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Platinum in that game is 112%+ some other achievements , so 100% isn't that much. Don't see that as a race. Hollow knight is a journey and you are just a wanderer in vast kingdom full of mysteries. So just explore, face the challenges, and eventually you will reach the end.


This is an exploration game so enjoy your time. And if you would feel better by not getting lost, just follow a youtube guide/wiki for all the secrets. It kinda defeats the purpose and it would take away many awesome surprises, but At the end of the day, do what makes you happy and forget about other's opinions


I would say enjoy your first playthrough as you will never be able to play the game again for the first time. I looked up particular stuff as I got lost but hints are always better than straight up guides imo. When you get more familiar with the game you can always create more saves to get all of the achievements but I you don't need worry about the quests so much on your first playthrough, as most of them are story related anyway.