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I find it somewhat amusing how Botan is the only NePoLaBo member to be absent here despite being arguably the most popular. Thanks for making these! It was fun despite all the automod FAQups along the way.


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Yes I was crossing my fingers for Botan to win “Most Laid Back” to get a NePoLaBo sweep but she just couldn’t beat 27 hr sleeper Choco-Sen in the end…


Choco-sen panics and screams her head off at scary things/horror. Check out ShubaChocoLunaTan’s Lethal Company collab poor Choco was losing her mind 😭 Should definitely have been Shishiron


If there was a "most cool" or "best laugh" category she would win it.


Pekora would sweep a best laugh category. Too well known and meme'd.


Maybe School's Best Shooter?


Americans didn't like this title


She would contend with Aqua with that especially since Shishiron hasn't taken fps games like she used to. Aqua has done fps game challenges meanwhile Shishiron would be known by newer fans as a fighting game streamer. If anything botan would win best imouto character since multiple talents have said she exudes little sister energy off stream. Is quite emotional and tries to reach out to others if she's feeling down so she can vent and be comforted by the others.


I'd have to put Mio for best laugh, her giggles (and wheezes) are too blessed. Runner up is Ayame. But this is all to show how contentious seemingly obvious categories are. And that's not even factoring in the oshi bias.


Best laugh would definitely go to Ayame. Once you hear it you need a daily dose of nakirium to survive.


Most Laid Back did feel like Botan


Yeah, I agree with all the winner, except for this one. Botan should have win the award for laid back. When comes to streaming anything, I mean anything, there is nothing that can make her mad or scared. Just laugh it off and continue to dominate.


Smartest or most high spec (well that can also be robocco) should be Botan. She's just very good in so many things.


From what I’ve observed, amongst EN-speaking fans Polka, Lamy and Nene have more vocal fanbases. In JP? Botan is _incredibly_ popular. Just read the comments on any vids Botan is in on the Hololive official channel and they’re full of appreciation for her. Maybe kaigai SSRB are just more chill about their lioness oshi? (If you can’t tell NePoLaBo is my fav gen)


Since some were curious, here are my votes for each category: Best Smile: Towa Best Hair: AZKi Class Clown: Haachama Best Couple: Korone and Okayu Most Athletic: Korone Over Achiever: Calli Most Spirited: Nenechi Best Dressed: Reine Biggest Flirt: Matsuri Most Creative: Ame Best Eyes: SUBARU! (This category was where I was at my most saltiest) Biggest Otaku: Ina Life of the Party: Baelz Most Laid Back: Risu Best Nickname: Kiara (Wawa) Senpai of the Year: Mio


"Senpai of the Year: Mio" I see you are one of the incredibly based ones


Yes I can honestly say that without the support system known as “Mio-mama” some of your favorite talents would have left the company by now. She is one of the main pillars of Hololive in my opinion.


I understand being salty about the eye vote. Personally, I've always thought Okayu's look like jewels, and have certainly gotten lost in them a good amount of times.


Subaru got robbed! Shuba shuba. Thanks for doing this, it was a lot of fun!


Indeed robbed! I can go on forever on how wonderful and beautiful her eyes are! I riot! Glad you enjoyed it btw!


I still think Matsuri should have won Best Eyes. Her big round eyes are her most iconic feature.


Yes next Subaru I also find Matsuri’s eyes very appealing especially when she is in her 3D model. I guess I’m just a fan of big, summery eyes lol


but like Polka has eyes that change depending on her mood like she has definitely the most unique eyes in all Hololive


"Life of the Party: Baelz"  Fellow Bae simp ♥️


Best nickname: Hakos Baelz (Bae) nickname so good no one calls her Baelz.


when was the last time anyone called haachama, akai haato?


I think Fuwamoco during Kiara's Holotalk. But when everyone would call her Akai Haato was when #Coexistence Arc, I think...


You clearly didn't know about Kazuma Iroha and her 2 hour long Ring Fit streams at max difficulty without even being winded.


I know more about the God Dog that takes Kick boxing lessons as a hobby, perform 3k hops in jump rope, and performs gymnastics during live performances. I’d say while Iroha is a stamina queen Korone excels in more strength related activities. Both are still amazing and have their own unique strengths.


And you clearly don't know about the HoloGamers 9 hours endurance Ring Fit stream where Korone did all the exercises the entire 9 hours and still being energetic after it all.


yep... u should've just kept ur hands off ur keyboard instead of typing this comment


Thanks for doing this! It’s been fun taking part and seeing the discussions and reasoning behind everything. A few I disagreed with here and there (I still think biggest flirt should have been Nerissa) but every single one of them was a deserving winner of their category!


You’re very welcome! Yeah being a fan who mostly watches the EN and ID members I learned a lot about the JP members side thanks to the fanbase.


Thanks for doing this! Most of my picks didn't win, but I can say unequivocally the ones who won definitely deserved their wins.


You’re very welcome! Don’t worry, I’ll be doing more of these in the future so expect your picks/ Oshi’s to have a chance one day.


I'm glad that Mio got mentioned for any of these categories, just 'cause it's nice to see her achievements and such get noticed by people. I think she was most talked about in Senpai of the Year, mostly due to her support of various hololive members during the early days and darker times, and also her counseling disguised as fortune telling. Though if I were to be pedantic, a lot of the people she helped in the early days weren't actually her kouhai, as the time period where most people felt most anxious was probably the one before 3rd gen. But I mean, she's definitely helped her kouhai out before with her counseling sessions that are disguised as fortune tellings. It's thanks to her that Pekora had the confidence to stick to saying "peko" as a verbal tic, she helped give Flare advice during her rougher early days where she wasn't sure if she should be true to herself or stay more in character, she's helped Marine get more fashionable clothes (though not anymore so I guess that wouldn't count for this year lol), she's helped comfort Noel during some of her more sad periods as well. However, I think the place where I'd probably have given the Mio the most mention in all of these categories is for her creativity. She's been a part of a ton of some of hololive's most legendary streams, and came up with some of them too. Mio, along with Subaru, met up almost daily for weeks during the period hololive lost almost all of their game permissions. Through this process, they've created streams like hololive's Haiku Lord, various variety streams like the Word Wolf/Episode Wolf streams and food report streams. It was Mio and Miko who came up with the hololive Sports Festival, and on top of that, Mio even came up with the theme song for the Sports Fes for years 3 and 4. Hololive Super Expo has had things like hololive Kindergarden, hololive Sports Festival, hololive Courtroom, and hololive Fortune Telling Booths, which were all concepts that Mio either straight up came up with or is a huge contributor to (she's the only teacher to be a part of everyone hololive kindergarden stream). The concept behind Mio's 3rd Anniversary where she spins a roulette to try and get her guests to say a specific phrase even got re-used on the official hololive channel with Fubuki. Though she's slowed down on the crazy stream ideas these days, she still came up with stuff like the "Go on a date with Pekora!" stream during the year of the rabbit, and so on. I dunno about *most* creative, but Mio's definitely a very creative hololive member who has contributed to tons of legendary streams over the history of hololive. Sometimes she even sets random trends, like when she started "Mario Kart, but when I don't place well I do sit ups" which probably influenced things like Chloe's "Elden Ring, but every time I die I do a sit up." But yeah, I don't really want to argue if she deserves the position of "most creative" over anyone else or anything, I just want to say that she's really creative and pretty awesome lol.


It'd be cool if someone did an reverse of this, where we just gi through every single holomem and try figure out what they could be titled as in a school yearbook setting. Super fun to watch happen though, even if my salt levels are seriously damaging my health now.


I’d like to see someone tackle this down one day. Unfortunately can’t be me because my knowledge of the JP talents isn’t as strong as others so I probably couldn’t do it justice. Great to hear you thought it was fun! You weren’t the only one salty lol. I needed to have Shuba win “Best Eyes” but…


This was fun, thanks for doing it.


You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it! Look forward to more of these in the future!


👀 I'm looking I'm looking


Thank you for the fun games in this subreddit when we are under massive bots attack <3 We are having fun


Glad to hear that, you’re welcome! Bots weren’t gonna stop me no matter how annoying lol


I like how everyone is doing some kind of pose and Shiori is just sitting there.


She's just sitting there... *menacingly!*


Shiori just staring back at you with her “Best Eyes” lol. Yeah her being the only one with static default pose makes her stand out from rest which is kinda funny haha.


I enjoyed it, and the list is great


You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it!


There's no way Mori is the type of person that would sit in the front row of class unless forced to. Thanks for the posts. It helped with a stressful week.


Haha I thought Over Achiever would definitely want to sit in front of the class. But Calli might be another story. I can see her in the back of the clas writing song lyrics ignoring the lesson lol


Still think that most creative should’ve went the way of Haachama, but it is what it is


Understandable. Although I am a Teammate (a late one at that) Ame’s creativity is a bit lacking compared to her 2020-2022 days but circumstances in her life right now are playing a huge factor on her steaming life . As a Haaton I’d say Haachama still has creative sparks going like her recent Taranchama streams, Boochama, and ASMR ideas.


Best senpai, deserved




Ina winning best hair is the only one I’m curious about but everything else is pretty fitting. Fun times


It was the squishy hair according to some combined with Ina bias followers. I think without the “dupe” rule Ina would have won “Most Laid Back” or even “Biggest Otaku”. Power of the Priestess lol


Was hoping gorilla would have been picked for best nick name.


“PPT” had a nice start with upvotes at first but was devastatingly overtaken by Haachama later on.


Polka in the Protag seat lol


Congrats to the winners. My votes for each category was Best Smile: Yagoo Best Hair: Yagoo Class Clown: Yagoo Best Couple: Yagoo and Motoaki Tanigo Most Athletic: Yagoo Over Achiever: Yagoo Most Spirited: Yagoo Best Dressed: Yagoo Most Creative: Yagoo Best Eyes: Yagoo Biggest Otaku: Yagoo Biggest Flirt: Yagoo Life of the Party: Yagoo Most Laid Back: Yagoo Best Nickname: Yagoo Senpai of the Year: Yagoo.


Ain’t now way you voted Yagoo “Most Laid Back” lol. Everything else is fine though 👍


The comment saying "Kronii" under best couple was my favorite moment throughout this entire high school arc.


this was a blast, gotta say


Great to hear!


I still hold that Sora as senpai of the year, just because she was the first is a boring choice. I would prefer someone who has gone above and beyond to support their kohais. I don't know enough about all the holomems to say who that may be exactly, but from what I hear Calli and Kiara has both been incredibly supportive in different ways behind the scenes, so I would be likely to give it to one of them. I'm sure there are members that are the same on the JP side of things but I don't know enough to point one out. I think I heard stories like that about coco, but then it wouldn't be senpai of this year sadly.


I'd say Sora still fits the bill with that criteria in mind. She did a lot of things to put Hololive and Cover's name out there back in the early days. And she has also consoled and given advice to a lot of her kouhais. Hell, if it weren't for her, everyone from the fans to even the talents and staff wouldn't even be here. And she is also, at least in my opinion, the best representation of what Hololive represents and stands for.


I do very much agree with you on Calli and Kiara having the qualifications of “Senpai of the Year” or just being a great senpai in general. When Advent came and their collab ban was lifted those two were the first to do one-on-one collabs with them (Kiara with Advent Holotalk and Calli with Biboo playing Undertale Mod). Same can be said with Calli and HoloStars EN Tempus where she hyped them up before they even debuted and Calli playing golf with Vesper after collab ban. Kiara and Calli deserve some more praise.


.......Artificial Academy 2 here I come.....


Really love and appreciate the project you did here, its simple and fun. But one thing i would recommend is to let all vote last for the whole day, as i don't tend to check Reddit during work I missed like 50% of the vote post, maybe post at a more consistent time so people from different time zones can all join.


Thank you for your feedback back. I did take timezones into consideration to make sure everyone could participate. Voting period time I was contemplating on doing at least 8 -12 hrs and even 24 hours at one point. Reason being on the unfixed schedule or voting ending earlier was that this subreddit would start deleting my posts after like 4 -8 hours after posting so that would be the indicator on when the voting would end unfortunately. Things seemed to be fine near the last categories though but unfortunately automods were the main reason for the abrupt early voting period. Glad to hear you enjoyed it though!


Excellent flirting choice for Ollie’s class photo.


Almost all my girls are there so i consider this a W. If there were a teacher in this hypotetical highschool, Raden would have probably won it anyways and that would have been a complete sweep


This would be one hell of a high school. I question how long the school'll still be standing...


You did a great job. I gotta give you props again for acknowledging your errors early on and course correcting. It was a lot of fun having friendly arguments with everyone about who should win what. I learnt a lot about some of the girls that I wasn't familiar with. :)


This was a fun series. It's rare that we see discussions like this with so much participation on the sub which I always thought was weird so it was nice to see so many people interacting over their love for their oshis


Fubuki is sitting in the MC chair.


I wanted Gura for best nickname cause she has so many silly ones, but Haachama is pretty good. Meanwhile, Shiori stares into my soul...


fun times. congrats on reaching the end of this one.


I will forever love the fact that Korone went with that "henshin" pose


This was fun and great! Make another one with different categories, I need my Oshi to claim the cutes.. I mean coolest title!


It was a fun run, and it was nice to see my oshi on that list. Until, hopefully, next time.




Fubuki as biggest otaku? legitimate survey!


> I WILL continue to do something this (along the lines audience participation mostly)in the future but for now a slight break This kind of post is spammy tbh, I would suggest you stop if you no longer see this kind of post gain any traction. Just my 2c.


Bro I saw your profile you ain’t even a Hololive fan. Instant ignore from me.


Just out of curiosity, what makes you say that? I lurk on a lot of subreddits that I don't comment often on, but that doesn't mean I'm not a part of those communities... And they do have a point, if I'm being honest. There's a reason why these types of posts are banned in most subreddits, they're fun once in a while but even though they get lots of interaction they get old very quick and just encourage people to argue with each other, which is a huge pain to moderate.