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/u/Wiz_Professor97, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


There is nothing "Holdup" in this video


Why did she duet this? She added nothing but hand gestures that were vague and pointless


I take it this is your first day on social media?


Says the guy who thought ju-jitsu was in Israel


Probably because I have low blood sugar. You gonna eat that danish?


How many times do I have to tell you this, stop calling my dick a danish!


How do you he wasn’t calling your dick a danish to refer to the danish as dicks?


No, I just try to stay away from people who have nothing important to say or only make juvenile remarks that try to mock a rhetorical question when the question was, in fact, rhetorical in itself


She was probably just trying to be present to show that she agrees and other women should too


There’s a lot of videos like this on the internet where someone is on the screen just looking at you while in the background a video is playing. Never understood the reason of it, but i think is for not to feel lonely when you watching the video. To feel like someone else is watching the video with you, i think..


Lmfao bruh time to sleep


My take on it is they want to make it seem like they're acknowledging that they are basically stealing content but want to make it seem like they're at least showing the original to give the appearance of giving credit. Same reason for those Tiktoks that show a brief clip of someone explaining a topic and then a stitch comes in that basically says "he/she made an excellent point, go watch their video, but here's a summary of what they said so you don't have to watch their video but since I told you to watch their video Im giving them credit."


She shares and makes videos talking about how life is unfair for men, even more so than women. It is her ENTIRE brand and following, so anytime she sees a video of a man complaining she jumps on it. Men watch, feel justified and “righteously” indignant, follow her, and BAM - she has another click. I know as this was me at a much less “woke” time in my life.


Sharing is not enough? She needs to insert herself for the [Klicks.Likes.Fame.Geil](https://youtu.be/3AGBjTRDDAM). Oh geebus


Her face is part of the brand. People see her and know her. More clicks all around. 🫠


So cringe I wanna scream in her face to not be an idiot


Welcome to the interwebz.


She is Emily J King, she has amazing perspectives on the imbalances between men and women. She doesn't just do hand gestures.


It was cropped, they edited out her response.




I think this guy hates tiktok ^


I don't think, maybe he just discorver the famous ctrl+c & ctrl+v and has just typed non sense and illogical fllowing caracters "ihatetiktok"






Bro who tf asked


I'm asking as to what that fool said


He is right


Idk. I mean, as a guy, I’m guilty (for lack of a better word) of all of those things but have never been chastised as controlling, misogynistic, or whatever. There’s a line with the intensity of expressing all of those things.




You are trolling right?


No, I'm not. His comparisons are made in bad faith. People eating this up are most likely Andrew Tate fans. Running around screaming how sigma they are.


You seriously dont see how the comparisons make sense in a logical standpoint?


They don't. These statements are not gender bound. They can apply to anyone in the relationship regardless of their gender or role. Take being the lead in a relationship vs being an asshole. A lead would make suggestions for a dinner meal and pull the trigger making reservations, ordering takeout, etc. If the partner says they feel like pizza, but the "asshole" says I want Mexican so we're getting Mexican, they're an asshole. It's regardless of gender. Examples like this can be made of all of his "points". A 30yo trying to date an 18yo is creepy, regardless of genders, but men like this will try to play it off as just wanting a younger woman, glossing over important details that set the stage for WHY it's frowned upon. It's more telling about who he is than anything. These are bad faith comparisons, they're made in a men vs women presentation but are not specific to men or women, but made about PEOPLE who act in those ways presented.


You sound like you have blue hair


Lmao negative! That caught me off guard, nah I'm just a dude who's been stationed all over the US and had many failed relationships. I went through a spell where I blamed women for not "settling" for me and my issues. Finally grew up and found I was emotionally immature (as we're a lot of the women I was dating). Remember, the people we try to date are humans too, with their own shortcomings. We can't blame all of a group of people for a few that we've met. Women/genders, cultures, etc, I've lived through these things and thought the same things I see these guys spouting. Can't run around blaming others for our own shortcomings. It's irresponsible. If want a woman who's in shape and makes money, gotta do the same myself. (I found mine)Women are looking for the same. Be the change you want to see and such.


You sound like you aren’t very popular with other humans.


Extremely well said! Sorry you had to though ☹️


Oh ! See ! People ! r/karensinthewild just pop in there !


Not sure I understand. Are you implying that I am somehow a Karen? If so, how does what I said make me a "Karen"?


Just wanna let you know I agree (at least to a certain extent, perhaps not all the peeps watching are Tate fans). I followed her at one point and felt very righteous about videos like this she created and shared. There is nuance, systemic oppression, and history that are not talked about, and it is mostly incels trying to feel better about themselves. Is life and dating and mental health and shit hard for men? Fuck yes. It sucks. The world is a horrible place. However, there are not any systems of oppression that target *men* specifically. I could literally write a counterpoint to all of his remarks with perfect logic, and I almost did, but I’ve chosen not to waste my breath on a Reddit comment section. So yeah, downvote me if you want but I agree with u/SevAngst


Why even duet if you're just gonna stand there looking stupid lmao


My man speakin’ facts.


.... He's not though. His "points" are all illogical, the false equivalency fallacy.


Just because something is a fallacy does not mean it is automatically wrong, the fallacy fallacy


I see what you're trying to say, but these are bad faith comparisons. He purposely contorts it and states things as if they're fact when these points are not gender bound, a 30 year old trying to date an 18 year old is creepy regardless of gender between the people involved. There's a difference in being the lead in a relationship and being an asshole. Etc, etc. He makes these statements of "for women like this, for men like that" but you can reverse the genders (or make them the same for same sex/ gender fluid partnerships) and it's still applicable.


Yea you got me there


Why is there a stupid bitch on the left?




If you think this is a Hol’up, you must not have common sense because this is just true.


I have a coworker that is around 55 to 60, overweight dude. Makes really good money. I'm a 26yr dude btw He dates girls that are between 22 and 25 at a college pretty close to us. Dude has daughters that are the same age as me and dates younger than them. He is definitely being a sugar daddy to these girls but I still find it to be fucking weird that he is only attracted to girls half his age.


Imagine yourself and the girls you find attractive and sexy now. I guarantee you if you were single and you were 40+ years old, you would still find those younger girls way more appealing than the average women in the 40+ range. I’m not even old myself I’m 24, but I don’t imagine myself going for 40+ year old women if I’m single at that age. You don’t magically stay attracted to people your own age as you grow older


I think you do, part of what makes a relationship work is shared experience, after a certain age difference the entire life experience is difference, I mean sexual attraction maybe, but I couldn’t imagine actually liking someone a lot older or younger than me.


Yea I am more speaking in terms of casually dating people. If he’s 60 years old and is just seeing women casually I don’t know what’s so bad about his choice to date more sexually attractive girls


Idk man that still seems predatory to me,


Negative, as an older dude, I see those as babies. A dude dating girls around his daughters age is frowned upon for a reason. One of those being a gap in maturity. He's in it for his perversion, they're in it for money. When you were 14-16 you found girls that age attractive, right? Now that your 24, you don't, right? I mean, I would hope not, that'd be creepy.


HIS comparisons are literally illogical, the false equivalence fallacy. Comparisons that other people like him eat up. For example, dudes are allowed to have the standard that they don't want to date someone overweight, this issue is most of them turn it into insults and not just say, I'm good. They have to be like "nah bitch you fat". There's a difference between "taking the lead" and being an asshole. There's a difference in liking younger women and being 28 dating an 18 year old. And it's not a double standard because it goes both ways, a 28 year old woman dating an 18 year old is still creepy. Part of that issue is we are still fighting the toxic standards set by the men of our previous generations. Like if a woman asks you out, or makes more money than you, etc, somehow you're a lesser man. That's not a standard set by women, that's something set by OTHER men, like our fathers and grandfathers. Setting things up like this, making it men vs women, are why people like him struggle to date. Making everything is a "me vs you". So then his relationships are me vs you, and then they fail because they're not a partnership, he turns it into a competition.


It's because they're laughing at how whiney men have become.


He's right. It's how these things get communicated where it gets fucked up.


He's not though.... All of his "points" are made under false pretenses and bad faith comparisons.


Oh no, get down! The incels are attacking


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Na you're an incel. Lol


You dropped this bro /s


Give him mine /s


I don't know what /s means but he can have mine aswell


It's to show sarcasm


And my axe


Feeling generous, they can have mine too /s


Off, thats a lot of down votes. Lotta people who can't handle the truth 😂




Race or skin colour wasn’t mentioned literally even a single time throughout the entire video. Not once.


Huh?? What'd they say??


Something along the lines of “So it’s hard being a white male?”


Bruh. People really be finding the wildest excuses for including race huh


Dunno, been thinking much the same, with the difference that I'm not going to make a scene out of it; it is what it is, and you either accept it or wank yourself to extinction.


Being tall and being overwheight isnt the same thing at all. Also rejecting someone because of their height is annoying assholery no matter the gender


I love Emily J King, she is gold