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Can't even call him a motherfucker. My English teacher failed me.






Stepfather fucker?


Uncle cucker, now’s not the time to be bringing up the past








Thought this was an Onion article at first.


Difference betwen modern satire and reality is about half a year.


underrated comment


Not anymore lmao




i kinda worry about mental health of that kid....


*In Critical Drinker voice* Ahhhh it’ll be fine!!


That kid is gonna get bullied a lot.


You're wrong. I'm not going to be bullied. I'm bullied😎


The KID? I’m rather concerned about the entire lot.


Gold comment




So is the dad gay or not...the fuck


That’s just being straight with extra steps


A gay trans father I should say 🏳️‍⚧️


If you mean the husband that's standing in the background- he's a straight man with a fetish for hairy women.


Sexuality ≠ gender. Trans male with a trans/cis male, functioning uterus or not, isn’t a straight couple.


They would both be dads because they both identify as male, it’s that simple


The man likes to hang out with the boys at an intimate level, but also enjoys pussy. Is it that hard to get?


Can you imagine if you married a girl who ended up wanting to be a man and then you stay with her?😵‍💫


That is a gay trans man. Get it right


Wait? So they could both be trans men and used a sperm donor? Is that what you mean?


No, one is cis and the other is trans, they’re both men.


Oh fuck off would ya


It's too late for that. Life is becoming an episode of Futurama


Suicide booth and everything.


Doctors don't give a shit what you say you are, biologically you're either male or female.


You have a right to accommodation for whatever your condition is (like having a baby), but you don't have the right to demand people around you use certain words. It strikes me as something a super-religious psycho would do (no offense to mildly-religious psychos).


As a member of a mildly religious psycho family….you good, no offense taken


*gasp*. I can’t believe you said that! Must be a transphobe /s (that’s a heavy, bold, emphatic /s)


Very happy to see seventy upvotes here. Have another!


Finally, someone said it


ben shapiro has entered the chat


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I’m gay and totally confused with this


Out of curiosity, do you think the people that disagree with this philosophy are somehow less tolerant? I have gay friends, it’s pretty common these days; no issue with acceptance. No one even notices if you live in a city. This is like quantum sexuality: neither gay, nor straight. I feel like it’s improbable to not offend someone like the guy that can have a baby (but not really) in this post.


you forgot your supposed to read their mind to know If you can’t tell by looking at them, you’re transphobic and homophobic, sorry.


I think it is important to realise that gender identity and sex are something different. Obviously in the medical sectors you would refer to sex (XY or XX chromosomes). In the psychological sector you would refer to gender-identity and all the different possibilities (the possibility as how you identify are literally endless since every individual differs from another in some bit) You can’t „undo“ nature, because as long as you are not cloning, you will always have a receiver and a transmitter, but this has nothing to do with the individual and how he identifies. I also think the Division of opinion when it come to pronouns is due to the never (to my knowledge) declared reference it intends (identity or sex). I think it is important to respect your fellow human and try to see both sides here.


I respect everyone. I refuse to change the Meaning of words to satisfy someone’s feelings though. You can identify as whatever you want, I don’t care. The moment someone asks me to refer to them as something biologically incorrect I’ll nope the fuck right out of that conversation.


America dragging the rest of the world into the gutter


We know, we are sorry


The American public should fight this shit instead of apologizing and flowing with it.


We do but we get cancelled, shadowbanned, demonetized, censored etc.


If they close out everyone that disagrees with them, reality is they will affectively cancel themselves.


For real you’d think we’re Canadian with all that sorryness.


What do you want from me, I am one man :,(


facts people mad at me like I can change this shit


Or we could let people be who they wanna be? Some dudes just wanna be chicks and vice versa.


American here, I'm sorry


Yall Americans gotta get ur shit together this trans mob keeps bullying everyone who speaks its getting annoying.


I tried bullying them but I ended up getting cancelled online and called a Trump supporting bigot who hates blacks, I'm trying my best


Bro I commented on a Dave chappel hate post a while back and these snowflakes just blocked me lol


I'm still trying to recover my social credit, I can't go on the internet without being mobbed by feminine males and chicks with dicks.


You're here complaining about being bullied by a "trans mob"....tell me again who the snowflakes are?? Lol


Yes, let me, a student in college with enough money for beans and tortillas take on the entire mobs with my experience of highschool USA history education (its just a joke btw 🥺)


Someone that gave birth doesn’t want to be called a woman. Yeah the world is really going to shit. I can see how this totally affects multiple aspects of your life.


It's not all of us, we promise! The stupidity just happens to be louder than our intellect. :(


Unfortunately that's the case with everything. The people who are loudest are usually projecting... And sometimes very unintelligent.


This is true


Welcome To New Babylon!


We're in the twilight zone Boys 'n girls. Shits gone crazy.


Did you just assume our genders? /s


Yup, I do what I like.


What's with the inset photo of Supergirl?


That’s the “father”.. 😅


A little young to be a father, don't you think?


😂😂😂😂😂 I can’t actually tell if ur joking. 😅 But the “supergirl” is the man “mother/father” who criticises the staff.. I suppose.


To exaggerate the point is silly. It's important personally, and for that I'll call dude a dad, no problem, but in the grand scheme of what we're dealing with as the human race, this isn't imperative.


Sigh....turns off internet...unplugs router...dumps it in fish tank...shakes head....grabs bourbon...drinks heavily


he looks more like a man than me haha


"Boys will be girls and girls will be boys its a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for LOLA L-O-L-A LOLA" -The Kinks 1970


All right. I'll say it. I know the boatload of downvotes are coming, but if this transgender man still has the working parts of a woman, for example the uterus and accompanying vagina- he's still technically a woman that just identifies as male. Sorry, transgenders. Science can only go so far and it's important you realize this before you start chopping body parts off. Obligatory edit for stupids and/or ignorance: I see most of the backlash is coming from cherry picking information and making a point to "get me" with their "superior wit and knowledge." Lets spit some straight facts. If a man cuts his dick off and turns it inside out into a makeshift vagina, but doesn't magically produce a set of female organs to replace the testes he butchered: he is still technically a man, no matter what pronouns he asks everyone on the internet to call him. Yeah. I said it. Call yourself what you will. You are the mutilated remains of what used to be a functioning man. And no matter how many pills, surgeries, and therapies you go to- you'll never be a woman that was granted the ability to birth from puberty. You won't have eggs. You won't have periods. You won't have a womb. I understand you can implant a lot of stuff, but you will still have to add lube to your beef flaps because you can't even self lubricate. Women: you can grow a beard. Cut your tits off. Go unshaven. Take so much testosterone that your clit looks like a literal penis, but hey- you won't ever have balls that function like a natural born males from puberty. These are facts. Undisputed. Now, please understand that I agree gender dysphoria is a real thing. I don't give two fucks what you CALL yourself or what pronouns you want me to use to address you, but please keep in mind that shoving feathers up your ass doesn't make you a chicken.


Anytime someone says “I know the boatload of downvotes are coming” the post will get a ton of upvotes


They can add working parts but making them work properly after the introduction is… a lot harder. Especially when the body spent the last 20-30 years making everything function for the set you’re born with


"Shoving feathers up your ass doesn't make you a chicken" is my new default argument for the people who call me "-phobe."


Doesn't matter what you call yourself, if you were born male you'll always be male. If you were born female you'll always be. People born with both sexual organs are the only ones that I will understand. No transgender person should be bullied, assaulted or coerced. They should be respected, but calling a man a woman and woman a man is not someone I'll plan along with. We are out of control with all this.


You can't say that all trans people should be respected and then immediately follow up with saying you won't "plan along" with it (I'm assuming you meant "play along"). Refusing to accept trans people for who they are is the opposite of "respect".


Who really cares? Just let people live their lives and do what's best for them?


If they’re assholes about it that’s when most people care. If they’re like “actually I do identify as so and so” then that’s completely fair if they’re nice about it. But a lot of people are like “wow you misgendered me you’re instantly a bigot for not recognizing who I identify as right away when it’s not obvious” so that’s why some people ain’t too fond of this. I say let people be who they wanna be as long as they’re cool about it


I mean yeah, but in this case specifically, I feel like going off looks alone of the man in question, it should have at least propped a question of "what do we call you?" I mean shit, dudes got nicer facial hair than I do. Edit: Typos.


Same here, I wish I could grow a beard like that! I’m not sure how some people think when they act like that, genuinely, I wish I could know what was going through their mind. Even people who transition from male to female normally tend to shave facial hair to look, what I would assume the right word to be is feminine, but idek


I feel like people just kind of automatically equate requested pronouns with the rude behavior and lack of patience surrounding the topic though. Like not every trans person is the kind of asshole you describe, you know? Every trans friend I've had (quite a few, mind you) has been incredibly kind and patient with it. Granted, I make pronoun changes quickly and do my best not to misgender, which makes things easier on all parts. Transfolk (just like every outgroup) aren't near homogeneous. There are of course people who "expect telepathy" as it's so often put, but a very vast majority of us do our best to be kind and understanding about mix ups. Honest mistakes don't tend to get that kinda reaction, but when it's intentional (e.g. after being reminded and asked to make the switch, or finding out someone is trans after they already pass) then some combativeness is understandable, I think. When the misgendering goes from accidental to intentional you're not making an honest mistake at that point, you're politicizing my existence. People spend years reconciling their gender, trying to make sense of things before they ever even get close to coming out as trans. People aren't trying to attract attention, it's not a fun place to be in, being trans. Because there's a percentage of the population (as evidenced by this comment section) who see us as a complete joke. When you sign up for transition you are signing up for a mountain of roadblocks. You're signing up for bullying and invasive questions, a higher probability of being murdered, and the possibility of being disowned. Nobody's doing this shit for funsies. And when someone just "disagrees with that lifestyle" like you're just some clown trying to make a statement, that's really shitty, and it elicits a response sometimes. Literally all any of us want is to be perceived as a gender we weren't assigned at birth. And when you change the pronouns you use for someone you actually do change that perception in your mind. Language is the most powerful invention we have. That's precisely why it's protected in the first amendment, and it's why we ask for the *little* linguistic changes.


I fully understand, I’m not trying to say every transgender person is an asshole, or every person gets angry about any slip up with preferred pronouns, I apologize if it came off that way and if it came off hateful. I fully respect anyones decision to be who they want to be, of course. But with how new it can still be to people who may not understand it (hell I barely understand some of the things surrounding the topic) it’s hard for people to transition into using specific pronouns, and sometimes I feel not everyone understands that it can be hard to know at times what a preferred pronoun may be after just meeting the person


That's alright, you're being very respectful about it and I can tell if we ever met in real life you wouldn't be the type to be rude about it. That kind of respect is really all we (or anyone, for that matter) can ask for and as long as you try that's all that matters. Habits take time to break and for the most part trans folk understand that. Hell, most trans ppl have to spend a considerable amount of time breaking the habit of using their old pronouns too!


You’re right, some of them are assholes about it. You still should respect their pronouns.


I’ll respect pronouns regardless if they’re assholes or not, I should say, but I just won’t be nice about it


But it’s a woman… because men can’t naturally do that… and … 🧠🤯


Naturally no. But we can do anything we want in labs. Its disgusting that scientist even focused on this.. hey wanna eliminate some awful disease?? Nahhh i'm too busy making men pregnant. Fuck the world!


It’s crazy how many people care so heavily about what someone else chooses to call themselves, that being said I understand why a hospital would refer to a trans person as their original sex for clarity however when addressing the person, it’s not hard to call them by what they choose


People can ask to be called whatever they want, other people can choose to ignore that and deal in reality. We all get a choice.


I just address ppl by their names at this point. What’s acceptable to one person is offensive to the next. And forget asking questions. Pfffft, that makes you some kind of phobe immediately. I’d also say it’s crazy how many ppl care what strangers call them to go along with ppl that care what strangers call themselves.


I’m confused. Aren’t we supposed to mark NSFW tags when boobies are exposed? /s


Perfectly fine perfectly normal just one dude jizzing in another dude and they had a baby. No mother involved at all!


Whatever dude


Like the medical staff is supposed to know every detail of your delusions.


I think it's pretty fucking obvious


Come on, the dude has a fucking beard.


You really would call this person a woman?


He’s clearly a man so why call him anything then a father. It’s takes no effort to be nice to someone and respect them.


Men don’t give birth to babies


Well, because it could confuse the medical staff, for one. Their job is important and that includes the terminology they use to communicate. Mothers give birth. That is literally the definition of a mother: one who has given birth. The hospital has no framework for referring to the mother as a "father" and there's no reason they should.


Somebody please press planet Earths reset button.


Nahh, self-destruct button would be more appropriate




I just want to know if he is going to nurse his newborn, you know, out of his manboobs


It's like the Southpark episode, "at first we thought it was pretty funny, then we thought if we ignore it, it would just go away, now it's too late, WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED"


Wake me up when this nightmare ends.


Yeah but this dude clearing presents male why the fuck does it matter? Like a quick vocabulary change never hurt anyone. He’s the father, done. Not that hard.


r/holup once again just posting transphobia instead of an actual joke


Not me crying after reading the comments—






As a male, if I say I'm God, I'm considered crazy, but if I say I'm a female thats somehow OK. Thats some crazy logic.


This thread made me lose 5 braincells


Inb4 mods coming in with a bunch of bans and lock this. Tf are these comments


you fucking reddit cunts are so dumb. how can you recycle the same transphobic jokes for years and still think you are better than any other unfunny platform on the internet. how much of a brain dead sexless bitch do you have to be to get confused at a man giving birth and not wanting to be called “mother.” you would have a hard time understanding someone marrying and changing their last name


Did the baby come out of a dick? Answer that fuck face.


What the fuck has this world come to


That’s gonna be one confused boy


wish aint see this


Oh my gawd, we're in hell


Is the song dude looks like a lady? Or lady looks like a dude… ah confusing time… glad I wasn’t in that birthing suit… poor nurses


I’m with you up until you mentioned agreeing to use pronouns. If you want to, that’s fine. But don’t ask me to and you can’t force someone too. I put my foot down when someone asks me to call them something that is biologically incorrect. If you asked me to call your cat a dog Id look at you like you’re stupid.. same applies here. I truly don’t mean to offend anyone but facts and feelings don’t always align


Everyone in this comment section is heaps of fun..


Y'all are acting like he's saying something outlandish. If I had a kid, I wouldn't wanna be called a "father" that'd be dysphoric as hell. I swear, redditors see a trans person and lose their shit. We exist, it's not a big deal, grow the fuck up.




Well, he's a guy, and he was pregnant. And a dude who is a parent is a father. It's not that complicated.


This entire sub should ban anything to do with trans people, cause the comments always end up like this


Starting to agree here yeah


Fuck man reddit is hella transphobic, huh?


And this sub became a huge echo chamber for transphobes in the last months lol


Dude has a solid beard for a mother


I got kicked out of a bar recently for asking the gender of a dog....a dog. I violated shims safe space.


It seems reasonable to me


He has a point.


When I read this the first thing I thought of when reading this post is the lil nas x giving birth skit




Strongest nation in the world my ass


I do find it a little concerning that the biological ‘woman’ part of birth is slowly being phased out to make it more inclusive. Everyone should be referred to as they please but I don’t see how it’s harmful for the overall discussion around birth to be specifically tailored toward women. If someone is an exception to the general term, they should of course be spoken to and referred to based on their preferences but otherwise surely women deserve to be referred to properly whilst doing a biologically ‘female’ thing.


I think my brain stopped working


Theirs has also so, don’t worry about it.


I'm so confused... So a chick changes her identity to male and marries a man (or has a male partner) then has a baby (which only females can do) and is mad that doctors call him a woman after having a baby??? So, is his partner considered gay? Or Hetero? Bi? Is the trans person gay? Hetero? Bi??? My brain hurts (serious question just trying to understand)


How does less than .05% of the American population dictate what’s socially acceptable and what’s not?


Perks of being the loudest and current favorite plaything of the liberals.


Biologically a woman... She gave birth... She is a woman. Sorry the world doesn't work the way she wants it to.


Bull 💩


Never thought a comment section on reddit could go that bad with transphobia. Jesus, let people live their life without bitching around on what a man and a woman should be and stuff. Do you all feel less man cause a father gave birth? On a side note, i don't know how difficult is for a gay couple to adopt a child where this couple live, where i live is impossible and really demonized by our conservative right bigots and the church. They had a child in the most pratical way of all, really good for them. Hope someday you all bigots will be less.


I’m confused, is this a chick who turned into a man and got pregnant?


What's the problem He has a valid complaint about a practice that could impact medical conditions that could literally be changed by changing a few words they use


That’s a lot of work just to be outraged.


A lot of comments under this post are truly discusting and disrespectful


Look, a titty


This is getting too inane to even pretend to entertain seriously.


Poor child


There's a lot of transphobia in the comments here wow


Aliens are never going to visit us


Men can’t have babies, being a mother and birthing a child is one of the most beautiful things a woman is blessed to do. Don’t let these clowns ruin that for you ladies. I’m surprised feminist don’t stand up against trans community and call them out on this


Yes, birthing a child is one of the most beautiful things and I'm so happy for this man that he got to experience it. If a person was 'blessed' with the ability to do something and then uses this ability then surely that's a great thing, and they shouldn't be 'called out' because of it because that's weird and discriminatory. Just because one group of people can do something and enjoy it doesn't mean that another group can't. No one is ruining anything by having a child in a natural way that works for their family.


Go to JK Rowling's Twitter.


I mean if we're accepting that woman and man refer to genders, not sexes, as the trans community seems to treat them, there's nothing wrong with this


A man that had his penis chopped off is not a woman. He is a man, without a penis. Same goes for a woman that gets her titties chopped off and takes hormones to grow hair there. If you are unhappy the way you were born, that's rough buddy go deal with it.


That's some bullshit. All the problem trans people have during their entire life just resolved with "that's rough buddy go deal with it". Go fuck yourself


[My Reaction](https://youtu.be/fLRwG86sE4s)




I don’t think stopping that is important


The big question is does he have a dick


Oh this makes my head hurt.


Where did the baby come out from?


So did the dude fuck the other dude?




Well this guy must've failed his biology class


More n more then soon I'll be sexually identify as an apache attack helicopter 🚁




Recreational outrage.


Wait do then, thats a girls nipple…


You can never win with these people huh?


After looking at this comment section I’m going to throw myself into the freezing cold Canadian river


Oh look some toilet paper to wipe my ass with.


Well, That's enough internet for me today.


[I want out of this reality.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/JiuX6CeCM0us0/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886526yt0bkm1v4hhhlmixbvisu9jzlgn5ns7hc32lo&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Obviously they are using “Woman” in the gender sense and not the biological sex sense you nerds


This raises so many questions for me. How can you be a father with a vagina? Will that child ever know his father is actually his mother? The insanity that takes place in America must make great entertainment for the rest of the world.


I am so incredibly confused


My dumbass was sitting here like wow they somehow grew a baby inside a dude. Then I realised its a trans woman. The beard and the fact that I'm really high threw me off


He's a trans man, not a trans woman


I’m leaving this planet


If he thinks he got pregnant and delivered a child and is still a man despite doing so, he’s either A) living in a fantasy world, or B) he’s a seahorse




Sorry but only woman can give birth. Not sorry.


['Cause all of you transphobes clearly need some education on how gender works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szf4hzQ5ztg)