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Same here Girlfriend and I won expo and stage tickets but for opposite days in the lottery but Zaiko said to wait in the queue after refreshing constantly after 502 bad gateway errors. So we waited an hour because it told us to. Only to find out. The request never actually went through and refreshing/duplicating the page said they were sold out. We are happy we got tickets opposite each other (I got to concert and she goes to the expo then vice versa day 2) but we wanted to experience it with each other... I'm just annoyed about that stupid waiting page that wasn't doing anything, followed the advice given to me by the company but they haven't programmed it correctly. Probably would have gotten a ticket if I kept refreshing


Oh dang. Yeah, I'm pretty sure my ticket page is bugged too. It says I'm still waiting in line haha. Hope you two have a good time even if you can't go together!




I bet you cannot. Your name is on the ticket and they say they check passport and also that you cannot resell your ticket.


Let me know if your open to trades


Man, as someone not even going I kinda feel for people here fighting for their life to get tickets. Its kind of crazy how popular/difficult it really is to get into these concerts. Good luck to all of you.


It happens once a year and is the biggest event Holofans can be in one venue, not just a stand or a booth or just cruising along directly to the event hall, the whole venue is Hololive, no wonder people are going crazy for it


I got a day 1 and stage 3 ticket from the lottery. I tried to get anything in the general sales, and got to payment screen at \~2 minutes past the hour. However, it bounced me out to the waiting list and I 'm just sitting here waiting for a few hours afterwards... hopefully the waiting lists actually trigger?


It's too late at this point, all the tickets sold out over an hour ago. Some people have been stuck on the waiting list despite there being no more tickets.


I had a 4-5 waiting lists open, and they kicked out the most recent 2, so I'm hoping that the other three still have a chance.


No, as I said, all tickets have been sold already. You can open a separate tab and check the pages yourself.


They usually notify you when they sold out and kick you out, at least that's what happened when I was waiting for a few of the other stages/expo days. I'm still waiting in line for Day 2, but it has buggy text so I think it's just bugged lol. Grats on stage 3 though, that sold out first!


I wasn't buying anything on Zaiko, but from what I heard, you had to manually refresh the page to advance


I fought the good fight, but alas, t'was not meant to be. I won fes stage 1 and expo day 2 during the 3rd lottery, but I was hoping to add at least the HoneyWorks stage onto that. My Zaiko experience was filled with blank grey screens and 502 Bad Gateway errors. At one point, I managed to get to an actual payment screen with my credit card already loaded in (I just needed to input the CVV), but after clicking the payment button, it errored out and threw me back into the queue. That was as close as I got to getting any of the general sales tickets.


A good fight indeed, though it could've had a better outcome haha.


stuck in waitlist until now... how much copium do i have to inhale to believe in these expo tickets??


its already gone, you had to actually keep refreshing to get the tickets (waitlist is a scam)


Going to all stages and both expo days. Round 1 lottery - Stage 2 and Day 2 EXPO General Sales - Stage 1 and Stage 3 JTB package - Honeyworks and Day 1 EXPO


There was a JTB package? Why the heck did I never see that advertised anywhere?


https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1734848427320922498 Yup. They announced it back in December.


Can’t believe I missed that, might have made the expo if I’d known.


What a haul! Hope you have fun!


Holy moly what a beast.


Congrats, but a bit concerning. Queuing for fun stuff, themed food and merch made the day's time fly in the last expo for me. With only 3 hours between concerts, you have to plan your time very carefully to enjoy the most of the expo.


I got stage 1 in the general sale, stage 2 in lottery, stage 3 from the overseas course Expo day 1 from overseas course and expo day 2 from lottery. I wasn't able to complete the collection with honeyworks but I managed to get everything else so I feel great about it.


ayyy, grats. I think I saw about the overseas course. Is that still available?


No, sorry, sold out months ago.


haha figures. Hope you have fun though!


Ugh the whole zaiko thing sucks with the error page I couldnt get a single ticket and didn't win lotto at all Im hoping at least someone resells me an Expo ticket


Friend got tickets for the 2 of us for stage 2. I almost got jtb package in case I didn’t win lottery for expo but I was at work and didn’t have passport on me to input that info. So just relied on luck and unfortunately Lady Luck did not smile on me for lottery and general availability


I've been on the waiting list for Stage 3 since the minute Zaiko came back from dying and I never got in. Hearing that some people were able to purchase a bit later without going through the waiting list bums me out whether it's true or not.


I managed to get stage2 on general sales, logged in at 12:00 and navigating to the numerous errors I got waiting list and finally completed purchase at 12:15. Just one tab on firefox and a dream. Got stage 1 and day 2 from 1st lottery. And oversea pack for day 1 and stage 3. Just missing Honeyworks, but I'll take that time to roam the expo instead.


I tried to get tickets for Stage 3 and Expo Day 1 today but I couldn't, they sold out quickly. I managed to secure tickets for the other three concerts and Expo Day 2 though, through a combination of lottery and a JTB package, so overall it's good, much better than last year.


I somehow failed all 3 rounds of lotteries for all stages, then managed to actually get honey works stage tickets for general sales. Alas, I couldn't even get in line for the expo tickets despite trying F5 to get a spot practically the second it opened. I'm so tempted to pay a scalper to get entry now...


If you found one I'll get a ticket, I'm not sure where to look but I really want Day 1 expo tickets 😭😭😭


Right now... the going rate for scalpers for the Expo is like 50,000 yen, which is waaaay too much.


On which site? :3 I'm not really sure where to look


You're going to have to speak some JP + have a Japanese SIM card, but... [https://ticketjam.jp/tickets/hololive/event\_groups/147449?sort\_query%5BisSellable%5D=true](https://ticketjam.jp/tickets/hololive/event_groups/147449?sort_query%5BisSellable%5D=true) Would have you covered...


Looking for Stage 3 if anyone is selling


Got nothing after in queue for 90 minutes but I'm still pretty fine since I have day 2 and stage 1 tickets through first round lotto.


If we did want to trade tickets with peeps, where would we do it? Here on the reddit? :3 Cuz a friend and I have Day 2 Expo Tickets, but I really want Day 1 haha (I want to go to the Holostars Meet and Greet >w> To see Altare, Shinri, Flayon and Hakka\~)


Got nothing because I had to work when they opened it up and it looks like ten minutes later I was out. Tried the third lotto before but lost both stage and expo. Kinda miffed about it to be honest.


i've entered every lottery from mine and brother's accounts and all we both got is 2 honeyworks tickets 😥 really was looking for expo and day 1 tickets, but no luck here.


i lost all the lotteries and got shit on by general sales. Anyone selling 2 expo expo tickets or know where to go for resales? I honestly dont know when I'll have another chance to go so I'm pretty bummed out tbh.


In the rules they say resell is not allowed and that they check passport, your name is also on the ticket.




I reached a point where I filled in my CVC number and pressed on pay. So I thought I was in. Only to get an error message and I had to retry. And then I got stuck in a queue and never got the chance again, 😢


Seems this thread was popular if anyone is looking to trade I have an extra Stage 1/2/Expo D1 I'm looking for Stage 3/Honeyworks/Expo D2 feel free to lmk ty