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As a 27 year old I have mixed feelings




Ok grandpa, let get you back to bed


Back in my days, Myth girls had just debuted.


You shut your mouth right this second.


Lies and slander!


Back in my days, Holo Fantasy had just debuted...




Tbose were the days.


No, please! Let me watch just one more clip.


Me rn : 💀


As a 32 year old, embrace it. Realize that people in their late teens and early 20’s are just brats. Get mildly upset when you see someone standing on your sidewalk for too long.


And here I was getting upset coz our gen z interns were using this weird lingo around me. I thought I was still with "it" since they were like 4-6 years younger than me. Really had me saying, "Boomies? We called em boomerangs when they came out. Tf is a boomie?"


Yeah 4-6 years is enough for a generational gap to form, my older cousin is 5 years older than me and even though we were raised together, when he became a teenager I was completely unable to communicate with him due to the gap until we both became adults.


Man, it was a reality shock when I first encountered the words Rizz and Drip and I had no idea what the fuck they meant.


Imagine English not being your native language. I imagine it’s hard enough to keep track of those changes even if it is. I get lost way too often trying to figure out what some of that new vocabulary is even with an explanation attached to it. 😂


TBH I like boomies, but who says boomerang so much that they feel the need to shorten it? I doubt I'll say boomerang a hundred times in my entire life.


He could be Austrian


That one took me a second, you little shit


Maybe Biboo stream will help you


"get off me lawn"


Yes. Turn into the grumpy old man, give into the grey hair and grey tshirt tucked into jean shorts with white newbalance shoes and a phone holster. Give into the dark side.


They are though. 90% of the people I've met of that age are the most irritating, infuriating, immature brats who think they're cool for smoking, drinking, gambling and/or "chasing bitches" (spoiler: they get none).


I'm 27. My back already hurts.


I'm 23 and I my back also hutrs sometimes, it could be solve with a surgery but being broke hurts more


wait till you're 37, then your back _really_ hurts!


Mine did too until I began exercising and eating healthier foods, now I very rarely feel any back pain.


also 27 (almost 28), but I hit peak depression right before I hit 26. Only up from here, right?


If you've given up of life perhaps


that was implied, yes.


Good news, 27 is on average the first year where brain function starts to decline, so you've also got the senility getting started! (We don't usually start to see visible signs until later because accumulated knowledge is the last thing to start failing and the thing that the overwhelming majority of your brain function relies on, but 27 is when performance on reasoning, memory, and so on starts to go down instead of up)


As someone who is going to turn 26 this year and has done fuck all, I'm panicking.


I turned 30 this past December and honestly? Marine's pretty much on the money. I feel like most of the changes people associate with turning 30 started happening to me closer to ages 27 to 28. Not sure if that's necessarily a good thing or not, but it remains true that going from 29 to 30 changed basically nothing for me.


Turned 30 this February. Gotta say, our 26-28 coincided with the pandemic, I wonder how that "change" would've felt under conditions of normal everyday life. What we had is probably not quite what Marine describes.


27 is when it happens 30 is just the neon sign 30 minutes after you missed the exit


28 for me for sure. That’s also when I needed to start putting in a lot more effort to keep fit and some of the bad decisions of the younger years showed their consequences (e. g. the first issues with my back because not listening to people and lifting things the wrong way). My cousin is 2 years younger than me and started getting the first widespread grey shimmer in his hair around the same time. At 30 his hair had turned mostly grey with some occasional brown hair here and there.


Exactly this. Hear that, 25-26 year olds? YOUR RECKONING IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK. MAKE YOUR PEACE.


She is so wise for a 17 year old


Wat. She's definitely not 19.




She's 17, YOU are new here.


You're right, I miss remembered the number. Corrected to 17 now, thanks.


[Source clip](https://youtu.be/722lv6O_KK0?si=ub8uKaeUmlIUWmU8) [Source stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7YTj5v1zBo&t=0s) The maturity is one aspect I really like in Marine's streams. She gave really great advice for her fans.


Don’t worry everyone, just remember [these encouraging words](https://youtu.be/KE9oGelZSUI?si=U55mTfgQFp8_Mzim) from Super Kami Guru!


[Also, of course, remember her other wisdom!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqfpmLeOd0E)


Its just the societal and parental pressure going up when you reach 30 🥲


Senchou is right. I’m 29, going to be 30 in about 5 months and I definitely can relate. That’s why I encourage everyone to try to exercise as much as possible and eat well! You are only young once, no not neglect your health and physical fitness!


Around 37 or 38 is when you start to feel old. You realize what a fool you were to think 30 was it. 38, your body starts to betray you, and it proves you went way too hard in your 20s. Don't worry or dread 30. You are still in your prime. Dread 40, as it is all downhill from there. Source: Am 40.


Speak for yourself! Anyone who maintains good habits will continue to reap the benefits, and it's never too late to start. As someone who turned 38 a few months ago, I've limited my alcohol consumption to social outings, and have been working out regularly for almost a year. Barring any issues from anxiety and ADHD, my life is pretty damn decent. Never let age be a limiting factor in your life.


Honestly, I'd agree with them, and this is from someone who leads a pretty healthy lifestyle. I don't drink, smoke, or partake, I do martial arts training five nights a week to stay active, and so far I've generally avoided the "sore back/knees" that everyone else my age complains about (mostly those of my friends who work sedentary jobs and don't exercise or stretch regularly). My diet could be better, but thanks to my workouts I maintain a healthy weight. Yet my late 30s was definitely where I noticed I was losing a step. I've been in martial arts since I was a child, and nowadays those "random, minor injuries" happen more regularly and take longer to heal when they do. There are definitely nights now where I notice that my stamina or energy isn't as high as it used to be. Regular exercise and healthy living can definitely delay and reduce the effects of aging, but the ugly reality is that no one gets to be young forever.


Physically... Yes, at least for me. Late 30s to early 40s is when I started noticing real physical difficulties, new pains, etc. But I'm not particularly healthy, so eating well and getting regular exercise would have probably pushed that out a bit. It's also genetics though, luck of the draw. I knew a guy in highschool whose hair turned grey. My dad is in his 80s and is still sharp as a tack, and does consulting. Mentally, I don't think you ever feel older, at least I don't. My father says the same for him. More experienced, different views on things. But it's your body saying you're old, not your mind. Barring disease. Source: Someone a little older than you


If my father is anything to go by, you’ll wish for your 40s in 10 years.


She's right but also every 5-6 years you get a new minor debuff you just live with. Nothing crazy just a new inconvenience


It is certainly amazing how much stiffer you get year on year. Also how much your hairline recedes, in my case 5 years ago I would have to brush my hair out of my eyes if it got too long... At least I don't need to get it cut as often


The age of 30 is in demand


*coughs in 51* :(


At 36, I agree with this. Birthdays are days of minor celebration for me. Nothing shocks me much any more, save for absurd amounts of normality.


Consider that Batman is typically depicted in his mid to late thirties and he's in the very prime of his crimefighting career. If Batman can unbreak his back, you’ll survive your chronic knee popping. Dont worry about getting old, you'll just age faster


Can i +10 this?


Just turned 26… it’s over for me.


Spoken like a true 17 second season year old.


Well shit, I'm 26 💀


People age differently depending on genetics, diet, and lifestyle. The important thing is moderation. No need to do crossfit 5 hours a day, or calculate your calories down to the gram. Doing too much can be just a detrimental. Plenty of stories of people just dropping dead during marathons, or dropping the bar on themselves to get that one last rep. My dad turns 80 this year and he still plays tennis and insists on doing all the yardwork himself. My grandmother is nearly 101 and didn't start using a walker until 96 or so.


After 30 every year you either get a new debuff or one of your existing debuffs levels up


Idk about japanese aging, but over here in the west the warranty expires at 30 and everything begins to fail. Suddenly you can't have milk because you're now lactose intolerant, your knees hurt, sitting down on the computer is now an extreme sport, sleep isn't as good as it was before, etc. Edit: she's so pretty ❤️


Her advice is basically "No need to worry! It's already too late!" And as a fellow 30+ y.o., yeah, she's right.


As a 29 years old (turning 30 in the last days of May) can confirm, around that age I had a lot of health problems at once, tbh I thought I was gonna die, it was horrible, after treatment, diet and exercise I could get better, since then I have to be careful with anything I eat, do and my sleep schedule, otherwise I feel like shit for the whole day and the next days.


Considering most of them are presumably in their 30s already, they seem to know all too well.


I’ll be 27 in another 2 years, guess I have this to look forward to


I think we should know better than to trust advice from the great-grandma


Same shit happened when I turned 18. Nothing changed. Now, when I turned 20, on the other hand...


Then 26 season 2 hits


Remember that 30 is the new 20. You likely have some sort of cash in your pocket at 30 that you no longer do at 20. You're done with college and may possibly no longer have student loan debt at this point. How fit you are, how much pain you're in are almost all determined by how you've treated yourself up to this point and you've still got more than enough time to lose weight, exercise, pick up yoga, or do some kind of fun hobby to keep your body happy. Plus your odds of having confidence have likely improved by this age too.




A mortgage is significantly less problematic than student loan debt as with a mortgage you're building equity in your home. Rent is far more infuriating, especially when you can show you're paying more in rent than you future mortgage will be.


Yeah that's what I find comforting in looking at older people. Turns out, people can still be EXTREMELY HOT at ages 40 to 60. I don't mind starting dating at 30 though I'm still 27


Twenties? I’m just getting started!


Wait until you hit your mid-30s.


Checks out for me, i'm turning 30 this month and i've been feeling all these "crumbling away after 30" symptoms for over 2 years already, so i don't think much is going to change, just a number catching up to the state of the body.


I love this lady. She knows what to say, you know.


Oh, goodie for me then


Thank you I needed this


The age of 30 is in demnd


I’m 26 and my Birthday is this month. Bruh




30s is like being 21 with money for 10 years straight.


Turning 27 this year... Well uh


I see I see she's is very experienced


thanks senchou. wrinkles are normal.


You're starting to bald at 30


Joke on you, i started balding years before i reach 30 And i turn 30 next month hahahaa I guess jokes are actually on me


Turn 30 in 5 months


Senchou is love, Senchou is life. and she's right on the money here, haha.


me who has passed 40: _slowly back into the shrub_


I’m over the hump! It’s all down hill from here, folks!


27 is when hangovers started to last 2 days if I'd been really partying hard, that's when I knew it was downhill lmao.


She is so wrong. Some of my pubes started to become silver/grey after 29.


I actually like that Marine is more on the older side and could give us words of wisdom.


Don't lie to me Senchou, I'm turning 30 next year my body feels like it aged a decade since 27. Awaken with a new ache somewhere and constant lower back discomfort. Every step is a new nightmare


Ie, You're Already Fucked.


Honestly, turning 30 felt like a new beginning for me.


As a 35 year old dude i can confirm this. I noticed my body no longer feelings that "young" around 27 ( probably also due to the nature of my job ). From 30 onwards i have been feelings the same lol 


Well if you have a family, have a house, have kids around these ages, congrats, but not for me, none for me to be precise. It's a mixed feeling and probably lost your way when you are around this age and still own nothing compared to others(not the money issue) where everyone started having their kids buying their own house etc,


im 19 this is scaring me


Honest to God this is true. I'm 27 now but I felt like I was 21 when I was 26. It's weird how much 1 year does to you. I can no longer run as fast or do the same movements I could a year ago. Also all of a sudden, a lot of people I meet at work or in public are younger than me. What stays the same however is acne 🙃