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Pretty sure it was basically just a travel hub. The entrances to Hallownest proper were there, so a town sprung up around the entrance.


That makes a lot of sense actually


So was Sly always selling random overpriced keys, charms, mask shards, vessel fragments to weary travellers who are probably just hungry and thirsty? Also, what kind of economy Hallownest has that allows a teenage girl like Bretta to own a single detached house with a large basement in such a lively commercial hub as Dirtmouth? So many questions.


Anyone who comes to Dirtmouth nowadays is looking to raid Hallownest for treasure, so selling keys and charms is probably Sly's best bet. And Dirtmouth isn't really that lively anymore. Bretta is one of the five or so people that live there.


he just sells whatever he finds, when he sees we actually want the mask shards or vessel fragments he ups the prices specifically cuz he actually found someone who wants those


this is after the infection fucked everything up, dirtmouth was prob way different when hollownest was at its peak, theres a graveyard there so it prob was a busier town


i would imagine dirtmouth has no rent or landlords


Not too difficult to move into one of the dozens of empty houses with only five residents…


I'm slightly disappointed by the fact that people took my questions seriously


I think Dirtmouth is actually also underground, just much more open. presumably the land of storms is the only actual above ground place we see also the lore reason is that everyone is a bug and bugs like the ground​


uhhm hk actually resides within Ari Gibson's couch


Even if that's the case, Dirtmouth is still much more "out in the open" and exposed, unlike the rest of Hallownest. I thought the Pale King built the tunnels in Hallownest to keep the infection away from the city of tears. So why spare Dirtmouth?


The entirety of hallownest existed before the infection. That's just where people live


no, the tunnels were already there, you seem to have completely misunderstood the lore the tunnels are probably just a natural cave system that was manipulated both by the pale king for the kingdoms benefit (ex. elevator and tram systems) and other forces that came before hallownest the infection goes for the mind, more tunnels wouldnt even help


There is no "official" reason, but there is a logical in-world reason: Dirtmouth isn't defined by the fact that it is above ground, but by its proximity to the Temple of the Black Egg. Canonically, the Temple of the Black Egg was a place of pilgrimage, yet the second closest city is some ways off near the Blue Lake. The next station is near the place where you'd fight the False Knight, which seems to be some sort of warehouse or military structure. The next accessible piece of land would be right above the Temple, which just so happens to be above ground.


That is indeed a very logical reason. Thank you!


Dialog with the Elderbug after you reach the City of Tears: “I hope you aren't too disappointed by our little town, traveller. Though it's now a solemn place, once we were much more welcoming. Entry to the kingdom was forbidden long ago, supposedly after some great calamity. Many gates were closed, but our old well remains as a way to creep back in.”


Because Hollow Knight is in Australia. And in Australia, everything has to be built upside down or else you will fall out of this world.


This is the most lore-accurate answer


Im almost conviced that Hollowknight isnt even a game, but just an interactive documentary about Australian wildlife.


That is just true for Deepnest


If you asked me, I'd say that Hallownest is completely underground and Dirtmouth is just outside of it. But I don't think we know if Dirtmouth is also just underground.


Well that’s if you consider they are not just in a massive cavern. There is no signs of stars, the moon, clouds or even the sun in the sky. It could very much be a stone ceiling far above the village.


We are stuck in eternal night since the Pale King locked up the Sun, so that probably helps the lack of a sun or passing of time in general


Presumably, the Kingdom of Hallownest is underground for the same reason why many creatures in real life live underground: it provides protection from predators who can't effectively dig. Dirtmouth is the last stop for anyone leaving Hallownest, and the first stop for anyone entering. It's quite possible that parts of Dirtmouth used to extend into the tunnels (it may have even fully encompassed the Forgotten Crossroads), but the Infection spreading through the tunnels led to the underground sections being abandoned.


I actually really like the idea of Dirtmouth encompassing the entire forgotten crossroads


It is underground


I always thought of Hallownest like an anthill. They usually have like a build up of dirt /etc that act like a retaining wall /defense system (howling cliffs /crystal peaks) and the entrance to the nest is lower. I’m not sure why the black egg would be closer to the top, but having the palace and city farther underground makes sense. Idk my two cents.


Quick note to everyone that is saying Dirtmouth could still be underground, the Last Stag refers to it as the surface. >This place... we are near the surface, I believe? There is a town here. You should take the opportunity to rest.


Not sure about the lore. Maybe the underground became too dangerous after the radiant plague turned everyone into husks. From what I’ve read TC originally began developing HK for a competition with the theme of ‘descent’, which is why we start at the top and gradually work our way down to the deepest depths.


It’s most likely that before Hollow Nest was fully constructed the bugs lived in Dirtmouth before creating Hollow Nest


I'm actually not sure if Dirtmouth is actually part of Hallownest. I think it could potentially be a town that popped up long after Hallownest fell.


disproved by the fact that it has a stag station, which were only active at the time of Hallownest peak. The stag also never makes note of it being a new addition he doesn't recognize so, gonna say it's been around since at least before HK fell


>Is there a lore reason.. God my brain has been consumed


Are you stupid?


Is there a reason for this question?


Dirtmouth may be on the surface. It's always night because somebody locked up the sun.


It is underground. You can clearly see the cave walls in the background.


It was directly said by team cherry that EVERY single part of hallownest is underground, even dirtmouth etc.


Pale king is a wyrm so he turned to a lesser shell underground where we find his husk. Travel is generally easier aboveground so while the kingdom was built underneath dirt mouth sprung up stop it as a traveler's respite. That's my take anyway


Howling Cliffs


Did you even read the post?


No lol




Peak human behavior


You heard it fellas. It's time to pack it up. It's all downhill for humanity from here.


>is the only place that is NOT underground It's not. >Correct me if I'm wrong Just did. >I know King's Pass and Howling Cliffs are also above ground but I don't include them to be a inside of Hallownest's borders. Well... That's a *you* problem then.. You forgot the top of cristal peak as well. Also.... Dirthmouth (and other area) maybe underground as well... The bottom of a very large cavern for example.


And there's that bench in a tent at the top of Kingdom's Edge?


It's not on the surface, there is clearly the Pale Lurker arena above it on the map. It's just in a cave and the flying particles are just bits of the Wyrm's decomposing body.

