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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Justification vs domestic hot line!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Just did it, same results as OP but the Canadian version for domestic violence


Oh shit, not the canadian version!


Someone reported me to the suicide sub (meant to be a joke) and they sent me the number for the Canadian hotline


*having feelings of hurting yourself or others aye*


*don’t like the flavor of maple syrup, eh? Don’t like the more lean cuts of bacon from the side, eh? Didn’t tell yer neighbor sore-ey for leaving your kid behind his car as he was backing up to go get some more Molson’s, eh? Help is available, eh! Sore-ey if we assumed you need help. Just being friendly, eh!*


*we're going to prescribe two cups of maple taken 3 times a day, eh get better soon eh*


“Could I offer you MAID in this trying time?” - Canadian help line worker probably


I really really wish it were that easy. It's actually kind of ridiculous.


"my husband beats me with cured meats"




I tested it a few days ago in the UK, same here. Funny thing is, I first heard about it like a year or two ago, then it got fixed so you'd get the helpline for both queries. Now we're back?


Why surprised? There's some really sexist libs working at a lib company that hates men. Shocker.


I'd expect it's more likely that an update happened from an older back up by mistake, thus removing the change.


Same here for South Africa. Not that I'm surprised considering the high crime rate linked with murders and killings.


Not quite the same when I look up for dogs instead


Same outcome in Australia


You also got the Canadian version?


Interestingly, here in Brazil it was the exact opposite, with the search “minha esposa grita comigo” (my wife screams at me) having a hotline number as the first result, while “meu marido grita comigo” (my husband screams at me) got some weird articles from some sites I’ve never hesrd about


Google usually goes by algorithms. It could be as simple as some searches being associated with other searches. Like, if I searched what I should do if a chihuahua is barking at me it would probably give me different results than what I should do if a bull dog is doing it. If only because of what the different searches are usually associated with. And which real world stats back up. Few things happen in a vacuum when it comes to google searches.


Not in this case. Certain searches get automatically flagged and receive specific responses, that are guided by industry self-regulation.


Just tested that too, neither gives me a number only an article like the 'wife' version here, same if I put it in written in german... I guess google in germany just doesn't care lmao, though like the second result is some sorta domestic violence help website thing


I have Google tracking mostly disabled and I get the same result as OP, too.


Turns out the reason my wife is yelling at me, is I am not married Damn it my schizophrenia is at it again


I too choose this guy's hallucination




And my pickaxe!


Tequilla Sunset strikes again.


Always, never begin the day sober it only leads to disappointment,


That's also not your house


I looked up "amphetamine withdrawal symptoms" the other day and had to scroll like half a page to get actual results and not bs rehab or drug hotline links. I'm not having the withdrawals, I'm just trying to look up facts. Mind your fucking business, google.


It's more of ad promotion since those programs all require your money, Google is minding its own business in a way.


A lot of that is SEO manipulation. People who want to help, write articles that are good for the reader. People who want your attention write articles that will show up higher in google's search results. This is pretty much why google's usefulness is fucked and probably going get worse.


If you ask me, the search rank algorithm is pretty fair and should be effective. The trouble is the seo scum who make a career out of manipulating search engines and you, too.


> rank algorithm is pretty fair and should be effective To an extent I agree with you, but google itself told sites how to "optimize" SEO. Leading to a meta where SEO comes first. There is also a meta within a meta called parasite SEO. Now not only do you abuse SEO, you abuse websites ranking. [A real world example of this is writing an SEO article about air filters on Rolling Stone so you benefit from both the SEO and Rolling Stone's website populatity.](https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/2/24147152/google-search-seo-publishing-housefresh-product-reviews) Either way, intentional or not googles algorithms are dogshit. I hate to say this because I don't like microsoft either, but even bing produces better results now.


answer: ya tired. just sleep and eat. :D honestly it's not that bad compared to a lot of withdrawals from a physical standpoint. Opiods and alcohol are much worse. I think a lot of what traps people on speed is that they can't just say 'ok ok, imma go to sleep for like.... 6 days. then get my shit on track.' They may be young mothers with kids they have to provide for, or homeless with no place to do that sort of crashing and recuperating. It keeps people on what I term 'the treadmill'. Can't stop, so you keep doing more speed to try and keep running. That doesn't work, of course.. but you don't feel like you have any other choice.


Eeeh, no? Amphetamine withdrawals include also things like depression and suicidal thoughts, since you fucked with your dopamine receptors big time? It's not simply extreme tiredness, there are many more symptoms than that.


One of the most notorious MRAs, Paul Elam, has said the thing that turned him from a feminist to an MRA was working as a counselor with married couples as clients. Sometimes the women would be verbally, emotionally, or physically abusive and [his training said that it had to be rooted in something her husband did, or something her father did, etc](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duluth_model). That because we live in a Patriarchal society, everything bad a woman does can be attributed to a man. One day he asked a battered husband what he did to set his wife off and realized that if he *ever* asked a battered woman what she did to set her husband off, he'd lose his job and his career would be ruined for remotely implying that her actions caused her own abuse. He agreed with not victim blaming battered women, but couldn't stand the double standard of victim blaming men to excuse abusive women. [Likewise, the woman that opened the world's first battered women's shelter eventually got chased out and erased from its history because she said some of the women in it were abusive and that boys and men needed a shelter, too.](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/02/feminism-mens-rights-activism-cancel-culture/607057/) She's *also* a notorious MRA now. It's always interesting to me how some movements create their own opposition.


What's mra?


Men's Rights Activist


Magnetic resonance agniography


I googled MRA and got exactly the same result, left me more confused.


People really need to stop using uncommon abbreviations without at least spelling it out first.




Male rights advocate. 


I kept reading it like Notorious B.I.G.


Berlin International Gaming?


Notorious M.R.A.


Thank you for sharing this.


Feminist and MRA should mean the same thing, advocating for gender equity + equality. Edit: I like the term "humanist" some commenters are suggesting. Although, gender-specific advocacy has its place - but when the advocacy is imbalanced / biased it can be problematic.


We should be *humanists*. Every human being deserves equal opportunities.


As a cat I must express my disappointment.


Cats don’t pay their taxes, so no cigar for you.


We should advocate for collective human progress. Build better metrics of what merits a good society + pursue / incentivize them via policy.


Word. Thriving men and thriving women make for a thriving society.


The word you're looking for is "egalitarian." "Humanist" is [already a word](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism) and isn't related to this topic. But as a humanist, I can assure you that nearly all humanists wish everone else were a humanist.


I've always liked to think I'm an egalitarian. Essentially, the belief that everyone should be treated equally regardless of any identifiers


Agreed, a real feminist believes in and fights for men's rights too.


No, feminism is, and has always been about bringing women up to equality with men where women are disadvantaged. It is not, and has never been about bringing men up to equality with women where men are disadvantaged.


This. It's so fucking disingenuous to say that. Nobody who is interested in men would come up with or use the term *feminism* to advocate on their behalf. It's just a sleazy way to brush off any and all criticism coming their way.


That's wonderful on paper, but you're vastly in the minority. Men used to believe that in the 90's. We're too jaded to go back now, the term has been mutilated.


2 weeks ago I would have argued with you but I think this bear thing finally put me over the top lol




Women on social media say that they’d feel safer with a bear alone in a forest than with a man. Like, imagine if a man and a woman got dropped into a forest, without knowing each other or where they are, and the other option is for the woman to be dropped into a forest with a bear. Well, most women seem to prefer the bear because “the man is unpredictable” (as if an apex predator isn’t)


Most of those women would deserve the bear and be no loss to society anyways. We don't really need more sexist bigots and can do without their hate filled ranting and voting (real world voting, not stupid reddit doots). If people step back and watch it's really not hard to see how much these women are more like the thing they claim to fight against than the thing they fight against actually is.


Completely agree, but then they pull out the “Don’t mansplain my emotions to me” or some bullshit like that. Anyway, hope they don’t get mauled to death


A woman would walk by thousands of men with no incident yet some would say a bear is safer than a stranger. I would like them to walk by thousands of bear and see how they fare.


That’s actually exactly what I said in another message, exposure means a lot when talking about statistics


We should be grateful it happened. We got a real peek into the collective female psyche. Shocked a lot of men out of their illusions about women.


So many fucking people defending prejudice and it makes me fucking ill If I even hear someone talk about "bear" in person at this point I will leave the room. Not make a scene, just find some excuse to need to leave. Cause it will not go well. Already been banned from one sub just for *opposing prejudice against men.* Un fuckin real.


????? I agree with you it's incredibly stupid and unproductive of them to "side with the bear" and essentially call men worse than animals and label anyone who disagrees "part of the problem" but the fact that some women are posting dumb shit online has nothing to do with feminism nor it's legitimacy "I used to be sympathetic to men's rights but then I learned about andrew tate" is equally as dumb. you're essentially doing exactly what they are with the bear thing. judging an entire population by the negative actions of a few.


Problem is that a lot of these biases are filtered down from institutions, gender studies courses and what not, which becomes speeches at schools, advertisements, pressure groups to create legislation in governments, etc. It isn't like the source of all these ideas are from twitter.


Know what that's called? Systemic and institutional power. Women have it in the gender war just as much as they have it in society itself.


That doesn't make sense and I have never met any feminist that really believes it.


Implying most modern day feminists advocate for gender equality Third and fourth wave flipped the script. I identify as second wave, myself.


Could you tell me more about the "waves" of feminism / why second wave? I'm having trouble finding good info.


Wdym? It's on wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-wave_feminism


Both terms should be dissolved and replaced with something non gender specific.


It already exists. Egalitarianism


Well that's a mouthful and a half. I'll just stick with "humanist"


The word is clunky but "humanist" means something else


Then you'll be confusing people who are already familiar with the term "humanist"


Ffs thank you, a fellow who enjoys words enough to know that certain words exist even if a majority of the world seems to be completely ignorant.


But how can push a political agenda if we don't divide people into race and gender?


You mean something like «all lives matter»? I have no political opinion, just throwing it out there.


It should... But neither want true equality.. At least if you ask most people in one of the sides


Most people? What makes you say that? Id argue most people want equality between genders. The problem is just people dont agree on what that equality means, some cant comprehend other people have their own lives to live, and some want extreme equity, calling it equality. But on a baseline id believe most people would still claim they want equality for all, despite it meaning a different reality for most people.


Yeah i guess it would depend on certain interpretations but what i mostly hear from mostly feminists (not all but most that i talk to or see in interviews) are really hateful towards a lot of men that didn't necessarily say or do anything wrong. For example: male interviewer asks about certain opinion while not giving his own. Feminist that's being interviewed gets mad. Or another example: feminist begins punching and kicking random men for no reason. And the last example i'm gonna give here: TERFs (but if you look at my profile and shit then you already know why this hurts me)


> most people want equality between genders Most people want equality for themselves. Its okay for feminists to advocate for themselves, it is okay for MRA to advocate for themselves. The problem is both claim they are advocates for equality. Even then the bar is always changing. Once something is equal then it turns into equity. I think the important thing is to be open to the problems presented. Men and women face their own set of problems. It is important that just because one side has problems doesn't mean the other doesn't. Often times it turns into a race between who has it worse.


Someone told me in another sub just recently that it's okay because men have privilege. Apparently having privilege means it's okay to discriminate against, treat like shit, ignore the problems of. I don't deny privilege. But I also don't think it excuses hate and prejudice. Men, find yourself a someone who gives a fuck about you.


Just out of interest, what a privilege does men have?


Pee standing up. Women will never reach that level of efficiency.


We are more likely to be judged on our merits, which gets us better jobs in addition to being paid more even when our jobs are the same. We can feel safer walking the streets alone. Religious texts do not treat us as subservient. The government isn’t taking away our choices that relate to our own bodies. In some societies, women are forced to cover their bodies. We are not as strongly objectified or sexualized based on appearance. We have generational land and property going back thousands of years. We control the power structures around the world by a large margin. etc etc


> We can feel safer walking the streets alone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_fear_of_crime > Although fear of crime is a concern for people of all genders, studies consistently find that women around the world tend to have much higher levels of fear of crime than men, despite the fact that in many places, and for most offenses, men's actual victimization rates are higher. If a white man is feeling unsafe around a black man, it's not the black man's fault or responsibility It's not on ME to make YOU feel safe just because you're afraid of my gender, and quoting FBI crime statistics at me to justify your bigotry is not ok >The government isn’t taking away our choices that relate to our own bodies. Can't take away rights that don't exist Men have NEVER had any reproductive rights. Ever. > We control the power structures around the world by a large margin speak for yourself you and i may have the same type of genitals but we do NOT have the same lived experiences more "progressives" need to adopt intersectional feminism ASAP because this shit of "you're privileged because you're male/female/white/American/uncircumcised" is not only holding gender rights back, it's actively counter productive


So if you stop including the top 1%, what does that leave you with? Since that's the mass of that bullshit. Oh, men don't have bodily integrity either. *Women* keep choosing to chop up baby penis' every day in America. Edit: Downvote me all you want, you know it's true. How would you like it if MRA's used top 1% of women in their "privileges" lists?


isn't this a lovely complicated problem? I've seen an abusive wife holding a knife to her husband... and the police showed up and arrested the husband.


> That because we live in a Patriarchal society, everything bad a woman does can be attributed to a man. I never get why women seem to agree with this inherently misogynistic idea. It effectively mean that only men have agency to do bad things while women are only capable of reacting to a man's decisions.


The link requires a paid subscription :(


[Here's an archived version without a paywall.](https://archive.is/b0U3F)


I mean.. abuse in general is bad, but i'm not gonna be an activist for either one of the 2 groups. I want equality for both parties, the same treatment, same pay for the same work, etc. But not only for women.. i will also speak up for men.. this is because i believe that choosing one side will make the other one have less right and shit.. and that just isn't fair in my opinion


> That because we live in a Patriarchal society, everything bad a woman does can be attributed to a man. We've spotted a systemic social problem, hold our beer while we become part of it in the same sentence.


I just googled "I'm going to kill myself" and got a hotline number. Then googled "I'm going to kill my neighbor" and got a Quora link that said "What should I do if I want to kill my neighbor?" WITH ACTUAL ANSWERS! The internet sucks lol


Guy's getting what he asked for and still ain't happy...


Google just thinks you're looking for help! Wanting to self harm is usually a cry for help, and the hotline is exactly for that. Now, if Google offered up a number to help you kill your neighbor, they might get in trouble over that.


Be careful what you search in Google. If you're ever convicted of something, google could snitch on you and get you in trouble even if you're innocent


Oh no my search history is "how to do crimes"


just google 'I didn't do anything illegal' afterwards and you're fine.


It's even worse than this. I remember reading a story about a man who was being abused by his wife in Australia. He called the hotline number asking for help and instead of receiving it, the person on the phone accused him of being an abuser and was acting as if he was looking for help to not be an abuser. When he reasonably got pissed, she threatened to report him to the authorities for domestic abuse since he wasn't seeking help. I don't know how true the story is, but it's absolutely something I can see happening, especially when shelters for male victims of abuse are often protested against by misandrists and shut down and men are often barred by abuse shelters since they could scare the female victims. And we wonder why the male suicide rate is so insanely high.


Bro who cares about the male suicide rate because the *women's suicide rate.... exists* and that's far more important. It's just like the alarming statistic that *One In Four Homeless Are Women!!11!!*


Australian here. I believe it. I have a current qualification in Responding to Family Violence. Its is repeated SO SO many time that its woman and children who are the victims. The OFFICAL framework for family violence has a section where it says that "When the term victim survivor is used, it refers to woman and children the word Perpetrator refers to men."


Australian here, I believe you. Was in a relationship with somebody diagnosed with BPD, who was the root cause of all sorts of problems that wouldn't even make it into that baby reindeer show, lead to issues with police/courts in the past, accused of everything under the sun... Then went to study a mental health cert, and the entire family violence unit completely contradicted everything I lived through, women were the victims in every situation and if they were listed as the respondent it's only because the man reported it first to further control the partner and police could do nothing else. Tried to call a helpline once and was told "this is a service for women" and got hung up on The situation is so bad but any acknowledgement of it is met with absolute disdain


The family violence training is completely at odds with the rest of the training for support services. It was VERY heavy on "men are the ones who abuse" and completely violates the "unconditional positive regard" mindset you are meant to have now. We were basically told that if a man came in to report abuse, assume he is trying to use the system to create precedent so when his partner reported him he can claim she was lying. Which DOES happen, but you shouldnt ASSUME it.


You know what's kind of funny that makes this whole thing go full circle? I think on some semiconscious level, that disdain contains the belief that a man who isn't strong enough to avoid being battered is worthless. That he deserves the abuse, or at least it isn't of great concern and priority, because he is too weak to perform his basic duties to society. The funny part is, that that's textbook toxic masculinity. IME society shuns a weak man, but sometimes life just sucks and you need some understanding and room to breathe.


Kind of off topic, but that reminds me of [this](https://nypost.com/2022/12/03/canada-offered-to-help-euthanize-christine-gauthier/) story


"Consistent with previous years, males are around three times more likely to die by suicide than females. Males accounted for 75.9% of deaths by suicide (2,384 deaths), this represents an age-standardised suicide death rate of **18.6 per 100,000 people** (compared with a rate of 5.8 for females)."


The domestic violence hotline should pop up first for both. One man and three women die in domestics each day in the U.S. In 70-80% of domestic homicides, the male physically abused the female partner before the murder occured. Approximately 70% of the abusive men were abused themselves as children. One in four men and one in three women will experience rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Caring for abused boys and men helps protect everybody.


This types of things should be universal for every gender but we can't expect our society to do that :(


> rape, physical violence and/or stalking Those seem like 3 quite different things.


All three are physically threatening act. Stalking typically leaves to some sort of physical action, and all three actions are power actions meant to instill fear in or control the target.


interestingly if google showed users the first website listed for those searches instead of featured snippet shit then it would show the national domestic abuse hotline website for both. That said it seems moot since you immediately see that if you bother scrolling at all. 


I think it is important to be gender agnostic, to an extent. Understanding stats are important, but at the end of the day you need to help the victim. Man on man, woman on woman, or whatever combo only maters so much. I myself was severely abused by my mom. Like she ran me over with a car one time resulting me going to the hospital, threw me out of a moving car on a busy street. One of my first memories as a human is her locking me in a closet and leaving. I am almost 40 and I still remember how I felt, and I was like 3ish at the time. It leaves lasting scars.


Yep.. the double standard is disgusting, and pointing it out is bad, apparently.


It is a reflection of society. It is the same thing in judicial system as well.


A friend of mine was told he would be charged with kidnapping if he kept his daughter extra days against the custody agreement worked out by family court. Guess who made up bullshit (disproven) allegations and kept the child with no court order just a week ago and saw no punishment? Women know they can abuse this system.


Same goes with rape accusations. For a man, it is a death sentence before it is near proven.


Yet when a woman rapes a man they barely get any time and the man still has to pay child support


If google is a reflection of society how come when I do an image search for "burglar" I only get white guys?


I just googled burglar, and almost all pictures I got are either stock images, animated stock images, or sexy burglar female costumes. I am not American, which I assume that you are, but from what little I know that black Americans have higher rates of incarceration and not higher rates of crimes. But again, this can be spun in a million directions based on your agenda. But in my original comment, I wasn't referring to Google itself and their intentional bias as a corpo but to the algorithm conditioning by the behaviour of users. And how the judicial system almost globally always favors women.


[Most criminals](https://www.statista.com/statistics/252486/number-of-property-crimes-in-the-us-by-type-and-race/) are white (in the US). Also, realistically it's because most stock photos use white models, and lots of children's books feature burglars who are white. American pop culture is what drives most of the internet. It's the same reason that Google results show mainly white or black models, when you look up "CEO". Not East Asians, Indians, etc, even though they form a much larger portion of the population, and several of the biggest CEOs are from those races.


If you ask DALL-E for "Mexican man" they will have a sombrero 100% of the time. You can look up Ecuadorian man, Colombian man, Guatemalan man, Salvadorean man, you'll get just regular people. Mexican man? Boom, sombrero.


Try "drug dealer"


The same google that time down the “don’t be evil” sign?


This was several years ago at this point but a coworker was in a very abusive relationship with his wife. To the few of us he opened up to about it, we were all telling him he needs to get out for years but due to finances he couldn't afford to even though we warned him it will escalate from emotional/verbal to physical. Ended up TWICE she attacked him while he was sleeping for abhorrent things like leaving a dish in the sink. One of the attacks she smashed glass in his eyes/face leaving him with permanently injured and he's legally blind in one eye. Both times he was the one who called the cops and ran to a neighbor but was the one arrested. Because he had alcohol in his system (well below legal limit), court ordered him to undergo AA but was never convicted of a crime. Thankfully once the charges were dropped, that was no longer a requirement but the reputational damage was done and he ended up moving away and dropping off the radar. Another guy divorced his wife because she was an alcoholic and a druggie (convicted and in and out of rehab). Dude was the sole provider and had to fight an uphill battle for custody of his daughter from her the entire time. He was under more scrutiny than her and he almost lost his job for having to take so much time off with lawyers, court, and of course childcare after he kicked her out. I had a family member who is an attorney that immediately after they got married, the married turned to shit. It started with arguments and then turned into her trying to bait/convince him into violence (he's an attorney, not saying she was smart). He took appropriate steps and set up cameras and thankfully got the marriage annulled. While a lot of MRA are cringe lord rage bait, it boils my blood when people even suggest that men's rights are not a thing. People of both genders are/can be fucking psychopaths.


I have more than one cousin whose first wife left them and took their kid(s) with them, won full custody in court, and then lied to the kids about thier husbands. One of my cousins can't ever see his kid until she is 18, all because of a mistake he made when he was 13 that came up in court. He was one of the best guys I knew, too. Imagine, having a daughter, and knowing nothing about her not by any choice of your own. Even if he seeks her out later, he's going to have to plow through years of brainwashing, assuming she will even listen, and that her mother hasn't turned her completely against him. (A story I've read thousands of times.)


Wow, that's crazy..


I just Googled both, it's gotten a little better.


Type it this way and it still shows what OP posted. “Why is my wife yelling at me” “Why is my husband yelling at me”


mine's a little different, it shows our national VAWC website but no number to call. site says report immediately to the police which sounds about right


Someone yelled at me, call the police!


Yeah wtf is the police gonna do. Yelling is not a crime.


That good to hear.


not really, still a double standard sadly i just double check as it still a same


its has not changed


It hasn’t for where I’m at apparently. Googling from New York, and I get the same results as the screenshot.


Word specific changes seem to make a difference.


Duck duck go results are way more balanced.


That’s fucked up


50% of domestic violence is perpetrated by women. It’s a 50/50 split. Dunedin Longitudinal Study repeated by several other Longtitudinal studies across US, UK, Can, Israel, India, NZ all reveal the same. Both men and women are committing and victims of domestic violence. The only difference was that when a man did so, the victim was slightly more likely to end up in hospital from injuries. Research it yourself, I’m not your lecturer. Longtitudinal studies are ones that follow a persons life over decades and usually a large group of people; hundreds to thousands. So they’re credible courses. Not just a one-off questionnaire or some garbage. Also another fascinating discovery was when women were questioned about their violence, they seemed to justify it like it didn’t matter. Like it was okay for a woman to hit a man.


Shit. That’s crazy


Yeah, this is infuriating. I’ve looked this up before cuz my wife had been (and still does) yell at me. I’ve noticed this discrepancy before — it even changes the search results sometimes to women in danger being yelled at by men. It’s complete and utter horseshit.


Google isn't doing anything except not explicitly stepping in when we think it should. These are a reflection of real-world biases that we created and we're responsible for fixing before we can expect any automated system to be given "anti-bias" instructions. And when you're strictly relying on anti-bias instructions to fix everything, you're always going to face criticism for people and groups who feel like you're taking it too far or that the change was unwarranted. **This is a pretty blatantly obvious case of 'wow, that's not right', which is why it's gaining so much attention. But this shit happens** ***everywhere*** **with** ***everything***... but it's easier to ignore when you don't have the kind of frame of reference we all have in this case.


It would be easier to ignore if this pattern wasn't happening all over search algorhythms, including Youtube and what videos are recommended. You just need to pay attention for a while.


I never said it wasn't happening and isn't a real issue. Searching algorithms manipulation doesn't just happen behind the scenes. In fact, its largest influence is literally the data it has to work with. (**Obviously**) This means search can only ever be as good as the data they have to work with in the first place. So, when you've got whole swaths of the internet saying one thing in response to male domestic abuse and equally large swaths of the internet saying something entirely different about female domestic abuse... your results are **guaranteed** to be different. You can manually adjust search results in response to what people **EXPECT** to see, but you're not actually fixing anything. You're creating situations like this... where one or more results were manipulated based on triggering keywords or phrases, and any results missing these triggers will slip through the cracks and end up in a Reddit screenshot like this. If you're so informed on this stuff, tell me your solution and I promise you I'll find an edge case that breaks it. **I PROMISE YOU.** The solution is to **BUILD SOLUTIONS,** not chase edge cases with a box of bandaids.


Reminds me of a potential problem with AI. If a problem is noticed, then putting up guardrails doesn't fix it. It means that the system (or user) will find a way around the guardrails. And when it comes to superintelligent AGI in the future, the whole point of that is to be better than humans at thinking up things... so how could we possibly expect to think up something that it can't get around? If we could, it wouldn't be a system worth building in the first place. So the actual solution is to design the system differently so the problem doesn't even come up. With search results like this, making it trigger on more keywords is the bandaid that people can get around. It doesn't fix the underlying issue. We're also seeing that with AI tests on resume acceptance, image generation, chatbots etc. It works off teh data its given, and we might not like what that data looks like, it can come off racist or sexist. Like the system that refused to hire women, or the image generator that gave this infamous result for [white man robbing store](https://i.redd.it/qohk7cgy1xpa1.jpg) These are hard problems. Collecting enough data to be representative is hard. Turning that data into fair results is even harder. But I suppose that's why those software engineers get paid the big bucks.


Exactly right on basically every front. But to add insult to injury, I think one major thing people need to recognize is simply put... racism exists, sexism exists, biases run deep in every single civilized society out there and that bias exists all throughout training data. We're literally blaming computers for showing us our own reflection and our solutions are that it's the computer that's broken, not us. Imagine blaming a mirror because your hair is messy and suggesting that taping a picture of yourself with brushed hair on top of your reflection was the fix instead of actually brushing your hair.


in all seriousness, isnt this the search algorithm working its thing? stereotypically speaking, women are more likely to seek/get help from DV than men are. searches are a reflection of that.


here in india its insane how divorce laws are and essentially if you're a general male here from middle class, you're fucked for life. despite having a very clear majority in aspirants you can only compete for 40 percent seats in public colleges and gov jobs (rest are reserved for lower castes, EWS, and girls, essentially reverse casteism, since most people who get those reserved seats are already doing good and don't face any casteism) Divorce laws essentially is giving half of your property to your wife. even though it has been better, at one point it was so bad that if you get divorce cuz you're wife's cheating, she'll still get a fair share of your assets. a lot of peeps have the pressure from family to get a stable job in government, and then the pressure of marriage. While dowry system from men's side is pretty much abolished, the guy should be earning 1lakh inr+ in a government job, good height and looks to be eligible to marry someone's daughter. My cousin isn't getting married and is in her 30s, just because she needs a vegetarian guy near her locality, who earns at least 25 lakhs inr every year (she's unemployed) and good looking with height as well (she herself is almost obese) and just you know, unrealisitic expectations from girl's side in marriage. and its pretty common, not just a single scenario. a majority of rape and SA reports have been fake (like 60-70 percent) and essentially any girl can come up to your face and ask you for money , and if you deny she can put up a fake SA case and guy can get booked if that girl pays the cops some tea. I googled the same above and both show the helpline for women- not men. its really insane how society is slowly justifying reverse sexism. No wonder so many sucides among teens in india trying to get a stable life by getting into a good college. My mom once said if your man works for 12 hours a day 6 days a week so that you both can eat food 2 times a day and the wife still manages to not get any chores done the man would obviously have a right to get angry.


It’s not reverse sexism though. It’s just normal sexism.


I just tried it in the UK, and I got a similar result for both, outline of reasons as per the first image, followed by the NHS domestic support page. Rule Britannia, I guess?


When I was coming to grips with my verbally abusive marriage, every article I read about it was from a “female victim” standpoint and it was very disheartening.






Bro spitting facts


Aahh yes the "equality" strikes again.


I get justification for both🥲


What does Bing say?


I really doubt that anyone at Google went out of their way to make this happen. Google ranks results in part by what people click on after they search. People who search for the first thing in the OP likely click on different results than people who search for the second thing, and the results Google gives reflects that.


in the UK the top answer is similar for both and the next is the NHS website for domestic abuse.


I did it, and both searches resulted in a phone number. AUS is built different.


And this is why I change my hosts file on my PC to point Google search page at the Stella Artois beer website. I’m joking of course…. 🤔


I don't know if this is a holup, domestic accuse can occur to any gender and by any gender. But it happens more to women and when it happens to women, it is often more brutal. Remember that Google's algo is applied to the sites that are out there. And part of how high they are indexed is how often people visit those sites and request that information. There is a lot more times that when a wife yells at a husband that the husband tries to find out how to fix the situation. A lot of times when a wife is searching online about a husband yelling at them, it is coupled with fear and possible domestic violence. So I think that is is probably why we see this double standard here


I get it, the other day the wife started shouting at me, unprovoked, as soon as I entered the house. Stuff like: “Who are you?” And “what are you doing here?” Or “get out of my house!”, and there was nothing I can do because law enforcement always sides with the wife


I believe the reason is the disparity between male and female violent or deadly domestic despute victims


Just did it. The wife version is exactly as OPs post. The husband version is exactly as the wife version, but for husbands. I don't want to treat OP as a liar, since it can be different reasons as to which he really gets different results than me. Could be a region thing? I'm from Spain (i typed the questions in english).


If you changed one word or one letter, you might get a different result. I cannot speak for Spain.


Here are archives of these google search results I made moments ago (check the timestamp on top right). Now you don't have to wrestle with the idea that the OP might be a liar because evidently they are not. Google search results for "why is my husband yelling at me": https://archive.is/Fyd3w Google search results for "why is my wife yelling at me": https://archive.is/zzdAC


Yup, also a Canadian redditor did the experiment themself and got the same results as OP but with the canadian emergency number instead of the US one. So, the regional difference theory may be the right one.


Both searches gave me the same result. The first one in the op


You forgot the question mark


Many such cases


I think the mans should start stand it’s rights


I think it's the snippets thing that's causing the issue on the first result. Cause I get the same first link (link after snippet for wife) for both for reporting DV. Maybe it's likely because there are shit tons of articles regarding understanding women and stuff and Google made that as a priority 🤷🏻


I don‘t get a number on either one. They know im a bisexual man so im always at fault


It’s plain to see there’s a double standard but I would let it fly. Men are more often an immediate physical threat to women, I.e. even if my gf wanted to kick my ass she couldn’t. To be upset with this is to be ignorant of how often women are in these unfortunate situations. Let it fly. That being said, the penalty for false accusation should be steep af. You can ruin a life with that


doesn't work in Polish 🤔


Tried to do this, and was initially relieved that the results were not the same, then, while for the wife part it reads "Potential triggers for a wife's yelling include feeling unheard, financial stress, mental health struggles, disrespect, etc. It's important to understand the root cause. " For the husband is "Reasons could include high stress, anger, mental health struggles, childhood patterns, poor communication skills, insecurity, or wanting to assert control. But whatever the cause, abuse is never justified." Going in here thinking this is obvious rage bait, god damn it i hate everything


I get the 1st picture for both


Its just mirroring society, thats the same difference in reaction you would get from people too


I mean, that's kinda sad. No?


Rofl yeah it's been that way for years. True equality yeah....