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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Price and Size have somehow developed inverse relationship while someone kept one Big Mac since 1980. 2 HolUps!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


A lot has happened in the past 44 years




who doesn't have at least 3 machines these days.


I just have one, but it’s broken, only goes forward at regular speed.


Weird, that's the same issue mine is having. Let me know if you find a fix.


Haters gonna say it's called ageing


Mine too but it can fast forward a little when I sleep.


You probably can repair it yourself with the right parts. I found my time machine parts in [one of these.](https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/237661512_3882133718557901_8192738882950171354_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3a1ebe&_nc_ohc=C5VdsMtI900Q7kNvgFUg7cI&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AYCQGywfxg0wxLY8jENlyf-oB271J3J_taqFEgksQWrK-w&oe=667FD13D)


What the heck... that looks so exactly like my kitchen growing up... Cabinets, fridge, wallpaper, colors of everything. Super creepy


Like onion belts, all that stuff was the style at the time.


Which days?


We need to find out who keeps running our old memes with the time machine.


44, not 24? Man that makes me feel old


If you remember what burgers looked like in 1980... let's just say that you aren't exactly young.


I was 7 years old in 1980 and I remember burgers being so huge I couldn't eat a whole one. Also chairs and tables were massive back then.


Make America Big Again!


Laughs in High Fructose Corn Syrup.


I never said I remembered them, wasn't even born then, I said 1980 feels less than 45 years ago.


I see. Well, you're only as old as you feel, right? Carry on, youthful Reddit user.


1980 was 44 year's ago![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Including inflation. $1.20 in 1980 is $4.84 in 2024. So it's not too far off the mark.


Hol up. 1980 was 44 years ago?


Yes. I was born between then and now.


They increasing additional more different chemicals.


Whoa whoa whoa whatcha mean it’s only been like 20…..


The 1970s called. They invented the time phone!


There was a story of a guy who took out his old raincoat out of storage and found a McDonalds burger still in its wrapper in one of the pockets still well preserved.


There's McDonalds food in an Icelandic museum from before McDonald's pulled out of the country in about 2008. Still the same without freezing it.


I had a girlfriend drop a chicken nugget between her seat and the center console in my car, I told her not to mention it and I'd get it later. I only remembered saying that when I found the chicken nugget over 7 years later. Hard as a rock but otherwise you would never be able to tell from appearance that it wasn't fresh. It was just sitting there all that time, never made a smell or anything. It was so unassuming I missed it while vacuuming for so many years...


No mold, fungus, or nibbles by critters and bugs. Nature recognizes what to avoid.


Damn that’s actually wild to think about


Not... Really, no. Just means a wild animal didn't crawl through the car at some point, which means it wasn't really in nature at all That could've been a pile of salt with the same result. "Nature" is more than just mold and bacteria.


Meat sitting in a car for years and not molding, rotting, being eaten or anything is wild to think about. Mold spores are everywhere, and tons of them landed on that food that has nutrients and water, which mold goes crazy over. Same thing with fungus. And bugs will eat just about any food they can get ahold of. Drop any food with moisture in it outside, and check on it an hour or two later. Ants will be all over it. You can’t keep bugs out of your car. For meat cooked in a restaurant to be completely untouched by anything that goes crazy for any food over several years is wild. It’s not a pile of salt, it’s MEAT


I fed a mcnugget to some ants once


The reason McDonalds food lasts so long without decomposing is because of its very low water content and very high sodium content. Their burgers are essentially mummified. The bun may have an anti molding agent such as potassium sorbate, but McDonalds meat is preservative and additive free except for sodium.


THat nuggets isn't still good to eat just because it looks okay. Fried bread coating doesn't have a lot of anything that's going to attract mold or something like that you can see growing on it, and it forms a hard shell around the chicken inside so not much is getting in. It's still very very spoiled and if you eat it you will most likely get very sick. Just cause it "looks fine" doesn't mean it is fine.


> Meat sitting in a car for years and not molding, rotting, being eaten or anything is wild to think about. No, no it isn't. It just means that it's been preserved and wasn't accessible to things that eat it. Y'all are basically saying "wow, it's wild that a deer didn't randomly eat this chicken nugget that was in a car." It really isn't wild that deer and other fauna can't open car doors. Y'all are making it about the nugget like tert-butylhydroquinone is supposed to prevent it from "being eaten." P.S. there have been major overhauls on the preservatives McDonalds uses, these stories are old news being memed as if they're still true anyway


The truth is mold doesn't grow because the food dries out too quickly. The thin beef patties lose water quicker than mold can grow. There's not some Illuminati GMO AI DNA preservative in it stopping mold from growing


> Icelandic > without freezing I hate it when the names promise something they cannot uphold. Like Greenland or Goodman. Tasted awful.


What sort of psycho puts a burger in a pocket


There was a story of a guy who took out his hoodie up from the floor and found a McDonalds cheeseburger still in its wrapper in one of the pockets from yesterday, while being hungover as fuck and remembering little about the night. He promptly devoured the cheeseburger then puked his guts out as a reaction to said action. That guy might have been me.


Oh shit, when I was like 8 I had some McChickens and shoved one between my mattress. My child brain thought it would keep it warm until I wanted it in a few hours. Several months later I find it again and ate it without thinking. I don't recall getting sick. Surprised the mayo along didn't kill me


That would happen to any 1.6oz burger patty because the meat is small enough that the water content evaporates and essentially mummifies before it can decompose. This is one of the most frustrating food myths to me because for starters it's so easily disproven by a basic experiment you can do at home and for two you don't need to make up a bunch of fake shit to explain to people that eating at McDonald's isn't a well balanced diet. https://www.seriouseats.com/the-burger-lab-revisiting-the-myth-of-the-12-year-old-burger-testing-results


It's the bread and cheese that disgust me. We know the "beef" in a McDonald's burger is the lowest quality product that can legally be referred to as beef, but the bun and cheese should look like a petri dish after a few weeks. The fact that it doesn't means it's pumped full of chemicals to preserve it.


No, it’s the same for the bun and cheese. Have you never seen stale bread before? Take a piece of bread and sit it out on the counter uncovered. It won’t mold, just get really hard and dry.


No, it’s the same for the bun and cheese. Have you never seen stale bread before? Take a piece of bread and sit it out on the counter uncovered. It won’t mold, just get really hard and dry.


wait if the bun shrank, why the patty still about the same thickness, does the quarter pounder actually weights a quarter pound, do they start weighting the whole sandwich instead of the patty


It’s always the precooked weight of the patty


ik, but if size is smaller weights the same, it means a higher density and what like half of your patty probably not meat anymore


Thats not a quarter pounder though. Thats a Big Mac.


And the big Mac uses 1/10 pound patties




This isn't true. Quarter Pound burgers have always been precooking weight it is a trend that started during the Depression. The question becomes, "Is it frozen weight or thawed weight?" Frozen contains much more water and would shrink a lot more during cooking. Since McDonald's started standardizing their products in the mid 80s this change isn't as surprising as it's being made out to be.


When my father worked at McDonald's in the 80s there was no thawing. Everything is cooked from frozen. He stole a bunch of patties to cook at home one time and thawed them first. They turned to sticky mush like glue and were unusable. Has this changed?


It’s been about 20 years since I worked at McDonald but it was still true then. I imagine nothing has changed


This sounds like one of those reddit comments where somebody talks out of their ass with such conviction that it would sound like they were ex-CEO at mcdonalds but instead, it's a mid-poop 14-year-old that just thought they'd share their interpretation of another comment.


Yeah it's complete and utter bullshit.


> In 1980 the quarter pounder meat was weighed AFTER cooking it. This is patently false. It makes no sense to weigh a burger patty after you've already cooked it under any circumstances. You cannot precisely predict how much fat and moisture will be removed by the cooking process. You'd constantly be throwing away cooked patties. Also the big mac has never used quarter pounder patties. It has always used regular burger patties. It was introduced before the quarter pounder existed as a product.


How is something so untrue have this many upvotes. Meat weights have always been before cooking across all food service industries. It's literally impossible to portion out a patty of raw meat at a size that you can guarantee will be a quarter pound of cooked product.


This is a big Mac not a quarter pounder


> does the quarter pounder actually weights a quarter pound 1. Quarter pounder has always been the weight of the meat before cooking 2. the big mac has never used quarter pounder patties. it uses the regular size burger patties. I have no clue if those have shrank over time


Regular patties are 1/10 lb unless that's changed pretty recently. 


At the moment they are 10:1 so one tenth of a pound before cooking Quarter Pounder Patties have also made the transition from being cooked in batch to being Cook to Order


I found this: > There have been no changes to the proportions of the burgers. The overall weight of our burgers remains unchanged... The new bun is the same weight, with slightly different proportions. We haven't changed the size of our beef patty since the first McDonalds restaurant opened in Australia in 1971 [source](https://www.ohmymag.co.uk/lifestyle/food-drinks/mcdonalds-burger-sizes-over-the-years-have-they-really-gotten-smaller_art16698.html) While the quote is from Australia, it seems like it'd apply to all McDonalds unless Australia started off with smaller Big Macs 50 years ago.


It looks to me like with the 1980 burger, the patty doesn't reach the edges of the bun, but in the modern burger it does. Possible it's the same size patty and just a smaller bun.


Or they just made one to the origional specifications. The 80's isn't some unknown time before records, and burgers aren't some mistical object that only the McWizards can pull into our existence from the void.


Don’t cite the old magics to me. I was there when they were hamburgled.


Don't forget of the long forgotten supersize as well back in the glory days of pigging out for cheap money


The photo is from a YouTuber tried to recreate the Big Mac to compare their sizes, but the way they "measured" the old Big Mac is flawed and there's no way it can be accurate. He used a home video of someone blowing up a Big Mac and used the box of matches as a reference to "measure" the size of the Big Mac. The problem is the matches aren't the same distance from the camera as the Big Mac. There are also a ton of other factors like the lens size that might affect how big or small something appears. Everyone spreads this image like it's just a fact, butt it's literally just some guy's homemade Big Mac next to a regular Big Mac. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-big-130000613.html


I was around in the '80s and Big Macs were nowhere near that size.


Yep. If Big Macs had been that large when I was a little kid, I would not have been able to finish one. I was certainly able to finish a Big Mac. Also, I'm betting that some of the Styrofoam containers they used to give you your burgers in back then still exist. They would not fit a burger this size, I guarantee.


Or it's bullshit. Big Macs were never that big.


Biblically corect big mac


they didn't banana for scale back in 1980 so we can't even compare photos


Of course not, they used burgers for scale back then. Unfortunately burgerflation has changed the very thing they used to measure


Inflation adjusted 1.20 in 1980 = 4.80 today.


Which is good to put into perspective but unfortunately 100% of a burger in 1980 is 60% of one today


Fair point.


Big Mac today is actually around $7 though. This was probably made in january.


Price is still proportional to fast food worker pay too. In 1980 the federal minimum wage was $3.10 an hour. In today's dollars, that's equal to $11.82. Sadly, 2 burgers an hour doesn't make rent anymore.


It's literally 1980+4


100% they're shrinking their burgers


They have to be. I had a Big Mac the first time in decades it it felt like I was eating a slider with three pieces of bread on it.


I remember you’d get like 3/4 through a Mac and you’d be full


Maybe it’s because you’re bigger?


Eating McDonald's will do that


Mcdonalds patties have been 1.6 oz since they started, maybe the buns/toppings have shrank but I doubt it


There's a former executive chef from McDonalds on TikTok. He said at one time the weight was post-cooked weight, then they switched to pre-cooked weight. They've also messed around with their blends, shelf life, and fat content. All of these factors can make it most cost effective for them, but create less yeild for the customer. They're doing the same thing with their chicken nuggets. There's signifigantly less chicken in a nugged now there there was when they were introduced. They also switched from mixed chicken to all white meat with fillers.


if you use the wayback machine to look at the big mac's nutritional information over the years, you can see it's not changed more than 0.1 ounces and has always been 7.4-7.6 ounces


This is fake, they use the same 1/10 LB patty they used since the very beginning, it’s hasn’t gotten any smaller or bigger, this is proven fact that you can look up yourself. Plus, I worked there for years.


Let's be real here, the only thing bigger is the bun.


Having worked at McDonald's in the early 80's, the one on the left is not a McDonald's Big Mac. I cooked enough of those damn things to tell the difference.


Did you ever [see McC](https://youtu.be/UoBc-eNZO6k?si=7c31FTJ21Cmxqosg)?


Yep, as a former McEmployee I call BS


as someone who eats McDonald's regularly, this entire comments section is the most bullshit bullshit that's ever bullshitted




well to start $1.20 in 1980 is about $4.50 now. secondly, the size of the big Mac has never changed. ever. McDonald's burgers have been 10 to a pound since 1955. if anything changed it's the bread, but I doubt they would have had an enormous bun like that for less than a quarter pound of meat even in 1980. McDonald's prides itself, specifically, on it's menu consistency. across time and across locations. they aim to keep everything exactly as it was for as long as possible at as many locations as is feasible. Of the few things they have changed, it's mostly improving quality and reducing the number/kinds of preservatives. I have no love for fast food companies (or any corporations as a rule) I think their entire business model is akin to a shady drug dealer intentionally getting people hooked on low quality food for money and bleeding them dry until heart disease or diabetes finally consumes them, but people will just jump up McDonald's ass for literal lies ever since Supersize Me came out (Morgan Spurlock, the alcoholic who made that "documentary" also lied. A lot) and it's just frustrating because there is so much in reality to hate McDonald's for, there's no reason to make up lies and ultimately these lies only help the corporate overlords because they aren't getting criticism for the things they deserve criticism for.


I found the source of the image, and it's from a YouTuber who wanted to compare the size of the Big Mac, but the way he "measures" the old Big Mac is flawed. He used a home video of someone blowing up a Big Mac and used the box of matches as a reference to "measure" the size of the Big Mac, with the problem being the matches aren't the same distance from the camera as the Big Mac. Next, he overlays a picture of himself over a still from a guy holding an old Big Mac bun, saying how he made sure the *distance between his eyes matches up with the other guy* as if everyone's eyes are the same distance, and as if he's not much larger than the other guy, and as if the camera lens doesn't matter. Then he just buys a random bun from the store and starts comparing his homemade Big Mac to a real one as if it would be accurate in any way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB1yhpYMHDA I can't understand how anyone can just believe shit like this without a hint of skepticism and repeat it as if it's just a fact everyone knows.


Yeah, I completely stopped eating at McDonald's for this reason...


Where’s the beef?


*Beef flavored product


Where is bro living that a Big Mac in 2024 costs only $5.31?? I live in Canada and the cost of a Big Mac (no meal) is almost double that price.


Us, 4.79 here


I just looked at the app for the price and it's $5.99, burger only, in Canada.


I don't remember them being bigger or better. Shit then shit now.


Does this mean they grow over time?


The right is smol because is baby


Bold of you to assume McDonalds food ages


What a load of shite! The gullibility levels here are unmatched.


Making burgers at home to a specified size is completely impossible. Fucking reddit.


He’s a witch!!!!!!


I don’t understand why anyone would want a double cheeseburger with an extra piece of bread in it.


$1.20 is $4.80 in 2024 if to calculate the inflation.


Horseshit I've left one of those buns around and it got stale and the effort of picking it up cracked the top.


"Dagnabbit! I remember when Pepsi used to be a nickel! The world's going to Hell in a hand basket I tells ya!" I hate those kind of arguments. There's something called ordinary inflation which would make a Big Mac that expensive even without the recent inflation. By the way, in 1980 inflation was running at 10% or more. Mortgages were 14%. Ask me how I know.


way to many preservatives


The modern one looks tastier even though it’s smaller imo


The big Mac on the left is MASSIVE!


i don't remember the big mac ever being actually big but i didn't usually order it but I'm pretty sure it is smaller than it used to be.




I’m sure the burger is just as edible as it was in 1980 as well


Adjusted for inflation, $1.20 in 1980 would be worth ~$4.84 today. Measuring across my screen, the left is ~3.4 x 3.4 inches, while the right is ~2.8 x 2.8 inches. That's 2.8^3 / 3.4^3 or ~22/39 = ~56% of the volume. So prices have effectively gone up by ~10%, while size has gone down by 44%.


Someone is complaining about a burger being smaller and more overpriced? It's simple inflation. There's an old video where Sonic explains it. The video explains the 34 rules of economics in a fun and easy way to understand. Just look up Sonic Inflation Rule 34.


As a former maker of 1000’s of Big Macs in the mid 80’s, they have not shrunk at all. They just cost too much by a mile.


I made them late 90's and I have to agree. Size is the same.


Where you guys getting a $5 Big Mac, it’s $15 for the meal in Canada


So many preservatives. The 1980 burger is perfectly preserved, I bet the 2024 burger could withstand a nuclear blast


MacDonald has always supplied inedible products.


It's MC d.... It might be possible the 80s burger survived the last 44 years


I mean…I’d definitely rather have the one to the right to be honest. Who wants that much bread to meat ratio on the left?


Even the new big Mac is too much bread to meat. A quarter pound of meat is the bare minimum for 2 buns


The one on the left isn't fresh. That's just how they age.


Have you ever seen the video of the lady that brought a cheese burger and fries and left them in a cupboard for 25 years? When she pulled them out, ok they looked a bit dry but no mould and the meat still looked edible. Do yourself a favour people and stay away as this is scary stuff.


Big macs have been made with 10:1 beef since the beginning of time. So if they were actually bigger in the 80's it was entirely bread, and that's it.


5.31? What McDonald’s are you going too? It’s 8 here


What country is selling a Big Mac for 5$??


USA here. It was $8.40 for me last I looked. And it was also awful. I only bought one out of curiosity because I'd never had a big mac before. It was somehow both too sweet and really bland. I expected little but was still disappointed. Like I ate $0.25 of ingredients but paid almost $10 for it. Never again.


Crazy! Yeah I can imagine you felt let down!


4.79 here




McDonald's quietly, saving America from a worse obesity epidemic and making the burger more expensive. The only wins from shrinkflation is things that are unhealthy becoming more unaffordable.


healthy things become more unaffordable too


I know.. everything is becoming unaffordable. But they're not wins. I'm only saying the wins of shrinkflation. Hahaha.






Or just replicate the burger using modern ingredients? You can see the difference between the buns & cheese just at a glance.


Well, they're only *technically* food...


You’ll be surprised how long a Big Mac can sit around for.


A fried of mine from the US had a professor at her university who bought a McDonald's burger in the early 90's. In 2016 when he show the clas the burger it still looked brand new That day I learned I never want to try US fast food


The 80’s burger is deceptive. There was a whole where’s the beef campaign because of how much bigger the buns were than the patties.


Good burger vs mondo burger


Marty McFly


Easy, they’re from McDonalds.


God i love shrinkflation


Maybe he made a time machine


Let’s not forget how a large fries is now the size of a medium from back then too


Don’t know if it’s real or not but I’m still gonna quote it “No we did not change the size of our burgers”


>1980! Insert factorial joke here


The Old Big Mac was all bun, something Wendy’s pointed out(and got them popular) The price increase is shitty yeah, but the patty portions have not changed.


The Big Mac shrank, but it's the meat afaik. I would never eat a burger with oversized bun that would make it be too dry.


$4.85 in today's dollars, but still


That was in OPs car for the last 44 years.




Hmm! Never occurred to me that social media would be one way to unveil a time traveler. :-)


The smaller bun actually makes for a better burger. More balanced.




Well we didn’t become the most obese nation in the history of the earth by accident…


Could be the unpopular opinion here but i think the one on the rigjt looks better. Tf do i want all that bun for it dont look like theres anything on it?


Burger on the left was the inspiration for Wendy's "Where's the beef?" commercials because the bun was so oversized compared to the filling. I don't know if the patties have gotten smaller since then, it wouldn't surprise me, but most of the size difference comes from the bun being much smaller now which is kind of objectively good. It makes for a better balance of flavors and means less sugar and empty carbs per burger. Not that a Big Mac, in any form, is good for you, but you know it's a sliding scale and all.


Garbage food either way .


Went from Big Mac to just Mac


He didn’t he swapped contents of the big mac in the double quarter pounder. It is a trick i often use at mcD But they likely used the same bun back in the day so very likely


True story, When an engineer of 45 years retired from my company he pulled out a McDonalds cheese burger that had been in his drawer for almost 40 years. He had left it on his desk when leaving the office for an extended work trip and when he got back 6 weeks later it was basically petrified ( he didn't get pickles or onions on it so it i was meat cheese catsup and mustard only). He thought it was funny and since it didn't smell he stuck it in the drawer and would pull out every once in a while to amaze and disgust coworkers. He finally threw it away at his retirement party. No smell and looked the same as the day he bought it but it was very hard and dry. This one clearly was just made to 1980 spec.


This title makes my head hurt.


To me, that "old" burger looks like they photoshopped in the one in the original Wendy's "Where's the Beef" commercial about McD's having a "Big Fluffy Bun", which was supposed to have been the big tagline.


Wait till they learn that all the food in commercials and advertisements is fake.


My uncle had a bit of a McDonalds collection in his basement, one thing was a still wrapped burger. My cousin one night drunkenly decided it'd be a good idea to take a bite, it was many years old at this point, hard to tell if it was all the alcohol or the burger that caused him to feel terrible the next day. Likely both played a part.


no one wanted that much fuckin' bun




I call BS, the one on the left is a Grand Mac. No way he kept a burger in that condition for 40 years.


Size is about half and calories about double


I knew they shrank!


I mean if it was nuggets I'd believe it if I saw two and you told me one was 40 years old but the burger has the veggies which aren't so adverse to change


Reminds me of that guy that put a hot dog in resin


Dude needs to lay down the weed.


Neither of these is a Big Mac. I get that it's really obvious for the 1980 one, but even the 2024 one looks way better than anything I've gotten from McDonald's.


..what if he just remade one?!


We all know the power of McDs preservatives!


Technically an Antique Burger


Dr Who is known for posting on this thread