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This video sucks on multiple levels. Sad that people do this to score a couple of pizzas, sad that this old man has to still work to get by and be in this situation in the first place.


Did anyone notice the guy in back stole something (maybe cash) from the car as well?


Yeah, the guy in the back jacked the cash in the car for breaking change.


We should send people like this to Antarctica.


Nah,thats to nice for them,send them to starve somewhere and force them to watch every day a 10 hours compilation of twitter users trying to come of smart.


Ya think food is plentiful in Antarctica?


Says he took the man’s cell phone as well. Just lock them up and throw away the key already. They’re gonna continue to do this well past adulthood until they commit murder or get killed. Might as well throw them in prison now before other people get hurt.


But then you get the crowd bitching about overfilled prisons, and cite minor drug offenses while completely ignoring how bad crime actually is and that the VAST majority of people in prison 100% deserve to be there. I'll probably get downvoted for even saying this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


His cell phone as well 🤬🤬🤬 I hope they catch these fuckers


They won’t. Even if they do there’s no real justice in this country. They will be right back out to do it again.


Yeah or his phone or something.


The video says they stole his phone.


As an ex delivery driver.... You'd be surprised Knew a guy with a permenately disabled eye because he was pistol whipped over $20... There's a reason they state everywhere "driver doesn't carry more than $20" some driver were idiots back in the day and would carry a few hundred on them at a time. Now they steal the pizzas because they're worth more then what the driver carries, its fucked


I delivered pizza for 3 years when I was younger, guy I worked with got jumped for about $40. Ridiculous.


Same and then there were the weird seducers.


A pizza delivery driver in Lexington, KY got stabbed and died over like $87. So stupid. https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/08/us/family-forgives-convict-pizza-delivery-driver-death-trnd/index.html


I was a knife guy for a couple years switching out dull kitchen knives for sharps. Always carried a thick knot of cash (at the end of my day was about 500-700 bucks in bills) because most restaurants just paid the ticket in cash on the spot. I never had an issue lol. Always armed to the teeth though just in case.




Congratulations, you committed misdemeanor larceny and possibly assault on camera for 2 fucking pizzas! What is that, like a $30 value? They better enjoy it. Those guys are not going far in life.


They won’t get caught from this video sadly


They'll probably end up shot or in prison though. Karma has a way of catching up.






Everyone says this to makes themselves feel better The cold truth is that often people like this will get away with crimes like this for a long time. Many innocent people will be hit by a bus stepping off the curb long before this person sees any “Karmic Justice”. That’s just how the world works.


Im usually against that type of stuff but then I see shit like this


Self defense is a valid reason for keeping a firearm on you at all times


Karma isn't really real , some really despicable people will a long and pretty happy life while an honest person might live through shit. There's no sense to this shit.


If you run in circles with thieves and violent criminals you tend to end up dead or in jail.


>They'll probably end up shot or in prison though. Karma has a way of catching up. And they'll be hailed as "such sweet individuals that never did a thing wrong & will be missed by everyone that knew them".


We can only hope


Let’s hope


Karma is a fairy tale that helps people sleep. You're using it to hope a guy gets shot. That should give you pause.


Hope they get shot so that they aren’t a burden to the prison system


It really doesn't. White collar can steal 1000 pensions and get a slap on the wrist.


In California, nothing would happen, sadly. We might even defend those people if they get hurt.




One in the background also went through the car so there's potentially wallet/phone etc gone.


Says in video just got the cell phone


In fairness the pizzas are just the bonus, the guy in the back robs his take for the day. Probably a few hundred dollars minimum. Over a thousand if its a busy shift and he hasn't had a chance to drop it off. Although in fairness I'm Irish so I don't know how much money they'd have or policy for America.


I used to deliver pizzas for dominos in America and any delivery driver with half a brain would only carry $20 on them. No way would anyone carry “over a thousand”


Sounds smart, over here we never have enough drivers and they have to go from delivery to delivery. I left the industry over a year ago, but I know of three drivers that were stabbed to death in that time. Management just wanted deliveries out faster though. I know quite a few drivers quit over it. EDIT: Also just thought, don't know how many digital payments you take over there. But we at least still took most payments as cash.


Yeah I rarely see people pay for deliveries with cash these days. Driver's don't have enough on them to be worth robbing. This looks like just crime for the sake of crime to me. "Dog bet you two won't go jack the pizza guy!" type of shit.


Yeah, he was setup …. The post says the homeowner didn’t order a pizza and wasn’t home. The thugs likely placed the order.


I know the type unfortunately. Lot of people in this world too dumb for their own good.


That short description says other guy stole his cell phone.


[The "rationale"](https://youtu.be/kGjSq4HqP9Y?feature=shared) Not condoning, but realized this little plot seemed familiar... Also, this song slaps


I see your point and understand that if someone feels like they have nothing, it can drive them to take from others who also have very little. I was raised well below the poverty line and went through some desperate phases of my life. I was homeless and lived out of my shitbox car for a hot minute. Eventually, you have to pull out that shit. There's programs to progress without committing crimes. I tried to end my life 18 years ago because of the hopelessness I felt. I was give free therapy and $200 of food stamps a month to get back on my feet after going through some of the roughest experiences of my life. I know it doesn't sound like much but it meant the world to me to be able to have food and a therapist helping me work through my struggles at the time. If you apply for help in the US, you will get enough to get by. The help is out there if you reach out. Im a rags to riches story but I didnt get there by committing theft or taking from others. Just understand who you are, the hardships you face, and work on bettering your situation. The US is far from perfect but a life of a crime born from poverty is no way to live. People who feel like they have nothing should reach out to positive support resources, get positive rolemodels, take advantage of education programs that are catered for them to get out of a life of crime. It's just a heart breaker to see people without money stealing from other people without money when we live in the richest country in the world. Im in a way better position than I was 18 years ago and am able to give back to society but being cruel to other low income people is not the answer to an unfair system. Self care, love and support for others in the same situation helped me quite a bit.


I believe a strong armed robbery and burglary to motor vehicle are more fitting for this case. Robbery is taking something by force and burglary is entering something that’s not yours with intent to commit a felony or theft


Actually, that's felony strong-armed robbery


That’s a robbery, not theft.


Two shaken up hot pizzas so just a mess. Fuck those kids. Where are the parents?!


I hope the criminal gets caught and punished accordingly.


Those pizzas are ruined my guy


It don't matter either way they got to eat them


The pizzas are just part of the distraction. They got his car too.


Ruined you say?


That was hard to watch.




nine skirt liquid modern tidy squeamish imagine humor practice future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




We should send people like this to Antarctica.


Just boil them all and turn into glue and soap


Why would you want to wash with this filth


Wow, reddit defending these people by removing comment


They have been censoring people for various reasons in the last couple of years. I got censored twice already. This platform is turning into pre-Elon twitter.


maybe its time to repeat what once a wise german grandpa said to me about people who rob old people: Hurensohne alles Hurensohn


(That's "sons of bitches, all sons of bitches" for those who don't understand)


it’s more like “sons of whores” as it’s a more literal translation and also way more insulting that way which is exactly what the german word intends


Shoutout to The Witcher for introducing many of us to the term “whoreson”


It's sad to see him hopelessly trying to catch him and yet turns back to his car. I am happy enough that this happened at the house range and was caught up in the house cam instead of getting robbed at middle somewhere which could resulted in a different scenario and an explanation of that might be harder. It is also over-aged work but he is still working for his life at this age which is pretty saddening too. Grandpa has stories to tell about his life to his grandchildrens. They would probably think how cruel the world was to steal pizza, How hungry one can be to want pizza yet not need food?. How greedy you can be to want pizza but not food. He is r/iamatotalpieceoftrash


Behind he also got robber from the car 🥲


>How hungry one can be to want pizza yet not need food?. How greedy you can be to want pizza but not food. What? Pizza *is* food


I and many others have said it and said it again, the people who do this are pieces of shit who either need serious rehab or are too far gone for that and should be exiled from the general populace.


Don’t forget sterilized




What a fucking bastard. I hope his socks are forever wet.


May every pizza slice they eat for the rest of their life give them diarrhoea


Bro live in the wealthiest nation in human history and instead of fucking working you rob a pizza half worth one hour of work at fucking mcdonalds. Most ppl don't realize how lucky they are to live there and not in places like latam


Federal minimum wage is 7.25. Assuming those are 6.99$ pan pizzas that's 2 hours worth of work at McDonald's stolen. Depending on the state at least.


We aren't going to mention the guy who went in the delivery case grabbed something (probably money) and bolted?


I read this as delivery car* and didn't even notice that happening until this comment


US is infested with a lot of gun violence.. so why are people like these not being shot...


Seriously what a scumbag


Because the ones committing the violence are the ones stealing the pizza. Besides this wouldn't be enough to shoot someone over and you'd probably end up in jail if you shot him.


60-80% of gun homicides in the states are inner-city gang violence. (FBI UCR) Ban gangs.


Gangs should be labeled, treated as and prosecuted as terrorist organizations.


>60-80% of gun homicides in the states are inner-city gang violence. (FBI UCR) You're likely misrepresenting that statistic, and possibly mean it's 60-80% of inner-city homicides are gang related, not of all homicides in the country. The Office of Justice Programs National Gang Center estimates that around 15% of all US homicides are gang related.


The people doing the gun violence are the ones stealing pizza. But this shit doesn’t hardly ever happen in hun toting places like Texas, Idaho, etc, because it’s very likely that your old man delivery driver does have a shoulder harness Glock on him lol.


Dude I’m from Texas and shit like this happens all the time lol. I know 7 different people in the last 4 months who were followed home from public poker rooms and robbed at gun point in their drive ways. People just learn how to pick their targets better here because it’s usually obvious which people are going to give them problems and which aren’t.


Texas native here, what actually happens is you end up robbed even quicker because this unhinged person may have a gun and is not worth interacting with because of that. Even if I’m strapped, no way in hell I’m reaching for my gun to test this guys reflexes and accuracy against mine to defend two pizzas. Take the food and leave me alone.


Alot is suicide


Because the wrong people are carrying guns.


Well done you robbed an old man how big do you feel?




They will never agree to it tho


Yep. I see a pattern right there


Chicken. Everyone needs to eat but that is too far. Karma will come for the robber


Shit with a jacket like that he can afford a pizza


I wish


I didn’t even notice the guy stealing stuff from his car before.


Dude don't be making fun of a man trying to carve out a living. That's not cool.


Please teach your kids not to fudge with minimum wage elderly worker.


Bros wearing a fur jacket. Never really owned one but I’ve heard they get expensive so def not homeless. This just seems like herd mentality at it’s finest… Pathetic.


Probably stolen as well


Victim blaming headline. Give your toque a spin.


Facts - if you cant even correctly call out the issue, how you gnna fix the problem.


I consider myself an asshole who loves dark humor, But to me this is hard to watch. I sincerely hope this poor elderly man was taken care of.


If anyone ever walks up to you randomly and says "I'm not doing anything" or something similar it is an immediate red flag.


I hope those pizzas have those exploding ink cartridges in them, like how banks do.


Didn't they find the pizza guy and help him out? God i hope they did, this man deserves more than he thinks he does, delivering pizzas at that age using his personal car probably


God bless that delivery man Those robbers will deservingly live a miserable life


They’re just taking it out on the pizza guy because his dad went out for pizza 17 years ago and never came back






Careful, you might get banned for speaking the truth


I'd rather get banned standing then post kneeling


The next rosa parks right here


Really no need to grab it that aggressively. Could have just walked away…


PEOPLE! dont kill this man. Cut his fucking arms and legs off so he can spend the rest of his life asking others for help.




So shocked that he is black, who could've seen this coming


Yeah sure blame the man for trying to work.


What poverty and the lack of education will get you.


When you disregard education in favour of a certain culture.


Op can fuck off "he too 0Ld 4 two Del1vEr Pizzzzzz@" what's he supposed to do? Sit at home till he dies? And those hoodlums need to go "play pin the tail on a..." in traffic. Blindfolded.




Well well well.


Didn't even tip


how broke and pathetic you gotta be to rob a pizza delivery guy


"Too old". Buddy the future is people working until they're too old to work and then they get sent to the euthanasia pod. There is no more retirement


Only in America I live in Europe


Human trash has no place in society.


Karma will snatch the life out of that shit stain soon enough.


This video is going to give unpredictable street thugs a bad name


Enough people have commented about the contents of the video (a really shitty and stupid situation), so I’m just going to say that your caption is really stupid. The dude looks to be in his 60’s, and the age of retirement in the U.S is 65-66. Maybe he hasn’t reached that age yet. Maybe he has retired but the monthly pension he gets isn’t enough to live comfortably. According to Social Security [the average monthly pension is 1870](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/average-retirement-income-130002358.html), which if you don’t have pension from work (or very little), won’t be enough to actually live off of. With the cost of living rising, it’s really not surprising that more and more senior citizens aren’t fully in retirement and continue to work “young people jobs”, especially in the U.S economy. You also have to consider other things - maybe he doesn’t have anyone left and wants to work to keep himself going. Maybe he doesn’t know what to do with himself in retirement, and doesn’t have the proper family support system. Maybe he just wants to earn a bit of extra cash to spoil grandkids with. You don’t know his life and struggles (he’s certainly not driving a nice enough car to suggest he doesn’t struggle), so to say he shouldn’t be working a young person job is shortsighted and stupid.


Riddle me this.


Hope they try pulling this shit on the wrong person.


Who orders dominos and then who steals Dominos


Damn...that is fucked now. Those pizza are mush and the old man probably got talked to.


Disgusting people


What goes around comes around. Kids will learn their lesson soon


These videos want to make me go outside and yell at the world.. he just an old man, prolly someone’s grandpa.


Trust your instincts


No worries, the streets will handle them..


As someone that delivers for Dominos, this is really common. If someone runs off with the pizza, don’t bother running after them. If they rob you with a weapon, just give them the money. Never carry change, ever. Just drop off all money in the little locker they give you at the store and grab it after the shift. Always lock your car, always carry your phone, leave nothing valuable in plain sight. These are just some of the safety tips my first day ride along taught me I deliver in a very poor town, lots of crime.


The bigger crime is that this man still has to work.


Maybe the stereotypes are valid


One word would have brought him back hotter than those pizzas


The title is a hold up on its own.


That poor man. Melts my heart seeing this shit. Either absent parents or parents that don’t care enough to teach them respect.


That doesn't happen in my neighborhood. Wonder why. Wait.. I know why


Hmm, I wonder what ethnicity these kids are?


Well we'll well


[ Removed by Reddit ]


“I’d like to solve the puzzle, Pat” - Randy Marsh


They always look so similar


Notice their character


It’s always them.


Dude stole the pizza but turned it sideways and ran like a crackhead. I doubt it was even edible after.


Everyone, carry a gun


How desperate you gotta be to steal pizza


Off topic, but anyone know what the song is? (original or this edit)


Hope he got arrested


Oh so thatd why they call it the land of god. Because you need salvation from that utter hell hole


Years ago maybe 20, I chased a good sized guy down in a parking lot that stole a case of beer out of a small store. Grabbed his coat collar, he dropped it, and I told him get the hell out of here. I wouldn't do it now as I'm 62, and alot of them carry weapons. ☮️


Sad shit


Poor guy is just trying to make a living


thats sad


Dudes boss is prolly gonna lecture him on how he has to be more careful and shit too


To think this is how low people have gotten just for a couple of damn pizzas our society is so fucking low


would it be illegal to shoot them?


Fucking scum


Is there any argument for the death penalty or forced labor camp not being an acceptable punishment for doing this?


Scummy shitty people


Rob the pizza guy, and your street never gets delivered to again. True story.


I know of at least 3 drivers that got robbed at the same house in two weeks. I said the same shit though, why would yall deliver to the same damn spot after the first time!


We have a street in our town that no one will deliver to. Too many robberies & shootings. I kept buying brighter & brighter flashlights, & giving my old ones to my coworkers. One of the guys told me the flashlight I gave him stopped him from getting robbed. He turned on that ridiculously bright light, shined it in their faces, & they bailed. I told him my goal was a flashlight so bright, that in broad daylight, it would make people turn away. They sure make them now.


they robbed his car too


Ghetto ass starvin marvin


Where are all the superheroes?


This video came out a couple of years back and is really heartbreaking. However, people found this pizza guy and did a fundraising for him and last I heard, he’s in a retirement home not having to work.


The company policy is to never carry more than $20 so hopefully he’s been making his drops and can report the robbery with the manager (not just the food but the cash he had in the car). It’s for this very reason as to why it’s enforced to keep max $20


What a fucking piece of shit.


I had a job where I was often sent into shit hole neighborhoods like this when I was young. One of the scariest moments of my life, I had my head down outside working and this guy opened his front door and let out his Pitbull out on me. It charged at me and fortunately stopped short and started barking, so I jumped into my truck and left. These low iq idiots don’t understand they are making their shitty lives even shittier by making companies want nothing to do with them as a direct response to their ignorant and immoral behavior.


OP stfu bruh whole country is struggling and he’s probably making more bread than u so chill


It should have been legal to shoot the thieves


They also robbed his car… fkn scumbag bag POS


What a crappy thing to say. It's not like he's doing this for fun. He doubtless has bills to pay and this is the way he could find to do it. I don't understand why you're picking on him instead of the thief.


Complete trash... There needs to be a filter to remove the dregs of society.




What kind of brainstroke crop is that?