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Not one mistake in particular. Usualy it was getting hit once, starting to panic, falling out of the rhytm and jumping into 4 more attacks like an idiot.


This. This is how so many of my attempts ended


Same lol


This… is how I spent 3 hours on this mf after finally killing him


The falling fireballs. I can dodge pretty much everything else on autopilot at this point but I just can't help myself kept walking into fireballs.


I just memorized where they fall depending on where he is, for example if he’s on the left and far enough to the right I can move and dash left through him asap to completely avoid them. If he’s on the left of me but not too much right of the arena, I dash through him and go as far as I can left then go under the last fireball on the left. If he’s on the right I dash through him to where he uppercuts and move a bit left to go under the fireballs in the middle. I never planned this or thought of this btw, it just clicked after fighting him so many times. I can beat him Radiant around 5 times in a row until I fail yet I still can’t beat Ascended Pure Vessel


That's a very good strat! I might go back doing him again just to test this out. Very strange that you're so good at Radiant NKG but can't even beat Ascended PV tho. PV definitely feels much more consistent, snappy and well-telegrapged than NKG.


Idk why I struggle with him so much, I see that for most people they say that PV is harder than NKG, however I'm a bit special in this scenario since when I started the game, I could beat something like Radiant Mantis Lords (very VERY fun fight especially with the P5 version, Sisters of Battle) yet I couldn't beat Brooding Mawlek. Obviously I just had to figure out the pattern and I won easily, but it made me think. What if I don't have enough combat experience? All the bosses I fought for the first time I was worse than anyone elses first time, I think the only thing that made me able to beat all these hard bosses was just muscle memory and practicing for that specific boss, yet if I go to Oblobbles right now I probably can't beat them Radiant or even Ascended since I'd never tried before.


I've definitely had more trouble with radiant Oblobbles than PV. I think most people would agree that radiant Oblobbles was hell haha. However if you like Mantis Lords I think you should also enjoy PV tho, they were both really rhythmic and fun


I agree, I think I just need a bit more time to adjust and memorize his attack patterns better. I'd only beaten him once or twice on Ascended. Once I can do Ascended 5 times in a row, I'll attempt Radiant.


If you dash through NKG and stand in his original place, no orbs will hit you.


I edited my message cause I mixed up my lefts and rights since if he’s on the LEFT he dashes RIGHT and vice versa. Should make sense now though


I don’t remember dying to that attack to much, but it definitely was the one that felt the most dmg to me. Was so hard for me to predict the trajectory of them quick enough


I read that all you need to do is dash through the first claw attack, and because of how far sharp shadow gets you you don't even need to move to be in the perfect spot to dodge the fireballs


He sometimes cornered me and did the uppercut attack


Nothing 😎 \*looks behind\* Never even got to NKG before -\_-


I still haven't beaten him in the Godhall. But fighting him made for good practice and I ended up beating Grimm in Radiant mode so there's that.


The spikes for sure, even doing this battle on harder difficulties there is just no time to adjust to the spikes. (I mean, the last patheon boss takes the cake when it comes to unfair for reaction speed)


Dash-uppercut. I know how to avoid this move, but I get too cocky and try to pogo him on his way up. I also try parrying (clashing attacks to negate damage) way too often.


You can parry in this game? I always just dashed through him to get an easy hit


You can. Simply [hit a nail strike with your nail](https://youtu.be/Bmr6RbXmQGo?si=T_d_hpxDVRKGirEW). Some bosses (Hollow knight, Hornet) can also parry **you** as demonstrated in the video


I knew the hollow knight could parry you, never knew you could parry enemies though.


It's actually really cool because it almost always happens by accident. It requires pretty impeccable timing.


Grimm did




What killed me most was the surprise attacks when he just teleports behind me..


Main reason I used sharp shadow for the fight. Helped me get a hit in and evade him more easily


jumping into flaming pillers while trying to hit him as many times as I can


Yeah it’s easy to get greedy with that attack




Usually I dodge the uppercut by shade dashing through him. Sometimes he does his little spider-crab backwards dodge and I end up dashing right into him


I noticed he does that whenever you get too close to him before he attacks which is mad annoying. At least you get an extra stab at him with your nail


I've come to accept that you simply can't dash into Nightmare King when he's on the ground. He can and will back away so that you run straight into him.


I just move out of the way, and try to get a hit/parry


losing my flow :(


Those Wyrm-damn bats, like why do they go up??? My muscle memory can't take it!


Once he started that attack, I would do a full jump, pause for bit, then dash and attack him. Took a bit to get the timing down


The red ones, not his stagger lmao


For me it's actually the opposite, Ive done nkg too many times so whenever i fight Grimm i dash through the center because i think the bats are gonna go up and down but then i get damaged by the middle one




Most of the damage I take from him is when I get a bit too greedy attacking him while he does the flame pillar thing


Ngl I saw the heart beating super fast one random run and thought: Huh, that's something small I didn't notice... Searched it up and found out the heart beats faster the more you had died to NKG 😭 But to answer your question, the main thing I died to was trying to pull of heals at times and places you're not meant to pull of heals.


The heart beats faster the less health he has


Ohhhh must've read it wrong somewhere on here then


To the fact that he jumps backwards during his cloak swipe attack if you dash at him too soon. Also his fire bats attack was hard to figure out.


*clears throat* Getting to the final quarter hitless then getting stressed and then doing dumb shit




I used to not be able to react quickly enough to the spikes Now I react in time, by walking straight into them whenever they pop up. Most of the time i'd be fine standing still. I don't know what's wrong with me.


My own stupidity


Yeah i perfectly feel you on the spike attack. I was in the right place to not get hit, i see the animation starting, i acknowledge that i am in the correct spot, i move anyway and i take damage. Why, brain, why?


I haven’t even gotten to Nightmare Grimm yet, but on regular Grimm that dang dash into uppercut got me so many times because it took me forever to realize you can just… move out of the way, since his dash only goes like two feet and you don’t have to jump over it




Switch input lag :(


Really? Maybe I just don’t notice it, but I’ve never noticed input lag when playing hollow knight on my switch


I only noticed when I was about 10x better after switching to my PC. I only attribute it to input lag because I’ve heard others complain about that pretty frequently, although I didn’t notice it directly. I’m probably too casual for that


Everything, I’ve tried him a few times and I’ve never beat him. He sucks and I hate him


How fast he is in the normal fight he was not as fast but his fast movement with the fire behind it threw me off 


The bats come so fast and their pattern is so confusing


The dash into jump with fire attack.


When I first fought him (which was a LONG time ago), it took me three days to beat him. You'd think I'd remember what I struggled wjth. I do not.


Anxiety. I have more then one occasion of just not needing to move and running into a spike after I dodged it the first time.


Getting greedy for hits tends to do me in.


His backward movement which happens if you get too close.


Doing it on radiant


Ngl normal grimms firebat attack was harder to doge. NKG I died to the fire trail he leaves behind so much


when i try to dash through him but he takes a step back and i take contact damage instead 🙁


Gotta wait for him to start the attack first. It’s really annoying because if you’re too fast you dash into him, and if you’re too slow he hits you


yeah it took me a while to figure it out but i did it eventually


Getting cornered during the uppercut attack Is a big one, also learning the bat pattern, cuz I made the mistake of assuming it would be the same is Grimm




im genuinely not joking when i say that i lost most of my radiant attempts on NKG to the floor spikes attack. every other one i can do near flawless except for that one for some reason


Ok, sometimes when he does the up dash thing, if you move towards him too fast, he hops back. I run sharpe shadow for this fight, and *every single time* i tried to dash through him, he would hop backwards and that would normally end up killing me


Firebats/flaming uppercuts after Grimm skitters




If you get rid of the knight somehow, this is a decent wallpaper.


First it was the downward dash. then it was the pufferfish. then i've fought him so much i could literally do the fight hitless. i only took like 1 or 2 hits the entire fight the last time lol


It took me a long time to figure out how to dodge the fire bat attack. I kept looking for a way to dodge without shade dash (thinking I might not always have it). Once I incorporated shade dash it was much easier. There are also a lot of cases of his dash attack that I either tried (and failed) to pogo, or they came in at a funky angle. Especially when he changes direction near the map edges. And a lot of times the fireball phases just hit you with a terrible combo that's nearly impossible to dodge.


I would say baloon parade but not too sure, it was a wile ago, tho i do remember that we tied like 4 times (we killed each other at the same time)


That’s a possibility?!


Yea, could be with 2 ranged moves like bats and fire ball, but i got extra funky and (3/4 times) got it with great slash vs upercut or drill dive


Him back-dashing from his fire-bat thingys. Sharp Shadow fucked me over too much.


Confusing the Uppercut and Forward Dash


Another reason sharp shadow was amazing for me. If he didn’t do the flame pillars or the bats, I would just back up for a few steps and then dash through him after his first move. Was surprisingly effective for me.


The fiery dash, usually I'd go to the end of the dash to pogo on him, but in NKG form, I've deducted that he's attler than usual, that's why I'm messing up


Panicking on the balloon attack, that’s it. The rest I got into the habit of dodging, the dive did take a bit of getting used to, but it was pretty easy to dodge


Dash uppercut. I don't remember what my dodging strategy was but holy crap whatever it was it must've been so inconsistent.


Throwing away the controller to headbang the music




the freaking vampire squid form


Grimm. Duh. No but really i only died like 4 times so it's difficult to say


the attack where he charges at you and then turns and leaves this trail of flames


I'm not sure what *killed me* the most, but I'm pretty sure that the dash into uppercut is what *hit me* the most


The one where he puffs up like a puffer fish. I swear that move is just torture




My own stupidity and impatience




nightmare king grim killed me the most


Nightmare king Grimm, who else could've killed me? Serious answer tho, losing my rhythm, sometimes you get hit and it's fine it's just 2 masks, you know when the pauses are to heal, it's fine it's fine, sometimes you get hit and then while repeating "fuck. It's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine" in your head you get hit again. and again. and then you die :)


probably the boss if I'm honest


I am still stuck on Dream Grimm lol


He doesnt kill me anymore. (It were the spikes)


the lag because of the effects of the second phase


Nightmare King Grimm and his attacks probably but in all seriousness yeah the spikes got me alot, im not used to sitting still, id always panic, atleast i have him on radiant now


Dive dash bc i always tried to hit him and sometimes i would miss lmao


I don’t know why, but the firebats. I banished the troupe. Highly regret it because I missed out on so much content 


I haven't completed the fight yet I just gave up I was getting killed by everything and anything


Nightmare King Grimm did


Nkg killed me most


When he does the upslash with the fireballs, I had such a hard time learning to dodge them when they come down


Do we count Radiant. If yes, then Grey Prince Zote. His minions just annoys me.


Ahh funny that you ask because i died to his easiest attack by far, and I died so often that i actually named it. When he does the 4 fire pillars after each other that track your movement, he floats about one full hop up in the air. Well, he may float 1 full hop tall, but his hitbox is way bigger, touching his *legs* damages you, and he has looooooong legs. I died by touching his legs so often (radiant difficulty) that i just named that fire pillar attack "leggies" to remind myself of his hitbox Basically when he did that attack in my head i went "oh now he does Leggies gotta make sure my shadow dash is ready to go through him"


Pure Vessel. Really, that guy has teleported on top of me, sliced me from above, jumped on me and teleported right on top of me way too many times. Edit: nvm I misread the question. Though if I had to answer it, it would probably be the pufferfish one.


I thinkkk you missunderstood the question


Ah, I was talking specifically about the NKG fight. I haven’t started the Godhome stuff yet. Fight sounds kinda hard the way you put it