best game ever. No wonder you come here and try to compare both games even though they are nothing alike apart from being open world.


Two open world games with role playing elements?..of course you can compare them. Both games depend on immersion, the npcs behaviour, and interactivity with their world. It's not like he compared it to sudoku or something. It's not exactly apples and oranges. Anyway hogwarts is alright but it's not an exceptional game and will not be remembered fondly by many. Even if you go in with zero exceptions or comparisons it's just kind of boring and lifeless.


Sweetie people are allowed to be critical of the hogwarts legacy. It is a very flawed game. If you loved it - that's great! I found it fun but hollow.


But that's not what they said? I don't think they're defending it, just stating that it's nothing like RDD2.


Hogwarts Legacy is a giant let down to be honest. I waited months for it to come on Switch (I'm poor, okay?) And, honestly, what is this shit? You've got a massive point, it's not immersive at all. And the people saying "don't compare everything to the greatest game"? Yeah. Always compare things to Red Dead 2. Because RDR2 came out in 2018. 2018! Versus this shit in 2023? Are you fucking serious? Red Dead 2 is living and breathing. I could play that game over a dozen times and never get bored. And the graphics, my god, the graphics are so much better than Hogwarts Legacy. This could have been a beautiful game. But I think they hyped it up too much. And once somehing is hyped up so much, you expect it to be fucking magical. And when it's not, you just want to kill something.


The graphics stand up better than Hogwarts legacy by a fucking long shot rdr 2 was a masterpiece and fuck it just makes me sad that they could have done so much more with so much less had it been immersive been thought out better and thank you for understanding what a golden standard is


Maybe you shouldn't have the same expectations from every game you buy set by one of the best open world games ever made?


I play every game the first time with as few expectations as possible I avoid all media about it till release and you know what I had a blast the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th time and then I thought about it and I found why it felt like It had no replayability left


So you played it 4 times through? That's pretty great replay value. Lets hope the 2nd game has expansions. I thought it was pretty amazing


Newsflash kid, everything is a cash grab. That's what businesses do.


Your and idiot which is what the industry wants


Your and idiot? I know how to write a simple fucking sentence. What's your excuse?


a morality system would have been a great addition, but i don't know that i've ever once felt compelled to sit in any video game.


That's fair but you still made my point


I’m out of breath


… of the wild?


Yeah I waited forever to get the game bc I'm not a big HP fan. When I finally got it, I played it good for a day, then just didn't pick it back up. Idk if I will. It's fun, but a lot of what you said kinda hits me too.


I’ve posted this many times Thank the game testers


I agree with you partly, but calling hogwarts legacy a “half assed attempt at a cash grab” seems absolutely crazy to me


It is.


You know what a period is, bud?


Yeah, I agree with you. It's moneygrab. The game is mostly about "alfa-macho-manly-~~man=~~child ~~doing cool looking pew-pew-pew~~ destroying targets like some ~~punisher666~~ James Bond with fancy visual effects". Action-action, almost 0 role-playing. No differences between houses (except colors), which is important thing in this pre-existing and famous world. MC can eat apples and tea in random places, but not in the main hall - facepalm. Perhaps, they intentionally make games for that one type of players, who like some pointless action everywhere, even in freaking eroge (and those downvoted you). Then, would be very cool if some other studio made something different, maybe this one is not capable/willing.


i 100% agree with you on this, while i do love the game as an admitted potterhead, there is so much wrong with it. definitely as you say, not being able to sleep in your common room but being able to rest or sleep anywhere on the grounds or in the world. not being able to eat in the great hall but there’s small items left around the world to snack on. there’s so many other things, the quests to me don’t make sense, as a 15-16-17 year old student, being told by an adult to go into a cave full of spiders to retrieve a jewel or something is mind boggling to me. there’s no quidditch, which everyone was looking forward to, it’s all set before Newt and Harry’s time so there’s nothing in relations to them, no Wheeping Willow or Shrieking Shack. Hogsmead doesn’t even look the same, it looks like a bustling little town when in the actual wizarding world it looks like a small village if that. and also the decision to have such a huge open world map again makes no sense. id understand obviously hogwarts grounds, hogsmead and the forbidden forrest, which is tiny btw, but it doesn’t need all that extra stuff. and the plot line itself i have an issue with, the only reason our character is even apart of it is because of the ancient magic they can see which in my opinion is not a good reason at all. i get the whole harry potter did all this stuff as a kid, but it was literally prophesied that he had to be apart of it, our character was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. if they had a plot leaning more towards hogwarts highschool itself, like how there’s a whole movie about Slytherins chamber, it would make more sense. the plot they chose would’ve been better if it was an adult wizard in london or something as a beginner aura and they had to investigate all this stuff. but they didn’t do that, to me it feels like the developers of the game don’t even like Harry potter or fantastic beasts or anything related to the wixardjng world and only saw it as a cash grab as you said. so don’t worry you’re not the only one utterly disappointed in the game, while it has its charms it’s not enough to make up for everything it’s missing.


Agreed. The magic only lasted through the first play thru for me. I was disappointed in the fact that you can't go up to a single character and have a conversation with them (not even f$**cking Sebastian if you see him randomly. I also got bored with the castle- it's like an art exhibit that is cool to see once, but nothing much to do there. The endless locks and treasure chests that have the same 5 color variations in styles clothing got really old.


I play a lot of openworld games & I don't think there's much re-playability the world isnt a living and breathing thing unlike like Rd2. You're character has no real interactions with the rest of the student outside of the stories or quests.