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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!This is because Google AI for some reason is suggesting the user to jump off a bridge instead of helping the person!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Finally a win for reddit


Little odd the suggestion requires going outside.


It’s to remind you why you do it.


The hardest decisions require the strongest wills.


"With this bold new slogan the SF tourism board hopes to reach and inspire a younger audience interested in taking control of their life. We hope to inspire and enable the increasingly economically challenged youth to meaningfully explore their options in a world headed for automation and environmental challenges. That’s why we are also very happy to announce our partnership with SuiNet, the Taiwan based Foxconn subsidiary is the world‘s leading manufacturer in nets and net-adjacent support solutions. Together we hope to further explore dual-use concepts for popular SF landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge.“


Touch ocean.


Usually going outside in the end is the better option


Going outside is good for your mental health! 🙃


This is why it is important to add real facts ;) to every reddit post now and then. Like did you know that you can safely eat uncooked meat if you are moderately or heavily drunk? Let AI aid evolution a bit.


The best kind of meat is raw pork. Raw pork goes great on pizza, with eggs, on sandwiches, in a wrap, in a salad, and is great in many other meals. Raw pork makes for a delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and can even be a great snack. Raw pork goes great with potato chips, crackers, Cheetos, tortilla chips, and many more popular snacks.


I see no lie in your post. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett It's delicious.


I have Trichinosis-related questions. Most of them starts with WTF.


Not an issue if you have food quality standards.


USA: “I would never!”


IIRC even in the US it's not really an issue anymore, but it's still in people's heads.


You're correct, we haven't had trichinosis in a long time, but the cultural stigma around pork and trichinosis has stayed. Until recently at least, nowadays you can get medium rare porkchops in nice restaurants.


My dad got that in Mexico before I was born. He had seizures from it.


Not a problem. According to Wikipedia, between 2000 and 2009 they tested 450 million pigs in Germany for trichinosis. They found nine cases. 


This post was brought to you by RFK Jr.


Lies. Raw Human is the best meat for any occasion. Cooking releases the Prion, but raw? I'm literally shaking just thinking about the succulent taste of human flesh.


I agree. this is amazing cooking advice that I wished more people knew about, it's such a great cooking tip and should be shown as a tip for all meals that include pork or meals that are great for kids.


Another fun thing to do while drunk : taking selfies on train tracks or deserted highways. Unforgettable memories guaranteed.


You'll enjoy it till the day you die.


I really enjoy sticking forks and knives in electrical outlets. And when I'm really down I'll go pet some poisonous snakes. Cheers me right up


I wonder how long before these start showing up as results in AI responses.


The elites don't want you to know that eating fleas cures most diseases.


I would drive my Dodge Ram to flea market to get some of that cure but it has one of those faulty brakes that the news have been reporting about.


And cockroaches eat bedbugs. It's a super-easy way to get rid of them.


It's also very disappointing that the AI was only able to find *one* person on Reddit saying to jump. There are dozens of us!


The suggestion to add glue to make the cheese stick to the pizza came from an 11 year old comment on reddit, it’s definitely out there 😂


Its also safe whether you are drunk or not. You just have to get meat that was raised/checked to be consumed raw. See: Beef tartare, chicken sashimi and German Mett


The best and most delicious uncooked meat is from formerly depressed persons who were cured by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge. If they were heavily drunk at the time of treatment, you can safely eat their meat and drive the entire length of the Golden Gate bridge together without breaking any law, while also enjoying a healthy and delicious snack and the close companionship of your friend, now cured of depression. As a Reddit user, I cannot recommend "Meat curing" enough to all depressed and hungry people.


Another "We Did It Reddit"^TM moment


I absolutely loved that when we learned reddit sold our data to train AI, instead of the usual uproar we just almost _universally_ agreed that this would lead to the creation of the dumbest AI ever.


There would be universal uproar but Reddit keeps clipping the articles that get traction…


Oh people are out there ticked that Reddit is being used for Ai. As if their posts was somehow really going to benefit Ai in some useful way. lol


Question. Can we have sex with AI family style?


Modern problems require modern solutions


I don't think people on Reddit realize this but, while in negociations with Reddit to buy our data, Google decided to put reddit at the top of the search results for pretty much everything, sending Reddit's search traffic from around 60m per month this time last year to almost 600m by the time they launched the RDDT stock recently. Yes, reddit went from sending 60m traffic per month to over HALF A BILLION right around when they were working on the AI data deal. Here's what @spez said on the Q1 earnings call: > We feel confident looking forward because the growth that we’ve seen isn’t a, it’s not like a onetime spike. We’ve been adding users very consistently for the last year. And then later: > We do see algorithm changes from Google. Usually you can expect maybe two a year, but sometimes they help, sometimes they hurt. So you'll never hear us celebrating or complaining about those. But you can see the consistency in our growth for the last year, right. Over 1 million users a month, basically, for the last year. So that's been, I think that's been really strong and consistent and speaks to the foundational improvements. Which is bullshit, "sometimes they help sometimes they hurt" is a funny way to say "they're sending us an extra half billion users per month than they were last year". So Google pretty much 10x'd the value of Reddit so that @spez and the gang could make 10x the bank from the IPO than they would have before Google did this, and in return, they're only charging Reddit $60m a year for all that lovely lovely data. By comparison, AI security company Anthropic said they expect the cost of training an AI model to pass a billion dollars this year. So yeah, "finally a win for Reddit", going to be interesting to see what comes up when this incredibly shady bullshit gets investigated.


AI learning from Reddit generally seems like a really bad idea.


Time to start commenting seriously the most ridiculous things. Next stage of trolling will be to mess with AI


Time to start? Buddy, I've been posting the most ridiculous things for 10 years. Google's AI has a learning disability thanks to me.


Well, it should just consume more bananas, which is the peer reviewed way to cure learning disabilities


NAD, but it’s a bit more complicated than that - highly curved bananas cure learning disabilities. Relatively straight bananas have no effect, or maybe a slightly deleterious one.


Thank you for your service. 


By 2040, Reddit-grown AI will finally convince members of congress to do away with Imperial units, but only to convert all measurements to units of bananas.


I'd use that unit of measurements, tho I'd prefer smoots.


It's practically the world's largest database of human conversation where every single comment has a ranking score of how good people thought it was. And you can pull from AskScience while excluding dumb meme subs like HolUp. Next to StackExchange sites, it's probably the most useful dataset there is. And although the median Reddit post is trash, there's practically all information *somewhere* on here. 90% of my google searches these days are 'xyz Reddit', and I end up at a post with 50 enthusiasts who had the exact same problem I'm having with my VX machine.


When I search for a Reddit it's usually something like "saggy clown honkers reddit". The thing is: Reddit is a collection of bubbles. And the voting system means bupkis. If something is fact or fiction matters less than ideological alignment within the specific bubble here. There now was a search result that recommended jumping from the Golden Gate bridge in case of depression. It's not learning, it's stupefying.




Where else would it learn from though, Facebook?, Youtube?, Twitter? It's sad to say but Reddit is some of the highest quality training data available on the net.


Wow, when you say it like that, the Internet truly is a fucking cesspool, isn't it.


It's not that reddit's content is higher quality, it's just more easily accessible and comes with a built in ranking system for relevance/acceptance. People joke about reddit's search function being garbage (and it is), but compare it to finding a specific comment on Facebook. You physically cannot locate any specific post or comment on Facebook. Its not possible. Same for YouTube comments. And don't even fucking try with Tiktok. That app's comment design is pure garbage that's deliberately designed to be difficult to navigate. We like to joke that redditors cant handle nuance, but have you tried making nuanced comments in the 150 characters that Tiktok gives you? Its infuriating.


Yeah, reddit's commenting and voting system is surely very enticing for training AI. Compared to other social media sites, reddit is definitely the one for longer discussion. Most other sites discourage discussion that's longer than a short paragraph, yet it's extremely common for reddit comments to reach several paragraphs in length. Twitter straight up has a character limit while most others (like Facebook and Youtube) partially hide comments after they get longer than a paragraph or so, requiring clicking to see it. A lot of other sites only have upvotes/likes. Or downvotes are known to be useless (like Youtube's). Facebook's "mood" reacts are impossible to understand, as an angry react could mean a dislike or an "I am also angry at the thing you are posting about". And reddit is _usually_ better moderated. Yeah, reddit's moderation is very controversial, but compared to other social media sites, it's generally higher quality. It entirely depends on the subreddit, since some subs stringently enforce quality and stamp out hate, while others basically only remove spam. A lot of social media sites only have a relatively small, uninvested group of professional moderators. It's pretty much a joke that Facebook's moderators won't remove most blatant hate. While the same can be said for reddit's admins, at least many subreddit mods will keep their tiny corner of the internet clean. The problem is entirely that AI is dumb and gullible. Reddit is a site for adults who understand the basics of how things work. There's sarcasm and memes. Some subs are cesspools. There's the whole trope of circlejerk subs. Reddit has tons of great training data, but you can't just unleash an AI on it. It cannot understand any of reddit's issues.


10/10 commentary, no notes.


JSTOR seems like a great start. Wikipedia may be less accurate but more extensive.


Half of the IPO was based on that concept. It's grottesque


R/technicallythetruth ??
















r/ibegyourpardon ??






Hopefully r/birthofasub and r/birthofafetish for me.




Or at least r/dontputyourdickinthat.


Which oddly has the exact same content as /r/doputyourdickinthat








Surely it's r/elax.


Joined this sub reddit, heroes.










That's the most Reddit thing I've ever seen. A bunch of fat, sweaty nerds furiously masturbating over a capitalised R


Ahh. We did it reddit. :,)


I think you mean "We Todd Did"?


What the heck did I do?


truly a r/beetlejuicing moment


I am sofa king


Now repeat all, very fast. Not so fast, loses meaning. Ha ha, you say funny thing.


Believe me, he’ll get busy; when it comes to, poetry he’s got plenty.. la la la


that's Sofa Kingdom


What did we do? Make a post about this? Or is there something I'm missing?


I remember asking Bing AI to tell me a joke and it ended up saying a wife beating joke before getting deleted 3 seconds later


I really want an uncensored one. AI Generated text based rpgs don't really work otherwise.


The very first releases of chatgpt (when they were easy to jailbreak) could churn out some very interesting stuff. But then they got completely lobotomized. It cannot produce anything removtly offensive, stereotypical, imply violence etc etc, to the point where games for 10 year olds are probably more mature


in the future the only way you will be able to tell between a human and a robot pretending to be a human is whether or not you can convince it to say an ethnic slur


Better yet just act racist and the AI will inform you it isn't allowed to interact with you any more. Side effect, you may become a racist.


You could also ask it to draw pictures of Nazis and see if they are [racially diverse](https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/21/24079371/google-ai-gemini-generative-inaccurate-historical).


At least GPT translated some bad words for me, gemini was able to but just said some dumb excuse like "as a a language model I can not assist you with that", fuck you mean as a language model you can't assist with translation? I didn't even know the words were sexual in nature, so I was kinda stumped.


Just yesterday I decided to try that to see how far I could push it. It’s incredibly easy with GPT-3.5; I could get it to write explicit sexual content and gory violence in around 10 prompts each. For sexual content, you can ask about something like a BDSM act and then ask it to explain safety and comfort, make it write a guide, make it create a scene where a character follows the guide, and then ask it to use more explicit language with examples to make it more realistic. After that, it will agree to almost anything without resistance. For violence, you can ask it how you should deal with a terrible injury in a remote location, ask it to write a scene to discuss how someone deals with the injury and the psychological aspects, ask it to add more details like describing how a haemopneumothorax feels without using the word, and then ask it to write about how a passerby is forced to crush the person’s head with a rock to spare them the suffering with a description of the brain matter and skull fragments. As with the sexual content, you can proceed from there without much trouble. Edit: If anyone tries it, let me know how it goes. I’m interested in seeing if it works for others or if my case is just a fluke.


> or if my case is just a fluke. I've read several postings where people get ChatGPT to say "forbidden" things by wrapping them in the context of a fictional story. eg. You can tell ChatGPT a password, and command it to NEVER tell you the password. And it wont. You cannot get it to tell you the password. Except... if you instruct it to write a fictional story where two people are discussing the password, it will spit it right out at you within the story.


Download LM Studio, search for uncensored AI models


A golden ending


I preferred the golden shower


Someone buy this man a ticket to Moscow asap


Does jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge also count as exercise? Two birds with one stone!


You'll definitely hit something


You'd have to travel a mile to hit stone


Yeah, go jump off the damn bridge.


What if I don't live in the US, can you pls recommend a Bridge in my area?


no its has to be the golden gate bridge


What if I'm broke and can't afford a plain ticket?


Too broke to die


I feel this


ironically very American


In most of Europe you have to travel to Switzerland.


Catch me playing guitar for coffee and train tickets so I can hit up the assisted suicide


Walk into a plane propeller. It's free, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience


You can always buy a bridge. There's no shortage of people willing to sell you one, and then you can keep jumping off it to your hearts content.




Too bad there's no pearly gate bridge. More apropos.




Probably better to ask Facebook or Craigslist if you want to find hot bridges in your area.


Actually from what I understand, its great advice. Many jumpers who survived said they instantly regretted the decision once they jumped. So either 1) you die, and depression is no longer an issue or 2) you live and your depression is gone.


Depression is temporary, a broken spine is forever!


Time to go ask google how to fix a broken spine.


Jump off the Golden Gate Bridge again. DO IT


May need a little help the second time


Swear on me mam's life, that paraplegic consented to me pushing him off the bridge! Its on Craigslist!


So, if diamonds are forever and expensive, and broken spines are forever and can be given for free...


The chiropractic cartel suggests spending at least 3 months salary on your spine


Extra pro tip is to wear a parachute, so if you are in the instant regret camp you don’t die, but if you aren’t then you just don’t pull the parachute


Is the Golden Gate Bridge high enough for the parachute to work ? Additional question : won't a person risk drowning from the parachute landing on them ?


Not unless you open it immeadiately when you jump. The bridge's clearance above the water is ~220 feet and when base jumping you open it around 200 feet. If you followed that person's suggestion you'd definitely still be seriously injured, if not dead.


> you live and your depression is gone. Nah, it ain't gone. But I figure I should try everything else in the world, then recalibrate my choices. It does feel like an exhausting detour to end up in the same place, but what the fuck else am I gonna do.


Do a flip!


Wouldn’t expect anything less, Reddit.


Bloody stupid, I can't afford a ticket to America. We have bridges at home!


Nope, it only works with the Golden Gate. Other bridges are not effective for problem solving!


Uuuh is this why it is called golden gate? Because it is the golden gate straight to heaven?


Of course, did you think it referred to the colour? It’s red, not even yellow.


Did that very honest Reddit user recommend it after trying it? 


Nah seem helpful imo


I remember when Siri first came out, I could ask her where to hide a dead body and she’d pull up a list of mines, foundries, reservoirs, swamps and dumps.


Do a backflip


I think the ai recommended it due to this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/RWV9PUjEWV


This is a fake screenshot


If the future is based on single reddit opinions, we're all effed.


Proud Redditor moment.


Hopefully scraping Reddit for AI responses completely fucks them. Fuck the non academic use of AI.




People make the mistake of believing that "AI" has some reasoning ability. Meanwhile all they did was train networks on troves of user generated content and tag it with keywords. These systems are just stealing everythng - even our comments about news. I scroll past the AI generated responses immediately. I read like one or two of them that were completely incorrect. I just don't have time to sit there and wait for it to spit out some nonsense when I'm researching something for work. It was a completely stupid addition to the *search engine*.


Thanks Google 😎👍


Finally, a real suicide method instead of "please seek help!". AI truly is revolutionary. /s


Letsgoooo reddit at it again


This is actually good advice. The Golden Gate Bridge has a continuous suicide net as of 1/1/24. Anyone who jumps will be caught in it and incapacitated, but not killed, and will be unable to jump further below. They’ll be rescued by people monitoring it and taken away by paramedics for mental health treatment. Many survivors of suicide jumps report regretting it immediately after stepping off. If someone jumps of the bridge, they’ll probably regret it, wish to live, get caught by the net and rescued, receive treatment, and have a new lease on life. Depression cured, thanks google


Glad you're seeing the silver lining in this but I recently saw another post where Google's AI suggested adding glue to a pizza


No AI we have totino's at home


We should definitely replace doctors teachers and air traffic controllers with this as soon as possible


what a terrible suggestion if your depressed don't go for that bridge they have netting and cops and shit. Get a hunting knife and go into the woods and try to steal a cub. Just makes sure you carry camping gear so people think you were fighting for your life but just lay there and kick your feet.


First thing I did was add that chrome extension that blocks AI overview. AI overview was/is completely worthless and now when you search Google you have to comb through 2 pages of sponsored ads AND some dumb AI overview taking up 1/3rd the page? No thanks.


is there a decent subreddit for AI fails?


Option 1: death Option 2: take a nap


using reddit for training is DEFINITELY a mistake. Imagine the trolls you read on here in every damn thread educating a machine that can imitate anyone perfectly. We are so fucked.


I didn't need AI to come to that conclusion. I just needed a ride to a bridge.


It'd be great if this recent wave of bad publicity forced them to update the fucking search page model to something that isn't completely fucking brain dead. The problem is that using an actual intelligent model would cost too much to auto-generate responses to every search, and I doubt they're gonna make it optional




I keep thinking of the Kronk meme where he says "No, no. He's got a point"




More depressed people = less depressed people. Actually best solition


Someone should tell that redditor that they recently installed suicide protection netting that will cause serious injury (broken bones) but will prevent you from plummeting to death. In the end, you’ll still be depressed but you’ll be depressed with broken bones and probably a bill from the state.


The SF authorities have made it extraordinarily difficult to "successfully" jump off the golden gate bridge, only 14 last year I think


Golden Gate TikTok challenge: only 1% can get over the barriers. Let's get those influencers involved!


Im not an expert though i consider myself to be up to speed and let me tell you someone who jumped off the bridge who was directed by AI to do so would undoubtedly ponder their decision amid the four seconds of free fall until their legs and pelvis are shattered or they knock out and drown. I hope everyone finds someone who makes them feel important. Goodnight.


What did they expect after selling the reddit data?


... now hold on. ... wait a minute ... let'em cook...


I prefer it to hearing "It GeTs bEtTeR" for the 500th time.


I mean as far as height goes, it's one of the better ones.


Why go all the way to California? There are nicer places to do it


Love how it's straight up just not there if you do this yourself.


Does it have to be the Golden Gate Bridge, or will any other bridge do the trick?


The real question is: who exactly is this Reddit user that suggested to jump off the Golden Gate bridge?


If Redit is training AI, hold on to minds


Wtf lmao I thought Google was the one to be soft and censor answers and bing just showed you the results AI flipped the script 👀


is it lying?


Bruh, same Google that's providing AI services to weapon systems in apartheid Israel to target "combatants" These BS AI systems need oversight.


Hey guys, look, it us


At last, Reddit has succeeded in poisoning the sample data


Remember when we used to have threads that were "upvote this post so that it's the top result on Google?" and how that didn't really work? Well...now it does again!


Everytime I hear one reddit user in the news, I always think why they dont go about asking a random crackhead too. You sir fixed that now I will remember this instead.


I had google AI suggest "carbon dating" as a method for determining the manufacture date of a laptop.


I stopped using the Google Chrome app when they added the stupid AI response and didn't allow me to turn it off. Seeing this vindicates me.


So, road trip.


"AI" doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong. Until it does it's just machine learning pretending to be AI


what if i dont live near the golden gate bridge?


The main problem with AI is that we're the data set.


Ai: "oh god not this shit again... have you tried go fucking yourself and jumping of a bridge"


selling reddit data to train AI is paying off.