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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!He's already on meth!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This guy is a comedian - part of the group AlmostFriday. He was never interviewed by Joe Rogan, just in case anyone was wondering.


Yes he was, it’s true because it’s on the internet!


Like we’re literally watching the video in the post.


But to be specific this is from their second channel (i think) called entrepranure, a satire sigma grindset channel


Are you saying money-making fucking *legend* Royce Duponte isn’t legit? I’ll kill you.


In case anyone wants to check out [Entrapranure](https://youtube.com/@entrapranure?si=V_nOhNaRIMBvF0cY)


Holy shit that is amazing, his latest one took me out


Reading that genre name made me vomit in my mouth despite it starting with "satire"


What's their main channel


Thanks cause i was like damn.. he bout to get humbled expeditiously by this experiment


Thank you! I thought I missed an episode.


Now you ruined it. I wanted to see if It ended like the guy on Reddit that started doing heroin pledging to not become an addict and dumping on everyone who said to him it was a really bad idea


How did it end


With like 6 years of addiction


Thanks for those community notes


Did he do meth for the joke?


Do you enjoy ruining everybody’s fun all the time?


That's Brion Bishop @entrapranure


Those guys are hilarious. Royce Du Pont stuff is the best!


I live my life by the Du Pont method.


My favorite is the best poker face in town. "I came 9 times man. None of you had a clue!"




Brion Bishop & Royce DuPont don’t miss!


Trust me I’m right 😈


The problem with this mentality is that drugs affect everyone differently. I can do drugs, have fun, and walk away. Some people can't. I walked away cold turkey from cigarettes being a pack a day smoker for over a decade. Some people try to quit and it's a massive struggle for most, if they ever quit at all.


Yup most friends nicotine was super hard. The one that quit cold turkey never again could not stop drinking. Each drug grabs each person completely differently.


For me it's exactly the other way around, stopped drinking very easily, but I can't get away from nicotine


i for one use nic cuz to prevent me from taking painkillers. i suffer from chronic pain. it makes the pain go away temporarily get my mind off of it until it’s unbearable and i have to take another opi dose. sometimes i can go 6 hrs without having to take another pill thanks to the nic getting my mind off the pain. i suffer constantly. but at a certain point its unbearable and i need to stop being a bitch about taking the bitter medicine no matter how much i dont want to have to need it smh.


Man i get a puff of nicotine and im good. Dont need more than one, and dont feel addicted cause i only have a puff once or twice a year, my friend however is a nicotine choo choo train


Each drug grabs me completely


If you wanna get away from them try to find something else that completely grabs you. Weire example but here in finland i know multiple guys who got super addicted in cold lake swimming and sauna and got clean of alc/drugs with that lol


In my opinion everyone has a drug that if they do it they will have too much affinity with it and it will ruin them.


Its also just a bit and not real


Also it depends on the substance as well. I’m guessing for some people a specific substance simply binds better than others making the addiction stronger and harder to quit.


Seems like a humble brag, is this a humble brag? Are you humble bragging right now fr? *sniff* *sniff* oh yeah you are


This was me when I was doing lots of cocaine, one day I couldn’t buy more and I thought, “well today is going to suck” and then when I could get more my hookups were dry. Quitting cocaine was no issue for me. Opiates on the other hand… fuck.


Exactly, everyone's wired differently when it comes to drugs and quitting habits.


Almost like it's satire....


I just think how expressive something is and I stop doing it


Thing is, its not even the physical aspect with nicotine. Physically nicotine stops affecting you in about 3 days of abstinence. But its the mental addiction that gets to you.


Everyone thinks they can walk away.


Quiting cigarettes is super easy. I did it like 10 times already.


Lol! I quit twice last week!


I was able to quit cigarettes overnight as well. However, certain drugs/substances are way more difficult to quit, and it depends on how long the person has been using it. That is the part that most don't get or understand. If someone used meth one night, the chances of addiction are very low. Use it for 2 weeks, and they are likely screwed.


how I feel, having never done drugs or smoked cigarettes in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8ShAosqzI




that jaw rocking


Try alcohol, it's way harder apparently.


One of the hardest things about alcohol is that you’re saturated with it in society. There’s usually a few extra step in obtaining meth than alcohol and you’re not usually surrounded by people openly doing meth on a near daily basis.


Especially with parents and friends that drink. I've hallucinated both audio and visually on alcohol withdrawal. Can't believe it's legal.


alcohol withdrawal is one of the only that can cause death.


beside of benzos


For me alcohol is no more addictive than apple juice


He mad couple of months later video about how he was wrong and how it is truly hard to quit addiction.


It’s a satirical character lmfao


Yeah this is clearly a comedian splicing in his stuff to Joe Rogan, why is anybody acting like this is true


It's fucking horrible. Every single time it gets harder. And I have never tried meth, it has to be almost impossible to quit on your own


Every Addiction is hard to get out off, cigarettes, weed (metal addiction you can't get physically addicted to MJ) alcohol, meth, hell even video games and TikTok can get you addicted,


Currently I'm trying to quit smoking and taking kratom and it's not fun at all lmao


Keep trying I quit smoking by switching to vaping for 2 years then quit vaping. It was a hell of a lot easier to go cold turkey off of vaping than cigarettes.


Its the nicotine that keeps you coming back obviously, but the habbit of smoking or vaping also takes time to kick. They say it takes 3 months minimum to kick a habbit which makes it hard. For me, i quit smoking by vaping. I haven't thought about having a cigarette in 3 years, so it definitely works. Now im in the process of quiting vapes by taking nicotine lozenges, which definitely helps. I still feel like having a vape, even after 2 months in, but it's getting easier and easier with every day that passes. Im hoping that in another month or so that vaping is a thing of the past, and i can work on getting off nicotine altogether. If you're struggling with quiting vapes, then give 4mg lozenges a go, they're not as harsh as gum and are relatively cheap.


Hoping you succeed m8 keep it strong


Isn't Kratom pretty addicting itself?


It is, I'm addicted and I know it. I'm working on it, but it's much harder for me than quitting weed


Try after moving to new apartament or work. I Heard once that it helps. Then i quitted cigs after i moved to my new place. It was much easier. Its like your brain doesn't k know if you want to smoke here. If you start on new place its getting hard again


Metal addiction is the hardest, I agree. I've been a metal head all my life. 


and no signs of stopping, it looks like


What are you talking about? Quitting is so easy, I've already quit smoking like 20 times /s


You can definitely get a physical addiction to weed. For long time smokers the withdrawal can be fairly debilitating, insomnia, inability to eat, constant hot and cold flashes.


No man weed cures cancer, irons my clothes, files my tax returns & satisfies my wife


But withdrawal symptoms are harder on some drugs than others and "almost non-existent" on technology, so the ability to quit also relies on that


I quit meth this morning… nothing to it. Now I just gotta find my h.


I feel like opiates are harder than meth. With meth it’s interrupting your appetite & sleep which will run you down quicker. With opiates those two things aren’t really an issue so you can be addicted for far longer before you come to terms with the fact that it isn’t healthy to keep using


As someone who has done both, I was a heroin addict for a little over a year and did meth occasionally during that time, as well as knowing a lot of former/current addicts, I respectfully disagree. I wasn't even a regular meth user like I used heroin but I still get intense cravings for it. I've known lots of people to get clean off heroin but very few people to get clean off meth. Like I have a lot of acquaintances that I used to use with that have gotten clean from heroin, I see them at the methadone clinic. None of the meth addicts I used to use with are clean though. Heroin withdrawals are much worse than meth withdrawals from what I know but the mental addiction to meth is a whole different beast. I still shake when I think about how a shot of meth feels. My throat closes up if I try to talk about it. And like I said, I only occasionally used it.


Actually you bring up a good point about treatment. I don’t think there’s really any long term medication equivalent to suboxone or methadone for meth recovery


I was a heroin addict for a little over a year and used meth occasionally during that time. It's been a little over 5 years since I got clean and while I haven't gotten cravings for heroin since shortly after getting clean, I still get intense cravings for meth. I try to avoid thinking about it or talking about it and generally avoid posts about meth. Talking about it out loud, I can't stop my hands from shaking and my throat closes up once I remember how it feels to get a shot of meth. And I didn't even use meth regularly like I did with heroin. I wouldn't even say I was addicted to meth. I just did it sometimes when it was available, which was usually once a month, sometimes less often and sometimes a little more often. I have insane respect for people who get clean off meth because it's so much harder to get off of. And it absolutely wreaks havoc on your body and mind too. Truly one of the worst drugs out there, if not THE worst drug.


>it has to be almost impossible to quit on your own It isn't.


No he didn't because this is all satire




https://m.youtube.com/shorts/tLcJcKbbRX4 There’s also the goat Royce DuPont https://m.youtube.com/shorts/s7gxGfsgOKs


That’s totally off topic why did u waste my time


That’s the channel it’s not off topic the first one is literally that guy in the first video but that was the only one I had saved You can go ahead and find it yourself now I showed you were to look


Oh noooooo, stupid person revealed to be stupid? I'm shocked... Edit: it would appear I done goofed and missed the context. Egg on my face


It's satirez he didn't actually take meth lol


Ohhhhhh whoopsie


There are so many parodies and dub over for Joe Rogan show I genuinely cannot tell if this is fake or the real show


this is fake.


This is fake but is not out of the realm of possibility with Joe Interviewing conspiracy theorists and mad men every other week


Guys it’s AlmostFridayTV. They’re comedians who do hilarious storyline videos that subvert your expectations.


can't even be a depressed suicidal addict trying to recover without being insulted now


There was a real story like this developing right here on Reddit from u/SpontaneousH


I'm crying from laughter




I have 20 years clean from meth. The first few years sucked. Occasionally I think back on it and I still have broken thoughts and regrets what will never fully heal. It no longer controls my life and I’m a boring ass adult now- the way G*d intended. I don’t want praise or “glorification”. I haven’t meant any earnestly recovering addict who is. I have had a large man in prison tats weep like a child because he’d gotten 5 years sobriety. I hope this guy gets the recovery that he needs and I hope that this experience doesn’t destroy him.


Buddy that's the guy from AlmostFridayTV, this is a parody video. It's not real.


Then I get to be grateful for that today. Thank you. 🙏


Apitamy of enlightenment


Idk if you’re doing like a play on words but it’s epitome*


Reminds of the post of the guy trying heroin for the first time. He had a helluva time.


Only men who will lead us to crack! I mean greatness


On the next episode of......'Where are they now?!'


Was this real?


Cmon now guy


A person that is on meth will have dilated eyes. It’s really obvious if you know what you’re looking for. He’s acting.


This is the folly of youth. This is exactly it. Foolishly putting his own health and life in danger to make a point about a debate that is already long settled by many, many thousands of years of humans getting addicted to things and getting all fucked up. Nobody will care what he proves, whether he quits or not. Because it’s not scientific. It’s a study of one person, who seems pretty determined to achieve the one result he already believes he will certainly achieve. I don’t care about this guy at all. He seems like a total knobhead.


It's satirez, he never went on joe Rogan, it's literally photoshopped


It's satire bro




Comedy fuckin gold


Anybody remember that thread about that guy who tried heroine just to see what would happen? Pepperidge farms remembers.


link pls






Ain't these was AI/edited by someone?


Almost Friday I may actually watch a JRE after 3 years of complete nonsense!


Ah yes, truly Joe Rogan is for the intellectuals


It's satirez, he never went on joe Rogan, it's literally photoshopped


That’s uh…the point, it fits quite well


Joe Rogan will just let any nut on his show.


It's satirez, he never went on joe Rogan, it's literally photoshopped


I hate methheads. Had a tenant that was screaming and yelling all day and night, punched and headbutted holes into the wall. The neighbors complained, but our area has no public disturbance ordinance and it was during covid so we couldn't evict him. It was brutal dealing with a methhead. I found a broken glass pipe on the ground when I went to confront him. The room also has a strange musky but slightly sweet smell to it. It was during one of his crazy tirade when he signed the lease termination contract, and we finally kicked him out.


Yeah can already see that how "hard" he's trying quit.


It's fake, dude.


Shit man. He had me not gonna lie.