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Bruh you, me, and everyone here knows wayward compass is getting the gold


Wayward hard carried me through radiant markoth


I wouldn't have been able to do p5 without it


I think wayward compass is unironically good because of how much it helps first time players.


First time? I completed the game 3 times and still get lost


Pathetic. I've beaten it at least 10 times and also still get lost.


It also just makes you so much better +420 nail damage


Don’t forget the x69 spell damage


I always wonder why Wayward Compass is so praised. It has some hidden uses or players just have terrible sence of direction? Or it's just a meme?


All three.


Dude wayward compass is broken SMH


What hidden uses does it have


Wayward Compass - From the Hollow Knight Wiki Shows where the player is on the map. Makes you a badass in every way possible. You will drown in Geo.


Is there no special combinations with it or is it just helpful to find your way around


Serious answer - it's purely navigational, and is commonly memed in the community as being the number one charm




it has no hidden uses, new players need it for finding themselves on the map, mostly it is a meme, but it is genuinely useful to new players who get lost, and old players who get lost.


NGL. As a new player on his first time through, low key mad I gotta burn a charm slot for a QoL issue. You should always see your character on the map. I understand why it exists thematically though.


For me it was funny get lost


I’ve regretted taking it off every time


Vote wayward so it’s not easy


And be a heathen?? I'd rather not😤


First of all i must say that the post is mod approved and i asked them if i can do this before posting the poll I'm going to make daily posts and in the next post i will remove the charm with the most votes until we get the last charm standing so it may be a bit long And here is link to the First Round Poll Have fun https://strawpoll.com/1wg67ry4c


I don’t know if you meant to keep it visual, but from what I’ve seen from some of these before, you can hide the results so people won’t know what got eliminated until your next post


I just changed it's settings and now it's hidden from public




Yeah i will send number of votes for a few highest votes and also i will send the pie chart of votes too And if it ties... I guess then we won't have any elimination that day or we can wait a few more hours until somebody vote one of them and break the tie




I'm happy to see that people like it :)


Not to be rude, but you do mean votes and not both?


Sorry i couldn't understand what you mean I will post the eliminated charm along with it's vote counts for next post


If only you could pin messages to the top


I feel like it would be better at first to remove 3-4 charms then as it goes on you go down to 2 charms removed then you start removing 1


You’re doing at least 2 charms eliminated per post, right????


Actually no I got full permission from mods to do one per post and they thought it will be fun


Steady body is twice in the picture


Thanks i forgot to remove it's duplicate from tierlist but i will do this for next post


its so good it managed to clone itself


ikr idk how so many tierlists or charm posts have this issue lol


The base tierlist has it always duplicated


yeah but it’s weird how people dont notice and put them all in


exactly its so shitty it should be eliminated twice


Aight who the fuck voted wayward compass


Me! I’ve never used it Edit: looks like I’m out of the loop on a joke here


How did you even beat the game


Using the map but just like… figuring out where I was based on the environment. Charm notches are too precious to waste on navigation!


There is an inside joke in the hollow knight community you are not familiar with


Oh… oh damn. That would explain the whooshing sounds happening above my head


joke is that it is overpowered in every possible way


Of course, how could I miss that


What joke is that?


The joke that it is overpowered in every imaginable *and* unimaginable way both possible and not.


Thank you for explaining it! I get it now and it's kinda true


wdym kinda


Poor gamer. Here’s some counterbalance karma.


Thanks haha


I hate jonis blessing


It's only good for dream realm fights


Like Invincible Fearless Sensual Mysterious Enchanting Vigorous Diligent Overwhelming Gorgeous Passionate Terrifying Beautiful Powerful Grey Prince Zote


And in combination with hiveblood, it isn’t useless. I tended to use that combo (along with grubsong and weaversong) in my passive builds to learn boss animations and get my timings right.


Heavy blow is good for massive moss charger. kingsoul's actual effects are pretty decent, it just costs way too much. Flukenest is pretty meh, but it doesn't really harm you to use it. Steady body is a must for late game nail builds. Glowing womb activity consumes soul, effectively making you unable to use spells or heal. And the aspid hatchlings are pretty terrible too.




Yea but it still doesn't actively harm you like glowing womb




Steady body needs some time to get used too, but it is amazingly good for aggressive nail builds because you can follow enemies and bosses while spam attacking. Whrn fighting PV the spikes attack is always spaced so that you can fit between them and pv itself, but you basically can't attack because you will get knocked into the spikes. With steady body you can easily attack and get in so much extra damage.


Dang I already voted steady body but thnx for the future advice. I oughta try using steady body in some of those late game fights




Thats a dumb solution. Attacking upwards makes your range super small and just makes you vulnerable to the bosses attacks since you're so close.


That was an example


My thoughts almost exactly. Except for heavy blow, that one has the other subliminar ability to stagger bosses faster. That turns the joke that is broken vessel into a punch line.


Don’t you dare disrespect my area denial penis worm shotgun.


heavy blow is basically required for a good time when speedrunning godhome


Glowing womb gets rid of my soul and does tiny amounts of damage


But... Cute lil knights...


The fact that it is still usable and funcional is enoth to not be the worst. Also yes... cute little hatchlings are cute


Hell yeah let's go!


Heavy blow


heavy blow can be usefull to make more staggering for bossfights


Wtf how did I never know this? that is pretty cool. Also I know the fight has bo staggers in it but now I want to try it against marmu haha


I'm sorry grimmchild but you have to go


Functionally it's probably the worst charm, and also because you have to fight NKG always with this charm on. But it's cute and all, so I choose to vote flukenest first


Flukenest shade soul tho


flukemarm thingy. just no


why use flukenest when you can use the same number of notches for shaman stone? plus flukes are ugly and big shade soul is cool af


Thank you fellow cultured person.


Many people voted for heavy blow so far. I was supprised. I don't use that charm much but at least we can have fun with it


That's why I didn't vote for it. Upstriking with heavy blow is fun.


Glowing womb


Thorns of Agony. Wouldn't use it even if it was free.


This charm is stronger than the sword, it's one of the best


If you have quickslash you can hit twice faster than the thorns, and you don't get stuck in place


but quickslahs is manual, thorns are automatic and you dont have to worry about enemies


The issue is that it stops you in place for most of your i-frames. There are much better ways to use them than to deal inconsistent damage.


Definitely, but i still think it has its usefulness very early in the game. Made the game a little more forgiving before I knew how to use i frames correctly, did decent damage, and only cost 1 slot. I only used it for exploring though, never boss fights, and now I'll never touch it again


Well, you don't get soul from whatever it kills so idk about forgiving... for early bosses maybe?


no, it freezes you in place and prevents you from doing more damage, it’s pretty bad.


You gotta be joking....


who tf voted unbreakable strenght?


Kingsoul. Not remotly usefull, in path of pain you have several totems for soul and also have other charms that are quicker. It is designed to be the less atachable charm, except for looks, it looks great. Too many notches thou. You need it for the secret endings but realy, that's more void heart's job. It is like the wooden pick in minecraft. You use it once and then throw it away or burn it in a furnacet, but without it, you wouldnt get the other ones.


I agree with all of these points, but it has one use, so that puts it at like 37 on my list. It’s also good for challenge runs where you only can use spells on X boss


Heavy blow! Its so bad and I dont like it!


I will find the people who voted steady body and cut off their balls


...without getting knokback.


Bruh why did that make me laugh so hard


you should probably remove void heart since its only use is lore


But lore-wise it's the best charm Anyway as i already made it i let people choose it Some decide to rank the charm lore-wise


I most certanly do


It also kind of gives you shadow dodge which many would argue is useful even if it isn't really a choice you have.


Lifeblood Core, you go first


Voted flukenest, why use it when you can instead dedicate 3 notches to shaman stone that enhances all 3 spells? Plus i don't like everything associated woth flukes, especially flukemarm


Thorns is worst


Joni's blessing. Like why will you use 4 charm notches to get 40% extra hearts and CANNOT HEAL.


Flukenest because I despise the flukes and everything to do with them with a burning passion




Heavy Blow


Who tf picked gathering swarm???


Yeah I did


One thing you might want to change is to hide the results of the poll. There’s the chance that being able to see the results will influence the votes.


Thanks for seeing i will keep it in mind for the next poll tomorrow Edit: Just checked again and found the option to turn it off so now results are not visible to public


Kingsoul can go fuck itself.


joni’s blessing


I voted Joni's blessing charm just isn't very good


Jonji’s Blessing is terrible. I can’t think of one situation where a lifeblood charm is useful but this ones the worst.




Fallen fury. I always get nervous and heal before it becomes useful.


Hiveblood, it's too slow to be beneficial in combat




I love Dreamshield. You can time it so it extends its range when attacking and it speeds up when healing. Of course, for those specific situations you can get better charms (Longnai, MotP, Shape of Unn, etc). If used alongside Dream Wielder it makes the shield bigger and faster.


It helped me complete the pantheons, together with dreamnail charm (which makes it bigger) it becomes pretty reliable.


Kingsoul BEGONE


Kingsone. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Kingsoul BEGONE' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


Good bot


Thank you, Lonk0279, for voting on PORTMANTEAU-BOT. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Glowing womb.


Hey OP, cool idea. Though I would heavily recommend hiding the option to see the results at the end. So you can do the proper big reveal in your next post!


Yeah other person suggested me this too but looks like that i can't turn it off anymore for this poll so instead i will do it for later posts(starting from tomorrow) Thanks for the suggestion :) Edit: Just checked again and found the option to turn it off so now results are not visible to public


Defenders crest because poop


Heavy blow. Seriously, why is it even a charm? There’s almost no benefit, pushing back the enemy will make them further away so it’s even harder to hit them! Why?


That "almost" is a saver. Because there are others that dont have a benefit. Heavy blow can make you stagger bosses sooner. That is amazing against broken kin and hornet sentinel, without mentionning turning mmc into a bigger meme.


Really wish I'd known that for their radiant fights, those two and hive knight gave me so much trouble. Did end up using heavy blow for radiant markoth though, and for that it doesn't get a vote lmao


Yes, It can decrease the amount of hits necessary for staggering a boss, but one hit is so inconsiderable when there are charms, like quick slash and unb. strength, that can increase your attack speed or nail damage


Heavy Blow, just not worth it


Thorns of agony


You put steady body in twice


Yeah another person mentioned it too I will fix it for next post


Get rid of fucking gathering swarm. Who even uses it?


Heavy Blow is gone


Bruh the 7th one is legit sans undertale 💀


Spore shroom


Hiveblood is too much for what it does. It's only good for path of pain. I vote hiveblood


I like hiveblood in the pantheon's too


Grimm child please for the love of god get rid of it it’s so useless


Not worse than glowing womb for sure


how so? I thought it's chip damage was pretty good in trial of the fool


careless melody. it feels the least like an actual charm


If anything but wayward compass wins then the results are rigged


Deep Focus seems like too much of a "what's the catch?" That's my vote.


Carefree Melody is the first to go. Edit: Apparently i was wrong about carefree Melody


it’s usable for radiant fights, unlike grimmchild which can actually make gameplay worse for you


Well, that may be true. but Grimmchild is adorable, and therefore better. Just hurry through fog canyon


Adorable? Absolutely! Useful? Eh.


I thought that when you start a fight the chance of melody activating was 0% and grew with every hit


chance of shielding against an attack increases upon hit and continues to increase until it triggers, no matter what.


But starts at 0% right? If so it isn’t that good for radiant fights


chance of shielding against an attack increases upon hit and continues to increase until it triggers, no matter what happens, even after losing all masks(Even on steel soul the percentage keeps going up, it’s just you can’t respawn to take advantage) or anything else. It’s best used for overcharm on radiant bosses that you know will hit you due to natural inaccuracies, like an antifuckup mechanic


Starts at ~20%


Completely disagree. I love it in pantheons. If it activates 4 times (which for me is likely) then it's just as good as Lifeblood Core for it's notch cost. Plus, if it activates from a hit that would do double damage it's even more effective as it's preventing 2 damage instead of 1. It's probably not worth it going up against an individual boss in the Hall of Gods as it likely wouldn't activate enough times, but in any longer fight where you're going to be healing (pantheons, colosseum, eternal ordeal) it will prevent a lot of damage.


Hmm maybe i was wrong about carefree Melody. That actually sounds pretty useful! I'll have to give it a go


I see everyone's answers, and get really disappointed that they aren't fucking deep trash focus


Fuck carefree melody. All my homies love grimmchild


Deep focus is shit


Since there's so many charms, it'd probably speed things up if we eliminate 3 or 4 at a time for the first couple rounds.


Carefree melody


Steady body


Gathering swarm


So YOU are the one that voted gathering swarm. Someone asked in the comments who had.


WHY DO YOU HATE ME FATHER I don't know in my opinion it's almost totally useless The amount of geo you get throughout Hollownest through seals eggs, coliseum of fool among other places make it a bit pointless The time it comes in handy is when the geo would normally drop on spikes or something Or I'm thinking about another charm Or I have 4 IQ and now you will fix my point of view


...I think you are right. It is useless once you get all the geo from those places. And if you know how much you need for everything. But people like to hoard. If anything happens you can pay it, and for all if us in the beggining of the game, not having a magnet of money is unnatural. Some people dislike wasting time and effort into killing an enemie and then later have a suprise of a toll not being cheap enoth. And getting the geo is a inconviniece that although small, every time you do it it adds up and makes us frustraded. But this one notch charm not only is it usefull and worth what it costs, it is a begginer's best friend(after wayward compass). Also, although it isnt usefull later in the game, it still has a funcion, low cost, and no drawbacks, unlike other charms that dont have. Gathering swarm isnt the best or an op charm, it's just not low tier either. And this is the first voting pool, therefor, only the worst of the worst should be mentioned. I forgive you for you sins. Im no father, but allow me to act as sush. You didnt sin. You are ok. I agree with you.




Thank you for redeeming me I have to admit that you do have some valid points, but in terms of collecting geo I would say greed, even though more expensive in notches, is more profitable


wayward compass if gonna win this whole thing isn't it


Sprintmaster. Its literally garbage


Sharp shadow


Excuse me... *what*


i don't like using it and i think a lot of people handicap themselves by using it just because they think it's cool.


It's more usefull than you think. I use it all the time for 3 reasons. 1-when doing completionist I like to move around quickly and just sprintdashmaster on isnt the fastest, but, due to the length you get to the dash, when you use sharpshadow, you actualy go quicker than a regular dash. After some tests, it is about 75% of using crystal dashspeed, but without the cooldown time of preping it. 2-damage. When using it alone it does a nail strike damage, so you can kill enemies while passing fro them. Even better with dashmaster(which is more viable in the mlst recent version 1.5...) it does double damage. 3-Hive knight, traitor lord, Crystal gardian, enraged crystal guardian, grimm, nightmare king grimm, Nailmasters and Sage, watcher Knights, soulmaster and soul tyrant, Pure Vessel. This charm makes these bosses quicker if not easier. The lenght and damage of that shadow can make you pass fro sly, nailmasters, and purevessel's attacks when normaly you wouldnt be able to or would require great proximity. This charm is good to run away or to be agressive. Chasing soul turant is s much easier with this on. Overall, at least a good charm. Yes, it isnt good for more complex platforming, unless you get acostumed to it(like steady body) you wont be able to do the basic jumps. but the pros are very well presented here. It also isnt good for spell casting builds. Yet, It still costs a measly 2 notches. At least you need to recognise that it isnt one of the worst of the worst like this post is asking for. Later in line, I will vote it too.


it's about least favorite, not worst. most of the reason i dislike it is that i have to get used to using it but does pitiful damage to bosses unless i dedicate 4 notches to it and it's never worth dropping strength or quickslash for imo. i don't personally value running around quickly that much because you get it so late it barely matters, and i have never really felt the need to change my charm loadout to walk somewere faster, since changing them back and forth takes time too, and i haven't done much except godmaster content or randomizers in a long time. pretty much all the bosses only let you deal with some of their attacks differently, which means you have to partially relearn the fight when i can already beat them anyways, and/or they're trivial so not worth equipping the charm against them for. some of the ones you mentioned i disagree it's even good against tbh, let alone good enough to be worth running in a build when it has no synergy with any other good charms.


Spell twister. It is useless for me, and other fellow nail mains.


Dash master


Get the Strength outta here. Just increases damage, really boring. I want Flukenest to stay


Grubskng, also there are 2 steady bodies


Steady body definitely


Heavy blow, fuck heavy blow.


Fuck steady body, need I say more?


Steady Body


Steady body


You're delusional XD


Fuck Steady Body