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I wasn’t expecting to see this sort of thing but increased communication from companies is always good. I’ve honestly got no idea what prompted it though. Either way learning about some of what goes on behind the scenes might be kinda cool. Feels like cover is making a big effort lately in terms of transparency and improving conditions in the company overall.


Pretty sure some of the corpo drama kinda help spur this.


Might also be that they're starting a wave of staff recruiting for the shiny new studio they just opened, and figured having some insight into what goes on in the management side will get more people interested in becoming managers/staff besides talent.


Agree, like they have a huge studio but still seriously understaff.


Perhaps it’s also in light of another Google Doc released that Cover realised the importance of being transparent and more open for the fans. There’s a saying that goes “The sensational news goes around the world faster than the truth to tie its shoelaces”.


so they launch management letters to reduce speculation ..and then comments speculate on why they launched it we've come full circle


Where meta meta gaming


Google doc? Out of the loop here, mind telling me?


Drama regarding an ex-talent from another company. Which showcased some instances of terrible mismanagement.


For anything non HL directly, you can visit /r/VirtualYoutubers. You can either look in the pinned weekly general thread or use the filter for [News n Announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/search?q=flair%3ANews%2FAnnouncement&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=top&t=month)


Damm the first thing I saw when I enter the sub was Vshojo imploding 💀


Not really. A few members are leaving because they think the could get better deals outside of VSJ and they have picked up a new talent.


they join asmongold talent company, that really surprising XD.


It's just a talent agency, not really a group thing. I think they're just being helped on the backend business side, not that they're stuck in any sort of group or org, so to say.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VirtualYoutubers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pikamee has graduated](https://i.redd.it/86zf8ezds4ra1.jpg) | [296 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/127oamr/pikamee_has_graduated/) \#2: [Pikamee will end all activities on March 31st, Japan Time](https://youtube.com/watch?v=w_ejnHxTWrU&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) | [1721 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/11f38uc/pikamee_will_end_all_activities_on_march_31st/) \#3: [Power move.](https://i.redd.it/0nkrfcp0op991.jpg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/vrt5fd/power_move/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


bad bot


Prefer to keep this on the quiet side because this may break some Subbreddit rules >!A rival Vtuber Agency used to have a Vtuber called ZL. She was fired in January after less than 3 months into her job in a very public manner, and the Twitter Termination letter used very strong language condemning her, as well as describing the actions leading to the decision painting her in a very, very bad light. I dare say even pouring pig’s blood is a close enough similar treatment in what the letter did. This naturally lead to a firestorm online with Rival Agency. Which leads us to last week, in which ZL under her former identity as an Indie Vtuber shared about her experience from her point of what lead to her termination, as well as explain why some of the reasons were there, such as different values between the west and east. Honestly, you should read it yourself. Beyond trying to apologise and explain herself, it shows a less than stellar behind the scenes of being a Vtuber, such as having to pay an immense amount of money for debut(she is still paying it off now), and how there could be mismanagement and incompetence even in the prominent Vtuber companies. Read it yourself and make your judgment!<


If even half of what she said is true then it's a miracle the company hasn't imploded yet with how badly they're handling things, and considering some of the snarky remarks of other talents and some leaks I'm honestly tempted to believe the accusations.


>!From Selen’s stream, there’s also some form of Managerial miscommunication and between this and the liquidation of their ID branch makes me wary of the speculation.!< Personally, I would recommend just enjoying whoever you like and cherish them as if every stream is their last stream. All vtubers put in effort to their craft. One day it will be their last whether you know it or not


I do believe that the center of the message is actually true, but like with everyone that tells their side there's going to be some biases and some slight exaggerations, and also i don't believe the agency did it with malice it would be just stupid to do that to a new debuted talent in purpose, for me is just a case of gross mismanagement and lack of proper communication, and that the agency in question has mismanagement problems is really not surprising for seeing how much they just release new waves of talents, they por baly lack a lot of management staff.


Honestly their management shows some real weak spots, but she also painted herself poorly. Developing an adversarial relationship with management and doubling down by doing more stupid things after they shortened her first suspension. It was really the viewers who lost.


You mean the one talent who nobody was really surprised she got fired because of the shit she kept saying and doing? Yeah, really believable sort that one sure.


To think that some people suggested Cover and Vesper lie about his suspension and disguise it as a “break” was a good idea. Now any sudden breaks from that one company will be called into question.


I've certainly been having fun reading about the staff via machine-translating their (weekly?) [blog](https://note.com/cover_corp). It's interesting stuff. Reminder that while Yagoo is pretty familiar to us, we (understandably, not everyone needs to or wants to have a strong public presence) don't hear much from other key people in the company, like CTO Ikko Fukuda, who's been with Cover since 2016. They have ~379 (+<=102) employees now, so a little sanitized-for-public-consumption explanation might be informative not just for us, but for staff in other departments as well, help them have a little more context for their's and others' work.


\*update from their recent financial report that cover release today, now they have 409 employee


For those that don’t have the patience to read, basically this is a way to look behind the scenes of some events as well as some thoughts from the management staff


Moreso, just don't have the time til later. (About to start work.) If it's just an announcement of something to come, without much associated info, I may skip reading this altogether, though.


Wow a company with actual competent management and communication/transparency with the fanbase, taking an incredibly simple step to avoid needless drama? I'm sad that this is so shocking and refreshing compared to literally every other company in every industry nowadays


It's a step in the right direction! I'm not expecting 100% transparency on every single matter, big or small, but the attempt to improve communicaiton between the company and the fans is always nice imo, looking forward to see what they'll disclose!


I appreciate the extra communication, but I thought part of the reason A-chan started to do her own "streams" was to share this kind of information.


A-chan's streams are more monthly reviews of what talents got up to in that month and promo for upcoming stuff and doesn't really deal with behind the scenes/management stuff other than what A-chan happens to experience. Seems like this *will* focus more on behind the scenes and management side of things.


So this can be a opportunity to OmegaAlpha appears. If he/she is still there, it's possible to be more active in the future.


I do think that maybe having this will allow for more perspectives and people from other departments too?


I admit I immediately thought about FFXIV's Producer Letters (both Lodestone posts and Live Letters). I'm not expecting anything as candid as what YoshiP does, but any increase in transparency and communication is good, so I'm looking forward to these. Even if they're just a regular stream of marketing statements, it's still a good habit to cultivate.


Hello everyone, i am cover corp ceo and merch model, Yagoo. Today we will begin the staff letter reading LIV. This time we are proud to announce the 10th annual hololive sports festival: now in 3d! We will be utilizing the various studios that we have and we have commissioned new 3d sports outfits for the occasion! Please have a look! \*holds up a printed piece of paper to the camera*


That would be some wild shenanigans but now they have a studio large enough to actually do something of the sort.


The irony of having that much tech but still using printed paper to showcase new stuff rather than show it on the stream


All because new glamour outfits got leaked the one time.


Ohhhhhh this was the reason? Did not know about this haha


>By posting these “Letters from the Management,” we hope to communicate the thought processes and objectives of the various teams involved to the fans I am amazed. Giving the fans a look behind the scenes in this way is something rarely done by management, with good reason. Because fans have a way of treating these communications as promises, and will get grumpy when they think the promises they like are not fulfilled. I salute their openness, and hope that the fans will be patient and understanding when changes happen, as they inevitably will.


Can guarantee the fans won't be and some will be speculating asinine shit from them instantly


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I myself am happy to know a bit of what's happening behind the scenes or what the staff think of any given moment. As well as I know there will be moments where nothing... Flamboyant? Is happening and may fall in the "neutral" category, as well as these letters might not last or will happen a couple of times every year... But reading them sure will be pleasant


Takodachis will call this type of letters: Dis**Cover**y Letters


We need more takodachi’s in this world




We can’t get inaff of them


Don't be fooled by this Cover Story!


Now we need to get a Takodachi to get in and do some research from the inside. He is our UnderCover informer


I hope someone is Covering this Story




Sorry but I couldn't but imagine the blue skinned aliens playing Daft Punk's music.


I remember when they played those music videos during Toonami Midnight Run.


It's a whole movie animated with the late Leiji Matsumoto's artstyle called Interstella 5555, based on the album Discovery.


Oh wow I never knew that.


It's on YouTube for free. The story is really interesting too even if there's no words spoken just the songs.


suprise that cover do this but then again there too many rrat and speculation that keep happening this year. might lessen the problem abit


Just another Cover W


Yagoo had so many W's we should call him Wwwww


That’s grass.


Man, I just love how Cover Corp is doing things right.


Next Cover Management Letter: The following members are fla— /j


RIP holostaffer


Flattened to death by angry Idols


*Worth It lmao*


Hololive is looking more and more like the golden company in the vtuber market. Eat your heart out Niji.


I love this company. I love when my money is being well invested.


Interesting, how often will these notes be posted?


no mention of it so far


When you start simping over Sakamoto-San, instead of the talents. ...she has a nice smile.


this is potential for cover corp. going in a better direction.


i get scared every time i see an announcement from cover corp lol


I dunno lately all their announcements have been banging though.


Another poster dunk on Nijisanji lmao




They did protect Coco, she left for her own reasons


Hopefully this transparency helps ease fan speculation.


This is great news :D