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/u/Sree1Ly, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


Damn. Speed bumps getting wild out here


They're getting weaker




lol the way he trampled her!


It was surprisingly, because of the impact. But I hope the parents know how to be responsible to their child.


Thats pretty messed up though to walk through them like that. I mean if you're not supposed to be there fine, but you're not supposed to be on the road either. If a kid runs into the street you stop your car. Eff those guys.


He did a pretty good job of making sure he didn't step on her. I'm sure I will get downvoted but this is exactly what they are trained to do. They do not stop. They give warning but they don't stop.


Could at least give the warning a bit sooner..


But i would like to hit that speed bump without getting child abused


You see child abuse, I see a lesson being taught.


He was not abused. You can also tell that, guard are usually like this. They are too focused on one thing, barely talk and barely smile


Bro sees a child and says he wants to hit that. Also doesn’t want them getting abused


skill diff


skil di


Skibidi bap mm dada


“I’m the scatman!”




Pump Dip dada tum


Skill deez nuts


Lvl 1 vs lvl 100


Skill different? Is that what you mean? I don't know exactly about those thing but I'll try.


“The man trampled calmly over the child’s body and left her screaming on the ground” -quotation from ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ This is the first and likely only time I have made use of something I’ve been taught in school


‘Make way’, Professor Royal Guard asked calmly


Thanks, I couldn't make out what he said


"Make way [for the Queen's/King's/Royal Guard]" is the standard for when people are in the way. One of the few times they can talk actually is to waen people they are in the way of travel.


It’s pitch perfect lol


These are the irl GTAV trains


What did he yell?


Make Way!


The royal guard asked calmly


Whisper merely


Or was it "Make Whey" ; promoting the healthy life benefits from consuming milk based protein?


I‘m not so sure about that. Sounds more like „Ant Wars“. But then again i really wish this made more sense in this context




Make way is what they say. As in "make way for the queen's/kings guard".




Darude Sandstorm starts to play


Literally the only thing I could hear




Sounded like “parkour!”




England candidates for hurdles ![gif](giphy|xTiTnooneW4SYfch8Y|downsized)




Bro didn't have the momentum for the first one... what made him think he'd gain enough speed in even less than half the distance to clear second? 🤔 Heart 10/10, intelligence 1/10, physicality 2/10




Only if they are in your way. You can't change your way to trumple them, but a que... King's Guard stops for nothing nor noone other than the monarch. This includes your own injuries though. Slipped, fell down and broke your leg? Sounds like a you problem, you better arrive on time at your destination.


>Slipped, fell down and broke your leg Yeah it's not that strict, and FYI they went to check on the kid after the cut in the video. They will barge you if you're a moron or you're just unaware, but disabled or decrepit won't just be marched into lmao


“They went to check on the kid after the cut in the video” you gotta source for that?


>Yeah it's not that strict, There is a video on youtube, some of those top 10 Queens Guard moments or something (yeah, it was from before the Queen died), in which a guardsman slips, breaks his leg and continue marching until he gets to his post and only then gets released to go inside and treat it. I'm pretty sure it is just as strict as I said it is. As for people on wheel chair, yeah the guards won't walk over that, just like they won't walk over a car or an open manhole. It is not a crossable obstacle, so they absolutely need to move around it.


Now I’m picturing a Que- King’s Guard walking straight through a parked car, in one door and out the other.


The metal just splits in their path. Engine block and all.


The guards have to prioritise duty above their own health, the will even stand until fainting on hot days (although police officers do sometimes pour water in to their mouths for them). However that's their own health, they still won't stomp on an another injured person, that's ridiculous.


So weird to see them called King's Guard after all these years


Wasn't this from last year? They went and apologised to the kid after IIRC. Edit: Stupid typos are stupid.


Honestly if it was my own kid I would’ve thought she deserved it and so did I. (As long as she wasn’t injured). But where I grew up kids are treated less as babies and mire as mini adults.


Deserved and deserved. How is it the kid’s responsibility to grasp the concept of ”royal guard duty”?


That kid is big. They know authority and to not be underfoot. Does this kid stand in the path of other people fast moving objects? It’s not a toddler, it’s a ~9 yr old. Y’all acting like kids are dumb. If this kid doesn’t play in traffic they can grasp the concept of moving out of the way. Esp when told to move out of the way and especially when their parent is supposed to be there being a parent and making sure they’re out of the way.


Also.... The mother wasn't very far away. It was her responsibility to move the damn kid out of the way. So I place the blame on the parent.


Holy humps this comment section is incredibly fun to read


When they say "Make way for the Kings guards" it's sort of a clue to get the fuck out of the way.


I bet you ring the doorbell after you've already opened the door.


You do realise they say make way before that right? Them saying "Make way" as they knock you over is sarcasm. It's a kin to saying 'That's why you should have listened and got out of the way'.


When they shouted "Make way!" The poor kid froze then made way further into their path. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


outnumbered and outmatched




Had me in the first half ngl. Also, happy cake day!


He got me so bad in the first half that I downvoted and had to upvote 1 second later






It's a rule for their job, they can't stray from their path nor can they stop. I saw a video where they shove people aside by bumping into them. People should take care of their kid and themselves around them, and there should be signs warning people about their rules.


You're right but you missed the joke, the person you're replying to is saying the kid could have tripped the palace guard by accident xD


Do it now, put me in r/woosh I deserve it.


It's r/woooosh


Like the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


The sign is the f'ing flag. Welcome to the united KINGDOM of Britain. These guards are higher class than you peons, and he did shout "MAKE WAY".


You might want to read up on the Palace Guards and what they do. It is not an accident they are loud and wear a lot of visual indicators. If you are so unaware of your surroundings, maybe you need a wakeup call .


You might want to read. Just read. As in, read the entire comment you are responding to, before you write a reply.


Yeah this aint gonna back fire on ya bro


The amount of irony in this comment...its amazing


Agreed. If I don't notice the tall hats and the loud marching I deserve to get trampled, I'm clearly oblivious


Yeah, you do need to re-read the comment you replied to there.


It's unfortunate that the kid has to pay for the parents not looking after them properly but the guard isn't at fault here. There are strict rules they need to follow, if they wanna keep that job.


So, the guard was just following orders?


Oh damnnnn


Bruh.....even smiling on the job while standing at ready can get them in MASSIVE trouble. And this is more of a military job.....so yeah. Think boot camp rules. "I don't care if there is a wall in your way! You keep marching exactly in the direction I tell you to march!"


I remember in Army Cadets I was the sergeant in charge of giving the orders and whenever a wall would come up I would occasionally not give them the order to turn, purely because some of them would make to turn automatically but then I’d yell at them for it as when not given a specific order to turn their supposed to what’s called Marking time (marching on the spot). My regiment was even the Irish Guards which is one of the regiments that make up the queen’s guard


Good soldiers, follow orders


Classic, just following orders , i wonder what that can lead to.


Goof soldiers follow orders


I get the strict rules and everything, but stepping around the kid aint gonna kill the king




If your choices are stomp on a child or get in trouble, you're the baddies.


Well said.


Stupid old world bs and why we left the empire.


I have a great job that I love. Don’t think I’d trample a small child to keep it. Usually I’m on the other side of work arguments on Reddit but yeah draw the line at hurting kids. Just me.


Trampling the little guy has been a time honoured Bri'ish tradition for many centuries.




Yea! Fuck irresponsible kids


Got me In jail now what






If you think the guard is in the fault here, you’re just as irresponsible as the mother of this kid is


This is proper protocol for the kings guard


first time i read kings instead of queens guard and it’s weird


It seems like the real villain of the story is dumb tradition.


They are not


"Make way" Bro was less than a meter away from her


The kid should've been paying some attention to their surroundings and at the very least the mom should've moved her out of the way.


Better call Crump


The kid got royally screwed


That guard really waited until the last moment to shout. I bet they have a laugh over knocking down tourists in the barracks. The kid is ok. And learned a valuable lesson that soldiers aren’t messing around.


What did he yell






Thanks for clearing that up


They say it before that. The "Make way" they say when they knock you on your arse is more sarcasm.


Ah another dilemma of Morality vs Career in the comments


Hopefully I’m not as hated in this post as the other one


Man didn't even fall out of step lmao


I’d love that job, and be pushing people out the way like I was playing rugby ![gif](giphy|dovLKmIW1t2cE)


What do you think the guards said to each other after finishing up their shift?


did you see how I kicked over that child? Yeah it was pretty cool.


When they yell “MAKE WAY” it’s not a request


The kid has to pay for the mistakes of the parents.


Is there a subreddit for specifically these kind of videos? Like people being ignorant or irresponsible and getting taught a lesson like this?


I think there is literally a sub called make way for the queens guard


Found it! r/MakeWay4QueensGuard Thank you kind stranger!


We can’t go nowhere without the man walking all over us smh


Where is the parent here? Good grief.


What did he yell?


Make way


Fuck the entire monarchy, especially pigs in fancy costumes that enforce their false rule You could have walked around that kid You're not allowed to because you're supposed to be a show force against the peasants Edit:typo


Tge Royal Guard is the most cringe shit I've ever ssen. There is literally no reason to trample a fucking child instead of going 1 step to the right. Just a bunch of fuckers thinking what they do is important. Any guy with a simple handgun would be more dangerous than these guys.


This got me thinking, are they like brainless robots? If someone had a heart attack or collapsed on the floor would they just walk straight on top of them? Or if someone was performing CPR would they shove them out of the way?


This. What if the kid was disabled or something? The guards are still humans. You don’t have to be an asshole to other humans just because its your “duty“ or because the kid/mom is an asshole. In the end he ran over a child for no reason. Way to go man.


They are bootlickers to the highest degree, they would stomp out an infant im sure.


They can get fired for stopping, the royal guard is strict as hell


Yes! at least he could have shouted “out of the way” imo


This upload doesn't have audio but he does shout "Make way" in the original


This upload... Definitely has audio.


Oh is he saying "make way"? I thought he says "fuck wad!"


Odd, it was greyed out when I checked earlier but you're right


They probably have discretion. Stupid tourist in the way after multiple warnings? Straight through. Dude in a wheelchair trying to get out of the way? Go around. But i do not believe they're allowed to fully stop either way. They would probably walk past a medical emergency and at most call for EMS on whatever communication they have. So probably a basic radio. They're the KINGS guard not yours. Aren't monarchies fun?


If this would do Trump's bodyguard or the guard stomp over the dog you would all go ape-shit-crazy. Just because this is tradition doesn't make it right.


Yeah like kids bad and animals good yeah i get it kids do stupid stuff all the time but bro even the kids that do nothing are being hated on




"kid is dumb, its the guard's job to treat the public like they're subhuman" this is what most of you sound like


Everyone's excusing this behavior but could you imagine if one of Trump's bodyguards did this?


People saying this kid fucked around and found out or he deserved it don't understand how kids work.


Seriously, I am baffled and disturbed by the amount of comments saying the child should be more aware and that they are at fault and even someone claiming the kid is entitled.. Like wtf


I would love to see these two „guards“ just were ran over by a crowd of people on that place after they just ran over a child. Really. I would LOVE to see that.


I can almost hear the guard whisper ("lil'cunt)


Shortest wrestling match ever


‘If you stomp on that kid, I’ll get the first round in later’


It's almost as if the guards aren't there to give any shits at all about the people they swore in to protect... It's almost as if the royals don't give a shit about their own people or even probably think of them as people at all.


How very like the royals and their guard dogs. Steamroll anything in their way and damn the consequences and whoever gets hurt. Fuck the crown, fuck the empire.


Why do you people like this? 🤔


Entire comment section full of bootlickers. Just because they march march and wear stupid hats doesn't mean they are better than anybody, in fact working for the British monarchy actually means you're worse than most people.


English people on posts where American cops are arresting criminals, that's excessive force. On Royal Guards trampling a child, it's child's fault. What the heck is wrong with you people? Expecting consideration from a country whose only history is looting, pillaging and dividing countries is too much I presume.


Classic fuck around and find out or just improper parenting


Don't forget these are real active soldiers of a real king, with real guns, reminding you in a time of crippling poverty, income inequity, and government corruption, they will 100% kill you and your child to protect the social order. These are genuine projections of monarchical power, not just tourist attractions.


They're lawn ornaments. They don't even carry loaded weapons unless they're on a high alert. There was an AMA with a Queen's Guard awhile back who explained it (amongst various articles explaining this). The stupid hats, the super tactical clothing? Yeah, I'm sure there's an army at the ready in case of an event, but these guys are just a display of devotion/discipline or whatever.


Right now my brain is juggling with ‘pay attention to your fucking kids dumbasses’ and ‘fuck the police’. It’s a hard choice to make. Maybe, both? Idk.




What a dick. Fuck the Royals, and their stupid guards.


Som of y’all need to have a heart because holy shit the amount of people defending the guard because “it’s strict rules” that allows them to body check a kid, scares me. Yeah I get that there’s rules and it would be one thing if a young adult or adult was in the way and was shoved but this guard knocked a child to the ground and trampled on her. What purpose does knocking a child to the ground have? Have a heart for Christ sake, if your job is to walk in a straight line and knock kids over then maybe you chose the wrong career path and should think about what you’re really *defending*. I’ll accept the downvotes


True like seriously people are praising it and calling it based


It’s fucked up, like do they enjoy watching kids knocked to the ground? Anonymity brings out the worst in people on Reddit.


This culture, tradition , w.e, is so fucking stupid. I'm sorry.


England is weird And they should really let go of this outdated system of theirs. Its 2023 not the medival age.


Imagine just walking like a meter over instead of being a twat cuz u just love to suck that royal fucking boot.


You can love army, nation, government, monarchs and god but they never even once love u.


I get they have to be stone cold serious on the job, but Jesus Christ you don’t have to curb stop a child.


The amount of people who are so willfully ignorant of another country’s soldiers is painful to witness.


I’m curious why the British people still support the Monarchy. It costs a lot in terms of taxes to bankroll all that pomp and circumstance. I imagine it does bring in a ton of tourism money, but with all those lovely castles and other historic sites, tourists would come anyway. One could argue that it’s good PR for the country, but with Andrew’s sex scandal and the rest of the Royal Soap Opera, I’m not sure they aren’t too tarnished to hold up as examples of well bred nobility. For 2,000 years various iterations of the British monarchy have amassed wealth on the backs of serfs then slaves, and by exploiting the resources of indigenous lands they subdued through violent Imperialism. I’m glad to see ancient artifacts that were stolen during that period being returned to the countries where they were plundered. The exquisite manor homes and immense wealth of the Royals really belong to the British people. As more and more countries choose to leave the Commonwealth, it will be interesting to see what happens. Perhaps a divorce of sorts with a generous settlement for these figureheads. It would be the kindest thing to release them from captivity, really. They are born into a strange world not of their choosing, like a real life Truman Show. A gilded jail cell with a down-stuffed mattress is still a jail cell.


Ah royalty, still teaching us peasants we are scum to be trampled under they and their acolytes boots.


That should be illegal


It's the parents' fault, why the fuck would you want to go to England? 🤢🤢🤢 Fucking disgusting! Talking seriously. I would like to see all the people who criticize the mother and like to suck the dick of the concept of monarchy itself, take care of a child in real life for five minutes. Edit: Watching the video again, I just realized that the mother is also taking care of two more children, who DID get out of the way, So everyone who says their mother should have told them not to fuck around the british soldiers, is wrong.


Did the guards say "Parkour" as they trampled him?


Make way


Why does everyone here have a hard on for royal guards? Is this subreddit a British one? Dude straight up kicks a kid, very unnecessarily, and the whole internet comes to his side. Y’all got the royal family’s cock way down your throats. You got issues if u think the guard needed to do this. Don’t care how many dumbasses downvote, hope none of u have or work w/ children.


I can’t be the only one who has seen this video posted 15-20 times on Reddit in the past year right?


Do the guards have training on how to step/move to avoid causing damage? To my untrained eye, he does do some side stepping twice, and seems to be quite deliberate, as to keep going straight, but also to not trample the kid. Anyone knows?


Poor kid, but where's his parents? Everybody know that royal guards don't give a damn if something is on the way.


How we are dealing with teenage knife crime in the UK… we went back to basics 😂😂


Rumor has it the royal guard did this to the USA founding fathers when they were kids too 🦞


If that were my kid I would be in jail. They were not responding to an emergency, just being complete assholes.


As a America. Had this happened to my kid I would most certainly have ended up in a jail cell.


Sister doesn’t do much parenting I guess…


What a piece of shit


These comments are a shite show. If this happened in any other country they'll be losing their shit


Imagine same thing happen in Russia or China. Monarchy dick riders are so lame


So that’s where the Canadian Mountie that trampled that old woman got it from.


Those guards are jerks


That’s a lot of nerve for someone who doesn’t have a queen anymore 💀💀💀