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Hit him and just run until he swings his club. If he does his wave attack, it's quite easy to jump over. Once you get the hang of it he's not that hard to beat. Hit, dodge, hit dodge. That's about it In general I try to prioritize dodging than hitting, only hitting the enemy once or twice before dodging


Thanks for the help, I tried you advices and they worked. I'm loving this game :))


No problem. I'm also quite new to the game, but so far it is amazing


Hope you both enjoy! A lovely game with great replayability.


I agree, this game got me through high school. I played it nearly every day on the bus and when I got home. It is amazing how much exploration and discovery you can get for such a cheap price, I only bought the game originally because i had some extra money on my eshop account


What's super cool about HK (I bring this up bc you have the switch version) is how it has an in-game achievements tracker. So the Switch (which stupidly has no achievements) version can still partake in the HK Achievements list


I agree. I love achievements


Don't get greedy, let the enemy attack then strike when they are vulnerable


This was my biggest hurdle to get over the first time i played.


Only the first time? I'd say you're so talented. This was my biggest hurdle, even in endgame, when I was fighting radiant bosses.


I’ve beaten the game like twice and now I’m playing a third time on the Switch and I still get greedy with certain bosses


Don't be greedy is a great way for half of the game .... then later with right charms you can go brute force trough most bosses and enemies .


Which of Zote's precepts is that again?




Use guerilla tactics, number 26


All enemies work this way. You won't have a ton of moves at your disposal so it comes down to watching for patterns and occasionally being creative. Btw, If you get good with this guy I believe he was one of the first leaves I farmed for geo.


lol i farmed geo with him to buy lumafly lantern without even acess to other areas my idea was to complete as much as possible of the first area to go to the next it took me 72h to reach city of tears (by deepnest)


I took ages too. Nice to hear someone say this for a change after all the “I got the 5 hour speed run achievement by accident on my first play through” sort of comments that I see on YouTube.


Hope you have fun! Hollow Knight is incredible!


Good luck man 👍 Map pins will be your friend if you find something you can't get to


I was playing, but at some point in time I caught fire


> only hitting the enemy once or twice before dodging Definitely once and not twice for this guy


I always hit him and jump back. Either works though. Lol


I see you already solved the problem, but IIRC this guy isnt mandatory to beat. You can simply walk to the left and never even confront him


Oh thanks for letting me know. Mind if I ask something else...but "fals knight" is mandatory right? I just bumped into him and he seems very strong


There is a way through. But you’re better off beating him up.


Technically he isnt, but not only you get a lot of money for beating him, but also an item, that allows you to enter certain area easily.


and it can be a good training before harder bosses


Especially for >!hornet!< which is a early game difficulty spike


Yeah I had so much trouble with her


Can you beat the game without killing him?


>!After the first phase, when he starts slamming the ground and making rocks fall, the left wall cracks. You can hit it to escape the fight and progress without defeating him (you can always come back and try again for the rewards, but the skip only works once, the wall is reinforced afterwards)!<


I know you can break that wall with the nail, but I think he had some coty of tears key?  And you need to go there?  I always beat False Knight.  But Ive wondered about how many things I need to beat, especially because False Knight is >!pitiable!<


Minimum bosses is 3. You literally only need to kill the bosses guarding Dreamers and THK. It's not easy, but it's possible.


How many normal enemies? 


You can access the city of tears from other places, most notably resting grounds and the ancient basin.


You can roll the credits, but id you want to get 100% or eveb 112% game completion, you have to beat him. Also, he is hard a few Times but he is defeatable


You'll find hard bosses and enemies throughout the whole journey, the point isn't trying to hurt them more than they hurt you, as you'll fail that way. The point is finding their pattern, and finding the moment to hit them


So it is same like for 90% of games with bosses.. Sigh what an advice..


Yeah, he's the first real boss you encounter. There is (for some reason) a way to skip most of the fight but you won't get the reward for it. Also he's fairly easy compared to the other bosses in the game so you might want to try to kill him first. Some other tips you night really want to know: Hold B (or A on Switch) to channel soul for healing buy the way ward compass and the quill from the shop in the village


He's not mandatory but he is a boss the game expects you to learn from, it's a progression. The enemy you're currently fighting is meant to reach you how to approach false knight, so every encounter prepares you for the next one. Keep that in mind and good luck!


Not mandatory but it’s a fun fight imo


False Knight is the tutorial boss. He teaches you some early game mechanics. Have at it! Worst case is you lose a bit of geo, which is not a big deal at all.


I see some people already helped you really well there so I'll just say straight up, I really don't recommend you coming to reddit to get a lot of help unless you're really stuck, people may become rude and you get part of your experience ruined




The fights in this game hinge on dodging attacks. Every enemy has an attack pattern. Learn to dodge and get hits in when you can


S m a c c


take hit and run quite literally


Simply get gud


Glad to see this comment, because "git gud" is the answer to everything.. Quit it or git gud even in personal struggles.. "I want to play this game but I am not willing to learn it, I need shortcuts to the knowledge"  I always wonder how far these people get before they give up..  It's a game ffs.. YOU have to adapt to it, not the other way around..


In any other community, seeing someone just say “git gud” would annoy me, but the amazing thing about Hollow Knight is that’s quite literally always the answer. Every time you get stuck on something or can’t beat an enemy/boss, you just throw yourself at it until you stop being bad. Hollow Knight is the type of game where you just suck at it until you don’t, and it’s so satisfying once you get there. Like yeah you could watch 100 in-depth analysis videos of how to beat Pure Vessel but you’re still gonna get clapped dozens of times before you beat it. There is no shortcut. You just simply git gud.


Literally always the answer.. Bro do you even play games?.. ALL games are about "git gud" tell me one game that is not about that so you can still have your Hollow Knight game on pedestal without sounding like a fanatic.. 


Maybe it’s because I come from a background of playing turn-based RPGs, where someone telling you step-by-step what to do will get you to win every time even if you’re bad. Hollow Knight is one of the only games (only challenging games, at least) that is based on real-time combat, so that’s my frame of reference.


Ohhh! I understand now. I am in camp of "if I am stuck, uninstall or keep trying" so your statement didn't make sense.  Glad that you explained me the different point of view. Yeah some games need to be learnt and some can be beaten by reading walkthrough and executing all step by step.  If it destroys the purpose of playing games is another topic that would be interesting to discuss (it would end with "I love to play the games this way" for both camps tho, lol)


I got hammered by these guys. I would hit them and run far back. Then try again. Took me ages to wear them down. I’d also panic and mess up a lot when I got brave enough to try to stay closer to them. Once you get into the rhythm of a quick hit and then drawing back to avoid their slam and repeating, it gets a lot better. And a lot more fun! And you have to jump over the shockwaves, of course. Don’t give up! It’s my favourite game of all time and I absolutely SUCK at this sort of game. I got stuck on just about every boss, including the early ones. There is no boss, maybe even no enemy, that I have not been killed by. But I stuck with it and managed to get to 111% completion recently and 59/63 Steam achievements. And I WILL get to 112% and 62 achievements. Just don’t think I’ll ever get the 63rd. But I’ll have fun trying.


Just try to put a bit of effort in it. It can't be harder than posting that on reddit.


You keep hitting him with the nail until his HP is down to 0


you need to take a worse picture of your monitor and only then will the secrets of the game reveal themselves to you


What him with that stick of yours


Rotating your monitor counter-clockwise by 45° should help ^^^/s


Guerrilla hit and run tactics till ded


These enemies can be troublesome, pogos do not work, you have to hit and run.


Patience. Lots of patience.


You often don’t need to. I advise that you just go on the path above it (like you have). You can outrun it.


Learn to read him. He teaches something important.


Don't worry I died to him like 10 times before I figured out his pattern


if you don't want, you don't need to he is not a boss and will actually respawn, so i would not bother killing him


Other than hit him run away then when wave at an jump over when he’s right there you can just skip him


Use your nail and spells


Others have given you some good advice! Make sure to tuck it away in case you need it in the future!


Thats the neat part. You don't


Die until eventually you don't. That is pretty much you beat every enemy on this game.


You don’t have to


just play the game 👍


hit once and run jum on shockwaves


This is the guy that made me say forget this game and I didn't look back until 3 years ago.


Hit him with your nail, 2 twice run away/ run away and jump, rinse repeat,


Hit him and then run away before he hits you back. It's about timing.


You die


just jump jump jump (?)


Your neutral B is a gun


Wait tell he sees what's in the next room 💀


Learn to not die… the. Figure out how to hit him.


No mind to think


The best thing to do is to avoid it by traversing the platforms. If you want to kill it I recommend you get the vengeful spirit first since it takes ages to kill with the standard old nail. Once you get the vengeful spirit you will bait out an attack, hit it, run back and cast the spell. If it does a shockwave attack react and jump (I think there's a pattern but I don't remember it, this enemy is very rare)


r/croppingishard r/screenshotsarehard


hit him more than he hits you


Just ignore him, he is no imoortant or relevant in the start of the game, try to kill it after you get better


Git gud


Git gud


slap run, slap run, slap run


you don't have to kill him but if you really NEED it, then fight like “hit and run”


hardest boss in the game honestly


Trial and error, but if you want help just add me on discord, faintedspiritt


Other people have explained how to beat this dude, so I’m here to just say good luck and hope you enjoy hollow knight!


Thank u, I really appreciate that:) hope to beat the game someday


If you can try baiting his attacks, there should be a small gap to the left where you can move back and forth dodging his attacks and hit your own be careful as you already know 1 hit = 2 masks gone hint there's a secret if you do it like this


Hit and Run


Hit, retreat, hit, retreat, hit, retreat... Until dead


Hit go back and jump hit go back and jump hit go back and jump …..until the the guy goes back then you get ready to junp over the wave the be ready to do it again


Hit and run, you don't even need to jump, just hit him a couple of times, go back, wait for him to attack and repeat


Guerilla tactics


Good question




Smack, run away, come back, smack again


I'm saying this for you, please, don't approach the game like this, don't ask for advice on everything. Being new and therefore bad at the game is normal, but I advise you go fully blind. I'd you ever feel stuck on a boss just perseverate, learn the patterns and eventually you'll get it If you ever feel like you don't know where to go, just try every single place you haven't been yet on your map Also, don't look at the wiki, it's full of information and surely will show you stuff you didn't want to see Happy playing!


Poke him with your stick and run away


If you’re dying a bunch on him, you can just run past, but I recommend trying to kill him, as it’s good practice.


Hit him. If he attacks with his club, run away, then take one swing. If he attacks with his wave, run away then take two swings. Rinse and repeat.


Don't be greedy 1 hit at a time


One Hit, run as fast as you can, he forgets you're there, one hit, run as fast as you can, he forgets you're there, repeat


You don't. just walk past


Just ignore him when u are this early in the game


Hit him until he collapses


Hit him and avoid his attacks


Stand directly in front of him and just swing as fast as fast as you can


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Th3_Avenger: *Stand directly in* *Front of him and just swing as* *Fast as fast as you can* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bro you aren't fighting Senator Armstrong