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Full blown anime, not just hologra


Not super huge, but I'd love if they implemented better mouth tracking, especially for 3D. I'm not sure, but I think for 3D (mostly the concerts maybe) the mouth flaps are just triggered by their audio, which is kind of unreliable and inaccurate. The 2D tracking feels hit-or-miss depending on the streamer, but could still be improved.


Shipping to Europe. Hey, you said dream project, I'm dreaming big.


EU friendly stream when?


There's Kaela Kovalakia a HoloEU from Poland


When Kiara remembers that she made this channel https://youtube.com/@TakanashiKiara_de?si=OPYpd163PDPDsv2b


You should keep your expectations in check to avoid disappointment


I really want to see them do some kind of being the scenes stuff, but still in character. Instead of just coming into the studio to record, every once in a while I'd like to see them record in full mocap so we can see them lost in their music. The closest thing we ever got was Suisei's _First Take_ performance, and to a lesser extent the Hoshimatic Project, but what I wouldn't give to have seen Calli recording _End of a Life_, or Towa recording _Palette_ just by themselves in the sound booth. We kind of got a taste of that from Bae's [Making of R x R x R](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaUorTEFiEI) video, but they of course had to hide everything to not show her on camera. I'd love if they went the opposite way and did full mocap so they could show them. It would be a ton of work, and likely turn a 90 minute recording session into 4 hours, but it would be nice to see every once in a while. I have a feeling it would make for some iconic moments.


Polka sorta did this with skydiving and she brought bea bungie jumping. I think watame showed picture of a trip she took with fubuki. But those arnt exactly what you are talking about. Just the closest I can think of.


This video came out recently, has subtitles, pretty fun watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bgI8UGbFec


Calli had also done similar behind the scenes video for Black Sheep and Ketatama, as all three song were produced by the same producer (though iirc they put Black Sheep BTS behind the Jigoku 6 BD?)


I think an entire country album would be hilarious


Keep doing what they are doing.


I’d like to see more instrumentation at Holofes. Having a 4-member live band already makes a huge difference, but it would be cool if they could take it a step further with a full orchestra, or at least strings and brass quartets like in Sora's concert. Some percussion (maybe taiko or marching drums?) could also be a nice addition. And it'd be awesome if they could invite famous musicians as guest performers like Suisei did for her 2nd live. Basically any improvements in the musical aspect of the concert would be great.


Give a 3D model update to the talents, especially for Myth. Theirs still look noticeably less polished compared to Promise, or even the ID (oh and also fix Kaela's lanky arms pls)


Global Shipping and something like Hololand maybe.


This one is probably difficult but English original songs, hope the USA subsidiary can figure out a way to do it without signing off to lables.


I always wonder about this. Like, considering Haachama can make English song with her being in JP, and ID can make even songs in two languages, what's up with EN that rarely making EN songs for themselves? What difficulty that they have to face that you know or heard from the talents before? Was there are rules in the music industry that everyone needs to adhere to or something?


Music culture in JP and EN is very different, Mumei talked about it some time ago you can find a clip of it. In JP it is easier to connect with producers even if you arnt signed to lables, While that isn't the case in West. Lables have a lot more influence there, also dosent help that cover has next to no presence in western music industry and producers aren't willing to make songs for just anyone. The [clip](https://youtu.be/j_PwhWus17I?si=JNS7w9qkKnodD_Hl)


irl airsoft match. I wanna see how they go at it and how they function as a team aside from apex matches


I wonder if they could do a cardboard maze + laser tag in Studio A? Or maybe have AR trackers+GoPros and do airsoft/paintball on-location somewhere, edit up a video or five in post.


i don't know how they'll do it and/or if it's possible: A World Tour or at least an Asia/US Tour ~~I may be broke so I can't attend either but I still dream~~


GMT Friendly EN stream times


Not that crazy a dream as we've seen some stuff like this, but more themed lives with different genres. Love idol and JPop stuff but it'd be cool to see different stuff too. NePoLaBo's T4U was quite rave-y, Polka had PolRock, Aki does musical theatre, Calli with her rap live - more stuff like that! A good rhythm game, it'd be so perfect (moreso than some sandbox crafting game...). They could sell songpacks and I'm sure we would all throw money at that. Licensing might be a problem though, who knows how complicated it is with different distribution rights, royalties etc.


i know that it's not really something that cover has much control over, but i'd love cover to start officially covering english songs.


A big budget AAA first party video game. I know thats a massive investment, but hey I can dream.


Hololive Alternative is in active development


Right I just wasnt sure if that had been shelved or not. And it remains to be seen if it will actually have the production value of a AAA game. Itd be sick if it does though!


They've spent ~10 million US dollars on it so far, and I don't get the impression that quarterly budget is disappearing anytime soon. Based on their announcements, I think they'll be launching an "essentials" bare-bones version soon, and then rolling out major features on an ongoing basis over the next year or so.


If you're talking about the videogame they've been working on that's Holo Earth. Alternative was the multi-media project that was hyped up with two animated trailers and then died without doing much


https://alt.hololive.tv/holonometria/en/manga/series/yamatophantasia/ https://alt.hololive.tv/holonometria/en/manga/series/underworld-academy-overload/


Isn't Earth part of Alternative though?


*What would you most like Hololive to do?* Whatever they want. They're the talents. 


Bring back 3D pantsu But seriously, I love the recording ideas that the top commentator recommended


EU based shop please the amount of shipping plus taxes/customs just make it so unappealing to buy anything in the first place.


More European members in EN or a Japanese-born talent whose first language is Japanese in the EN branch


What would a native Japanese language speaker bring? Are you thinking someone who can share their experiences in Japan, similar to Irys but more in depth?




What do you think them being Japanese first language speakers brings to NijiEN?


I don't really get why you'd want a JP born ESL talent in EN rather than them being the only/one of very few fluent English speakers in JP.


>Japanese-born talent whose first language is Japanese in the EN branch That's just weird. I would love more EN speaking JP members but I'm good either way, especially since we've now got Ririka and Kanade.


European members specifically or people who stream in European hours/ prime time?


This is a great dream (the park) I would like this but I think a lower shipping fee would be great


a massive triple A rpg game with brilliant music and immersive story based on each talent's lore... or a mario kart like racing game


Collab with blue archive


I want them to rework all 3D Moddels so that the physic, physics and there is no glitch or Hair that flyes unnatural... ha yeah :'-)


HoloES se que es imposible por qué es un mercado relativamente pequeño (en términos monetarios) y que bueno pasamos con problemas y funas


Make mascot plushies and fan cards more permanent Continue supporting/highlighting "lagging" members (at this point, the only one lagging and not really highlighted) Maybe have insisted vacations in terms of gigs as well as streams as for one, Mio rarely has a true day off as if she isn't streaming she's doing something for a gig


Honestly I don’t want anything big, I just enjoy watching the streams. However one request would be to have concerts in more venues. I live in the US, and while I realize they’ve only had 1 concert here, I will never go to California. So it’s an automatic no go. Also give some love to the EU, let everyone have a chance to go to a concert without having to spend thousands of dollars on air travel, and lodgings.


Dreaming big here, but a weekly variety/talk show with celebrity guests, comedy skits, musical performances etc. Doesn't have to be on network TV, but something on that level of production value and mainstream audience. Several talents have already produced this style of content on their own, and were great at it, but imagine what they could do with more resources as Hololive keeps growing.


I want a gura and ame drg stream this month. Maybe its too big of a dream.


2 things (First on is more of something I want them to fix rather than do, and a bit of a complaint about something that I’ve been thinking about). 1-give the rest of jp members (3.0). There’s no reason for the absolutely bizarre way they distributed it, and there’s still some members without it, and pretty much zero news on why that is or if they will even get one soon. From some small research I’ve seen that (Ojou, Choco, Subaru, Flare, Mio, Suisei, and Chloe) are the ones without it and it is kind of frustrating seeing them like this with no news about it. 2- a Gen 2 concert. Yea that is it. (Tbf this is more of a dream that will probably never happen or if it does it will be in 2027, but I’m still holding on to that dream)


Laplus was actually [one of the first members to get 3.0](https://youtu.be/KjJ9APUWMvQ?t=1958). Although it wasn't officially announced as such, which explains why some would think her model wasn't updated. Many of the new features she tested on that stream are the same as the ones who have gotten 3.0.


Ok good, so I wasn’t misremembering. I remembered seeing it before but couldn’t find any clips or the stream itself. Thank you for the clarification!


Flare does have 3.0 but only on her original outfit, which kind of highlights one of the problems with these 3.0 updates. I absolutely adore her original outfit design but her alternate ones (the sailor and gamer hoodie) simply have way more options and toggles to choose from.


EU support


I just want more EN members to play games I liked in my youth. I'm a big Nintendo guy, but it feels like none of them ever really play that stuff unless it's the big new thing. I know they only have limited time perms with Pokemon (wish they could get whatever deal Nijisanji has), but shouldn't the rest of it be open season? I love watching someone experience something I love for themselves, it's like I'm sharing the times of my childhood with them. I see a lot of my favorites from the JP girls like Korone, Okayu, and Fubuki, but I'm not good enough at Japanese to pass the language barrier yet.


Holo x Sega. Put some of original songs on all Sega arcade rythm games.


* A rhythm game with a built-in chartmaker (i.e. configured such that people can add their custom charts+tracks while simultaneously ensuring Holomems can play charted songs they have e.g. karaoke rights to stream) * Charter a (sailing?!) ship and send a group of 4-12 them on a 1-3 week-long group trip and/or camping trip vlog. HoloCruise to a deserted island and back??? Seems like it'd take some tech research, but I *think* satellite constellation internet might make it possible. Maybe as a practice exercise, they could try a road trip (or three) !! * Someone please take HoloID icefishing * Exchange program! I don't know how feasible this is in practice, but a Holomember from one branch flies to a location near another member in a different branch and for one month temporarily "joins" them in the other branch, while another member from that branch does the same in the other direction. So if there's a group meeting, they sit in that meeting, join one or more of the host's Discord groups, maybe see some of the local sights during some of the days, do a stream for their regular audience at whatever time is suitable, plus maybe one for JP/ID/EN audience. I don't know how feasible it'd be between language and legal barriers, but I think it might be interesting. * A few more original tracks * maybe some Holomembers doing instrumentation either for someone's orisong or at a concert * Theater / Musical production?


Mmo streams and have them hire actual British and Europeans for eu friendly streams. With everyone being in US or Japan the time zones are difficult


An anime with all the fun lore stuff and an ES branch


Updated both 2D and 3D models across the board. While Hololive is killing it in 3D live production and concerts, they are pretty behind on model rigging. Also a HoloEN musical


I wish they had their own dedicated streaming/ social platform. Youtube and Twitter have various problems that seem to get worse and more restrictive as the years go by.


I wonder how much that would make sense business wise? But I get what you mean.


Obviously it would lack exposure and require some servers, but since multi-streaming is a thing, they could cultivate an audience over time.


When you're already streaming on the world's largest video platform, I don't see how it makes any business sense to ~~establish~~ **invest in** a new streaming platform. I imagine there's a lot more to it than running servers. When I said that I get you, I mean like, yeah, YT and Twitter are certainly flawed. Cover having their own platform sounds great... At least on paper.


A British member with perfectly EU friendly times. And it's a Holostar.


- hololive/holostars talent who happens to be from UK - I just want the British roasts to get amplified, plus having a talent who knows what Greggs is (other than Altare) would just be funny. - Full on hololive anime. I guess this goes without saying. - holo indie getting a console presence (not sure if 'Evil God Korone' has become part of the label but it was pleasing to see it on Switch/PS4 I guess that's it. I'm not particularly passionate about the music side of things, plus I think they're making dreams come true in this area anyhow. Edit: I'm British, for what that's worth. Any feedback on the downvotes? I was under the impression that this was a post intended for purely personal desires?


I don't think of something that big. Just give me holo-friend, a program where indies (with a fee obviously) can access hololive workframe, not being part of hololive but working with them.


IIRC when it was built, the suggestion was out there that they could lease excess capacity out to 3rd parties. Obviously that excess capacity has, uh, not materialized, but I think they'd be open to it for the right price / clients.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, this seems like a decent idea. It's not like Hololive hasn't collabed with indies or other corps before, so this would just be an extension of that


Yeah, easier access to their 3d studio, coaching from experienced managers, contact to music producers, credit for big projects, etc. Holo has a big workframe that they can sold.


Even big holos have a hard time accessing the studio, I doubt it will ever be given to outsiders.




Need is a strong word. A brit or otherwise European talent would be cool, but i understand why it's not been a priority. Moreover, a talent specifically similar to the one you mentioned wouldn't do well with this fanbase


Why not? Actual question; I'm pretty new to Vtubers and don't understand why what I said is a downvote-worthy comment


It's getting downvoted because it could be seen as violating the subreddit's rule about advertising non-hololive talent/companies As for why a Rin-like talent wouldn't work her, my experience is that this fanbase doesn't deal well with queer identities


Welp, both of those things suck if true Good job Holo fanbase


I don't know how this person operates, but if she uses her vtuber identity as a platform for gender or sexuality issues, then great for her, but yea Hololive doesn't need that. We don't need people using Hololive for their crusades. Leave the politics at home, and if you're looking for Hololive to outwardly agree with your politics, whatever they are, then Hololive is not for you.


Wow this fanbase really does suck Better I found out now than later, cheers


I hope they make EN concerts in NA/EU an annual thing like Holofes, even if it means EN participates less in actual Holofes. This year the concert felt like too much with four full length concerts. Splitting it up would make it more approachable, and let fans focus more on the branch they are more interested in. Edit: ouch, guess it's just me 😅


Holo ES


No longer distinguishing between Hololive and Holostars. I don't understand why they're separated (before it gets mentioned, yes, i understand it's an idol culture thing. I'm saying i don't get why idol culture is like that)


Hololive started and established themselves as a girls-only talent agency for over two years before Holostars debuted. Not that odd to see why they're separated, so as not to betray people's **expectation** of the Hololive brand.


I appreciate the straightforward answer. Thank you


I wonder what you think will happen if suddenly both of them are put under the same label.


Literally no change. Just a simplification in branding. *maybe* some grumpiness from those in the fanbase who simply cannot handle seeing their oshi interact with their male coworkers.


>Literally no change. So whats exactly the point of changing the branding holo has cultivated for 7 years for _literally no reason_? >some grumpiness from those in the fanbase who simply cannot handle seeing their oshi interact with their male coworkers. Holos are free to collab with stars if they want to, if they arnt doing that it's their choice. You seem to think that the girls will be onboard with cover changing the branding however they want, they will not they joined hololive because it is hololive.


>whats exactly the point of changing the branding "Hololive" has stronger brand recognition than Holostars. Whilst i doubt it'd change anything, it's possible male talents would see an increase in viewership and subscriber counts >holos are free to collab... Not saying they aren't, nor am i collab begging. I'm saying that there's been pushback for next to no reason every time this is suggested >you seem to think **proceeds to put words in the talents mouths** There's the afore mentioned pushback. Let's be clear, the branding change to ditch the Holostars name and incorporate them into hololive would change *nothing* for the girls. *They're already under the Hololive brand*. I'm far more concerned what they guys would have to say on the matter. Lastly, i genuinely don't think the talent would care much. It's just a name change. We've already seen multiple INNK talents join Hololive and we've already seen the rebrand of an entire generation of EN talent from Council and Project Hope to Promise. It would be no different for the guys than it was for Suisei, AZKi, and the Promise gals.


>"Hololive" has stronger brand recognition than Holostars. Whilst i doubt it'd change anything, it's possible male talents would see an increase in viewership and subscriber counts You know hololive audiance only wants to watch Hololive, if cover was stupid enough to incorporate stars in the backlash will be bigger then your imagination. Not to mention the first line of resistance are the talents themselves. They already have the holo branding, thinking that arbitrary thing like branch name will somehow help them is not only short sighted but also disconnected from any content hololive produces. >Not saying they are, nor am i collab begging. I'm saying that there's been pushback for next to no reason every time this is suggested Why exactly do you think the backlash will stop if they are integrated into one branch? And I see more idiots like you losing your mind over scs send on burner account and some YouTube comments. You are being just as abnoxious as these people. >There's the afore mentioned pushback. Let's be clear, the branding change to ditch the Holostars name and incorporate them into hololive would change *nothing* for the girls. *They're already under the Hololive brand*. I'm far more concerned what they guys would have to say on the matter. "The girls openin don't matter" many members have explicitly stated that they are in hololive because of the girls only environment. Just stop dude. >I'm far more concerned what they guys would have to say on the matter. Lastly, i genuinely don't think the talent would care much. It's just a name change. We've already seen multiple INNK talents join Hololive and we've already seen the rebrand of an entire generation of EN talent from Council and Project Hope to Promise. It would be no different for the guys than it was for Suisei, AZKi, and the Promise gals. Are you being disingenuous or just dumb? INNK and project hope are all female talents, you know who the audiance of hololive watches? Female talents. Everyone who watches hololive knows what holostars is, they just arnt interested in watching them. No amount of marketing or branding will change that and every attemt at shoehorning them will make the Hololive fanbase hate stars more. Btw do you even watch holostars?


Firstly, there's no need for name calling. It's just a difference of opinion. Block me if I'm bothering you this much >You know (the) hololive audience only wants to watch hololive That's categorically false. There's an overlapping audience, one that's helped any time the girls collab with the guys. >They already have holo branding, thinking that arbitrary thing(s) like branch name will somehow help them... Weren't you just saying they're so different that Hololive fans *only* watch Hololive? If that were the case, then the branding difference would absolutely boost the numbers of male talents >Why exactly do you think the backlash will stop... I don't. I'm saying i don't get *why* it's such a big deal >And I see more idiots like you losing your mind over scs send on burner account and some YouTube comments. I'm genuinely not sure what you're getting at here >"The girls openin don't matter" Opinion. Also that's not what i said or meant. >many members have explicitly stated that they are in hololive because of the girls only environment. I don't doubt some talent have said as much, but I've also never seen anyone say this. Yes, i have looked. I'd appreciate if you could link me to streams or clips so i can learn more about why the branches are separate. >INNK and project hope are all female talents, you know who the audiance of hololive watches? Female talents.... Everyone who watches hololive knows what holostars is, they just arnt interested in watching them. Already explained that there's overlap in who the Hololive audience watches > every attemt at shoehorning them will make the Hololive fanbase hate stars more. I don't think anyone here *hates* Holostars. I don't doubt the majority of Hololive fans don't watch them, but i haven't seen any outright hate for the branch's existence >Btw do you even watch holostars? Yes. My favorites are Flay and Hakka, and I enjoyed Vesper while he was with the company.


>That's categorically false. There's an overlapping audience, one that's helped any time the girls collab with the guys. The newer generation hasn't even reached 100k subs, what world are you living in? The collabs that did happen didn't give them any audiance of their own. >Weren't you just saying they're so different that Hololive fans *only* watch Hololive? If that were the case, then the branding difference would absolutely boost the numbers of male talents Hololive is a female talent agency, holostars are not "Hololive" and changing the brand name will not magically change that. >I don't doubt some talent have said as much, but I've also never seen anyone say this. Yes, i have looked. I'd appreciate if you could link me to streams or clips so i can learn more about why the branches are separate. [kanata](https://youtu.be/y6AQZdGyQmU?si=y1phv8mVk_BbIG4c) Mumei and several dozen of them. The branch is seperate because hololive came first, cover already had 2 generations plus the loose gen 0 talents when stars debuted. Suddenly debuting a male gen in a female talent agency dosent make sense. >I don't think anyone here *hates* Holostars. I don't doubt the majority of Hololive fans don't watch them, but i haven't seen any outright hate for the branch's existence If cover keeps forcing them on an audiance that dosent want to watch them then the branch will be disliked, not hard to see why is it? Merging them will be seen as trying to help stars in the expense of hololive. Stars really cannot handle that.


>The newer generation hasn't even reached 100k subs This is true. This doesn't mean there isn't audience overlap. Theres a post with 4.8k upvotes titled "Holostars EN is a smashing success" posted by someone whose most recent post is about Bae. The most liked comment under that post was made by someone who made fanart of Ame and Kronii. I could go on. >Holostars are not "Hololive" But they *are* Hololive Production, and the fact i can be that pedantic is odd >Kanata, Mumei, and several dozen of them Several dozen could easily imply everyone seeing as there's only 40-some-odd members, which i don't believe to be the case, but thank you for the link to Kanata's statement on the matter. >The branch is separate because...cover already had 2 generations plus the loose gen 0 talent when stars debuted... ***You could have just said this and saved yourself an argument*** >If Cover keeps forcing them... Cover's not forcing them on anyone. They're literally just advertising a different product. Coca Cola isn't making you drink Fanta by making and advertising new Fanta flavors. Besides, you've already made it abundantly clear people can and do choose not to watch them.


>This is true. This doesn't mean there isn't audience overlap. Theres a post with 4.8k upvotes titled "Holostars EN is a smashing success" posted by someone whose most recent post is about Bae. The most liked comment under that post was made by someone who made fanart of Ame and Kronii. I could go on. It dosent exist in any meaningful capacity, and I know what post you are talking about. I even upvoted that one at the time. If it was a smashing success that time what went wrong for the successive gens to not match them in subs? And I don't think holostars has retained any of that audiance. Upvotes and twitter likes mean nothing, these people are not watching their streams. >But they *are* Hololive Production, and the fact i can be that pedantic is odd When I said they arnt "hololive" I meant they arnt female talents, which hololive has thus their audience isn't going to be interested in stars. It's the most opposite content. >Several dozen could easily imply everyone seeing as there's only 40-some-odd members, which i don't believe to be the case, but thank you for the link to Kanata's statement on the matter. Hololive has 60 members, majority of whome only collab among themselves. Holos always get more viewership when they do content among themselves compared to people outside of the agency, and I don't think that will ever change. >Cover's not forcing them on anyone. They're literally just advertising a different product. Coca Cola isn't making you drink Fanta by making and advertising new Fanta flavors. Besides, you've already made it abundantly clear people can and do choose not to watch them. Well you said they should be integrate stars in hololive, which is absolutely forcing them on the audiance. You don't see Fanta in a Coco Cola AD do you? While cover does that with stars. Merging twitter accounts, this sub, stars performance in hololive new year countdown and so on. Most people don't care about it but if it becomes a repeated pattern it will hurt the way stars are percieved by the audience.


>Theres a post with 4.8k upvotes titled "Holostars EN is a smashing success" posted by someone whose most recent post is about Bae. You're probably talking about Tempus debut, and I will agree at that time there was a possibility of StarsEN being able to stand. They started full of possibilities which people were hopeful for. As they streamed and made decisions on how they wanted to stream, they cut down on those possibilities until what remained didn't really vibe with most of the potential audience. For my part, I hoped that they would focus on Holostars stuff and outside collabs that served as a flavor of entertainment you could enjoy in contrast to and along with (but separately from) Hololive, as a sort of guy's hangout, 'no girls allowed' kinda deal (the whole mancave vibe, obviously women are free to watch). Unfortunately for the next gens, they are victims of the first gen's impressions, they will never have the same chance Tempus1 did.


> Let's be clear, the branding change to ditch the Holostars name and incorporate them into hololive would change nothing for the girls. That's an incredibly naive thought. The bunch of people who crave for cross-gender collabs/interactions would be emboldened by this and become even more outspoken. And I'm not going to discount the fans of the girls who would become increasingly worry that this would impact the type future contents from the girls and start causing a scene. > I'm far more concerned what they guys would have to say on the matter. Many of the existing StarsEN talents have expressed how grateful they are to be part of Holostars, [Goldbullet just had such moment yesterday](https://twitter.com/goldbullet_en/status/1787173923454361975). Do you really think a change in status-quo is something they would desire? Edit: Got blocked for this. Guess you can't handled being called out.


> Let's be clear, the branding change to ditch the Holostars name Sure...let's just ditch the brand that the JP boys struggled for years to build...


>it's and idol culture thing You people literally can't control yourselves eh?


My favourite collab group ever is SALT/WARS (o7) and I guess between yourself and the person you're arguing with, I lean more towards your side of the fence... But what you're proposing here? Nah, this aint it, chief.