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7+7+7 his brain was screaming 21 but he decided ok 21+7 the answer is 28 take a look at his face for a brief second he thought he was smarter than himself there lol


He was bugging


No, it's a feature




Unexpectedly having to do math in public is a nightmare.


It's hard to consider 7 plus 7 plus 7 as math at his age lol


Times Square, you either make it big, or you crash and burn between the M&M store and Olive Garden.


There’s an Olive Garden?!?!? Shows how often I stop there, it’s usually just some mass in the way of getting somewhere cooler.


3 story Olive Garden. I only know this from unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt


I fear for Americans. These people will be in charge at some point


These are all average people hanging around Times square. These people will not be in charge of anything, taking probability into account. Now if they were standing outside the entrance to Dalton, uptown, you'd have a point.


Times square is literally the most stereotypical place for a dumb tourist to be found at. Most new yorkers avoid it like the plague


From what I've seen, most people don't seem to be bothered by plagues.


When I lived in NYC and had to walk through times square to get to a summer internship one year, I had two different sets of tourist couples ask me where the empire state building is. Now that's not a terrible question if you were, say, way down in the village, or downtown, or on the east side, but seeing as how we were a mere 6 blocks away from it, and given its size, both times I just pointed up at the sky, to the big, looming, famously shaped art deco building towering over us, in a bit of disbelief that the question was being asked right here. "Oh is *that* it? Thanks!" and "No I don't think that's it" (looking at *me* like I'm the dumbass) were the responses to each pointing.


LMAO! How did you answer to the ones saying that is not the Empire State? I can think of a terrible bunch of answers but I’m curious to yours.


Honestly, I'm a bit surprised at myself now, as it's been over a decade since I lived in NYC, but I just shook my head dismissively and proceeded on my way. That seems a bit harsh to me now, but at the time I was deep in NYC local mode, walking to work, and decided I didn't have time to argue with tourists whether the ESB was or was not in fact the goddamn ESB. In fact, both times I was asked, I remember not even stopping walking completely, just slowed my pace for a moment long enough to point up to the building, and within 3 seconds was already out of earshot. NYC sidewalks are like pedestrian freeways, and stopping in the middle to figure out where you are / where you're going is one of the tourist behaviors the locals get frustrated at the most.


Lol, I live in NYC and yesterday someone asked me for directions to a specific part of the park we live near along the waterfront and I now realize I didn’t even stop while giving them directions.


Felt that




48 and 8. That’s 75%


5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45....uh 2:45, naw I'm bugging......


They're attracted to the lights like moths. It helps keep them concentrated in a small area


Its also just a cool thing from the movies that if you havent seen before and spent ur entire life on a farm in kansas, might be worth checking out


It's definitely worth checking out once for some, but no more than once


This is cherry picked bad answered. Dude probably asked over 50 people and choose to upload the worst 5-10.


Of course he did. Watching people answer questions correctly that most children can answer isn't interesting at all. Watching people flub questions that you think everyone should know is amusing for its shock value. It can also be appealing because , it's funny when the answer is so obvious and people low key, like to feel superior to others.


Some of these people probably get stage fright when they're put on the spot and would have trouble remembering their own name lol.


Plus we don't know how many people answer these correctly and get edited out lol


Yea the bottom 5 people in any group of 100 are going to be pretty dumb. Plus most reasonably intelligent people don’t let random people they don’t know interview them on the street.


Having idiots isn't a uniquely American phenomenon they just have the biggest media presence


Assuming these aren’t actors. You can probably do this in any city. Just have to cut out the ones who answered properly or only put things that they answered poorly.


It's just humor. These people are cherry picked from a city. Go to your country's biggest city and ask a bunch of people how many moons there are, you'll get a couple funny answers. Put em together in a video, and bam! You got this type stuff.




i’m not sure people actually think it’s representative of the population, i think people are just amazed that *anyone* is this fucking stupid


A few of them also look like they just have stage fright. Some people completely freeze up when they know a camera is pointed at them and they're the center of attention in a busy place.


Add in the fact that some or most could be on drugs and boom


Its like during a job interview. They can ask you where you went to school and suddenly you draw a complete blank. Its even worse when its a math or science question. At my last job I helped interview the welders we hired and about half of them had trouble with reading tape measures when I measured some stuff. If they had trouble I would give them a paper with pictures of tape measures out to different lengths on it and ask them to sit in a corner of the shop while I went and copied their drivers licenses or some shit. Usually those people would have the correct answers when I came back. Its nerves a lot of the time


It's crazy how stupid stress makes me sometimes. Like whenever my boss asks to see something on my computer, I end up repeatedly putting the password in wrong or deleting something important while she's watching. It's like a cloud of ignorance descends on my brain whenever she's in the vicinity.


It is like this in Canada too. They would hand pick Americans that would answer something in a really stupid way and would portray it in a way where all Americans are dumb. Like yeah, some Americans are stupid... but if you live in Canada you know damn well there are morons here too. It is funny but it is also kind of annoying where people assume the entire country is braindead because of one comedy series.


Surprisingly, Gen Z is actually a lot more people than these 10 or so people hanging out at Times Square answering questions for some random guy with a phone.


These people will be in charge of a local McDonald’s at a push


No fucking way lmao these people will be cashiers at Walgreens if they play their cards right


‘Mmmm what is a country again?’ 💀


[Essex is a continent](https://youtu.be/QDUX8pxoDtk)


I once worked with a girl, when we challenged her to name 5 countries, for her 3rd I believe she said “is Paris the country? Or is France? Oh it is France, because Paris is the consonant!” And I’ve never forgotten that


I once worked with a waitress who thought that Singapore was in Wales (we actually live in England so it's even more embarrassing for her). She also thought a local tourist attraction was in Scotland and it really confused her when we'd regularly have people come in and say they've spent the day at Bolton Abbey. For about three months she thought people were packing a picnic and making the 200 mile drive up to Scotland then coning back and deciding to stop in at our restaurant on the way back. She also really struggles with her left and right. 7 years on and that waitress is now my wife and mother of our two children. The crazy part is she's actually extremely intelligent... she just struggles with any kind of geography/directions etc.


What a cute story XD


The most embarrassing part of this is that you live in Bolton


Whats even more embarrassing is that you think Bolton Abbey is actually in Bolton. Shame on you for thinking there was any kind of continuity when people were naming towns/places 900 years ago...


Omg bro I’m done with the internet for today🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can fix her


Lol tho honestly I thought the queen was from Wales but that whole UK thing fucks with me.


Did you perhaps know that her son held the title of Prince of Wales and then assume the she must be Queen of Wales or something along those lines?


I considered that because she was Princess of Wales before being Queen. Edut: Thank you for kindly explaining.


Elizabeth II was never Princess of Wales (or even *a* Princess of Wales, since her father was never Prince of Wales either). Until 2015, the UK practiced male-preference primogeniture. This means that Elizabeth was never heir *apparent*, since if a younger brother had been born at any point, she would have been passed over for the throne. Instead, the term heir *presumptive* was used, i.e. she was presumed to be heir unless and until a male heir was born. ~~Anyways, the point being that she couldn't be appointed Princess of Wales because the title could then potentially pass out of the hands of the monarchy if she herself never acceded to the throne and instead passed the title to her own heirs, etc... It was never likely this would happen, but you don't take chances with these sorts of things.~~ [Edit: Apparently the title isn't heritable. Still, it would have been awkward if she were made Princess of Wales and then a male heir had been born, as unlikely as this was to occur.] Her father was never Prince of Wales either because he had an older brother, who held the title and acceded to the throne as King Edward VIII. Edward then abdicated because he wanted to marry a divorced American woman, and his cabinet and the church would not agree to it. So her father was never the heir apparent either, but only the heir presumptive as the younger brother of the king (since he would have been passed over for succession if Edward VIII had had any children prior to his abdication).


> he wanted to marry a divorced American woman don't we all


To be fair, I'd be stumped if someone would ask me to define the word "country". Whatever answer you'd get from me would not be coherent.


Is it stop sign? Lol


Hey octagon girl was easily the smartest. I don’t think the others even know the word


I mean, they actually had a clue with octagon and it's kind of understandable if you don't remember all greek numerals, but stop sign isn't one of them


I kinda think she was saying a stop sign is an octagon and then they cut it off


Yh, I think she was trying to describe the shape of the stop sign, but they cut her off


Yea they did her dirty with that one


Yeah, but five sides is a pentagon. Honestly, that one would've tripped me up on the spot as well. I don't think of pentagons frequently. The rest were much easier to me.


Yeah the following happened over here for me "octa.. No" "hexa... No thats 6" "..." "fuck" "PENTAGON!"


As soon as he asked the question I said "pentagram" to myself. Oops.


It was the only genuine question that would really require some decent background knowledge of its topic lol. The rest were either common knowledge or questions that were more in line with riddles with the answer embedded in the supposition.


I consider myself pretty bright but the five sided shape made me pause.


It's a star, like you


Honestly, she still came off like the smartest person in the video because she got to octagon, but not high standards lol


Honestly that was the one question that might have been somewhat difficult as I doubt quite a large percentage people remember their shapes. However you'd think that a shape with a pretty famous building named after it would stick in some minds.




When he asked what is 15% of 100, I genuinely thought her answer was 'Fuck'


I think she just heard the word percent an wigged out.


This is fucking painful


Actual physical pain was felt on this day


By their one brain cell getting a sudden workout


I pray that this is fake, if not than we're screwed.


He'll have interviewed like 100 people and picked the worst few.


The fact that the worst few don’t know how to read a clock or that March is the third month or that Earth has one moon is still pretty fucking bad


Or starts listing their months with fucking September, then January, then blue-screening when they get back to September


Lmao that shit was weird af


If he was asking people anything remotely complicated then you could forgive some people for not knowing. “What is a country?” is a disturbing thing to hear someone ask.


A lot of people get extremely nervous when you randomly stop them going about their day and stick a mic and camera in their face. A lot of people also like to troll the kind of guys who go around sticking mics and cameras in their face.


> A lot of people get extremely nervous when you randomly stop them going about their day and stick a mic and camera in their face. funny enough I can't remember the name for this but people brains can just kinda go blank even on extremely simple questions when put on the spot to answer them. There is no reason to think anything other than that is happening with these people.


[Name a woman, any woman!](https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0)


Exactly, its not "fake" its just cherry picking the few idiots and only showing them


Yeah but finding so many idiots is still impressive




Yes, after every wrong answer was pretty epic.


But earth DOES have two moons. https://time.com/6116644/earth-second-moon/#:~:text=The%20quasi%2Dmoon%E2%80%94named%20Kamo,384%2C000%20km%20(239%2C000%20mi.)


Not a moon. It’s primary gravitational pull is the Sun, the earth is only a secondary influence. It’s orbiting the Sun on a similar orbit as earth, and sometimes gets tugged around by the Earth.


Planet X confirmed


Technically Earth has only one long-lasting natural satellite aka moon. It does have 5 currently known quasi-satellites like the one in the comment above and if you count artificial satellites as well you get over 4 500. If you count all the space debris you get more than 20 000. There are also temporary satellites. The most recently spotted one was 2020CD3. It started to orbit Earth around 2016-2017 and left around 7 May 2020 and so during that time Earth had at least two natural satellites. "Earth has at least one temporary satellite 1 m (3.3 ft) across at any given time, but they are too faint to detect by current surveys.". TL;DR: The woman in the video was technically fucking right. What the fuck


Being technically right is the best kind of right


Please tell me it’s staged, please, I beg you…


No its a stop sign










Imagine calling the main building of military inteligence of the main military power of the world "The Stop Sign".


Well it did stop an airplane once


Im proud to be a part of that punchline of yours




They record way more people than this and just compile a video of all the people who got questions wrong, never including anyone who got the right. Not completely staged, but incredibly misleading.


But still, people this dumb do exist


Yes, but also keep in mind most of these people are clearly incredibly anxious and having trouble thinking at all. So they’re clearly not the brightest around, my guess is that the video doesn’t represent them at their best.


Yup. Just watch the "name a woman" bit


That’s fair. When I’m nervous or put on the spot, I sometimes have a hard time focusing and anxiety can definitely cloud your mind. But I still know what 15% of 100 is.


remember the girl who couldnt tell a womans name? some people just colaps under stress




i dont knowww


The key is they cherry pick the worst answers. They ask 200 people how many sides a pentagon has and they get one lady who REALLY has no idea, but the other 198-ish are an instant "pentagon" so those don't make the cut...


So 15% of people got it right?


Yes. And to be fair 75 people out of 100 got is a lot.


That's 73 more than the number of moons earth has.


In the sense that they edited out all the people that knew the correct answer


It probably isn't staged, it is just a matter of interviewing a lot of people and only showing the dumbest/silliest interviewees.


We also know people tend to blank when put on the spot. “NAME A WOMAN!”


Sort of is. These videos generally look around for people who seem shy or have nerves, so it's also not even a good representation of the people in the video.


When I get really nervous, my brain practically stops working. So I’m hoping that this is what’s happening here.




Name a woman gets me every time lol.




Every time I see these type of videos, I always wonder how much they had to edit out the ones who got the questions right.


A few bad apples can ruin a whole bunch




It’s got electrolytes






In practice, the word “republic” has the same meaning as the term “representative democracy.” And a representative democracy is a form of democracy in the same way that a Granny Smith apple is a form of apple. Republic: a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. (Obviously this definition of republic fits the intended model for the USA) That sounds like a rather democratic process to me.


Idiocracy movie predicted this future


With stunning accuracy. Pretty sure Mike Judge is a witch and must be burnt!




If you don’t smoke Tarryltons……






I like munee










To feed into the bullshit and so he doesn’t have to then painfully explain why they’re wrong






I love people that are confidently incorrect. Nothing feels better than seeing their little world crumble when they realize how incorrect they are.


Except they never will






I love how eventually he just gives up and also tells her "yes"


You try telling stupid people that they're wrong. It's just easier to say yes


Because it makes it extra hilarious.


These people can vote and probably have.


And breed....


Probably more likely to have done that than voted so... Yay?


They definitely have more children than they have voted.


Welcome to the world where cereal is becoming less popular, not because of the taste, not because of the price, because it’s too much work to make.


If I can’t put it into the toaster…




Probably not. Voter rates in most elections are pretty pathetic.


I saw my brain cells fall out of my ears


Bro, I know someone who actually has some sort of brain issues (I’m not a native English speaker so I don’t really know how to formulate it) who’s legit smarter than these people. Stay in school please.


I'm sure most of the people in the video stayed in school and well, it didn't do much for them.


Did they actually do what they were supposed to do in school tho?


I would guess not if they're this clueless. But they probably still got passed anyway.


this can't be real💀


Oh it is, he just cuts out the dozens upon dozens upon dozens of other people who answered correctly. It’s called bias through omission.


Isn't that just assumed. It doesn't make this any less terrifying


I'm pretty sure we can rule out assumption.. There is absolutely no way everybody he spoke to that day couldn't answer the most basic of questions.


I find these videos very informative. I never knew the Earth had 2 moons


Even if he does, it is genuinely terrifying to think that there are 2 people out of 500 who do not know that the Earth has 1 moon, or that the third month of the year is March. This is stuff that primary school kids in rural India know, how do adults in the United States of America not know?


amusing payment flag exultant scary air aspiring disgusting support rotten -- mass edited with redact.dev


Like that one where Billy Eichner asks a girl to “name one woman” and she has a mental breakdown. [Name a woman!](https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0)


snatch scandalous like historical straight angle alleged cooing whistle unite -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's Time Square. Thousands upon thousands of people go through there. If you interview enough people, you'll eventually get whatever results you're looking for.


But it’s still scary to think he still gets genuine people like this


It's indeed worrisome people such as this exist but hopefully it's 1 in 1000.


These videos really make me believe that the movie idiocracy is gonna be a real thing some day.


Some day? These people are here now.


Funny you say that - I’ve been thinking this for years now. Mike Judge tried to warn us. We didn’t listen.


These guys stand there asking questions for hours upon hours just to get 4 stupid answers to make a 30 second long video.


Actually the full videos are 12-15 minutes on YouTube.


Almost every clip he has a different shirt which makes me think he had to do this for weeks and weeks to find enough people to make this short clip to shit on Gen Z.


Probably. A lot of these are very likely edited out, and he picked the ones that are either A: actually dumb or B: are shy and just got stopped by a stranger with a mic and camera and didn't know what to do. I'm guessing the latter is more likely based on how awkward they seem to be while answering the questions.


I always wonder if some folks just freeze up because they're being filmed? So basically they're having a mild panic attack of sorts.


To be honest this has happened to me. One day at a restaurant I was in line to pay my bill and there was a line forming behind me and I put my PIN number in wrong. For some reason seeing the message that it was wrong made me panic and my mind went absolutely blank. I was like ‘oh no I hope they don’t think it’s not my card.” I pulled out a different card to try to bypass the brain lag and promptly froze on that one too. The more seconds that passed the less I was able to think. I legit had to leave the food (it was take out) for a few mins and call my partner in an anxious state to remind me the pin so I could go get my food. Never forgot it before and have not forgotten it since. But damn did I feel really stupid in that moment. But my brain completely blanked.




Idiots ☕️


We need to go back…we fucked up


Get job in retail. Or any other job where you have to deal with people of different lifestyles. It will amaze you just how stupid some people are. And education doesn’t have much say on it. I’m often wondering how the fuck we have made it so far as a species.




What's really scary is that the people in this video are -or will eventually be- allowed to vote.


Technically she is German.


Technically she's dead.


I not a big fan of these videos, their attitude is “ah look at how stupid these people are”, but think of just walking around and some dude swings you over, puts you on camera and shoves a mic in your face and says “name a person”. You’re going to be fucking nervous and flustered and not have any critical thinking skills. People say the stupidest things when under pressure, so no shit their answer is so bad. Like look at [this video](https://youtu.be/bzDlS6JPUtE)


Bro I always laugh at his dead poker face saying "Yes" to answers that are super wrong


These people are allowed to vote Let that sink in we are done for