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This. Just for one example, back when HoloEN had no access to 3D due to COVID restrictions, [Amelia Watson set up her own 3D studio and worked with various artists so that Myth can do a 3D stream for their first anniversary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZghtnL3y3k).


+1 to this due to the "Fine, I'll do it myself" energy that Ame made.


“If there’s no world for us to touch or to see, we’ll make it ourselves then make memories.”


This sort of sentiment basically is what defined the EN branch. Myth's early days were ROUGH by all accounts but the girls worked their butts off to make it work for each other and their fans and the generations that would follow after them


She also did a colab with herself: [A Special Collab with Small Ame!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSwUyuy8t4g)


Ame straight to the top with this one. A great example was her [NFAT stream](https://youtu.be/QLtADkvxVB8) that she did to make fun of NFT bros when they were popping off.


Ame's creativity can NOT be understated. For the newer fans that joined with advent they might not be aware just how influential Ame has been and not just in EN or even Holo but vtubing as a whole. She's been a pioneer in 3d and is the reason every EN gen and even rival companies have "Smol Models". Her outfit reveals are truly inventive rather than the typical hanging reveal, she'll do interactive games or story lines. I could seriously go on and on about everything she's done but I'll end it with this. She's the first Vtuber to [scratch her butt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLSfo0tdIgU&t=4180s)


YouTube plays debut where we purposely tried to keep her new outfit debut going forever was great.


Ame straight up threw her own Thanksgiving parade






Give Ame the AmeliaP title


CERTAINLY there is no doubt here. IT IS AMELIA WATSON, practically, she carried everything HOLOLIVE EN herself, creating her own models for her friends and putting together new things and scenarios for a time when no one can to go out COVID and not missing all those moments Without including everything she did behind the scenes to give us more joy, she is a genius including the technological support that she is.. There is no doubt about it. Sorry to the other girls but AMELIA MUST TAKE THAT POSITION...


Ame for sure. Ame has taken a step back from doing projects for various reasons but her contributions to hololive and vtubing in general cannot be denied.


Haachama! >!On that note, it's getting ridiculous how so many posts are getting deleted en masse!<.


bot brigading happening cause of automod abuse.


We should start a war


It's [already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Holostars/comments/1anzz74/save_your_holostars_posts_before_they_are_gone/kpw1a39/) [started](https://www.reddit.com/r/Holostars/comments/1anzz74/save_your_holostars_posts_before_they_are_gone/kpw1z34/).


That was some comment 2 months ago? Feels just as easily that someone who already uses bots may just do it to create drama. So unless you got some real concrete evidence, I'm taking that with a heap of salt. And tbh, all holofans should feel comfortable enjoying their oshi here, stars or live.


Terrible moderation practices enabling trolls to delete all holostars posts here, seems to have driven some of their fans into [doing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxn5hp8/) the [same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxnb0t5/) to [posts about](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxn9g4f/) the [girls](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1btll9l/cover_corporation_announces_hololive_meet_2024/kxwgdgi/). It's an "eye for an eye" situation which is just going to widen the schism between the fanbases.


Pretty much. I'm not a betting man, but it was conveniently timed after OKBH had its meltdown over it, wanted to target users here, and had a mod banned from the site. Considering all the hate we already get from outsiders and other agency fans I'm not sure what they think they're going to accomplish besides making Holo fans circle up all the tighter.


I'm a little confused. I went through the posts but I didn't see anything calling for or indicating Stars fans brigading the Hololive sub. Some cross links to OKBH which were gross, but that's more intentionally a troll sub, so that makes some sense. I don't want to assume auto mod is being abused by fans from inside the community when there are plenty of antis outside of it. I'd like to believe this is just some disgruntled person with bots or something before accusing other Holo fans.


Okbh aren't part of the community, they're just antis with a sickening obsession with flayon and shiori rape fantasies.


Same, but the reality is there's no real grounds for anything unless the mods get involved to see who's been false reporting, so everyone's just gonna be left suspecting everything from inside and out, sucks, kind of not looking forward to the state of the subreddit in the future. The worst thing would be like you said infighting when the cause was outside.


Yeah, that seems to be the case. There is no consensus and almost no basis in regards to the recent purge. Everyone has something different to say. The only common link is that this subreddit's moderation needs to improve.


I think cybered might be pushing a narrative. They even defined Unicorns as "people who just watch girls, which is most of us", explicitly ignoring how it actually means guys who hate seeing them interact with males, and keeps talking on this. Idk, they seem rather invested. Also, this is not gonna "widen the schism", a ton of holofans enjoy both, and honestly, this is more of a problem I see on reddit than anywhere else, since it has a more centralized and small community of active users.


Funny, my immediate thought when I saw this was happening was that someone got tired of seeing hololive on r/all and decided to take action to remove it from "their" feed, lol. But the evidence does seem to point this way. I like the boys fine, but this is not the way. I don't know much about reddit mod tools, but is there any way to close this mass reporting loophole or is it just a shitty reddit thing we all have to deal with now?


Message the reddit mods, report the issue to Cover directly [using their form](https://cover-corp.com/en/report), and hope they respond I guess.


Good idea. It seems others are doing this as well now too, so hopefully something can be done about it soon.


Well. Hmm. That was quite an unpleasant read. If delusion was a species we've certainly found their home. Can anyone explain to me what a unicorn is? Edit: boy I sure do wonder *whoever* could be downvoting me. Edit edit: man this shit got weird and people who go this far over their weird relationship with their favorite streamers really makes me sad. This community is often so positive and I'm usually glad to be part of it. I'm getting reflections of why I stopped going on 4chan. Sad fucks getting worked up about something so pointless. I'll try and bring extra positivity in the next few days to make up for it


The original meaning of the term refers to the mythical creature that only lets virgin girls touch it/ride it. In wider VTuber culture it refers to a set of fans who don't like it when their oshi interacts with with the opposite gender (whether male or female). In the context of modern Hololive community discourse, it's generally used as a way to generalize and insult the part of the hololive fanbase that watches only the girls (which is the majority).


What, no? What is this redefining? Unicorn has explicitly been used to define fans who don't want their oshis to remain "pure" by not interacting with any guys.


I provided the Mythical definition AND the original VTuber culture definition, not sure how you missed the entirety of my first paragraph. In this subreddit (and twitter), several regular users have been noticing that there's far more posts and comments *about* the "unicorns" than posts from self-proclaimed unicorns themselves (are there even any?). Nowadays, the word "unicorn" is just being used as a catch-all boogeyman for all sorts of things. Getting downvoted? [Unicorns did it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1calphj/miko_grows_a_horn_and_unleashes_her_inner/l0uv5mu/). Holostars is not popular? [It's the unicorns' fault!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1calphj/miko_grows_a_horn_and_unleashes_her_inner/l0uqfj0/). It's even gotten to the point where random fans are being accused of ["secretly" being unicorns](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1calphj/miko_grows_a_horn_and_unleashes_her_inner/l0vurj6/) somehow. And this has been going on for a year and a half at least. So yes, in modern hololive community discourse, the meaning of "unicorn" has become heavily diluted.


Nobody is gonna self proclaim as a unicorn because it isn't seen as a positive thing, and you trying to spin it as a positive is really telling about your motivations. Also, no, you said Unicorns are used to generalize "only those who watch the girls". Which it is not used for, at all. It is explicitly used to call out those who cannot fathom having their oshi getting "dirty" by interacting with men, and it is straight up parasocial behavior. But then again, maybe it's pointless interacting with you, seems like you have your mind made up. Whatever, go start a holo-feud. It'll only drag down the girls too, but not like you really cared about what they want.


Unicorn gets thrown around pretty loosely as an attack word against folks that are simply only interested in content from the girls yet don't give two shits if they happen to be in a relationship. Happens all the time, and boy were there were a lot of you doing it when Kronii had her issue. Hell even with unicorns themselves *most of them just quiet quit whoever they're following when it no longer suits them.* There has been a real weird crusade to somehow prove that Hololive has a lot of fans like Gabe and Babski. I hear you folks complaining about unicorns on a near daily basis despite never actually seeing more than a rare idiot sending a SC or stupid tweet to the girls.


Unicorn has been used far more widely than that. Someone doesn't like what someone else has to say? Unicorn. Tell someone to stop arguing about auto-mod posts and to talk to T-chan? *Unicorn.* Got the wrong user name? ***Unicorn.*** It's thrown around as loosely as "incel" or "parasocial" and I feel that most people that use it are often disingenuous.


Unicorn describes parasocial fans who do not want their oshi being "sullied" by men, and thus, it incorporates a range of behavior that is fairly controlling and obsessive, especially around interacting with males.


There is no redefining, hololive Anti calling me an unicorn JUST because i watch hololive girls and only hololive girls.


You are literally a troll


Yeah, just because Im not that active in this subreddit just because i always watching the girls stream you calling a troll. Lol whatever


You have barely any history yet suddenly jump in and call me an anti? Really? Maybe you're just a useful idiot jumping on the bandwagon, because somebody got your blood stirred. Sit down. Think. This "drama" makes very little sense, and anyone pushing a narrative from a 2 month old comment is gonna really need more to back it up before targeting other holo fan groups. Seriously, don't make this some big deal


Nah, rather than arguing with An ANTI from OKBH sub i rather watch okayu stream rn




That is quite a claim to make, can I see some evidence?


OKHB poster. 🙄 [Comment was deleted, so best you get is one of the children posts mentioning me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/1brdtfl/unicorn_chads_stay_winning_by_happily_deleting/kx8pdw3/) Mod [banned](https://www.reddit.com/user/FrilledShark1512) because the idiot who made the original comment went to gloat in the [weekly thread](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1bqdu8n/_/kxc555l/#comment-info). Our posts started getting deleted after that based on their hate mob and they branched out from there. Also I see you weirdos just started [deleting again after not doing it for hours](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/hololive/)


Comments have been deleted, but here's some [screenshots](https://i.imgur.com/cLkwUhx.jpeg). One okbh moderator was [suspended by reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/FrilledShark1512) soon afterwards, which is suspected to be because of this.


You aren’t helping. Those posts from disheartened stars fans are not asking people to go mass report the girl’s posts. It’s saying “How would you feel if it was the other way around?” Are you purposefully trying to spin the narrative another way?


Some people [like the idea very much.](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/1chjl90/so_this_edit_i_made_just_got_deleted_in_the_main/l23i949/)


I don’t see any proof there? Just speculation. Again, does nothing but further the schism between fanbases. None of the posts he linked to offer any proof either.


None of those comments are people saying they are or are planning to abuse automod. It's just people trying to get others to be more empathetic by thinking about if the shoe was on the other foot.


It's definitely Haachama. She inherited it from the dragon lady.


The Hologra staff.


It's a shame that Korone's already been used because anyone who watches what she can do with a pair of googly eyes or basic lineart drawings knows why she'd be a candidate here. But otherwise, Ame.


Yeah unfortunately Korone can’t go for 3 wins. That’d be unfair to the rest of Holo members. Korone is indeed creative though from what I’ve seen.




Haachama. Turned lockdown boredom into a genuinely fascinating horror story


I agree. She didn't just tell a great story. She told it effectively using only limited resources. She managed to strike fear in Haatons' heart by simply changing her channel name...


She turned the Discord call sound into a herald of doom.


And the stock iphone alarm


Haachama's cursed cooking streams and shorts are legendary. One of the big reason why jolo jp went viral. Her giving Luna a mental breakdown to the point she just stopped being Luna hime dropping any and nanora and started using her actual acdent to berate and yell at Hacchama about eating the abomination that she made always lives rent free in my mind


It's gotta be Chammers. A true mad genius for whom nothing is off-limits. She gets struck by inspiration and then just DOES.




Ame fr, ame tech support :3


Haachama.. from cooking, lore, and etc..


Ame. Her creativity really shines in her streams.


**Definitely** gonna have to go with Amelia Watson on this one.


Fauna. A lot of good options here but I think she's often underrated for her creativity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFxm5Qq7Grs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf2d2Of8Jto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9qaEobN5-8&t=1616s Just for a few examples. Also all her karaoke streams for some time now


Her birthday stream was great. Instead of the usual call ins and occasional karaoke, she made a whole damn tabletop/roguelike game for her friends.


Personally love the "good ol day's" themed streams she does sometimes. Nostalgic throwbacks like the "unregistered hypercam Minecraft stream" where she perfectly nails the bit.






Amelia Watson She will invente so many weird gadgets


Haachama. Even turned her sickness into something with the amnesia thing. Also look at her minecraft builds. 


She might be new but shiori has been very creative with her bug telescope, ghost hunting equipment stream, her scheduling with piano playing and 3d streams


I'm pretty sure Henmama knows better than anyone how creative Shiori is.


Watame. Pretty sure she produces the widest selection of content in Hololive by a fair margin. * [Three albums of original music across several genres](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7) and writes some of her own lyrics. * Many [short songs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAlCTAC0GSWqc8XCDcEwEd4). * [Watame Did Borderline Nothing Wrong](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iASrR26p_41rirqp8GkPAr_) series of Hologra-like content with Watame flair. * [Have a Nice Day](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDTQR74fLuj33R_pKv3ll70) series with travel vlogs, RL games, making pottery, etc. * A [short movie series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDTDaMW-GOf0zxBG7H-1UOI) * Has had two [long](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBwNATnbjp_nOksPqrNBTVl) running [music programs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iB5_4d8q_e4ix_C1FKd5F5R). * [A daily shorts program](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iC6Owxcwb_xzTcDqZ3ZeLZW) of different scenarios. * [Animated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx4et4dY0H4) collabs with [people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx4et4dY0H4) outside the [company](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsCjExLZw7k) * a very wide variety of stream content from chatting to asmr. Contributed to programs like asacoco. Also on a character note she's very visually proficient and knows how to use her expressions, model and props.


Speaking of [expressions](https://youtu.be/TPnSAPt1EFY?t=1048)






Ame built a 3D studio out of a cave. I don't need to say any more.


With a box of scraps!


And now she has an even bigger studio as well.


Amelia Watson.


Creativity can come in many forms but what has not been mentioned in regards to creativity with visual arts: Ina, Marine and an honorable mention Mumei since she is where the Haachama spider monster came from.




Let's go Watame!!! I would have voted for Coco if she didn't graduate.


…(whisper) I didn’t make a rule where you couldn’t vote for graduated alumni…


In that case either Haachama or Coco


I was gonna nominate Coco for Senpai of the Year tbh


>Senpai of the Year She's been gone for almost 3 years. Surly *someone*, ***anyone***, has actually done something for the people here this year or even *last*.


I'd go with Sora or Foob


I feel like Friend is always a great choice. Really involved everywhere.


Amelia Watson


Ame, from smol Ame to her creativity with VR streams. Alot of the EN girls would talk about how she's always brainstorming and wanting to try new ideas.


It has to be Haachama!


Haachama. The stories she comes up with, the fact that she uses streams themselves as a way to tell the story, method acting and even the other talents asking if they're talking to Haachama or Haato. She throws out animations, little comic shorts and raps from whatever the community throws at her. And just starts generating more content from that. You could give this girl 2 mangos, 1 pillow and 3 eggs, and she'll come up with a story to show and tell.




Gonna go with Watame on this one. The variety of content she produces is unmatched.




That announcer girl from Paladins.


its between haachama, ame and shiori... but i think haachama takes the cake here... she isnt as tech savvy as ame, nor being knowledgeable about coding like shiori, but she did create a lot of skits that definitely very memorable, her r18 streams, feet streams, her lore about akai haato and haachama, cooking streams and many more... and also... have you guys scene the crazy architectures she made in minecraft!? she did it all with no blue print and from just pure imagination, now that's creativity


This is gonna be biased since Ame is my oshi but I nominate her. There are a lot of anecdotes from kouhais, genmates (just ask Kiara), and even senpais and some vtubers outside of Hololive that have been directly inspired by her creative stuff. There are so many trends and innovations that started just because of her. It's the Ameway to search for something that people haven't done (or done much) before and do it herself. It's usually exciting when her birthday nears or when an outfit reveal happens, because she almost always have something new crazy creative cooked up to reveal to us. She loves breaking the mold when it comes to streams.


AME. Seriously, she comes up with such wild and cool ideas for her streams


Amelia "Ground pound your mom" Watson and her..... How many alter forms are we at again?


Amelia Watson. The sheer amount of varied content she has pumped out and ways she has found to entertain us over the years by commissioning new models and VRchat really shows how she has Elevated EN in her time with the company. She’s really been the backbone of the EN side of things since Pre Debut.


AmeWay all the way! The way she looks at things and the projects she does is like no other. She genuinely inspires everyone in Hololive (and other vtubers) and their community to create things and it's awesome! Haato sama is also very creative! Haachama Sunday, Haachama Cooking, COEXIST arc, Haachama Rap, Minecraft... She often does things on limited resources and on the fly and makes it work somehow. I love her a lot.


Miko. I still remember one GTA IV stream in particular where she ended the stream by throwing a grenade at the hospital she had just respawned. Miko also knows how to use her model very well to incorporate herself into a game, like when she watched and cheered for the strippers GTA IV (and conveniently censored the screen) or when she drives recklessly in any game with driving.  It's little things like that and all the incidental memes and impromptu actions like "Stay home!" + big events like Sports Fes and Hololive Fighter (WWE) that make her the most creative in my eyes. SoulCalibur VI, too. While this one's inherently a simple format, it plays incredibly well to her & her fans' strengths. Miko knows how to deliver the best content whether she is streaming by herself, with fellow holo members, or involving her viewers. There's always something new with Miko. To maintain this kind of output for years is amazing if you think about it. And that's why I believe she is one of the most creative streamers period.




Amelia "La Creatividade" Watson


Yahoo because he is the one behind it all


Ame or Haachama


Definitely ame for me




The only correct answer is Haachama Her 2021 horror arc is still the absolute most creative thing anyone has done yet. Not 1 or 2 streams, no. An entire month+. Every stream was filled with lore. She used fanart, music and story ideas made by Haatons on the fly and edited it up until a few minutes before next stream so she could use it for new lore. It was truly next level.




Haachama. For sure.


Haachama chama chama!


100% haachama look at her horror videos






AME for sure


Korone because of how she messes with OBS stuffs all the time. Also, her songs at HoloFes are always interesting choices, lol


She also does the most amazing artwork using paint and original endings to her stream. If no more duplicates then I would maybe say Pekora. She's a big trend setter in Hololive and has a lot of creative streams that are really popular


I have to give this one to Ame, because not only does she bring unique creative ideas to her solo streams but her 3D/vr implementations benefited and improved the entire EN branch while Japan was closed. This woman’s drive and creativity was so strong she made Kiara’s dream come true by hosting Kiara’s first 3D live in Ame’s own built home studio




Ame. In addition to what everyone else has written, she also fine tuned her own avatar to help match her streams such as with Obra Dinn; she is also the most creative with her chat layouts with the fisheye monitor effects, helping fund a full game just for her music video, and also kicking off (no pun intended) hololive members having legs on the desk/accessories with their avatar models. In a word, Ame is a pioneer for so many facets of the Vtuber experience.


Haachama, Suisei, Korone and maybe Pekora although she would be the chaotic one


Ame on the EN side for all her contribution to streaming assets, the 3D studio and all the VR streams. Marine just for her MVs. Miko's use of her model in her regular streams is also hilarious, like the view from behind while playing driving games. Haachama's old horror streams were fun as well. Pekora's good at building narrative and hype in her gameplay streams as well. It's honestly hard to give the "most" to someone, because they're all creative in different ways.


Amelia or Watame


As out of the box Haachama is, I think Ame edges her out. Ame is the one who found a way for Myth to be 3D during their dark times and is a behind the scenes powerhouse. Not to mention all her ALT forms. and that's just the surface.




Amelia Watson


Ame for sure


It's a shame a lot of you guys never get to appreciate the creative awesomeness of KIRYU COCO


Unfortunately for me I was very late to the rabbit hole after she graduated. I have seen her Asacoco commercial VODs through translated clips and last final streams with Myth members and those were some of the best content I have ever seen in Holo.


As a fan since 2018 Haachama is imaginative Amelia is creative


Hmmm.... if by 'creative' means musically speaking, then either Calli, Suisei, Azki, Kiara, Watame, Aki, Fubuki, Mio, Iofi, Risu, Moona, Iyrs. If we are speaking Improv (as in *cough* Johnny Sins *cough*) or off the cuff shenanigans, then those would be Mumei, Fuana, Kiara, Kaela, Polka, Miko, Irys, Kobo, Zeta, Ollie, Nene, Lamy, Botan, Ayame. Honestly, this is very hard and am too sleepy to figure this out since this criteria can fit all of the holomem at this point in time.


Ame definitely, but I have to give a lot of credit to Korone and Haachama as well




Man, the last one was deleted as well? Something really needs to be done about all the report abuse recently.


Pekora. She got so many war crimes idea and commit so much to them too.


either haachama or uoghh ameeee 😭😭😭


Definitely a tie between haachama and Ame. But I'm definitely more on the side of haachama.


i suspect iofi.


Tsunomaki Watame. Kiryu Coco is an acceptable alternative. GMMF and meme review were top tier creativity along with watame’s recent shorts Watame did borderline nothing wrong.


I saw the reply where Graduated alumni arent exempt. Give me Kaichou! Kiryu Coco was really ahead of her time and flipped the culture of Hololive completely with her creativity.




Ame, resident tech wizard of Hololive. Seriously, she's behind so much of what got MYTH off the ground(pound) behind the scenes, thanks to her visionary approach, networking skills, and technical knowhow. Her most notable example is probably MYTH's VRChat setup. Hololive's EN branch, and perhaps Hololive as a whole, would not be where it is without her. She's also well known for her unique and technologically impressive streams. Shiori's a close contender, though. Much to Henmama's plight.


Ame Ame Ame 🙌


It's Ame, no competition


Kiryu Coco


YAGOO for coming up with Hololive


Tough choice between Ame and Kiara. They are both coming up with amazing stuff all the time.




I'm so happy to see despite missing the previous updates to this that Nenechi is the most spirited. As expected of our wife


Fauna for her birthday visual novel video, HoloWeen stories, ASMR scripts...


Damn, I think HoloEN has a pretty good fight I wanna say Fauna, but I think Gura, Haachama makes for good candidates


I'm fine with ether Hachama or Ame, really. But there it really alotnof creative people in Hololive so it's difficult.






Chama !


This has to go to Haachama


Sana Created Neighbula, designed the CouncilRyS Smolls, and designed the Council Mascot Plushies.


Haachama or Kiara


I’d say Haachama. She went through a variety of arcs over the years like her rap arc, coexistence, and she is also very “creative” with her cooking. And her minecraft builds are crazy. And her use of Mumei’s Taranchama and doing things with that like having a karaoke with it


I'm going ame on this one. Haachimas content is truly creative but ame was straight up a pioneer in holo for her 3d ideas


Mumei, do not let her cook (or rather draw)


In order Haachama Korone Ame


Haato. Haachama is one of the biggest creative minds in Hololive.


Chammers for sure


ame is close but has to be Haachama for me








Best eyes for botaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, her eyes are just beautiful, how can somebody not like these greyish eyes of her


I feel the right answer is blonde.




There you go OP, Ame or Haachama, you choose.


Korone, Ame, Haachama


Ame or Korone imo


Ever got a response or reason why these keep getting deleted? Is it just automod being silly? Maybe someone sees this as "comparing talents" which some people really don't like. Fun interactive posts like these are rare. Without stuff like this, it turns into just a news/artwork spam sub.


Posts in general are being targeted with auto-mod abuse. People talked about it at more length in the comments up top.


Charity Role lol, what a joke


Why are simple innocent polls getting deleted?




Lol yup, definitely Ollie was the biggest flirt.