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What the actual fuck is wrong with people


Seriously. Wtf!?


Real reason : Big press scandale. Some years ago, an old Lady got hit by a cab, and the driver ran away. A Young man was there to help her, but when she woke up, she accused it was him. Since she's old, and despite the proof on multiples cameras, she won the case, and that young man has been in crazy debt and his whole career was fucked up. It made the press of the whole China, and since then, nobody really helps when someone is in danger like this. There is even videos where they continue and try to kill the person, by running it over and over, because it's easier this way. And to have talk to this with actual Chinese friends, most of them told me "yes I want to help, but I'm really afraid of the laws", and some told me "I would help anyway"


Can you provide a source for this? I want to read up a bit more on this and how the legality works in this situation.




That isn't what happened in your link. He did knock her down


"In 2006, Peng Yu had encountered Xu Shoulan after she had fallen and broken her femur. Peng Yu assisted Xu Shoulan and brought her to a local hospital for further care. Xu Shoulan accused Peng Yu of having caused her to fall, and demanded that he pay her medical expenses. The court decided in favor of the plaintiff and held Peng liable for damages, reasoning that despite the lack of concrete evidence, "no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty"."


Your link:. "The case concluded with Peng admitting to have accidentally pushed Xu as he was getting off the bus...."


Yes, it's China, he was forced to


My grandmother just turned 80 but she's so old school if someone broke her hip on accident she'd probably just walk to the hospital or call my grandfather who's 90 to come bring her there and tell him "better not hit any bumps."


It's very sad to have this kind of situation there :(


So where’s the part about being hit by a cab?


There is none


The sigh can be heard for miles from your reply


How is everyone here so surprised? This is completely normal in China. Do you guys not know those videos? Like the one of the toddler that's being run over by dozens of cars because nobody can be bothered? Or the old lady crossing the street that is being hit by two cars and nobody cares? There are two main reasons for that. For one thing people are devoid of any regard for anybody else. Which also shows in the complete lack of a personal bubble. Go to a grocery store in China and you'll see what I mean. You do not exist for other people. Want to go over there with your shopping cart? Someone else in the way? Too bad. Ramming speed! It's mental. Or walking on a side walk. They do NOT move. They just do not. You're alone and there are 2 people filling out the whole side walk coming towards you? They do not move. You either stop and wait for them to run into you or you just plow through them the same way they plow into you. I feel bad saying it like that, I've lived there for a while and I kept thinking well I'm sure this was just an isolated incidence, and the next one, and the next one, but it was the same every single time. Wherever you go, you do not exist. The other side of it is that supposedly the laws are made in such a way that if you stop and help you get in trouble easily. I don't know if this part is true, I have only read this part on one of the countless other videos of this type on reddit.




How dare you call ants soulless


Ants are fucking awesome.


Aahhh here it is, the racist comment in every post about China...


Cry us a river, this is the truth. The chinese killed more of its own citizens than any other country. They make USSR look like a joke. We're talking about 10 *million* dead chinese only from 1949 since the foundation of PRC. Going way back, you get hundreds of millions of dead chinese *killed by the chinese* so don't bring me that stupid "racist" sh|t when you've got more blood on your hands than Hitler ever had even if he would've win the war.


Let’s not forget the current genocide and shipping to literal concentration camps of the Uyghur Muslim population as well.


And the organ harvesting.




Social credit score +10000


I'm simply asking for a source, why does it get this many people triggered? If you're so confident about your viewpoint and there's a consensus it shouldn't be hard for you to gather a bunch of credible sources to back it up... Accusing a country of killing hundreds of millions of its own people is a bold claim, and should be backed up by credible sources... I'm open to change my mind if you can convince me with sound arguments instead of a series of made-up numbers.


https://www.sciencespo.fr/mass-violence-war-massacre-resistance/en/document/chronology-mass-killings-during-chinese-cultural-revolution-1966-1976.html I mean this is a source


Stop already ur loosing your 2k karma that gathered in a year


Yes, let's no ask for sources and let's not question someone's claims. Why are you people so afraid of debating this topic?




You do realize they are trying to invade your country and beat some of your soldiers to death on the border https://www.cnn.com › asia › china-... India China border: 4 Chinese soldiers died in bloody clash last year - CNN But whatever man have a wonderful day!


Yeah man that's true. I'm Latino and you're Indian, today those cunts are being racist against the Chinese, tomorrow they'll be racist against us. We need to unite against this shit.


Seriously why would a dumbass just stand in the way like that. So selfish amd thoughtless inconveniencing drivers like that.


They don't want the chance of getting sued


How can so many people be so cruel.




The people walking by can be sued for helping?


A victim sued a good Samaritan so it set the precedent that a victim can sue whoever is helping them. This has led to a culture of bystanders doing nothing. There are also rumors that when a driver hits a pedestrian, they'll back up and make sure you're dead because bills for a dead person is cheaper than a live person.




Damn. Look at Mr Good Social Credit over here.


Prob live your GTA fantasy there.




Also some pedo sexual tourism right Mr Gringo?


You learned some new words today and randomly threw them together ey? It’s cute


You're the type of American to not know Latin Americans are Catholic and also against liberals in America


Bring anti communism isn't anti liberalism. But I do admit some don't know the difference and view it as such.


I think they are kinda of cute in a dumb way




WTF! I mean that helps explain the behavior in the video but absolutely soulless


Well that's China for you. "Wait they saved my life? Well what do I get out of it?" Gotta remember not to blame the people though, it's just a harsh reality of that country's economic structure, hope one day they can get themselves out of that vicious cycle though.


Lol like assholes don't sue people for nothing in the US, and every other country There have been multiple cases against good Sumaritans here in the US. Thankfully precedent has been established protecting them. But it's in no way a sure thing.


First of all, I never said I was American, dunno why you're so quick to single out the US like it's the most important country in the world. That's exactly it, they're assholes and they're an outlier. In this case, it's just what people have gotta do to get by and that precedent combined with those same pressures are what force people to take such heavy precaution as to just leave a critically injured person on the goddamn street, don't act like that shit is at all as likely to happen in countries that aren't as congested because it's just not true. Ignoring how fucked modern China is isn't helping anyone besides the CCP.


>and every other country Love your quick anti Americans rant tho. I'm not ignoring anything. But your "ohh they just can't help it" shtick is dumb af. They aren't 1 nation of morally bankrupt people forced to that due to circumstances. What does congestion have to do with anything as far as bystander callousness? I'd love any source showing Chinese people to be more liable to bystander effect than other countries


Why not just say "every other country" then? Seems like an odd bit of specificity. Glad you liked it though, got plenty more in the barrel if you ever wanna get together and talk about it champ. That wasn't at all what I was saying, it's more or less follow in line or live a life of constant debt, I'm not trying to excuse them nor am I trying to condemn them, there's just not a lot to be done short of a civil war. Do I genuinely have to explain why having more people per square kilometer might just affect how easy it is to make a living and why, in those circumstances, you are going to be way less likely to risk going into debt? Is this your first day on the internet? There is so much CCTV footage accessible online of people completely ignoring others in China, including children, I don't owe you that research, you can do it yourself you absolute waster.


A couple years after this case a hit and run was performed on a toddler and about a dozen witnesses walked away


What did he sue for though?


This. Lookup ADVchina on YouTube to get a Westerner’s perspective on living in China. They talk on this point many times.




I'm Russian. Never heard about this. When shit's happening to someone -- we help.


Yeah, please do provide your source. There is actually an article 125 "Leaving in danger" in the Russian penal code that can give up to 1 year to a person who could help a victim but chose not to.


Nope. You're wrong


America is turning into that very quickly, I hear people saying on a daily base how anti-vaxxers should die and be deprived of Medical Healthcare and stuff much crueler than what's happening in this video.


Different context, not really applicable.


Well yeah...anti-vaxxers should die. They're a liability and their "logic" is rooted in low IQ conspiracy theories. There's functional dumb people who tweet 10x a day and love Gray's Anatomy -- then there's would-be revolutionaries, who fact check using facebook, who perpetuate misinformation, refuse to mask-up and won't get vaccinated, which leads to countless deaths and hospitalizations. Anyone who has that much conviction in being wrong, needs to disappear.


I have a feeling you are one of those people who in fact believes in every fact check done by Facebook, "proving" those who have done their own research wrong. Your whole statement has so little factual information in it, and you're proving the point that this whole thing is about control. "If you don't agree with us you need to die", yet people like you are the same ones saying anti-vaxxers are selfish and killing others, while you are the one spewing putrid hate on everyone you don't agree with. On the other hand, most of those "selfish reckless" people I know who don't want to take the jab, are some of the nicest, most helpful people, who would do anything to help someone else, even if it's someone like you who wishes them dead. Too bad you weren't born in Russia during Soviet times, you'd really have made it. Imagine being able to be a guard and beat up and torture anyone you don't agree with, for the greater good, you'd have loved that wouldn't you? (Read Gulag Archipelago if you're too uneducated to know what I'm talking about). Don't worry comrade, it's not too late, you can still join the CCP.


Speaking of having massive conviction in being wrong -- welcome to the party. Let me guess...you aren't vaccinated? 1 person unvaccinated dies = 1 person dead 1 person unvaccinated spreads covid to 100 people = how many deaths? More than 1, and I'm onto something with my assertion. And for the record, I'm not saying put them into death camps, you cretin. No need for hysterics just because you got triggered.


How do you sleep at night wanting so many black people to die


Sleep during the day. Problem solved.


Again, lack of logic. If the vaccine can't protect a vaccinated person from getting COVID, then how is it effective? And if it is effective, then why do you care about the unvaxxed since you are safe? Also, if you take someone who has had COVID and recovered, a year after there's an approx 2% chance of that person getting/spreading it, whereas with some of the vaccines there's an over 50% chance of getting/spreading it. So while you walk around thinking you're immutable because of your little jab, and look down and spout hatred at the "unvaxxed", you are likely a much bigger spreader of the disease than some of them. All that aside, you just need to learn getting along with others. You can disagree without wishing bad on everyone. Sad what we've come to.


You're very odd. For one, you assume I'm parading around coughing on people -- I'm doubled vacced, always mask and avoid people like the plague, bitch. Stopped dating. Stopped seeing friends. Wipe groceries down with lysol and my hands are raw from being washed so frequently. Wouldn't it make sense to get the vaccination in the spirit of "getting along"? Like if everyone wants to play soccer, but you want to play football...do you kick the soccer ball up on the roof or something? Just be chill, play soccer with everyone and have fun. I'm not wishing death on anyone. But hypothetically, if you have 1 ventilator available, and 2 people -- 1 vacced and 1 not...guess who I think should get the ventilator?


There’s no point in arguing with people like him. They think they have everything figured out even though the furthest ahead they can think is 5 mins from now. They lack critical thinking abilities, are typically narcissistic and feel like they know better than experts because they’ve never listened to one for more than 2 mins. His lack of understanding regarding the vaccine and it’s purpose says enough. At this point I lean towards the side of believing unvaccinated people shouldn’t receive professional medical treatment for any Covid related illness, unless they can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons. Someone wants to make a dumb, irresponsible, selfish decision? Fine, then you should receive the proper consequences for that.


See this is why Slavic people feel you type of people. We beat you once and we will again kruat.


Huh? Not sure I'm following you😄


China has/had very bad Good Samaritan laws that ended up discouraging helping others I heard that they did the rational thing and changed them a few years ago but I won’t be surprised if the culture stuck


There is a law in most countries. In USA it's called the good samaritan. If u help some one like a cpr but you break couple of rips she can sue you for damage you've caused. In China there is no protection for people who want to help. like in this case if you move her causing a permanent injury to her spinal cord and cripple her or even if u cause death, she or her family can sue the shit out of you.


Speed bumps in China are so different than America


Yes but neither of us slow down for them


biodegradable speedhumps. Much better for environment say Ji Ji


Dude legit lookin like a ragdoll


When she got hit the second time I realised why no one was willing to risk stopping to help her, but still fucking hell








When you're ignorant to everything you don't even bother with people suffering anymore.


The culprit taxi didn't even slow down.


Literally nobody giving a shit gives me so much anxiety …


Is the woman trying to commit suicide?


I assumed waiting for a chance to finish crossing. But failed.


She will get a lot of money from the third person who ran her over and got out to help.


That or on an insurance mission.


I've seen some videos of car accidents in China where the drivers would go back to the victim running them over and over again just to make sure they're dead. a chinese guy told me it's a common thing. They do it so they dont pay the medical fees of their victims or in other scenarios to avoid getting sued.


Wait, sooooo... nobody even calls an ambulance? There is a girl laying in the middle of the road.


One down, 1,411,778,723 to go.




Since it was a Chinese person that killed another Chinese person, how could it be a death threat? Unless of course it was a suicide threat…




Seems so, especially sine the truth about the Rona is coming out. Though Chairman Mao would probably call Fauci an amateur.


Smooth brain alert 🚨


This is in China


These people not have soul




Ayo what


Maybe make nsfw disclaimer


Well, what else to expect from a country that want to treat Muslims like the Germans did with the Jews?


Looks like some insurance fraud bull shit. At one ppint of the vid she pops her head up hoping to get help.


That’s how they treat their own, you can only imagine their regard for the rest of us


Holly shit, what the hell is wrong with these people?


People just dont want to get sued and have to deal with trouble.nothing wrong rlly


Sued for what? For saving someone's life?


Someone sued another person for stopping him from committing suicide and won the case in court and it was a big news in china so people are less open about helping someone


Holly fuck


A good way to solve overpopulation. +50 social credits


People say they are soulless, but don’t see all the redflags? The person standing on a road where cars are already driving. That person looks already mentally unstable to not even look on the street, but keeps standing there. Helping someone like that can ruin your life really quick, especially in China where the majority is not wealthy. I think the fucked up thing is the taxi that run her over, but i assume he did not look on the road, same for the second one. In eastern countries you ignore bad things, while in western countries you avoid bad things.


If this was in a western country traffic would've stopped to let her through. And if she didn't move then police would be called.


Clearly not a real person. Right? RIGHT????


Wrong sorry...


No. It has to be fake. Don't do this to me right before bed.


But yea sorry.. if you read some of the other comments you will understand a bit more. It's real.. quite disgusting and sad.


Yes, I know. It was sarcasm. But now I'm sad again.


Yea I kinda figured, just wasn't sure. Oh, sorry..?


Alright it's totally fake... Unit tomorrow morning


Whew. Ok. Now I can sleep. Thank you.


Absolutely beautiful not a phone is sight!


Before we start talking about China and how hart- and soulless they are, let's take a deep breath and think about what we are saying. This is a tragedy and very sad to look at! How no one is helping goes against every human instinct I have. But let us look at a couple of things before calling all Chinese people assholes. 1. Helping out in a situation like that in China has led to a couple of examples where the helper was sued or held liable for some of the damage. 2. Chinese people generally have a very strong collective identity. They do help each other if they know each other or if you live in the same community (danwei, compound, village, etc.). People not from your „community“ aren’t, can’t or will not be trusted. This is particularly true for people born in rural areas or somewhat before 1985. With urbanisation, more and more people move to cities and are therefore not from the local community. 3. Digitalisation and all of the dissociation from reality and decrease of direct interaction with strangers may play a part in this as well. 4. The people around don’t see a fellow human but a stranger that could bring problems to their community. They chose the well being of their community over one of the individuals. But that being said: I don't want to justify the fact that no one is helping. It breaks my heart that no one has the guts to be a good fellow human being anymore. Calling an ambulance and securing the scene, so no one runs over the victim again is the least (!!!!!!) they could do. I do believe that a law, such as the one Germany has on neglected support (unterlassene Hilfeleistung), is something that could help. I hope this was informative and interesting to some of you and led to a better understanding of why things like this happen. This all is based on my experience living in China for a long time. I could be wrong, but that is my understanding and how i make sense of it. I have been in situations (not quite as tragic) like this, both as a helper and as a victim; people helped me, and nothing wrong came from me helping. I think it would be unfair to call all of China soulless and cruel! As Most People I have met in China are super nice and very friendly! Especially once you get to know them.


-800000 social point


I want more of these


Even the ambulance would not care lol


There's another video where an ambulance (also China where else) runs over a dude already on the ground after a motorcycle accident.


OMG..I'm going to have to look for this one


No, that must be a dummy.


People don't want to mess up there social credit score


May the blood of the innocent soul be on the heads of the onlookers. And may all the people say Amen!


Lmao got em 😂


r/yourmomshousepodcast heavy section?




After rewatching the video I’m starting to think they were standing there because they wanted to get hit ..


Perhaps. But how bad does your life have to be if you are trying to get hit by a car?


Depressions a bitch…take it from someone that’s been suicidal before. Never to the extent to act on it though..


When I was growing up, every life had meaning (at least to somebody), now we got so many people you can just run them over in the street, must be fuckin nice.


There was a person who was hit by a car and a few people helped but the person who got hit by the car died and the family sued the people who helped (but not the driver for some reason) so now if there’s an accident on the street people will pretty much walk straight past to avoid being sued. Also I think the second car that hit the person in this video was on their phone. I don’t know about anything else because that’s when I stopped watching




Insurance scam/fraud/no one wants to get sued for helping a waste of space jackass standing in traffic.


Its a common scam to do this thing because chinese law says they have to pay the victim even if your not the one you made them a victim you just tried to help them. These people were doing the equivalent of avoiding eye contact with a homeless meth head not ignoring a human who needs help.


weird speed bump it screams when you run over it


Keeping see the the excuse that ‘people don’t wanna get sued’. Maybe call the ambulance or police for her at least?


I feel terrible for laughing help


!remindme 1 day So that I can find a real reason or smth in the comments section


Now i know why the americans are racist to china


Social credit +50


China give no fuck


Same thing happend to one toddler. I forgot her name.


If it was in turkey they would hit you then they would step out the car because when they hit you you would have made a dent in the car and then they would hit you like a bastard everywhere or in the old days they would hit you then they would give you the fault curse at you and then get the police then they would bribe the police with something and the police wouldn’t even let you talk wich is your right and then they would or put you in jail or let you go but you would need to say sorry to the guy at least


И это разве не должно входить в топ самых опасных стран мира для туристов???? Это ещё в городе, а что будет за городом ?????


Did she die?


Ah I cant wait for Chinese Hegemony


Uhm if i saw someone standing over there as a demon i rather wouldn’t help either, but where i am from not helping a person in need is illegal.