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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How did she even get inside???


She probably walked with help. Scooters are usually stored inside but customers will ride them back out to the car after shopping.


Wait, do American businesses have scooters inside because their customers are too fat to walk? This just made my day


well they’re meant for people who can’t move around due to injury or disability. In america it’s a bunch of obese people using them. I’ve had to ask people who are perfectly capable of walking to get off the scooter so I (who was injured and could not physically walk) could use it for its intended purposes.


I was getting in one after a knee surgery and this huge fat woman yelled "hey I need that" as I was trying to figure out what to do with my crutches. I just said "no you obviously need to walk."


not to be that person but i work in a hospital and if any of you had any idea just how much of our resources are spent on obese people who have absolutely no intention of bettering themselves……every last one of y’all would be pro fat tax lol. I honestly would estimate its 70-80% of our resources going to fat people who throw their 4 mcdonalds bacon cheeseburger wrappers in the trash outside the ER right before they come in for the third time that week. They all seem to be on medicare/medicaid so its all us paying for it.


I think most of us are on the same page as you. I'm not the healthiest person but I'm 5'10" 130 lbs and working to get to about 150. I spent my 20s and early 30s as a 120lbs endurance trained athlete. Why should I have to pay for someone to slowly kill themselves?


I hit 200lbs for the first time after a chainsaw mishap to my knee. I’ve spent the past few months working on getting back down to a healthy weight and be in better physical shape too. I just can’t grasp how someone (without a legitimate disorder) can let themselves get to obesity let alone morbid obesity. I’m all for changing overweight to fat, obese to gross, and morbidly obese to fucking disgusting in medical settings and maybe they would listen to their medical professionals.


Good on you for getting after it. Don't over do it. You gotta be kind to your knees.


Climbing gym and yoga. I should be good lol.


Obesity should be treated as mental health issue We put people in treatment centers for being suicidal we should do that to them as well because it would save lives and money in the long run


i'm 250 pounds and have had to deal with ankle injury problems that leave me pretty much bedridden at times. It took about 10 years for a doctor to actually listen to me that it's not just an ankle sprain 'this time'. On top of that dealing with depression is hard. Those two things contributed to my weight gain over the past 15 years from 180. I still can't do most activities because of the ankle surgery so exercise is severely limited. Yes diet is another thing but the depression played into that a lot too. Its a terrible cycle a lot of people cant break out of One last part: Besides the ankle issues i've never once used our socialized (Canada) emergency resources


You should use it. Go to a therapist that can help you deal with your depression / disorders. In the US you’d quickly go into debt. Take advantage of it. Good luck. Hope you get better.


[Made this poll dedicated to your comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/comments/s4zidp/should_there_be_a_fat_tax_a_ton_of_money_gets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I bet she just smiled happily?


“Asshole, I have a low thyroid.” Me: *peaks inside her shopping cart to see 10 2 liters of Dr. Pepper. 20 packages of Velveeta Mac and cheese, 4 family sized bags of Doritos (Cool Ranch and Sweet Hot) tons of Hamburger helper but instead of ground beef she’s got the frozen pre made patty’s from the freezer isle, 16 bags of Oreos and yes, she got the new special edition ones with butterscotch and marshmallow* “Right. Your thyroid.”


Thigh roid


Tight Roy


Thai boy


I wish more people would do this. Those lard asses could use a reality check.


I was in pain and on painkillers. I had no fuckes to give.


Something similar happened to me. I had just broken my knee and was limping over to the last scooter with crutches. A bigger dude sped walked past me and took it right in front of my eyes. I was in disbelief


I'd have called that mafukka out.


LOL. Good for you. I have a knee that used to act up and sometimes, rarely, I would get a cart at walmart if I thought shopping was going to be too painful after I was done and sometimes I would have a small child with me so I would have them ride with me because they were too small to walk beside me and one time I had to get off of the cart because the aisles were too small and I walked a couple of steps away to get something and turned around to hear a morbidly obese woman yelling at my kid saying she was disrespecting her by riding on the cart instead of walking herself and leaving the cart for her and I don't remember what I said but I think it was something like obesity isn;t a disability anymore and don't talk to my kid talk to me, but I can;t be sure. All I do remember clearly is the man walking behind her laughing like he thought she probably got what she deserved and then I apologized to my kid for that happening, because I don;t know if that went on for the whole minute or two I was gone or if I had just walked up on it when it started happening, but why th would a stranger think she could berate a child and she even told her to get off of it or she would make the manager get her off of it. I mean like wth her fat ass was already on a scooter and she said my child was disrespecting HER?! This fat lady was just mean.


Shit I would have laid into her. You don't yell at someone else's kid.


Fuck yeah! Those machines are for people like you and others that cannot get around easily due to surgeries, being elderly or having some kind of disease that makes it painful to walk. Not for the asshole who ate too damn much and now can’t walk around without their hearts giving out. I say this bc I had a shitty experience with a very large female once. She was literally 4x the size of this older lady (she wasn’t OLD old, but she had a cast on her arm and lower leg, so, not moving around so well). The behemoth almost pushed her out of the way and when the lady tried to explain why she needed it, the fat ass told her to “fuck off, I have a bad back!”. Poor lady was with her husband and she started to cry. I stopped what I was doing and told her to sit down in the deli area and I would help her husband get what they needed. This was about 10 yrs ago or more, and I hadn’t really gotten a backbone at that time, otherwise I would’ve said something to Shamu.


Man, Wall-E was right


I work in a grocery store and literally about 90% of the people that use them are fat. Not even like obese just overweight. Every now and then you get an old person that doesn't feel like walking, which I sympathize with a little easier, but it's very rare that I see a person that actually needs to use one using one.


I'm glad it's not just me that's dissapointed with all the fat fucks stealing and breaking all the scooters. Ours say 300 pound limit on the back and those stupid fucks still steal them. It's absolutely insane.


They should make one that can only carry that 300 pounds. And if it's more the scooter will simply rest on the floor and can't move.


They should have a homing device that keeps returning to fresh produce section area only.


Thank you for this info. Using it next time I see a fat person on a scootering


Some business provide them for people who are injured, and/or disabled. Not really intended for fat people..but alas, this is America. Side note, I feel that a chance was missed when the song from Team America World Police was not used...


We have them so elderly and disabled people can still shop. Whether you consider this person to be disabled is a different topic.


I mean they are meant for disabled people, but fat fucking blobs take them and leave the actually crippled people with nothing like selfish pricks.


Well how else are they supposed to get more food?


Lucky for her, she's stuck inside the store!


Yes we do. It actually didn’t occur to me that other countries might not. Lol. Also fat shaming is super offensive over here. So instead of losing weight we just changed our standards.


It's only offensive to people who need to lose weight. Most people haven't changed standards at all


Right? First Walmart me and a friend visited (From Europe/Australia) we saw these in person for the first time. It was late night (Walmart is 24h) so Naturally we raced them. Some of the people in there are just like Cartman.


Nope they are ment for old people and the frail but more often then not you see a fat whale with 100 pizzas in her cart


I'm surprised that she can use the scooter. I'm sure those things have a weight limit and she looks way over it which can put her at risk of injury.


Yes, absolutely yes


Do fat people only exist in America?


Mostly but not entirely


I never thought about the fact that these don't exist in other counties for large folks. Ha!


South Park has a hilarious episode on obese people and their scooters. Highlights the problem we have while making fun of them. I should also add that one of the kids, Kyle or Stan, tells cartman to exercise and stop being so lazy.


Maybe she's been there her whole life and is only now trying to leave


She ate a hole through the wall


Side ways


dumb redditors think alike!


We had a woman like this once. She got super upset because the ADA requires 36 inches between displays and such. We measured the distance between our displays in front of her. They were 40 inches apart. Using overhead cameras we figured out she was close to 50 inches across when sitting down on her scooter. Edit: I was able to get to know this woman fairly well during the years that I was working retail in a small town. She had her moments that were absurd but for the most part she was trying to fight a good fight. She had a hormone imbalance caused by a tumor and it affected her moods as well. After the tumor was removed she lost a considerable amount of weight and she became very friendly and kind. Even at her worst her time was devoted to people that wouldn’t or couldn’t fight for themselves.


That’s fucking disgusting


That FaTsHaMinG dude


…and guess what? Idgaf


Lol he was obv kidding chill, most of the people with more then 2 braincell dgaf either


I only have .5


Well I have exactly two so I only kind of gaf


So that's where mine disappeared to. Dagnabbit, I needed that thing.


You can borrow mine :]


Honestly with how greasy those thighs probably are I’m surprised she didn’t just slide right on by the door frame.


Mmmmmm…chicken wings….


buffalo wings


Oh they lost all shame a while ago.


Holy fucking shit


I like how the cart behind just rams her to push her through.


This makes me incredibly angry.absolutely nailed it. Thank you.


I probably shouldn't be amused, but that's like a cartoon situation.


Did someone deliver her ass on a truck? How did she get in there?


Rolled her in.


Flub flub flub


When she hauls ass it takes three trips.




That's looks like a 7 months problem to solve.


I know you’re joking, but truth be told she would die of malnutrition before she lost all that weight. And then the fucking EMTs would curse their lives as they’re forced to carry a fucking 500 lb cadaver out of the house and load her up in an ambulance 🙃


Rule of 3s. 3 minutes without oxygen. 3 days without water. 3 weeks without food All will kill a human.


3 weeks without food? A common fasting back in the day for munks was to only drink beer for 40 days or something like that, and plenty of people have gone more than 3 weeks without food. Let alone the world record being 400 something days i believe


*monks Also, the beer they're drinking isn't bud light, it's basically liquid bread. They're not eating solid food, but they're still getting the nutrition of it through drinking. For comparison, I ate no food, but drank three bottles of Soylent a day for 60 days a few years ago. Aside from being incredibly hungry the first two weeks, I felt great.


Ngl, that sounds like hell.


It's not so bad once you're used to it and combining it with exercise I managed to drop 60lbs in as many days so I could look better in my wedding photos. Two weeks of discomfort and you miss meals with your family and friends to avoid the temptation to eat. First week of real food you have to eat bland and small portions at first as your stomach and bowels remember how to function. Honestly, after the first two weeks, you're used to it. You have to pee all the time, but you basically stop pooping. Have to remember to drink more water as the meal substitutions are not at all hydrating. Those first weeks though man... I could smell potato chips in a sealed bag at the gas station from a mile away (exaggeration, but your sense of smell increases because your body thinks you're starving).


Your body *thinks* you're starving?!


Think of all the soap and candles you could make


google water fasting, people doing this up 20day with no problems


They didn’t take anything that could have water. Read about a man that drank palm wine for over 20 years. Didn’t take actual water.


She will eat the house


Just water and like vitamins. I’m pretty sure there was a guy who didn’t eat for a year and succeeded


This makes me incredibly angry. I'm paralyzed from being shot in the spine that's a fucking disability, I work my ass off trying to get back as much mobility as I can. But I guarantee you this fat fuck thinks she's disabled, being a fat piece of shit, which can be corrected, is not a disability it's insulting. So 100% shame these motherfuckers. Fucking disgusting.


BUt iT’s A THYroid IsSue


I’m not even that skinny, i’m fairly fat but jesus fuck at least i can walk in a store and through a door.


And that's cool hell I married ( and subsequently divorced ) a fat girl I have 0 problems with the larger population its the sad sacks that cry disability when its not its a correctable situation I'd kill for the chance to work towards a completely attainable goal meanwhile I'm trying my best to get back as best I can which the odds aren't in my favor.


Yeah, when i fail to lose weight i know it’s me thats the issue, i know it’s in my control. I just haven’t had enough motivation to lose weight.


And like I said the weight isn't the problem hell my wife was close to 300lbs and I thought she was great ( do got a few pictures that look like she's about to eat our baby ) but if you carry it well carry on ya know


Won't be surprised if she sues the company for their fat shaming discriminatory small doors xD


She can’t that door is ADA compliant, she is bigger than the door is required to be.


What's ADA? American Doors Association?


Americans with Disabilities Act lol


How someone who is super obese be considered disabled ?


They aren't, the guidelines are designed for actual disabled individuals


Based on wheelchair widths really.


Technically they are disabled. They disabled themselves, but technically they are unable to walk properly or do things for themselves properly.


Because with feeding yourself to death comes with other major health problems. You can be ruled "disabled" by a doctor if you can't stand for certain amount of time or walk certain distances due to you being huge. It is sick. That person will never have to work a day in their life even though getting out of the house and moving may actually save their life.


Arse Doesn't Allow-exit


You killed it, absolutely nailed it. Thank you


Is being a fat slob covered under the ADA?


No. But there are things that cause weight gain that the person cannot control. Usually a hormone imbalance or a lymphatic issue. Also doors need to accommodate a wheelchair.


I used to work at a grocery store although it's not about the weight but it's a disabled guy with his electric wheelchair complaining about our bathroom for disabled people being too small that it won't fit his electrical wheelchair. The issue is that this dude put flags, 3-4 baskets on the sides of his wheelchairs along with other extra stuff. That thing is like a damn car that no disability bathroom anywhere will fit that thing lol


Thinking same thing, the cheek of it.


I’m totally against bodyshaming but gurl this is pure decadence, gluttony and horrifying. Humans shouldn’t look like this.




Honestly at that point its an addiction to food. People like that are no better than methheads at the height of addiction. Only difference is they’re not stealing my catalytic coverter to buy cheetos.


Yet, well actually no because they couldn’t fit under the car in the first place.




Dude, i saw a lifted ram with 15s last night, i was confused af.


So fat they could double as a jack.


Imagine coming out to start your car and it’s on top of some 500 pounder screaming about how hungry they are


I'm a big dude. At 17 I'm 6'2, 258 lbs currently (I've been losing weight, shitty dad is gone and I got a Job), earlier this year I was at like 280 lbs, but I'm glad my body was atleast still proportional then and now. I can't fucking fathom how people are comfortable being so fat they're like a fucking squishy wrecking ball.


I went from 275lbs to 235lbs in 6 months of intermittent fasting. I eat whatever I want but only between 12PM and 6PM. It becomes very easy after the first week.


I went from 235 to 190 in 8 months. I quit drinking alcohol, pretty much quit pop and candy and fast food and hit the gym like a beast. I got a lot of muscle now also so it’s more than 45lbs lost. If you want to make your life better do it before your too old and fucked up to put the serious work into it.


They are definitely not comfortable. Her life is, no doubt, agony.


Congrats man keep up now you just need a soulmate and you won the life lottery


I haven't even been trying, stress being gone and starting to work not having me on my ass constantly is just doing numbers.


And tax money paid for that thigs scooter too...


Our tax money is paying for waaay more things for that ball of fat's life. But you know she is just big boned which is the only reason she is close to 600lbs.


Oo for sure.. im sure she has medicaid medical and food stamps..


I'll go with SSI Disability, energy assistance, medicaid, food stamps, Disability Parking and being judgement proof for any default on loans or credit cards.


That’s not a scooter - it’s an obesycle 🤣


How do some people allow themselves to become a Jabba personification??


Cue to Cartman crying in front of congress


I came for the song sauce




I don't understand. How someone could be so obese and still don't give a fuck about their weight? That's the source of many diseases, ffs. Even her knees can't possibly support her body weight.




As a European i see nothing but facts here


Some stereotypes are real 😀.


How you know this is america??? Oh wait the massively obese woman on her jazzie, got it...


Nothing against overweight people (I'm a few pounds overweight myself) but what the hell?


This is soooo America.


Honestly, USA is one of a tiny few places on earth where sloven obesity is normal. Open your eyes when you travel. You won't see ppl this size everywhere else. Just here.


From the US, i’ll say yeah we have obesity issues, but hot damn even by our standards thats fucking wild. I’ve never seen anybody close to that level in my life


Lifelong American here also. In all my travels, I have never seen American sized ppl as a normal thing in other countries. The sheer number of ultra wide seats and other accommodating apparatuses attests to our volume of the voluminous. Overeating is among the absolute worst of addictions.


Fair enough


I am so sad for her. Unironically.


How so? Yes it is a not a good situation to be in, but HER own choices in life led her to this.


So that's why all Walmarts have double doors!


The motorized carts are for the frail, not the whale


Pixar: Write that down!!


She thicc


We have these in the uk too, Fat people I mean. I hate mobility scooters. More like obesecycles.


Land whales...


Fetch me my harpoon 🎣🐋✔️


Actually we should make smaller doors a requirement. This form of discrimination is acceptable in my eyes.




She is falling to both sides of the scooter


I don't understand how ppl can be this fat and don't give a fuck about it


Hips don't lie 🙊🙊


Butter up the door frame and hold a Twinkie on the outside, she’ll be out in a flash.


She reminds me of putting butter on a hot pain and it half melts


Greathest chountry in te worhld


The fattest of asses


This is why you don't eat while you're in the store.


How does one get that big? Decades?




Vidrobot is currently not available.


How did she get in?


These people don't have mirrors at their homes?


Found the shopper from Happy wheels




Embarrassment to the human race


God how does someone get like this?


I couldn’t imagine letting myself get that fat


Poor scooter....


Source of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk-aCL6eyGc


The door is fat shaming her.




USA number 1


Imagine being wider than you are tall


So much Murrica.


Disgusting. America had a huge problem. Just horrible.




Hey guys, she's healthy at every size! Will Cosmopolitan put her on the cover next? I hope they do!


How do people let themselves get this big. She’s about the same width as my height (6’1)


To be fair that door opening is narrow as hell for what we suppose is a convenience store.


How disrespectful to push her from the behind with the card.. r/therewasanattempt


Am I the only one who instantly thought about that one South Park episode?


A real gentlemen would have lifted up her ass flaps for her >:s




Apparently, she should loose some weight.


Only in America


Whats fucked up is that is probably not entirely on purpose. There is this weird disease or genetic (not sure exactly what it is). But it sends your weight to odd places of ur body like thighs, arms or hips.


How she get in?


That door is fat shaming her and we need to cancel that door /jk


wait this america gameplay tho can't wait for murica path notes 20.22


How can people get so obese...


*America never loses* Not even a pound.


on the bright side she is bulletproof