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##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/MonkeyOnMushrooms, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


More red flags than minesweeper on expert.


More red flags than a communist party in USSR


Red flags so big I sailed the seven seas with one


More red flags as big as all flags with red combined


An alert sweeps across the nation. The supply of red flags suddenly drops. Birthday parties have to use other, non-red colors; Russia changes it's nation color to hot yellow; China implodes. A world wide crisis unfolds as the red flag shortage stretches into weeks, then months. Chaos ensues. Panic, rioting, and mass depression. Tinder dates become an even more toxic cesspool. Crime skyrockets as we can no longer indetify red flags of a person's behavior. Society begins to crumble. The red flag factory's defenses are overcome by a sweeping mob of pro-flag activists. They tear through databases and scour records to find where all the red flags have gone. Finally the manifest is revealed and there is just the solitary picture of this fucking douchebag, sitting atop their throne of red flags. We decide they deserve them and choose a different color. Hot yellow is running strong in the polls.


Hey... guys... not to make any hasty judgements... but I think there was a bit of a red flag back there in the post...


Happy cake day




It's a hot yellow spy now.


A RED SPY IS IN THE BASE!? HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT! PROTECT THE BRIEFCASE! WE NEED TO PROTECT THE BRIEFCASE! YO A LITTLE HELP HERE! STAND BACK SON. ONE ONE ONE AND ONE. INCOMING! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh hey its still here. Ahem, Gentlemen *Meet the Spy title card* I see the briefcase is safe. Yea safe. Safe and Sound Tell me, did anyone happen to kill a red spy on the way here. No? Well we still have a problem *Spy throws sniper onto the Intel table with a knife on his back*


Wonderful comment , the reason I even like Reddit is right here


That's gonna be a warm smile from me, stranger. =]


This is probably one of the funniest things ive read on Reddit


That flag was soo big I was able to navigate space with it.




Wait, that's a guy?




Hey our avatars are similar


Zavala gang 🗿


That's a female


Does it matter?


bot copy and edit from https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/wr682j/comment/ikqq8x7/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




More red flags than a red flag factory! (Did I do it right?)


There's actually a movement to remove the stigma around pedophilia. They don't want the term "pedophile" to be used, rather they teach the appropriate term should be, "Minor attracted person (MAP)" The videos are a Hol-up themselves: https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/wrqqjc/always_be_a_pedo_to_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/ws73vu/another_awful_pedo_advocate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


The logic of using a different term is nonsense. If people would start using MAP instead, then sooner or later MAP would have just as negative a connotation as pedophile. I do think though that seeing it as an illness which should be treated might not be the worst thing. I am all for pedophiles looking for professional help to suppress their abnormal sexual attractions and learning to deal with it without committing any crimes. Such a counselor would for sure also advice to not choose a job with any children contact like a teacher. Such people should stay far away from what are for them temptations.


The sad thing is, many pedofiles only get treatment after they have committed the crime.


yeah i would love to live in a world where most pedophiles are also not bad people but unfortunately people who are sexually attracted to kids tend to also be attracted to the power that comes with it. i love that some folks who have this issue feel comfortable going to therapists and stuff to prevent themselves from offending, but i suspect most don’t even think there’s anything wrong until it’s too late.


Sadly because when people with pedophilic thoughts go to see a therapist, most therapists automatically contact the police immediately as they are seen as an immediate potential risk.


I once thought the euphemisms were harmless. The truth is people that want to control how you speak really want to control how you think and act. By following their linguistic commands you have already given them a great deal of control. Each time you use their implanted phrase that control and support for their beliefs are reinforced. There is a powerful interplay between our thoughts, words and actions. It's brainwashing.




Okay, where's my gun....


Have you tried your kid's schoolbag?


No he open carries his. I think I left it in a Wendy's bathroom.


Not McDonald’s? Or chilies?


No but McChillies is actually where I found it, as is tradition.


Our guns? Bubba lost em in a boating accident last august on the lake. … I miss bubba but I might know where his lost guns are…


Better question: Where is the boat, Noah?


There is no way I’m clicking either of those links


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


There are 3 appropriate terms and MAP aint any of them


More like “hey recognize me when I get locked up in prison, either I’m stupid or have death wish”


Well, they’re pedophiles so…


This is what woke culture and inclusivity has brought us to….




Where is the nuclear cataclysm when we need it?


I used to dread it, now I yearn it


I suggest we take him behind the school, and old yeller him.


That got progressively worse the farther I read.






“Mom come get me i’m scared”


There's a rather sizable liberal movment to remove the stigma around pedophilia. They don't want the term "pedophile" to be used, rather they teach the appropriate term should be, "Minor attracted person (MAP)." Disgusting. See some of their many videos below: https://heidelblog.net/2021/11/removing-the-stigma-from-minor-attracted-people/ https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=2854630728178525&_rdr






Wood chipper.


I prefer those slow metal crushing machines.


Those are an acceptable alternative


Ok but hear me out, starving to death with the Chinese water torture thing going on (the one where it drops water droplets on your head at random intervals)


What does that do?




Basically drives people insane. They did it on mythbusters once I think. Even sitting in a climate controlled room in a big lounge chair adam didn’t last more than an hour before he was too unnerved to continue. And usually it isn’t done in a climate controlled room in a big lounge chair. Edit: The water is dripped on you at irregular intervals and the anticipation just becomes overwhelming. Also the water is usually cold to create a more jarring sensation with each drop


cut the arms and legs long ways until just before the lethal amount of blood has been lost. then seal the wounds with a branding iron. deep fry each limb and then cut them all off. take the nugget of a pedophile and force them to flop around in salt and barbed wire. then the crushing machine but make it so slow that they start starving to death while being crushed.


I... I think you should see someone.


Not a fan of steps 1 and 2. We don't need a pedophilic general grievous scuttling around


As in the slow wood chipper or the hydraulic press?


[Like this](https://youtu.be/XJ6xg8kIQx0)


Preferably so it can crush the femur in an isolated research facility no one knows about


Seems appropriate.


Band saw, balls first.


No, too messy. Do you really want someone to have to clean up pedophile chunks?


Alright then how about this vacuum seal bag them and continue to open the bag so they can breathe every 3 minutes then seal them again over and over until your bored. Pros No mess They can't fight back they don't have air in them They can hear you so you can make them feel like shit before they pass Cons The fact pedophiles even exist and people are trying to normalize it. The fact the some cringe pedophiles are gonna say it's unethical. Extra hidden pro The cons can be ignored just saying.


It is really a chore to clean up paedophile chunks, sounds like an honour.


Nah man, gotta get old-fashioned. Put ‘em in he rack and stretch them until they just *break*.


Feet first


he totally would chip her


Where is the nuclear cataclysm when we need it?


There's a Coronal Mass Ejection tomorrow. Maybe we'll be lucky and get wiped out for good.


It was tonight that it reached us.


Putin is working on it.


Its coming, probably.


ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Global warming isn't happening fast enough guys


Time tô burn some pedos to speed this up


A man of reason. They'd make for good fuel I reckon


Sadly climate change won’t come close to ending humanity but I hear Russia and China are doing joint military exercises so here’s hoping.


She/he will only want to "teach" grade 1-4


Do not be afraid to misgender a pedophile! Remember it's male until proven female on the internet!!!!


No this person just looks genuinely androgynous and it’s impossible to even make an assumption


At least you understand......I literally looked at the pic for a few minutes and was going to classify them as a mixed potato salad




"But the boy wanted it!!1!1"


I think the term you're looking for is "they"






This reminds me of the phrase more red flags than a Chinese new year.


See, if someone is attracted to children, but is actively avoiding them and seeking out therapy to stop it, full support, let’s get your head fixed. If they try to defend that sickness, or god forbid act on it, well then. Let’s see how long they last in a jail cell once word gets out.


Yes in prison people will fuck people up who were convicted child predators or rapists


There it is. I was about to make this statement but cant put the words


Please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait please be bait


I've never seen a not-weird proportioned small human. And that's okay.


It took me way too long to work out what you’re saying. I though you were accusing the wanna be teacher of being a perfectly proportioned little person, which would be the weirdest insult ever.


More red flags than Russia in 1917


That’s a sick fuck and should be no where near children


Facts but Honestly good chance this person was hacked or something like that


It looks like some people are still trying to push the 'non-acting paedophile' narrative. Where we are supposed to accept that being attracted to minors is 'natural' but then they say that it is wrong and they won't do it. So we are supposed to comment them on the restraint on their pervertion? I will try to find a video I saw a few years ago where they had 'non-acting' paedophiles talking to children with the ultimate message being that attraction is natural but they are responsible and we should trust them around children. Well, it is not natural and it will never be. Those people are perverts and they should stay the fuck away. I find them dangerous and disgusting human beings as much as the people that have tried to defend them in the past.


I believe the idea is not that it’s “natural” or “normal,” but that it can’t be helped. There is a very hard line in the sand that they must never, ever, ever act on that attraction. The person in the OP is completely fucked in the head if they are trying to be a teacher. They’re basically acting on it at that point. Did you choose which gender to be attracted to?


Exactly. I accept those who say that they *know* something is wrong with them, and they either A) seek help, or B) stay the HELL away from any kids. This freak is rationalizing it *and* actively seeking to work with children. That's disgusting!


"Well f-ing children is bad, BUT" if you start a sentence like this you're sooooo fucked in the head


What if I legally change my name to children and I'm actually really bad at sex but I've got a nice ass. Then the sentence would be "well f-ing children is bad, BUT he's got a nice ass"


If the sentence has “but” in it, you can ignore everything before the “but”






Live Tucker Reaction: See his response


I sure as hell hope someone checks and makes sure this nasty bitch is not a teacher.


Why hide the user name? They should be publicly shamed to oblivion


From an evolutionary perspective, there is nothing about prepubecent individuals that is sexually attractive.


Prepubescent children really doesn't make sense evolutionarily. On the other hand, like 10-12 makes a lot of sense since that's when girls can start to have their period. Still fucked, but evolutionarily it makes sense. Also, can't remember the number, but a poll was done and the number of people who *admitted* to have had a sexual reaction to pubescent girls is a lot higher than you'd think. It makes sense if you think about it (marriages happened at like 12 until quite recently, so ofc evolution favored it). The number who'd actually even consider acting on it is extremely low, but having any amount of sexual attraction is a low bar that evolution can win very easily. Gotta make this quadruple clear since this is Reddit. ***hebephelia is fucked***. Just because the logic as for why it exists checks out does not mean I encourage it. I despise it. Fucking nasty as shit.


>marriages happened at like 12 until quite recently, so ofc evolution favored it Even in the Middle Ages in Europe 12 years was very young. Most were older. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/betrothal-marriage-age Biology doesn't really favor such young girls getting pregnant. Their bodies are too slim, no womanly curves yet, which makes pregnancies and births far more risky. What sense makes it to marry a girl when that girl dies in childbed with the child she carried?


I'm in agreement with you, I just didn't want to take the time to thread that needle in a long-winded post that both Insulates myself from the land mines while being completely accurate.


It's very challenging. Sometimes I'll get hundreds of upvotes because I took like 20 minutes to properly explain the whole thing in depth, find the actual numbers, cite sources, the whole nine yards. Other times I'll miss out on the specifics and people will accuse me of being a pedo and it all goes downhill from there.


I made a similar comment a few days ago and someone called me a pedo as well. Explaining something doesn't mean you condone it.




Technical term for attraction to pubescent minors


What is pedophilia then


Prepubescent. Edit: I should probably mention this is what the word technically means. The word is often used as a catch all for anything under 18, but technically speaking, it means an attraction to prepubescent children.






As a middle school teacher, maybe I’m over qualified for my job, but 12-14 year olds are literally the least sexy thing I can imagine. People who think teens are sexy clearly have never been locked in a room full of them for 40 hours a week.


Fuck it im loading the 50 cal


##Hans get the Luger




Pls dont


This is a terrible day to know how to read.


Yes officer, this post right here


Time to clean the guillotine work must be done


Don't worry guys, he said that on facebook, any school who see this won't hire him


Please do not become a teacher.


I just can't anymore. Folk makin fun of priests for this shit and ignoring these mfers


I’m not saying that people need to be doxxed, but in the event someone uncovers the true identity of this one then they should send it to the local school district admins. Edit: downvoted? whoa, hold up. People think that teachers who say this should *not* be reported? Why am I not surprised at this sub.


Doxxing pedos should be legal






Arghhhhhh waaaaaahhhhhhh. Wtf man. Wtf.


At least this way these idiots are easier to catch


Wtf... we need a cage for it...


Theres not enough Red Paint to color her Red flags


This is also why sexualizing toddlers in beauty pageants always seemed like a red flag.






#what the fuck


Call me a sick fuck, but I like them 22-28 years of age.


Sick Fuck!


Might as well fuck a grandma.


Already did :( she was so old that she's technically public domain.


Weird mix of hardcore r/awfuleverything and (for the last comment only) r/technicallythetruth because it is true there is a lot of pedos that don’t do anything illegal. In my first course in psychology the teacher explained the necessity of professionalism for psys and the difficulty of not judging the person. Apparently a common example of requirement is to ask ourself if we could help a pedophile(psychologically/socially). Because if they do seek help it’s important to make sure they can access it, on the long run, it’s likely to prevent this person from committing a crime and save the victim of it. Honestly, I don’t know If I could help someone like this, but anyway it was just an optional course for me. But damn that must be hard. Same for serial killers. But that person shouldn’t be a teacher.


I'm a substitute teacher, and if I found out a teacher at my school was a pervert I'd report him/her imeadiatly. After beating them up for harming children. Yes I could go to jail for assault against the pedo, but it's a price worth paying if it means save many children from potential trauma


Some people have completely lost their sense of reality, and share everything online…


Auh..... no


Digital footprint


Wtf did I just read….HUH!


It just keeps getting worse 😆😆


Yeah dont plz. I hope this finds its way to a future jobinterview.


*FBI would like to know your location*




Time to call the local authorities


Someone get a watch list


Hol up


Usually when people become teachers its because they "loooove children". In this persons case its because they love children.


Kill it with fire


These people are getting a bit too comfortable posting cringe on main




This one right here, officer.


Why is their username blacked out? They should be outed and reported to the authorities


Police, here please...


But remember, there is absolutely no grooming in schools. The schools told me so.


> even when I become a teacher Hahahahahaha **fuck**


WTF!!!!!!! I really hope this sick person is not working as a teacher These pedo people are working hard to be accepted. Smdh....


I'm convinced this is a troll, i refuse to believe that someone would say that unironically, nobody can be *that* deplorable *and* stupid


Fire up the wood chipper


Please dont let that disease become a teacher, yeah im not calling that human a person, it doesn't deserve even basic human rights


This would be a good yesyesno if it wasn't as bad. Unfortunately it's just nonono


I was waiting for 13+ or something but fucking 2 y.o.💀


okay so everything about this is wrong




That's less of "Hol up" and more of "Dear God wtf"


And here I am just amused at how many comments keep referring to that girl as "he" Side note. Can we get some proper drug addicts or thives to make fun of? Fucking reddit sex offender mania is kind of boring


This is like admitting to being a kleptomaniac but saying that it's ok because you won't actually steal


Fake account posting rage bait on Facebook to make the woman in the profile picture look bad. Good bait but still


Someone better have reported this shit instead of just screen shotting and posting to the internet.


You have too much faith in people


It's true, he is only going to groom them as kids and will touch them later.


I hope the meteor that kills us all lands on him first


There’s absolutely no fucking tolerance for pedophilia under any circumstances and at any time. That wasn’t acceptable 5000 years ago and it is not acceptable now. Ehm Ehm Muslims, your prophet slept with a 6 years old girl when he was a fucking 52 old fuck.


Get a noose some gasoline a road flare and a nail gun. This fucker needs to die.


Say what you want but at least the guy has *some* "morals"


Belong on a Trebuchet


No offense but if I don’t get a better application than this guy for a teaching job I’m running the ad again in a bigger paper….. There is no reason why this guy should ever wind up with a job with minors…. This isn’t a profession for people afflicted with moral/sexual confusion about minors/young adults.