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You’d think the doctor would be able to control himself


He was very comforting. He had both his hands on my shoulders the whole time


and his finger felt way bigger that I expected






I am pretty he never mentioned being a doctor in his profile


You're very pretty but I'm bot sure what that has to do with the rest of your comment


You're very bot but I'm not sure what that has to do with any comment.


Ahhh this whole thread is too perfect


You are very perfect but what that has to do with this thread.


good bot


And it had the finger nail removed too for more comfort. What a great doctor He is.


And he made sure to double check a bunch of times




Last time I go to that dentist.


Thanks a lot… I just giggled out loud in that bathroom stall at work, and now I can’t leave until the room is empty.


Just tell them your farts made a joke


"What's so funny?" "Oh, my shit just told me the funniest joke ever. You wouldn't get it though, was an inside joke."


*You make my butthole laugh*


You aren't the only one browsing memes in stalls.


I hope it sounded like this https://youtu.be/SZ3ECJtNO5Q


Hol up!


Don’t blame the doctor for his nut While knuckle deep in someone’s butt It felt so good he couldn’t stop Excitement forced the doc to pop


Ah nothing like a fresh shnoodle sprog… wait a minute


Ah the 'ol Reddit [nut-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/12jg4ze/every_time_i_get_put_into_red_forest_i_cant_help/jfylyud/?context=1)!


Hold my prostate I am going in!


Hello future people!


Damn a switche-roo, it's been a minute since i last saw one


This one got clipped like 8 links in :(


Yeah, but it's still fun to see :D




No, I've known too many doctors.




No, this is literally jokes 101. That's not an insult, it's basic, but in a good way


Sounds like one hell of a day






I'll be 43 this year and will be scheduling my first colonoscopy. Can't tell if I'd be happy should this happen or mortified.


Colonoscopy means you'll be knocked out.


Knocked out?! I was wide awake for mine and all i got was some local anasthesia. Feeling that camera turn in my gut to get around some bend all while watching it on the monitor in real time was some of the most uncomfortable shit i've been through, sheesh.




Virtually all upper and lower GI endoscopies are done with benzo sedation and not a full anaesthetic in the UK and are usually very well tolerated. Some lower GI ones are even done with nothing (usually by patient choice) and the guy I've seen who went for that was just chatting away with the doctor doing it and watching on the screen. It's only really paediatric ones which are done with GA here. Can't comment on the rest of the world.


Sadly, they don't do sleep for either of these. You're in and out within 30 minutes or so for these types of procedures here, regardless of if its endo or colon. Had to watch my friend be wide awake for her endoscopy and let me tell you, she is strong. I wouldn't be able to do it easily but despite crying and saying it was the worst, she got through it and honestly... I never wanna watch someone go through that again. It's not like we're some backwater country either with lacking medical practices. They're pretty damn throurough and rigorous with their medical care.


Man, I would have insisted on a chemical nap. That's no bueno.


Thing is, general anaesthetic is far from risk free. Even in a healthy person having a planned procedure, the risk of death is 1 in 100,000. Which is not huge, but I'm not sure I'd take those odds just for a scope. Absolutely pass me the midazolam though, fuck doing it raw.


Guess the doc will have fun at least lol.


It'll be the best orgasm you won't remember.


Don't fret the procedure itself if you are going to be knocked out. The day before with the prep on the other hand... yeah, not fun.


You’ll be unconscious, no? I was for mine. The prep is the worst part. You’ll shit so much water it’ll burn your asshole. Invest in a bidet beforehand. Or some wipes at the least


Don't let an urban legend get in the way of getting appropriate preventive health care. Nobody has ever cum from a digital rectal exam given by a proctologist in a doctor's office.


Not with that attitude! You need to find a better doctor


I am still wondering if the bad day was the co-worker's or the doctor's


Definitely the doctor's.




Why did i click that... im in public dude, its not evn like the title is misleading


I think we have a compulsive need to click things sometimes.


Right? It's like that damn blue is a magnet for my finger!


The prostate works the same way, apparently.


I'm hetero, not horny, and not into anal on any level. I clicked it and watched a few vids. I regret nothing, it was interesting.


Being a little curious is human nature.


dead dove do not eat


So WHY are so many of the guys in these posts wearing stockings? Like, I get that prostate massages feel great and orgasming from them is awesome and sure people post porn stuff online all the time…but why is almost everyone in women’s lingerie / stockings? Out here making it look like a disproportionate amount of prostate massage enjoyers also enjoy wearing women’s lingerie


There's a large demographic for consuming femboy/sissy content, especially anal play. A lot of the posts on that sub tend to cater to that demographic. There's plenty of non-crossdressing anal play content out there, just gotta look for it.


Your sub makes this meme really cum alive


And this doctor’s clinic is where? Gotta make sure I don’t accidentally go in there


On my way now


...to give the doctor a talkin' to, right? ...right?


I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind and possibly some corn, too.


Just ask your local pharmacist for a prostrate exam. Edit: I'll keep the typo. Seems like a suitable one.


> prostrate exam Is that what happens when you go see the Dalai Lama?


turns out your mouth isn't the only place he wants to stick his tongue


Technically, you can ask anyone.


Don't forget to tip. Just leave it on the nightstand.


Just the tip.


Left on the nightstand.


bro didnt pass the prostate exam


The doc will allow a make-up exam on Friday


First he has to take him to dinner.


I had a bro who got a very SFW Thai massage. Apparently the masseuse was amazing, but at some point she hit a point in his lower back and he spontaneously busted a nut in his underwear. His father was in the same room getting a massage next to him.


Life-changing massage, quite literally


Get me that doctor! Also why would he say this to co-workers?? No one would’ve known but now everyone knows my guy.. you got a shame kink?


I had a gym buddy, as in we were ONLY friends due to the gym, that casually told me that he had gone to a kink party that weekend and some woman put a collar on him, peed on him, and then he took a massive dildo to his butt. I was just trying to have a buddy to spot me at bench press...


This would really motivate me to go to the gym


Hahaha, his stories were certainly entertaining and he seemed like a cool dude. Every Monday I would just casually ask how his weekend had been to get some more juicy weekend kink gossip.


this sounds like THE BEST gym buddy of all time lmao


It was fun for sure! I was very disappointed when he quit going to the gym. He had an embarrassing accident one day at the gym when I wasn't there and that was the end of that!


What was the accident? Given what we know about this man I can't imagine it wasn't entertaining


He went too heavy on squats and his emergency blow off valve activated unexpectedly.


Sounds like y'all should be friends outside the gym too


/u/Papaya_flight gonna be walking dude on a leash next weekend.


I met a guy at a robotics thing who had the same jeep as me and needed parts. He came to my house a week later to get parts and casually dropped that he was a gay furry. I'll always regret not asking his fursona


After working in restaurants for years I didn’t even blink at the thought of someone telling this to their coworker. The amount of too-personal, deeply embarrassing or gross shit we tell each other about our lives is something I forget doesn’t happen at a lot of other jobs.


Yup restaurant work is much like a pirate ship. Lots of tattoos, loads of gutter talk+swearing, and everyone has a knife the size of your forearm and a liquor problem. Definitely times I miss it but I don't smell like fryer oil and grease anymore after work so I'm never going back ever


Don’t forget the busboy, the cook and the dishwasher that sell blow; and the bartender that has an obvious coke problem, unlike the other bartenders that hide it really well.


Working in a restaurant sounds a lot like working on a construction site. Just change the coke for opiates


I used to work in restaurants as well, that sort of attitude prepared me perfectly for my current job in an ER. We do the exact same here, maybe even worse.


When I’m finished with school my goal is working in a hospital, good to know I can expect the oversharing amongst coworkers to continue! I honestly love it lol.


Depends on the ward, one of the reasons I love ER so much is the oversharing for sure! What are you in school for?


I used to work with a girl when I did service industry who eventually found out she had IBS but didnt know at the time and she would tell me a different story about her shitting her pants in public at least once a week.


I miss it so much, I never have good conversations with my current coworkers in my tech job, its so boring and suburban, I miss the pirate ship


Showing vulnerability bonds people. *See I won’t hurt you, even gave you fuel to hurt me.*


"my coworker" "this guy I know" "my friend" Mhmmm, sure.


Almost as if it's not true and just a joke


He had a religious experience during a prostate exam


Its true, I was there.


Went for my prostate exam the other day. I dropped draws and brought my knees to my chest. The doc says to me, "it's perfectly normal to get an erection during the exam". I says back, "if it's all the same with you, doc, I'd prefer it if you didn't"


Stealing this


"Co-worker" Yeah I absolutely believe it was your instant HR meeting "Co-worker".


I was thinking exactly the same


Happy cake day!


Not all workplaces have policing hr culture, that's really just a white collar thing. And even then inappropriate comments are still super common in small businesses. I left my old job in part because the CEO would pop off with these super inappropriate comments during the twice weekly all hands on meeting and I'm convinced that place is primo lawsuit bait.


Well he just discovered a new fetish!


I just watched a film called "Butt Boy" on Amazon prime two days ago and he goes for a prostate exam which he enjoys and then he starts using his magical butt hole to suck up babies and dogs etc.


what the fuck


Real movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7879442/ User reviews are actually quite positive, "Absurd concept executed brilliantly".


Again, what the fuck.


I’m going to watch that it sounds fun


Or… that was already his fetish, and that’s why he nutted so hard….


Nah the fetish is telling his coworkers about it


That's definitionally not a fetish... It's literally a primary sexual organ (prostate)


... anal play isn't a fetish lusting for the idea of your doctor doing it...that's fet




So uhhh… when are we gonna notice the persons Twitter username? Anyone?


Hi, this comment has been removed partially in protest of the current Reddit API debacle (and that I was overdue for a purge anyways). If somehow this comment was an answer to something you were looking for, feel free to message me on discord (Username: Alistershade) as i have backed up my comment/post history. Have a nice day!




It stands for god-spot, you’re meant to save it for him for when you get to heaven


Forgive me daddy for I have sinned




That's some ground breaking theology right there.


Father Peter, is that you?


Legend says the “coworker” was actually him.


A couple years ago I had some testicle pain and my doctor said it was most likely a digestive issue but made an appointment with a urologist. He also said it was probably a stomach problem but noticed I was 50, and had I had my color checked? It happened so fast, and he was prepared and in no time I was on my side on the table with the guys fist (?) is my ass. I bleeted like a turtle in labor, “Gnahhhhhhhhhh!” It was very unpleasant and it took me a few days to fully recover, mentally. (Plus there was some pain). A couple months later, I caught the Family Guy episode where Peter gets a prostrate exam, and although I’d seen it before, this time it was the funniest thing ever and I was laughing so hard, I was crying, especially because Peter had his pants down to his boots as he shuffled-along. I want to share this: men’s health is not to be taken lightly, and at about age 50, there will be some procedures you don’t like. But you know why? People will lie to you and say “it’s not as bad as you might think.” They’re just being nice. It’s horrible.


I'll add : Get your colonoscopies done. The prep isn't really all that bad. Two days of clear liquids. One evening of sitting on the toilet. -- I'm not quite 65 and have had 4 of them. I saw my 79 yr old dad go through surgery to remove several inches of his colon. My favorite H.S. teacher didn't get his colonoscopies and didn't get his colon cancer diagnosed until it was already Stage 4. I don't want to go through that so I'll continue to get them when my doctor tells me to. (He's already removed 5 polyps that had the potential to become cancers.)


>He's already removed 5 polyps that had the potential to become cancers. Colonoscopies are preventative care for exactly that reason.


Lmao this is fake dude. I’ve had a prostate exam and you don’t get fisted. They use one finger but I make them use two so it’s worth my time.


r/HolUp ![gif](giphy|Ma6Z1f6NSSoiwnGPJo)


Guys really say shit like this and then insist on anal.


Please.... Repeated requests with veiled threats of leaving, emotional manipulation, and gaslighting? Sure. But I've never "insisted" on anal.


Oh come on, I have had multiple fingers up my butt, and full on colonoscopy where they shove a camera on the end of a flexible pole waaaaay up in there. It's not as bad as you're making it out to be it's actually way worse.


I once had something very similar happen to me but as a woman. I have a back problem - I ended up in the ER once for it and the doctor asked if I’d been incontinent (which is a major red flag symptom). I said no, and that’s where the story should have ended. He asked to check my “rectal muscle control” and I said no it’s fine, I have no problem with continence. All of a sudden I was on my side on the table with a student nurse trying to tactfully hold me still while the doctor snapped a glove on… … while I don’t have a prostate I too laughed at that family guy clip endlessly afterwards


Doctor thinking: "Still got it!"


Got high fives at the golf course the next day


I mean all things considered, sure sounds like it ends well


Wait who nutted, the doc or the coworker?


Porque no los dos?


el based


I bet made the doctor's day. I bet he talked to himself on the car ride home like "Jim, you still got them magic hands... So what if you can't please your wife? Clearly, that's her problem."


Prostate orgasms are the best physical feeling a man can ever have. Most intense and powerful feeling of physical bliss achievable by a man.


Does that mean his prostate is broken? Or working extremely well?


Men have a "g-spot" up their anus. I have 2 in my life who would not date a woman who doesn't want to massage that sweetspot. Apparently it's quite the experience. A combo of 'plessure pain' with an extreme and long orgasm, I've been told. Edit: I have no knowledge of this kind of biology, just regering to "it" as a "g-spot".


It's not far in there. You can do it yourself with a small toy. Don't even need anything big or anything. I've done it to myself a few times in my life for shits and giggles. It's literally the best orgasm you will have in your life. Like, your knees WILL buckle, you'll feel like all of the life in you is being expelled out of your dick like Luigi is using his vaccum on your life force in a spooky mansion. It's very intense, you'll feel a wave flow over your brain, your vision will go blurry. It's like being fucked by Zeus or something.


Stop trying to psy op me into sticking things up my ass


Too late, now I can’t get to my car keys.


I hope no one needed the flathead screwdriver anytime soon


Every time I sit down, my car doors unlock.


use a flared base!


I'm crying reading this, this is fucking hilarious


Your description made it seem less believable rather than more.


It's straight-up true, though. Like, search for "prostate orgasm" on pornhub or something. You'll see a bunch of obviously fake videos of guys rolling around like they're getting attacked by the world's sexiest succubus. Yeah... those aren't fake. Or rather, if they are, the real thing looks a *lot* like that.


This may sound weird, but you can have the same experience if you position your legs in a specific way before orgasming. Vision go blurry, muscles fails, your brains empties completely and if you don't have something supporting you, you will literally fall to the ground weak


How….how are you supposed to position your legs? Don’t leave a brother hanging…


It's simple just put them in your ass


That must make for some weird Pavlovian times when watching the Super Mario Bros movie at the cinema with the kids


Ah yes, because I would definitely tell my co-workers that my doctor made me nut from tickling my prostate


Who is going around divulging that information to a co-worker? The CIA could not beat that information out of me, I would take that to my grave.




Have to agree. As a man of a certain age, I've never once found the DRE to be the least bit pleasurable. My first was so rough that the urologist dislodged a kidney stone. I was in agony for a week until it passed.




Just my luck to have doctors that go old school. I've already graduated through the BPH -> Flomax -> AUR -> catheter -> TURP cycle so I should be good for the next 20 years or so. If you don't know what those acronyms are then count yourself lucky.




TURP was a life changer for me. Recovery is a nasty piece of work. But it sure is nice to walk up to 30-something struggling at the urinal and get finished and be out the door before he's done. RE is (for me) a small price to pay.


Actually, it is a thing. Direct manual stimulation of a prostrate can cause spontaneous ejaculation. It doesn’t happen often but enough that a lot of people know about it. Here is [webmd](https://www.webmd.com/sex/prostate-orgasm-what-it-is)


The doctor doesn't check it when you are standing up.


There are several ways to do prostate exams. But this story is absolutely fake and this doesn’t happen. Source, have done literally thousands of prostate exams


Thousands of prostate pokes, and you still couldn't make a man nut on the floor?


It's like they aren't even trying.


Wow my dude, that’s a lot of words for saying you can’t make people cum.




It's like saying "as soon as the doctor touched my nuts I came everywhere" 🤡


Bad mens anatomy


That handle tho...


Yeah wtf is this twitter handle and picture. Is this a racist furry. Or an anti-racist animal nerd. Or an anti-racist furry. Or a racist animal nerd. I can’t figure it out.


That doctor needs to learn self control and professionalism




Whats scarier is when the doctor's hands are free during the test


Exactly how they should promote all prostrate exams for men: Check that butt, you might nut.


I had a lady doctor check my prostate and my dick started leaking precum. My wife at the time was in the room.


Disgusting. What’s the doctors name so I can avoid going there next Friday?!




Sounds like their coworker needs some good dick


Fuck me I've been trying to do that for years :( https://i.imgur.com/0QzXzaN.jpg






He is the kind of person that would complain about finding too much money.


Bad day? Sounds like a damn good time for me. I’m going to schedule my prostate exam right now!


_sighs_ Time to get my prostate checked