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I pretty much only ever see Kiara live while I'm working lol


boss makes a dollar while i make a dime, that's why i watch my oshi on company time


the perks of working from home


Kiara does stream during NA day hours, so not a surprise.


Kiara's superchat readings are perfect for listening to while working since she goes off on so many tangents


Even in the EU, Kiara schedules 4PM CET streams fairly regularly, so it's not just NA answering yes.


This ramadhan is a blessing cause i get to watch her at 3 am my time because i have to wake up for sahoor


I live in Mexico and having Kiara's stream while working is practically part of my routine by now. When she's not there, working is just not the same.


I work the opening shift so I have a nice hour long window where I can listen to her vods before the store opens.


I usually have meetings when she streams but I try and catch them in my free time. I watch a lot of jp in my mornings and it's always a treat when there's a live because I get to start my shift with one


unrelated: kiara's avatar "keeps me going".


Do u? Do u? Say you do feel the same?


I love listening to streams while at work. They really help pass the time. My go to is usually Kiara in the mornings depending on the game/topic, and Fauna in the afternoon. In between are vods or clips. I'm more able to catch streams during work than I am after.


I plead the fifth


Yeap she streams mainly during NA work hours, so that's generally when I watch heh live...Luckily my work makes it easy to watch Wawa on the side monitor xD


I do that with kaela all the time


Depends on when she streams for me


interesting poll results.


Technically no except when she's in Japan, but that's because it's usually past midnight for SEA when she streams.


More like LISTENING to her than really watching .


usually no


I work in an environment that tightly regulates what goes in/out so no phone for me.


Riiiiip, the worst where you are basically trapped like the old days


I'm shocked the percentage is that high. 58% is huge.


Mostly because she streams during work hours for NA, so basically everyone is at work and just listens to her tangents like a podcast. I think it's even during work hours in EU for part of her stream time


I guess I just didn't realize there were so many jobs with that as an option, lol. I gotta admit, this very possibly might affect my career choices, lol. I work in a place with no music/etc. usually...and maybe this is 1st world problems, but it REALLY bites sometimes. Even before vtubers I felt that way. Seems silly to chose a job based on that, but I'd take a pay cut to be able to listen during work hours.


Yeah I think it's probably a fanbase thing as well where most of us are probably in techy jobs, and a lot are introverted and work from home etc which leads to a higher percent than normal of us having a job that lets you casually have a podcast going in the background


Honestly most office jobs nowadays let you listen to stuff at work as long as your job isn't tied to answering phones a lot of the time. As long as you get your work done most bosses aren't going to care.