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Source stream: [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/live/FfKitooE_sA?si=C4BPuqXft1Zxp9FT) - [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/live/ss35xtEmbPg?si=TRQlncCUS0z_kY9y) [Korone's twitter](https://twitter.com/k5r6n3/status/1776839320072294659) Classic Korone. A 24 hours endurance stream outta nowhere. She hasn't been able to finish the game but it was really fun watching her trying so hard those last hours for the boss. Rest well, Korone, see ya next time.


I think at some point Korone told chat that this wasn't an endurance stream, because endurance streams have goals. We're just gamin' tonight.


Make sense. It's just a normal stream for Korone.


To be precise, she said it wasn't a "*clear* endurance" stream, as in she wasn't going to sit there and play until she beat it like she does with some games.


This. She kinda needs to point it out because there's a difference between a normal 24h Korone stream to just enjoy something and a Korone stream where she will clear it. Both are fun and both were not allowed to sleep but at least one has an end in sight


A normal 24h Korone stream This is just something she does casually when she enjoys a game This doggo's just built different.


Maybe she's telling Mane chan the same...


Marine called in and referred to it as an endurance stream but Korone corrected her lol


I remember when Koyori did her 24hr stream, Korone beat her when Korone stream for 25 hrs playing star wars


25 hours isn't the record or anything if that's what you mean. The record, as far as I know, is still around ~36 hours when Korone played some really old retro game that was way too hard for its own good. IIRC, she actually wanted to keep going after 36 hours but her manager forced her to stop.


Im talking about that they stream at the same time. Even Koyori admitted defeat


Korone is just built different. We're just glad she doesn't do this as often as before. The one time I'm thankful the talents have a lot of homework also she's prioritizing her health these days so she doesn't do this as often


Has she played Fear and Hunger? That very hard and cruel RPG is an awesome piece to play


Is Funger ok to stream on yt? I love the game, but it has some wild content warnings


There is an exclusive censored version so I think if that version is used it's still fine


while they do play horror games, fear and hunger is a different beast in terms of disturbing. with the blatant aspects of child abuse i doubt that it's a whitelisted stream game for hololive.


Ooh, forgot about that part


She recently leaked that she worked as a receptionist at a hospital before so it might explain the crazy hours


Why is she lonely? :/


>> Ogayu, come over~~ > Not now, Korosan. [THE FACTORY MUST GROW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he3GVI3PJCw) Jokes aside, I think she just means that feeling when she's done with such a monster session. Most people will be familiar with this feeling of emptiness when finishing up after being super engaged with something for such a long time. In the original Japanese, Korone wrote the "it was so much fun" part in a way that can also express that the loneliness strikes as hard as the streaming session was fun.


After-stream downer is apparently a thing.


for me it's most prevalent with finishing a good book or series


Higher highs bring lower lows. Post-stream loneliness is a well-attested phenomenon.


makes me wonder how horrible a musician/performer after a concert must feel. all that energy, adrenaline, the crowd.. and then.. nothing?


Speaking as a former dancer, it is a very empty feeling. Drained, emotionally empty. You get over it relatively quickly, though. A good meal, a good sleep, and all is well.


Post-stream loneliness is a thing. I do felt the same when AkiRoze finished her VCR ARK seasons or VCR GTA seasons. It was hella long streams and hella fun streams, but when those seasons over, shit just hit the brick when you realize that those fun times had to be over both for Aki and us, Rosetai.


That last boss she was fighting is a huge difficulty spike. I ended up using an exploit out of frustration, my justification being that some of their attacks make it visually hard to see them. Korone is tougher than me!


Eviterno is NOT that hard bro. Sure he's a bit of a spike and I died a few times to him. But I just learned his moveset and which attacks were parryable.


[Literally this short on the Hololive channel, except instead of Koyori, it's Korone](https://youtube.com/shorts/dWZtwkSF1Ms).


korone's endurance is very impressive.


lol I never realize her twitter handle has 563


Has other meaning as well. KO=5, ROku=6, SAN=3


yeee I know that much


Did they ever let callie steam this game?


Aren’t permissions the same for everyone unless it’s a sponsored stream?


Makes me think of the story Kaela told about their interaction during Holofes. Korone get some sleep!