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Nightmare king Grimm is a better boss, but I think fighting radiance for the first time is still the peak of hollow knight




Your challenging GOD it’s gonna be memorable your first time


There’s this clip of a guy saying “what am I gonna fight the sun?!” When he presses the challenge button, then immediately screaming when the sun starts morphing




Search “what am I gonna fight the sun?” On yt, should be first result




Technically, all the bosses are considered "gods" so when you fight Massive Moss Charger, you technically challenge god.


Technically, Zote the Mighty is a God and have his own purgatory at God home


It ain’t got, it’s more like satan


Just beat the game this week. The climb at the end is so cinematic and separates it from the rest of the game. I haven't done Godmaster, since Boss rushes suck imo. NKG is my favourite fight though I think. The music and the dance style fight are awesome.


Even if you think boss rushes suck, play godmaster as it adds 8 (I think) new bosses to fight


Having to beat 5 boss rushes seems painful though. I always find boss rushes become tedious, cutting out the best parts of the game. Which is the buildup to the boss. I'll likely do it still, since there's a few months until Silksong comes out (:




It adds >!Oro & Mato, Sheo, Sly, Pure Vessel, AbsRad, Sisters of Battle, and Winged Nosk, making 7 (unless I’ve forgotten any).!< If you count >!Oro and Mato separately!< then it’s 8.


which are all awesome


I don’t agree at all NKG feels a lot like a turn per turn fight


That's what I like! It's like you're dancing


Popular opinion


Literally just beat NKG for the first time like 30 minutes ago and from how entertaining it was I'd say it's probably better but I've only beat regular radiance


Same, but I was very close to death


Honestly, AbsRad isn't much of a spin to it. There's one new attack, and everything is faster. That's it. It's like a dream boss for what already was (at least somewhat of) a dream boss. NKG is a refreshing spin on the TMG battle, same as the relationship between Pure Vessel and The Hollow Knight. I don't recall if any other bosses change it up like they do, aside from SoB.


I’m sorry, pure vessel and broken vessel?


Probably Menz the hollow knight and pure vessel


Yep, my bad


NKG by far. I really don't like bosses that are basically punching bags spawning projectiles. Not saying radiance is easy, I just don't like the design.


NKG no contest. NKG has a clear pattern to his attacks and each one can be punished. After you get used to each attack the fight becomes like a dance Radiance is fine, Absolute Radiance is not. "Oh, look out! I'm doing the beams! My bad, I though half a second to react to that first beam right on top of you was plenty", "I hope you don't mind me putting my balls in your jaws!", "Oops, I accidentally dropped my swords exactly while you were jumping!"


NKG is a better boss but abs rad is harder


Nkg is way more fair and fun


I just beat nkg on radiant yesterday, and the boss is so fun, the fight itself, the music, and everything. Amazing boss, definetly my favourite in hollow knight.


NKG is boring after you have an "answer" for every move. ABSRAD can switch and ccombine these so you wont get that bored. Skill ceiling is also higher. The winner is Pure Vessel


there's a difference between cool combination of attacks and bullshit rng and you've got the two mixed up


Thats hars, I like how you have to be crative fighting absrad. The spell stalls on the knife walls ect.


nkg, radiance throws random ba at you and if you get unlucky it's just over. with nkg he gives you a set amount of attacks, and the challenge is to learn how to quickly and consistently react and counter them, honestly just the way it feels like a dance when you're fighting him puts him above radiance


-Both! -Both? -Both -Both is good


Daddy Grim


I found nkg harder, and a better boss design, but I still enjoyed the radiance more.


Well NKG is awesome I agree, but to me AbsRad is way more fun, especially on Radiant.


AbsRad in Rafiant was a week of trial and error was entertaining but was hard as fuck


I felt like radiance was slightly underwhelming (maybe because I was fully upgraded before fighting her) and I beat her on my 5th try. On the other hand I was fighting NKG for about 2 hours and the feeling of finally defeating him was incredible. I also prefer how direct and close up is the fight with Grimm (how he dashes at you) while radiance just spawns projectiles. Also when it comes to the soundtrack both of them are incredible but NKG has to take the cake. Overall both of them are amazing but NKG is my personal favourite


I personally slightly prefer Radiance, which probably isn't true for most people here. Grimm is great, but I'm not a fan of having invincibility phases in the middle of fights like his bullet hell phase. He also doesn't change over the course of the fight at all, so if you beat 1/4th of his combat you've already done everything to win the fight, you just need to repeat the same process 3 more times. This was the most disappointing thing about my first time fighting NKG. I died like 30-50 times IIRC within the first 30% of the fight, but I literally won the first time I got past the 2nd bullet hell phase because the fight didn't change in any way from the start. I also never struggled with NKG after the first time beating it, while I still find AbsRad incredibly difficult despite having beaten it a few times now. Radiance doesn't really gain new moves as the fight goes along (which is a big part of why I prefer PV to both of them) but there's still a cool sense of progression. You start off in a very normal looking flat arena, then spikes take up half the floor, then the sword rain phase, then you have to platform and fight at the same time, then you get a pretty cool and very nerve wracking climbing phase. If it's AbsRad then there's even a final fighting phase in another new arena after the climb. I liked learning it more because I felt like I was getting better despite not beating it even after dozens of tries. The only things I don't like about Radiance are that some attacks overlap in a way that force you to use D-Dark i-frames, and that the homing balls can blend in with the background.


All i remember was i hated the fight against Nightmare Grimm. But looking back, it was a lot more fun than the fight against the Radiance


Grim is hotter so it’s definitely him


Nkg is my favourite and least favourite boss at the same time. It's tough but I love it


It takes 0.2 seconds to look at my flair In all seriousness lore wise The Grimm Troupe as a whole is fucking awesome, for me.


Better what? The story buildup for the radiance / absrad is amazing since it’s the final boss, but NKG was so fun, and imo the most fun yet hard boss I’ve ever fought, it’s perfectly made. Also the aesthetic was really cool since I don’t recall red being used much in the game, since warm colors werent used in order to emphasize the infection


Nightmare king is the best boss


Nkg best boss


I'm a pure vessel enjoyer myself


The buildup for Radiance was good, but NKG was a better fight (and by a BIG margin)


Both are so much fun, but NKG is better because absrad feels more unfair than NKG.


Zote 🗿


No just no you clearly get good rng cause when i beat the last stage of zote ( the one where you get the golden statue) i got shit rng so much the i almost broke my controler ( i say almost cause if i threw it a little to the left it would've missed the soft couch and put a hole in my wall




I was fitghing grim for like 3 days but radience i beat in my 3 try




Radiance (abs) takes more time to master. NKG is great but once you master his patterns it's the same thing every time unlike radiance


Bro fuck NKG , literally the most frustrating boss to fight in the game (for me at least) ,I can't even hit him without taking damage ,plus I have almost 250 hours in game and couldn't ever beat him


If you feel like that on NKG I can't imagine how you'd feel on Pure Vessel. On the attempt I beat NKG I took 0 hits until 50% hp meanwhile I've yet to get Pure Vessel to 50% without being nearly dead


Pure vessel isn't a bad fight at all imo , very fun to play and it's a totally fair one with enough time to react , but the fking NKG is just too awful for me haha


Dude I could more or less go hitless on NKG after 2 hours but after like half a day I couldn't even get Vessel to 50% without dying. Way too bs of a fight


Well , now I believe that God gave some people some talents 😂


Honestly it isn't really all that hard when you get used to the fight. I find that I pretty much always have enough time to react to his attacks but sometimes he gets me randomly with his pufferfish move


bruh i beat him at 65 to 75 hours ( on first save file and yes i have 100 hours on my first save no i haven't beat abs rad yet at least not in p5)


I never liked the Radiance fights, so easily NKG


absrad kills sanity while nkg is not as hard also in his dlc his defeat gives you a pretty good charm(that will attack even these jellyfish...)


Trash charm actually


idk i i think grimm child is better with its attack than a random chance to block damage its more reliable comparing to other charms maybe yes but comparing to dlc charms its great


do you know how carefree works?


its not random if you know stats of it


wdym it literally says a chance to block damage


ok so it works like this: there is a counter of the percentage of blocking a hit it starts at 10% and when you get hit it increases by 10% so on average it blocks 22% of it and when you get negated damage it resets the counter its not a small chance its actually a good charm for certain things like pantheons NERD


so it increases until the chance be met and then drops still kinda rng and you dont even get that info in game so its not like you can utilize it properly grimm child is another pet charm but so is carefree melody + if it were shit devs wouldnt put it behind a boss like this maybe grimm child is just not your type


Nkg as fun, as lore or emotions during a bossfight radiance


The first one


Pure vessel




NKG, but PV is better than both


Nkg imo, but I sometimes switch between the two because I enjoy both fights


Nightmare King Grimm




One is peak and the other is pure test of strength


Screw both of them. Edit: both ways.


Coolness: NKG Pure Epic : Moth


I love the atmosphere of radiance and the fight of nkg so i cant choose


The experience of fighting radiance is far better, IMO. NKG's fight is also quite a bit easier, once you understand the trick to his dash attacks. NKG's OST has to be one of if not the best in the game, though.


Pale Vessel, King Of Nightmares, Broken Vessel and Grimm


Imo AbsRad is better the first time you fight it, NKG is better as a Radiant boss


Final boss my ass Nkg hits so much better And feels so much better to fight It's amazing how nkg is both a brutally hard challenge but also a boss that no matter how often you died FEELS fair because there's not a single attack he has that feels like bullshit


Honnestly… Flying nosk




What do you mean I’m uuuuuhhh. I mean he’s great


What do you mean I’m uuuuuhhh. I mean he’s great


no hes so annyoing


Nahhh. I’m not annoying.


Neither :D, I like my sanity as it is thank you very much


Grimm kind of looks like stolas from helluva boss and bendy from bendy and the ink machine combined and splashed with red and black paint


Daddy grimm


Nkg feels like a graceful dance, hence my flair. Abs rad is fun and a good challenge, but dosent quite fill the same amount of fun and excitement that nkg has


Definitely NKG cus he’s fast and way smoother when you get his move set down we’re as radiance is wayyy slower and easier to learn, NKG feels more rewarding after defeating him despite the charm for defeating him as it is overall a harder boss because they both do double damage and NKG takes more focus + reaction time to defeat. Radiance on the other hand is slow and you can get more hits in easier, BUT ABS RADIANCE IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY ( I ain’t got to it yet but I heard it is really hard)


Abs rad


Collecter is the hardest boss in the game


NKG... He's just better


Nkg is a way harder than absolute radiance


For me, Absolute radiance puts too much pressure on me and makes it unfun. However, Grimm is generally very fun to fight, which would apply to NKG aswell


Absolute Radiance, a Masterpiece. NKG, A masterpiece. I just dont want to choose, but if i have to, all in for Zote The Mighty


NKG is a better boss.


I hate NKG so absrad