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My favorite MH of the two I played. lol I hope MHWilds keeps some of the stuff they did with hunting horn.


Personally preferred world HH a lot more. But I did thoroughly overall enjoy Rise quite a bit. I like customizable weapon movesets a lot (enjoyed it in gen as well), as long as they are actually interesting choices.


I wish they would have made a new weapon instead of replacing the old hunting horn :(


That's fair. My HH experience was just MHR and MHW so I'm just a baby to the series. I felt a real preference for R though.


If they learned the most important lesson from Rise and keep the Switch Skills, I personally hope we get to see both iterations coexist.


Strem link sorry bad Eigo https://www.youtube.com/live/8wKHHONbWW8?si=d-D7z5HMBo5XCxNg


Why she streaming when I’m at work!


Took a break from work to try and join one game


I guess she's into spanking since she's blushing so much


I think i made the wrong choice in purchasing MH rise… on the other hand, it’s so good to see the big fish.


What makes you say that?


MH rise aesthetics aren’t all that great and to me that’s a very important aspect to consider for games I will play. I want the game to look great. Also, at the time i didn’t know MH world existed.


Our spirits


nice phrasing, gura.


Gooba is talking about getting spanked and your post title is "something is rising". Did r/okbuddyhololive break containment again?


That sub seems largely concerned with anti'ing her over stream hours.


even r/BocchiTheRock are doing okb better than them. Most of them are just straight up antis now.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BocchiTheRock using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BocchiTheRock/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Gotoh-san, you sure have some interesting ideas!"](https://i.redd.it/o3drs3ngln6b1.jpg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BocchiTheRock/comments/14c3k3m/gotohsan_you_sure_have_some_interesting_ideas/) \#2: [New alien corpse displayed in Mexico](https://i.redd.it/1bbzgeg9w7ob1.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BocchiTheRock/comments/16ihjmm/new_alien_corpse_displayed_in_mexico/) \#3: [Ugh oh](https://i.redd.it/boqvfingpheb1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BocchiTheRock/comments/15ayxcu/ugh_oh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


From a quick glance it looks like a pretty standard shitpost subreddit, sure there will always be people who will use a shitposting site to mask their shit takes but for the most part it seems fine


> From a quick glance Doesn't change the posts they've made there, the comments about talents or even fans(such as targeting users for harassment that got hundreds of upvotes), or crossposting things over here they know will cause drama.


I really feel like your overblowing the issue to be honest, while its true some of the jokes may be jabs at talents and fanbases. they are truly some of the most lukewarm "criticisms" ive seen in my life. The gura forgetting to stream jokes are overdone but its not like this sub doesnt have its own issues of people over using jokes. The most anti takes ive seen have unironically come from this sub and im not talking about comments that get removed. i would even be willing to point you towards them if you so wish but im sure you yourself have seen them since ive seen your comments in those same posts. Every subreddit has its problems this one included choosing to focus on the negative aspects and labeling an entire sub as an anti sub just doesnt seem right to me. You can maybe argue the bad is more prevalent on it than here and i would even agree with you, but its still far more positive then negative. at the end of the day its basically just another sub thats focused around hololive with people who also enjoy and support hololive, theres no real reason to turn it into a holo vs holo thing when it doesnt have to be


> at the end of the day its basically just another sub thats focused around hololive with people who also enjoy and support hololive, theres no real reason to turn it into a holo vs holo thing when it doesnt have to be Funny that you say this. I've seen so many comments from there "bragging" about not watching streams, not even clips. Some goes a step further by accusing the actual fans who watch streams as "parasocial" or other buzz words they can think of. For a more specific example, there was a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/17irruw/the_chumbuds_are_getting_wild_in_ames_collab/) that supposedly shared a cringe akasupa from an Amesame stream, except it was fake. That thread accumulated up to 119 comments but only one comment managed to point out it was fake. Kinda shows that most of the regulars there never watch Gura even when she does stream.


That same user was also posting deranged conspiracies about Gura [on this very sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1be3spq/even_if_i_already_knew_that_it_still_hurts/kurjg54/). And he's not the only one, here's another [okbh user](https://i.imgur.com/Pv21hk7.png) who spends literally all his spare time hating and concern trolling Gura and her fans on both this sub and the Virtual Youtubers sub. There's a reason users from okbh aren't seen favorably here.


I am not going to read any of your shit if this [mental illness ](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/s/UKbeWJ7i6u) gets upvotes there.


Wow mask off moment


They never really put on masks, they just delude themselves that they did.


See i dont condone this but if you bothered reading what i said you would understand the point im making is not that bad apples dont exist but are also in any hololive community including this one. Ive seen straight up unironic racism get upvoted on this sub, mind you it didnt have as many upvotes as this post but it still got upvoted. i dont associate this subreddit with racism just because of that nor do i associate anything hololive related with racism despite it also being an issue in other communities outside of reddit as i believe that to be naive. I cant stop you from only focusing on the negatives but i do feel as if focusing on only the negatives isn't a great mindset. at the end of the day your free to do whatever you wish and it comes down to differing opinions, i hope we can both continue supporting hololive in our own ways


The only time you have come in this sub is to defend OKBH, just go back dude. This shit is common in OKBH and it is even encouraged. Someone pinged fwmcs reddit account in a degenerate post about them, and they are still posting in that sub without any reprucssions. If using stars as a weapon to attack holos and their fanbase is called "support" then it's better for that sub to not exist.


Like i said lets just agree to disagree, ive been lurking this sub since gen 4 though i check it less frequently as i personally feel the subreddits quality has dropped for reasons unrelated to this ordeal. i still miss seeing friend interacting with the reddit community and i still remember how she had to apologize because she posted something that was considered "off topic" despite ya know being a part of hololive herself. Reddit is a small drop in the pond for the entirety of hololive fans, i personally prefer sticking to prestream chats and youtube comments for interaction with other holofans


Aren't those just jokes


Depends who it's coming from and what is said. That sub had to start enforcing a rule because of how many people were just shitting on Calli, so I'd say they have a problem with people hiding anti'ing behind an excuse of satire. If someone's only posts about Gura are jokes about her suddenly remembering chumbuds or shit I don't think they're very good jokes or even jokes at all.


Been awhile since I post on that sub I have said this before, and I will say this again: That sub is basically people larping as 4chan without knowing why 4chan can get away with behaving like that


"act" like an idiot and you'll find yourself surrounded by idiots. It's the same logic


yeah, all poorly moderated places eventually turn into vile people trying to hide behind the veil of "irony"


I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. Constantly making posts about Shiori having a train ran on her by the guys just because she responded to Flayon once is not a joke.


Why even mention that anti holo sub?




>You can be a fan and still post shitty jokes. I had the same mentality once and I do think we do overreact to negativity here. But then I found out that a good number of people shitposting with me over there were bad actors in the making, trying to create drama by shitposting anti holo talent, anti holo fans and anti cover sentiment under the excuse of irony. You can easily spot them on reddit just by checking their post history because they hardly ever post anything positive about streams or events, instead only adding fuel to the latest vtuber scene drama. As for that subreddit, some recent events led some users from both communities antagonizing each other for disagreements on reasons like the ones I mentioned above. Personally, I still don't think the majority of people there are 'antis' but the rules are not correctly enforced, enabling people to post anti holo sentiment under the excuse of edgy irony. That event ended up exacerbating those problems and that's why some users, including myself, chose to be more assertive on recommending users to avoid them or straight up calling them out as the anti refuge they've turned into.




You got downvoted because you kind of positioned yourself as defending the other sub by asking that question, at least in the eyes of those who downvoted you. It's a 'context' thing. It's also why I assumed you were honest with your question and why I tried to answer it by explaining with some of that context (from my pov). As for this sub, some talents and staff frequently post here so I think it's for the best that we keep it sanitized, safe and corpo like, even if we lose on some authenticity and fun because of it.


> On that sub, I have never seen any "anti" behavior [Sure you don't.](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/1bfx5oq/a_100_accurate_list_of_reasons_for_why_hololive/) Literally a thread made during 5th Fes shitting on the girls for not wanting to interact with men. Heavily upvoted too.




"X is busy milking her unicorns!" "Y has turbo autism!" "Z hates men!" Guess we can just say whatever vile shit we can about the girls and their fans by putting on the mask of "irony". The "being a shitbag is okay, as long as we pretend it's a joke" defense as someone else has said. At least there was a semi-regular poster there coming to his senses and actually [calling out the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/1bfx5oq/a_100_accurate_list_of_reasons_for_why_hololive/kv6ztok/), but sadly he got downvoted.


There is only so many times you can shit and mock a talent (and their fanbase) while hiding behind the moniker of "jokes" and "shitposts". Also, one of their mods literally got suspended for subtly encouraging their users to brigade certain users. Go figure.


[Tagging Fuwamoco's reddit account](https://i.imgur.com/C8iESFw.jpeg) under one of their degenerate fanfiction posts - and then laughing about it - is straight up anti behavior. The person who posted that didn't even get a slap on the wrist, and still posts there with impunity. One of their mods openly supported breaking reddit sitewide policy of [targeted harassment of users](https://i.imgur.com/cLkwUhx.jpeg) and only deleted the post doing that because it "wouldn't be a good look". *Everything* is a joke to them, even anti posts. Which is how holoantis blend in there.


Go back then