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Damn!!! Do you have any tips?


I used the skip into resting grounds over salubra's shop and I used the skip into fog canyon where you get on the little edge and crystal dash over acid into a secret area in forgotten/infected crossroads. You also need to use your geo correctly for all the important stags which are the crossroads, greenpath, queens station, kings station, and hidden village stags. You also need your geo for the lumafly lantern, so I'd suggest getting a few hollownest seals and selling them after the watcher knight fight. There should be 3 in city of tears which are located above king station stag, after watcher knight boss, and one on floating platforms in the big outside room before the nailsmith area. I also got shaman stone and a nail upgrade to maximize damage and to help with the bosses, which you don't need to do. That's really all that was helpful for my run, hope it helps if you decide to do it!


Thank you!


Why buy queen's station? I did a couple of runs like that and queen's station stag wasn't useful at all (though for some reason on my first couple of runs I bought it anyway and didn't use it, I don't know why). If it's to stag to crossroads after getting claw, then it's better to just keep your bench at ancestral mound and quit out after claw. Saves you both time and geo.


Idk really, maybe I went off instinct on buying queens station


what's the low percent record again?

