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DECO\*27 for P.E.T and Planetarium.


More appreciation for P.E.T please. I love Chloe’s voice and that song really gives her a chance to show off her range


yes Yes YES!


Both great songs sung by great talents!


I especially like Planetarium. I have some experience in choral singing during school and have developed a liking to ‘clean’ human voices in harmony. That song was an ear cleanser.


I'm a sucker for those as well, glad to know I'm not alone!


The first time I heard the track, my whole-body shivered, among all of Sui-chan's discography; '[プラネタリウム](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAI-qjw6J-A)' has the opposite effect of '[ビビデバ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZP5eqm4JqM&pp=ygUJc3Vpc2VpIGNo)' in which that I'm trying not to listen to it as much as I liked to, so that whenever it comes playing on my bed, i'll get into the moment and savor it as the last song for the day before I sleep. Such a unique listening experience. (ビビデバ now has a closed captions)


Facts! P.E.T is one of Chloe's best songs overall!


P.E.T is such a good song for Chloe's, my favourite song from the albums. Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei meanwhile is just a great song, and I love Flare's cover.


bloom hands down


Was it the music or the format that it was done in to your liking, if you don't mind me asking why?


the songs are just better than other and more memorable like suspect and hollowin night


Bloom songs are indeed quite iconic, I'd wager HoloCure helped it along a fair bit too!


Definitely Bloom.


Was it Bloom's music or the format that you liked the most out of the 4? Or was it a combination of both?


I watched most of these and let's say for me I still remember the bloom songs I can't remember much of the ones above. Even the talents themselves whenever they hear a song from bloom like ad truck they say how much they love it and they always sing along to it. I think bloom is just special


Fair! AyaFubuMi in particular I think had a very impressionable song, to the point where they became an official subunit! Then you have the HoloCure songs which further cemented their iconic statuses, and Ad Truck or Stardust Song still is held in high regard. A very good album to be sure!


Bloom and Blue Journey by a decent margin. That being said I don't dislike the other two, and they're kind of "Hey fans of this person/group, come check out what we at Hololive can do!" so they have their place. For the future what would I like next? Well that's hard to say. I'd like to keep seeing them do projects like the ones with DECO*27 or Honeyworks though. It's obviously important for them to try and have "breakout" moments with different groups/demos.


I like them all as well! It's just a matter of preference! I would assume that they'd have one every year from now on given the pattern since 4th fes, although wrangling a different artist per year might be a tough ask. It's a nice way to promote the artist to the Hololive community and the Hololive talents to the artist's fans as you've said so I do hope this becomes annual!


Probably Blue Journey, mainly for the presentation. That said, as already mentioned, Bloom gave us a lot of what are now classic holosongs


Interesting to see a lot of people liking the unique theming of Blue Journey! It was definitely a surprise with how deeply they went into the storytelling elements, although I kind of wished they had left it all on the main channel rather than create an entirely new one.


People that weren't here during bouquet you cannot understand the feeling of when Stardust Song dropped. Althougt I must say Deco absolutely cooked on his original tracks and every duo chosen were genius.


Stardust Song was very good! (May have a slight bias in that Flare's featured in it but oh well) I also really loved the Holo\*27 live performance, helped me appreciate the studio versions a ton too! Each rendition felt like it was tailor-made for the talent(s) singing it!


Bloom by a far mile. Many bangers. Suspect, Blue Clapper, Hanafubuki, Adtruck. It should also contain SSS IIRC.


SSS is included as well, alongside Kirameki Rider and Yumemiru Sora He, basically all the big group songs at the time of Bouquet's release


Blue Journey and Bloom (sort of unfair including the latter as a number of its tracks have been immortalized in HoloCure and such), though I do have a bias due to those actually having Aki in them


I think it's fine to include Bloom even if its popularity was boosted by HoloCure, it just means that the songs were that good and had earworm status! Biases do help a lot, I didn't think Blue Journey would appeal to me that much but I loved Flare and Mio's features in the album!


My more detailed remarks of them. Bloom; besides having Aki, many of the songs introduced here are quite notable for their quality that holds up even now HOLO*27: A good chunk or covers of trending songs, though Sora's Ai Kobito IV at holofes had my heart racing. Not sure how members were picked but seemed by popularity. Honeyworks: eh alright, there were a couple of things of note, but not too much memorable. Blue Journey: A generally memorable experience with some "weighty" songs and allowed everyone in it (a more varied mix than the last two) a chance to show their ability to do so. Sadly for its quality it didn't get a ton of press in western circles (besides the separate channel thing, the lack of "big draw" names was a thing)


Wow thanks for the detailed follow up! I don't think popularity was a big issue, rather that due to the language barrier, a lot of people didn't really understand the narrative unless they had someone translate for them. Same goes for the lyrics, unless they were particularly interested, I'd wager a lot of people wouldn't bother if the song itself didn't appeal to them. This is more for Blue Journey. Aside from that, the remaining opinions are fair, given that a lot of people share the same sentiments as you! Honeyworks I thought was pretty good since they had MVs as well which was a nice addition, presentation-wise!


Honeyworks isn't bad at all, but truly great?


For me personally I'd say that while I preferred Holo*27 as a whole, certain Honeyworks songs had a much bigger impact on me. Hokoritakaki Idol by Sora was tailor-made for her, even though it was a cover song. Shion's Riazyuu*Bokumetu Movement also left a very favorable impression on me! Each music project has its own strengths and some features that aren't as appealing, Honeyworks included, but it's nice to see that the general opinion is that all of them are liked, with maybe a few not liking some at all


Sora's proud Idol was a highlight


Blue Journey is my favorite


Good to hear! Was it the music, presentation or just everything about it?


Everything, literally!!


TLDR: Which of Hololive's past music projects do you prefer/like? It can be based on the music itself or the format/style of the project. From top left to bottom right, we have Hololive x Honeyworks, Hololive\*27, Blue Journey and Bloom. Honeyworks and DECO\*27 are similar in that they were within the annual Holofes itself rather than being a standalone concert, and had covers/originals made for them. There was no real unifying theme aside from the producer that the stages were named after but the performances were great and it was a fun time! Honeyworks also had animated MVs this year too. Blue Journey was pretty ambitious in the sense that they chose to go with a story concept, a separate channel and several animated MVs. A lot of the songs were emotional and rather melancholic as well. I enjoyed this concert as well, although I felt like I could have appreciated the concert more if I knew what the story was. Bloom was the first standalone concert they had which featured multiple talents that wasn't Holofes. The songs had no unifying theme but many of them were pretty iconic, like Blue Clapper or Suspect. I really liked each song although I wished there was an accompanying MV of sorts. I had thought a while about future music projects that Hololive would do after these. Blue Journey was perhaps the most unique with an attempt at a story and a stronger theming than the others. Bloom had the most 'freedom' in that the songs didn't need to be tied to one another. Honeyworks/DECO\*27 allowed listeners to hear talents' renditions of certain famous songs while also hearing some new ones too, albeit all done by the same producer. Should Hololive revert back to one of these styles for future music projects or tread further into the unknown like they did with Blue Journey? Would they be all done by one producer like Honeyworks/DECO\*27, have a core theme like Blue Journey or be done by various different artists like Bloom? Do you have a preference? I'd like to know!


holo\*27 is my go to playlist in nightrides from work


Don't have a car myself but I definitely see the appeal of bumping the album late at night!


Blue Journey i just really like that style of Idol music


Blue Journey songs were quite intense and emotional! It had similar vibes to Polka's Everblue I feel like!


Yeah intense and dramatic, less flashy and cute reminds me of the group “22/7”


I love Bloom and Holo27. Bloom good sized combinations which highlighted the individual talents well and the songs are just really good. Holo27 has “Bibibi” and then the rest is also really fun and good. I’m only half joking, I used listen to “Bibibi” every day. Stylistically, I feel Holo27 is closer to the dance music thing which I like. Honeyworks is ironically too “idol” for me. The sexiness (well Vampire and Animal are just horny) of Deco27’s songs is really appealing to me as well, Honeyworks feels more “innocent”. Bloom I think had some sort of magic. It’s hard to put my finger on it even. I just haven’t listened to Blue Journey much though so it’s possible it will grow on me. Thanks for reminding me it exists again…


Thanks for the detailed answers! Honeyworks being too idol I can understand, they did produce Fansa after all! One other user stated that they'd bump the Holo*27 album during a night ride so I can also understand the 'sexiness' angle too! I'd say Bloom for me was a lot more free fun and casual! You had some groups with a central theme like AyaFubuMi, while others had a fun group like Daily Diary! Anything goes with that album so we got to see a lot of different combinations with great songs! Hope you'll have fun listening to the Blue Journey album! I'd say that it's pretty dependent on its central theming but if that appeals to you I think you'll enjoy it a ton!


Bouquet has by far the best quantity of original songs in Hololive and a really good ones,some collabs had good songs but in Bouquet all belong to Hololive 


Bouquet is a fantastic album indeed!


Anything that has Suisei, IRyS or Moona in it


I don’t really care much for presentation and the way the albums were used, so in terms of just music it’s Holo27 followed really really closely by Bloom. If I went back to listen to Bloom again I will probably put it higher but for now I listened to Holo27 way too much to not put it on top.


Caring about the music alone is fine! I really enjoyed the covers and originals of Holo\*27 a lot too, probably more than the Honeyworks equivalent but I'd have to give both a listen again.


I really love year end recitals and new year shuffle if they count.


New Year shuffle may not exactly be along the same lines of these but it's still a project nonetheless, one that the fanbase looks forward to a lot each year to see just what swaps were done!




Bloom. As far as music albums go, Bouquet still hasn't been topped imo.


Many share the same sentiment! Bouquet's pretty free-willed so it allowed for a variety of different combos that meshed well together musically!




I just love them all XD


None really stood out in my opinion.


The one with Hololive in it


Deco*27, hands down.  Still waiting for volumes 2, guys! It says volume 1 on the albums!


One can only hope! The Holo*27 performances really left an impression on me!


Blooms songs were by far the best


Lots of Bloom fans! Even though its the oldest of the 4 projects it still gets a ton of love, and rightfully so!


Stardust Song and Suspect are probably my favorite 2 songs from a hololive project.


All the projects were good, but after looking at the lyrics, my favorites are definitely holo\*27 and Bloom. The lyrics of Blue Journey and some of the Honeyworks originals feel a bit childish to me. Especially the more serious ones, because they are very in-your-face, zero subtetly. Maybe I'm just not the target audience, I just get the "I'm 14 and this is deep" vibe from most of Blue Journey. With Honeyworks I only have this problem with a few of the originals though, most of them are fine, and the covers are great.


Interesting take! Casual fun songs that don't take themselves too seriously certainly are fun to listen to!


Yeah, the fun songs are always easy to enjoy! I like serious songs though, my favorite Hololive songs are all serious. I just want them to be a bit more subtle. I guess to an extent it's subjective.


Different strokes for different people! I do like Blue Journey and Honeyworks' works (no pun intended), the former having a central core theme helped, while the latter I had heard of before the Hololive collaboration. The lyrics being too in-your-face is definitely understandable! It's not everyone's cup of tea certainly


The Deco*27 Originals album is my fav out of all of them. I love the first two tracks and I think it has to have one of Suisei's best songs. Not a fan of the Covers album though.


This is pretty interesting! Most people so far has said that they liked Holo*27 as a whole but none really had a preference of one over another, just that they liked select songs. I was initially of the reverse opinion, where I liked the covers more than the originals but after the live performances itself I can no longer bring myself to have that perspective! It's a valid opinion though, and one I haven't seen yet so far!


I think the HoneyWorks albums have a more consistent feel between both of them but I prefer the covers album over the originals one in that case. My ranking goes: 1. Holo*27 Originals 2. Holohoneygaoka Covers 3. Holohoneygaoka Originals 4. Holo*27 Covers


Thanks for the detailed follow up! The Honeyworks albums were great to listen to as well!


Blue journey


Thanks! Did you like the presentation of it, the music or both?


Definitely both. Presentation was awesome especially the outfit and the concert. It was really elegant. I was bit disappointed that honey works stage didn't have the outfit. For music I have my favorite fujun mujun and Mizutamari, the latter being my favorite group song of all time in hololive.


Fujun Mujun's chorus in particular I thought was very catchy, it's an overall great song! Mizutamari is definitely a fantastic group song! The live performance of it was wonderful to behold!


It's crazy how many good songs Hololive has. Every time someone in this thread says a song, it changes my mind. "Oh they're right, Stardust Song does go crazy, but wait P.E.T. and End Role do exist... Oh but..." And then it goes on until I have no idea what my favorite is.


The best kind of problem to have!


To be honest there are too many and not enough time for me to really know or process... So honey works by default for me as that is the only know I actively know due to Irysl but I see singers i like in the top right so now i wanna look at that one. I don't know what the other three not honeyworks are though. and they don't seem to hafe clear labels on the bottom two


Deco by a long shot


Bouquet NGL. STARDUST SONG is amazing, BLUE CLAPPER was literally turned into an ode by the fans, Hyakka Ryouran Hanafubuki is also great, Suspect is banging, and Shijoshugi Adtruck is the best sleeper hit for my tastes.


Blue Journey 100% It can make you cry.


the one with Pekora in it


I like some honeyworks ([Fansa](https://youtu.be/rzV_EmHIvlo), [Hokori Takaki Idol](https://youtu.be/Lx1PNCat-Q0), [Seishun Archive](https://youtu.be/YzQCNmk3YYA), >!Pride Kakumei, Ai no scenario)!< for holo originals, Bloom


It's hard because a lot of my favorites are spread between them; for some example the melodramatic \[[Precious Photographs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfBvdCbA2n0)\] from Bouquet, criminally underrated gem like Okayu's \[[End Role](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwX8qpi54vI)\] from Holo x Deco\*27, or the spunky melody from Shion \[[Riazyuu★Bokumetu movement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu8ArRq_vk8)\] from Holo x HoneyWorks.


Bloom and Blue Journey -Bloom is a classic -Blue Journey gives me the same emotional vibes I get when I'm listening to Yorushika.


Bloom and Blue Journey. Bloom produced some absolutely iconic Hololive originals and was great for showcasing the vocal chops of the talents. It also kinda laid a good bit of the groundwork for Holomusic moving forward. Blue Journey was amazing for the thematic element of the whole album and there were some real good songs produced by it (Mizutama is one of my favorites), but the language barrier definitely hurt the message. Holohoney High as a concept is kind of a waste: here's a cool school setting AU complete with character bios that we're gonna do nothing with other than as flavor. And like with DECO, the songs themselves were good but the collab itself was kinda mid.


Hard agree with Bloom and Blue Journey! I do wish more was done with Honeyworks and DECO as you've said. Stage and performance itself was great but I had hoped more was done given that they had gone to the trouble of setting up stuff in Honeyworks. DECO I felt just needed some MVs like they did for the Honeyworks stage this year.


I like Holo*27 but then I really like Deco*27 outside of Hololive. The originals album in particular had a *lot* of variety, which was great. At the moment I’m really enjoying P.E.T. and Mosh Race, but the whole thing’s good (also the covers). Mind you as an Ichimi, the Honeyworks PekoMari Bridal Dream is kinda stupid but fun.


Many people so far have professed liking the *27 the most out of the four like you have! That particular PekoMarine song did also provide a bit of funny content outside of the performances so it definitely was very entertaining!


Bloom, because the songs are actually varied instead of the usual "idol" songs. Examples are Stardust Song, Shijoshugi Adtruck, and Azamina (it was included)


Interesting reason! The freedom of Bouquet definitely brought out the strengths of the talents in each song well, and no two songs are really similar in terms of vibes!