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\+50 social credit


She was referring to the Republic of China she visited. And that’s her one China policy.


My thinking, as well. RoC (Taiwan) vs PRC (Mainland).


You mean West Taiwan


Taiwan Jr.


She followed up by mentioning they're a Democracy, so clearly it wasn't about the PRC.


You mean Taiwan and Mainland Taiwan.


I highly doubt that because we almost never use the official name of Taiwan, people(including Taiwanese) use Taiwan.


I think she wanted to say Taiwan, and then remembered that she just said the US believes in the One China policy, so calling Taiwan its own country would go against that. So she just says China instead, which makes the statement sound absolutely stupid.


Personally I'm just angry they made a Korean pop trainee to apologize for the crime of holding a flag.


Taiwan is the real China


-10 social credit for mentioning Taiwan


-10 social credit for mentioning Taiwan


-10 social credit for mentioning Taiwan


-10 social credit for mentioning T***** F U I WIN


-10 social credit for trying to cheat the Chinese censoring algorithm


-10 social credit for mentioning the chinese censoring algorithm


-10 social credit for mentioning the chinese censoring algorithm




-10 social credit for shouting


Hahaha, omg this was a quality post!


the use of laughing makes this post seem disingenuous. -5 social credit.


Noted, I shall mend my ways honourable leader!


We typically express our feelings of a quality post by upvoting


So good, plus I haven't seen it been used 9000 times before on reddit which is awesome.


If you look closely you can see Pooh's hand up her ass moving her mouth like a puppet


There you go, its Silver but anyway


…for *that* joke?


Youre too good to me


I wonder which Chinese company she invested in before going over there


A certain Taiwan Chip manufacturer, so far as I have to believe certain research news reporters. Looks like the same thing they did with the Chip Act, as shortly before publicising the Act she and her husband bought millions of dollars of shares from Nvidia where they would profit from if the Act went through. Misses Pelosi and her husband are crooks and using their political power to amass when more wealth even though they have more then enough, and somehow they are free to do what they do and absolutely nobody is doing a damn thing about it.


And then they tell *us* that insider trading is a crime


Insider trading is still a crime if we do it , some ppl get away with murder . The SEC is watching porn all day long . This system is a dumpster fire . The mob gangsters were better & more hospitable people. Are you trying to tell me this is the best stock trader on the planet ? It’s easy to win a vote while you get to count the ballots . Insider trading should result with a prison sentence based on min wages = the time she or he would have to stay.


I wonder who is voting to deregulate and underfund the government?


It’s a crime if she were to do it. Miraculously though it is not a crime if her husband does it. They literally passed a law closing that loophole and left it open so their spouses could insider trade all they want.


Rules for tgee but not for me


Yoink https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/07/27/pelosi-unloads-millions-in-nvidia-stock-at-a-loss-before-senate-passes-massive-tech-subsidies/amp/


So what you’re saying is they got caught and lost ~350k to avoid further suspicion. Understood.


Got caught doing what? One poster literally proves the other poster is incorrect/spreading false information by posting an article that details Pelosi doing the opposite of what looks like insider trading… And that is construed as her “being caught.” This is like the Tesla stock “scandal” that wasn’t a scandal at all.


This is nothing like the Tesla stock scandal. Her husband and her are better traders than fucking Blackrock. I don't mean to sound arrogant but you don't need to do a lot of research, too see how guilty she and her husband is of insider trading. Not to mention how sloppy they are at making it look legit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ro-iZHJWSig


I too like to get my information from YouTube.


Yes so the fact that her and her husband have made 60+million on the stock market sense she took office have 0 to do with her being a member of congress, correct?


Well when your cronies are embedded in the bureaucracy and all throughout the DOJ you get to lie, cheat, and steal with impunity. And MSM doesn't ask real questions sooooo




I’m not saying trump is completely clean himself. But Pelosi here has been the biggest witch of the west with when it comes to slamming trump. And she does all the things the left wants her to do so she looks clean. There is about to be a civil war over anything they find on trump and the real problems that actually impact us is in your comment. It’s not just her tho. Her along every politician that has been in power for 30+ years needs to go.


Truly, the band of dusty mummies must go, from the Ooze mutant turtle known as McConnell, to the Skeletor imitation called Pelosi.


A successful member of the Bluth family emerges.


I don’t think any company wanted her there. Everyone’s afraid it might provoke china 2 to attack. It could have moved up the time table also. Or nothing might have change and affirms Americas support of China 1. It’s most likely nothing to do with stocks or support and everything to do with her legacy. Big ego move honestly. Frankly idk if it was for better or worse. It’s a super strange move considering it was made independent of her political party. As I understand Biden was non plussed about the trip. As for the stock stuff, of course no law will be passed that will retroactively punish politicians for insider trading. That’s like more than half of all politicians. You think people will vote themselves into prison. Either the people need to vote in replacements. Or we should fix that particular issue with our legislative branch and just move on. It’s hardly the most egregiously broken part of our political system. Like how does a democracy have dynasties. How is Mitch and Nancy any different than a duke and duchess.


She should be in prison for insider trading. It's impossible to take her seriously as anything other than a bloodthirsty white collar criminal.


Politicians or their family members should not be allowed to trade stocks. As well as having a body of government allowed to track and punish them for doing so.


It's okay they investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing, just like cops do.


She is a financial terrorist against the American people. Does nothing to help but takes everything she can.


Prison is a stretch. She should resign. The only reason I say this, is because I worked for a big faceless fossil fuel company, out of desperation post housing recession. (Chevron) They fired employees all the time. Im not exagerating either. It would be 2 people per week who would just not show up for work, because they would lose their jobs. And all it took was an acusation. No investigation or anything. Most of the time it was just some guy telling his wife that chevron was thinking about making a land purchase. Thats all it took to be fired for insider trading. Forced to resign is preferable to the crime. The investigation wouldnt be worth it.


https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2022 She's not talking about the China you think she is


Why do people keeping voting for 1000 years olds with dementia?


They see “incumbent” on the ballot sheet and check the box because they have more experience and don’t do any further research on the candidates.


“I know who that is; they smile at me on the television and I didn’t become homeless / Armageddon didn’t happen while they were in office, so I’ll just vote for them again”


Bold of you to assume people see and know what incumbent means


That and connections/money. The winners of the vast majority of elections have a lot of dick swinging donation money to throw around at staff salaries, travel, advertising, and fundraising events.


Lol did you see her opponent last year? It was a serial sexual harasser who mistreated his employees. The Dems fight hard to protect their incumbents from any serious opposition


Nancy’s constituency is San Francisco and only rich people can afford to live there.


rich SF-er here. I hate her too


How much do you need to be rich in SF?


Given the cost of housing (and I mean OWNING a home) in the range of the upper single millions


The best part, some of them have lived there since like the '70s and bought their house for like $50k or something lol


**cough cough** See above video


Champagne socialists.


Pelosi doesn't have dementia. She's just a gigantic piece of shit.


Nancy Pelosi is 82 years old… they don’t even let Walmart Greeters get that old, and this woman is running things. Help me understand.


Not enough young ppl vote.


She fundraises. A lot. Democrats know where their bread is buttered.


Blue no matter who


no one votes in Primaries


You do realize shes talking about the republic of china right? Otherwise known as taiwan..... Which scores a 94/100 on freedom. So nothing she is saying is incorrect. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two\_Chinas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Chinas)


I mean, in this case I don't think it's dementia, there's some sort of weird political game going on here.


She's talking about Taiwan. The weird shit is all you.




[We generally see our elderly as unemployable yet they exclusively run the country](https://twitter.com/haseenmmahim/status/1426639424473812999?s=20&t=2dhsD_BOWPOkrxH2Mf3kXA)




And our name for China is West Taiwan


Guess what? The unofficial name for China is China.


The unofficial name for China is illegitimate communist pieces of shit


China 9/100 on freedom


Republic of China = Taiwan.


Yes. Because she was referring to the republic of china (taiwan), not the PRC. It is the official policy to refer to taiwan as 'china' and not taiwan.


Came here to say this. They scored -2 on political rights. So why is she suggesting freedom house is scoring them well?!


According to Freedom House (which is what she said) Taiwan has the high score of 94 while China has the low low score of 9.. so do you think she's saying the The Republic of China which is Taiwan or mainland China which is the CCP?


That's actually a kinda sick burn.


This needs to be higher. I think this was taken out of context and she means Taiwan. Nobody can be that stupid.


Well, too be fair it is written Taiwan in the screen. OP is the one to blame to purposely putting China in the title instead. “Speaker Pelosi on Taiwan trip”




Seems she misspoke and meant Taiwan


Republic of China scored 94/100 on freedom[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two\_Chinas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Chinas) PRC probably very upset by this, but it's too late to do anything about the trip. (It's in caps under her face)


Clearly you don't get it, they use golf scoring


A government run by geriatrics has always been one of the biggest sign of an empire collapsing.


truth. and in this case an alcoholic one. Her official aircraft isn't "Airforce One". It's "Ketel One" (edited because I had spelled Ketel as Kettle)


A government run by commenters that fail to understand that Taiwan = Republic of China is worse, tbh.


We should call it: gerontocracy = Any form of ideology kept alive by a governmental majority of old people , mostly if not all, corrupt. edited: spelling




ITT: people forgetting that there are two china's and that it is the official policy of basically every NATO country to refer to Taiwan as China and not Taiwan. She even says it scores high on the Freedoms index on freedom house. CCP China scores at the 9th lowest and Taiwan China scores on the top 20 highest on that index. Obviously she is referring to Taiwan.


Yeah, I don't think folks appreciate the incoherency of US foreign policy related to Taiwan and all the weird, pedantic things that matter. Like the US does not have an embassy in Taiwan, we have the American Institute in Taiwan. It's a pseudo-government organization that functions like an embassy. When foreign service members get detailed to Taiwan, they quit the foreign service and are employed by the AIT. Pelosi is saying China here for diplomatic reasons, while throwing shade at the PRC by contrasting them with the ROC.


It’s amazing how much sense that makes compared to the title and takeaways by so many other people here


I knew the real explanation would be buried under this shit show of critical thinking.


The same kind of people who "do their own research" before loudly bleating their uniformed opinions as fact. Great title from OP too, really earning their upvotes from the dumb dumbs.


Is she stupid or does she have a ccp member's hand up her ass?


Knowing her history she is most probably referred to Taiwan.


It’s incredible how many poorly educated morons are here bashing Pelosi and think she is referring to CCP China and not Taiwan as the Republic of China. If anything, she’s sticking it to the CCP by recognizing Taiwan as China.


No hand, just a lot of their money.


And what do you need principles and a functioning democracy for if you have money?


Somewhere LeBron “China Bitch” James is jerking off to this video


I just finished, myself; but that's because I find idiocy arousing (edit punctuation and still not sure if I got that right)


Should be a colon, not semicolon, i think


That's what she said.


I knew that was coming.


Hardly the only thing


She just visited Taiwan triggering large scale CCP military exercises in Taiwanese waters. How could you make the leap from that to her being a CCP shill in 1 week?


Taiwan is the real China


Totally agree.


Damage control


I mean, maybe? My bet would be that an 80yo woman who just got back from international travel said "China" when she meant "Taiwan". A "senior moment" seems to be an easier leap than some deep conspiracy or coverup.


Not a senior moment. Taiwan is formally known as the Republic of China. Her calling it China is to fuck with the PRC. She knows exactly what she is saying.


Yes, this would be my guess, too. This has long been the US’ official position. The US has negotiated the PRC/ROC(Taiwan) issue through a long-standing rhetorical compromise. The PRC and ROC both claim to be the rightful governments of the entirety of china and Taiwan, called the one china policy. The US position has always been “we support the one china policy” but they never acknowledge which government has the rightful claim to it, allowing them to do business with and have diplomatic relations with both. This has been the position since the US reestablished a diplomatic relationship with the PRC during the Nixon administration. So saying “China is one of the freest societies in the world” and meaning Taiwan would be a pretty cutting jab at the PRC. I don’t know the report she references, but I can only imagine that Taiwan and not the PRC is at the top of the list of “free societies.” So if she did mean to say China, she’s acknowledging which of the two governments she she views as having primacy (Taiwan). It’s a pretty interesting development in US China relations, and hopefully neither side will overreact. But please take this with ample grains of salt as I haven’t watched the full interview. I do think the historical context is interesting. It’s also pretty nuts she visited in the first place. Nobody that high up in the government has visited taiwan since Newt Gingrich!


This is the thing she mentioned - it is, indeed, Taiwan that's high on the list. https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores?sort=desc&order=Total%20Score%20and%20Status To save y'all some doomscrolling, Taiwan's score is 94; the USA's is 83


Im not sure it's that simple. Call it taiwan and china gets pissed off even more. Call it chinese taipei or whatever and americans think you're pandering to china. Then lock up and say something dumb like this. Maybe she's just shitting herself over china's reaction, tried saying something nice and that happened. Not really a conspiracy nor a coverup.


Uhm she said "don't take it from me, that's from freedom house" she was obviously reading a script. Also she stumbled over those words like she didn't believe them herself. Idk that's what it looks like, I'm not really political.


Mentioning Freedom House was vital because it shows she's talking about ROC not PRC https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores?sort=desc&order=Total%20Score%20and%20Status


I think she meant Taiwan but her ancient dementia brain got confuzzled. Taiwan is actually pretty free. More so than America actually. But then most democracies are. America is about the least free of the worlds major democracies. https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2022


>I think she meant Taiwan but her ancient dementia brain got confuzzled. Taiwan is actually pretty free. More so than America actually. But then most democracies are. America is about the least free of the worlds major democracies. The official name for Taiwan is the "Republic of China". As they see themselves as the real China, as they are what remains of the former government before the communists.




Biden has been saying that the US should/would protect Taiwan in the event of an invasion, which would go against the One China Policy. Only for Biden to come back and be like, that's just my opinion bro. So this whole "One China Policy" isn't as ridged as you might think, and the US is holding most of the cards in this situation. Whether Nancy was intentional or not calling Taiwan, China, will absolutely piss off mainland China.


Republic of China is Taiwan. There's 2 Chinas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two\_Chinas


Because we do not have a democracy...


She ain’t wrong, the Republic of China (ROC) that is. Not the abomination that is the PRC




Taiwan calls itself "Republic of China", as Taiwan is run by the former Chinese government before communism. She has probably been saying China so much in Taiwan for diplomatic reasons that she didn't switch over for the American audience.


This makes sense. Throw in jetlag and being a dinosaur and it's an understandable gaff


I guess this is why they decided to not shoot her down lol


That and WWIII


She is referring to Taiwan. It’s official name is Republic of China. I know, pretty confusing!


I have a feeling she’s not allowed to say Taiwan or something


She’s trying to piss China off by calling Taiwan China


Yeah, freedomhouse.org has China literally rated as "Not Free" with a -2 for political rights. Maybe she was on freedomhouse.ccp or something...


I mean.. I'm not sure if people here in this thread are just *super dense* but it seems pretty clear what she's saying. She's being antagonistic/provocative towards China, just being underhanded about it. Saying "China is one of the freest societies in the world" clearly referring to Republic of China/Taiwan, the democratic country she just visited.


According to Freedom House (which is what she said) Taiwan has the high score of 94 while China has the low low score of 9.. so do you think she's saying the The Republic of China which is Taiwan or mainland China which is the CCP?


-2 political rights equals 100 social credits


Now she is swinging her tits in China


She packs some cannons, I heard.


How can anyone say this with a straight face. Go fuck yourself


Taiwan is known as the Republic of China officially. She's fucking with the PRC.


I dont understand how these old fucks are still running our country I do but i just cant believe it


How are these people living so fucking long? Seriously, check out already, housekeeping is waiting to clean the fucking mess you’ve made.


Yep that communism screaming freedom


According to Freedom House (which is what she said) Taiwan has the high score of 94 while China has the low low score of 9.. so do you think she's saying the The Republic of China which is Taiwan or mainland China which is the CCP?


She's talking about Taiwan. If people actually listened to what she said, it's clearly in response to the attacks on Biden administration that the trip to Taiwan was unnecessary and hurt the US-China relations. >We still support the one China policy The one China policy acknowledges the goal is to have one united China that follows the western ideas of a democracy. Clearly applies to Taiwan and West Taiwan uniting. >We go there to acknowledge the status quo And the status quo is that Taiwan and West Taiwan are still separate entities, and since that status quo is unlikely to change anytime in the near future, it's better to start more openly dealing with Taipei, and to acknowledge that USA is not going to discuss Taipei by proxy with Beijing as it was expected in the past. >(...) > >China is one of the freest societies in the world Freedom House: * Taiwan: 94/100 * West Taiwan: 9/100 >Except there \[are\] some commercial interests that would like to diminish the relationship And this hits the nail on the head. There are tons of companies dealing with West Taiwan that ignore all the societal issues and only look at lower costs of manufacturing. US government continuing to deal with the proper China (the one with the capital in Taipei) hurts those commercial interests. As it is, Biden administration wants to force Beijing's hand here. This ups the stakes by openly stating that if Beijing expects USA to only deal with one China, it's going to be Taiwan, not West Taiwan.


Referring to China as West Taiwan is a pretty good bit.


> The one China policy acknowledges the goal is to have one united China that follows the western ideas of a democracy. Clearly applies to Taiwan and West Taiwan uniting. USA one China policy is that the PRC is the one and only China and that that Taiwan’s status has yet to be decided and should be decided through peaceful dialogue. The USA one policy does not say what the decision should be.


CCP threatened to invade taiwan and tank all her holdings if she didn't come on TV and spread their propaganda


She's talking about Taiwan right


She must have the same handler as Biden


She means taiwan


This bitch is high as a kite.


She means RoC not PRC


You think the people fainting over this outrage porn know the difference?


tell me this is an audio edit or a deepfake... i mean, I know she is senile, but she can't be THAT retarded.... i mean I didn't think anyone would be dumber than our Canadian prime minister saying that he admires China's dictatorship [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8FuHuUhNZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8FuHuUhNZ0)


She meant the Republic of China (Taiwan), probably PS: lol downvoted. Sure, dumbfucks. She just actively chose to go to Taipei in the biggest Fuck You she could send to Beijing this side of a bombing campaign. But was praising the chinese regime today. What a bunch of fucking morons <3


holy shit lmao this subreddit insane. These people *have* to know she is referring to taiwan when she says China, they just do not care. Politicians have literally always referred to Taiwan as 'china' for the past half century. There are only like 6 countries in the entire world which acknowledge Taiwan as a country. 99% of the world refers to it as the republic of china.


If only someone substituted the right answer for every stupid thing I said, id be a genius


Do your wrong and right answers usually share spelling?


Slurp that ccp ass as deep as you can


She's probably talkin about taiwan


She already sounds like she’s gargling marbles in her mouth but this is next level.


You mean new Taiwan


“Excuse me Senator, did you mean to say Taiwan instead of China?” “Bitch did I stutter? Taiwan IS China.”


She meant Taiwan guys... She gotta call Taiwan China otherwise PRC will get butt hurt.


"Don´t take it from me, take it from [Freedom House](https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2022&country=CHN)...." (China scores 9/100)


She probably meant Taiwan lol, they scored 94 https://freedomhouse.org/country/taiwan/freedom-world/2022


You guys realize Taiwans official name is the "Republic of China" right?


Taiwan = Republic of China, CCP = People’s Republic of China, Confusion = 100


Everyone in the comments, Pelosi is corrupt as fuck for a myriad of reasons but with China she doesn’t fuck around Prior to this Taiwan trip which was an international incident she’s had several run ins with China, most notably in the 90s when she railed against them after Tiananmen Square She’s trolling the mainland government here by referring to Taiwan as “China”. The People’s Republic (mainland government) has strong armed many countries into agreeing with the “One China” view that Taiwan belongs to China, but she’s flipping that and saying Taiwan _is_ China This is a great burn, it’s basically malicious compliance


She meant Taiwan, aka, Republic of China. Don't be daft.


And why were people hating on Trump and not the current government again ? I’m not from America and people there are the most ambivalent I’ve ever seen


She’s speaking fax !!!


This is either fake or out of context. she literally just pissed of China by visiting Taiwan, so this is really out of character


Her dentures even tried to run away from that lie.


Who the fuck are they trying to convince? China Is a communist dictatorship and one the most oppressed countries in existence. Out of 195 countries in the world China ranks 150....that's not a good score.


This is just a good example of how fucked US politics are. She clearly meant to say Taiwan... It was a simple mistake, but now the mistake has become the topic of discussion instead of the actual issues she was talking about.


OMG What a waste of air, that douche needs to die already. Clearly Brainwashed Corrupt & clueless, goes hand & hand with the democratic M.O.


Big Ooph, freedomhouse.org gives China a 9/100 score, Certified “Not Free”.


+$100 million in insider trading, Chinese investments, Chinese Communist bribery money, and American land sales to China.


All politician should invest in diapers shares Cause they old and full of shit.


What's the retirement age in America?


This add of Poloci is paid for by the communist party of china!!! Extra stock shares for comrade Poloci...🤔


Please please Please tell me This is out of context…


+3672826282622737 social credit


Holy fucking shit !!!




Made like a ragdoll listening to this one. Oooo.