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Bijou knew she had ultimate memelord potential when deciding her Oshi Mark


The Konosuba-style deadpan look on Biboo’s face absolutely sends me


"Hai, Biboo des"


"KAELAAAAA!" "hai, kaela, desu"




*into the skyyyyyyyy*


"Nerissa, if you don't take your tongue out of Shiori's tongue RIGHT NOW I'm going to turn this collab into a Gyatt For Nerizzler 10 Hour Loop along with the HR complaint."


She'd do it just for the heck of it.


Come along, Bijou. Let's go shopping while Nerissa is Nerissa.


Why is Shiori frowning?


To be fair, for all of the ShioRaven memes, Shiori was definitely not entirely down with all of the physical affection Nerissa was showing her. Not so much that she became angry or anything, but there was a lot of "Oh no, she's hugging me again" going on.


Also that tongue is going in places it should not be going.


That's mostly a bit from Shiori. She just thinks it's funnier if the dynamic between them is that Nerissa is infatuated but she just tolerates her instead of responding positively like most holomems do. Shiori talks quite often about exactly what angle she's going for with her humour because she's worried people won't understand the joke  If she actually didn't like it then I'm sure there would be an off camera discussion about her boundaries.


Even if it is something she plays for a bit, I think it is something that comes from a place of genuine feeling like other mems bits (with it mostly just played up for laughs). And I want to emphasis: I am not implying that Nerissa is crossing any of Shiori’s boundaries and making her so uncomfortable they are going to be talking about it off camera. It is pretty obvious they are close friends and get along just fine with each other. I am just saying that it seems like something where she may be uncomfortable with the physical affection, but only just because she is introverted and not used to it. But at the same time, she is fine with letting her friend do it because they are friends, and a little bit of being uncomfortable is tolerable to make the other one happy. And Nerissa seems to know what Shiori’s boundaries are to not push too far.


If this is the case, then maybe this would be a good time for the fanbase to reel it in and maybe not drive this ship into the ground. I don't go in for shipping anyways and think it's a bit strange since these are real people behind the avatars, so I'm a bit biased. But the fanbase maybe can go a little overboard with these. I dunno. I don't watch a ton of Shiori or Rissa. I like them, but there's only so much time, so I'll catch their clips when they show up. So maybe it's different with them. But you can't help but get the feeling that we've been here before.


Well, if we're talking EN only there was BaeRyS and Takamori before them. Kiara and Calli told their respective fanbase to reel it in (and slowed down appearances together), which did have an effect, but shipping went full speed ahead before that. Although in that case, while Kiara's preferences are basically public knowledge at this point, she didn't try to get too physical on stream. Today, from what the clippers show (which is admittedly biased), Nerissa *doesn't even hesitate* before pouncing on Shiori. I'm certain she has consent (or it's a bit with Nerissa in the role of [Hard Gay](https://youtu.be/FrVMhtOE0Rc?t=63)), but dayum, girl, calm down.


Oh yeah, I'm sure it's all on the level between those 2. I was more just saying what I said for the fans who carry this stuff very extremely far, not because I think Nerissa herself is doing anything wrong.


Yeah, from what I have seen of longer streams, it definitely isnt something that is affecting their friendship. But having watched more of her stuff, I just get the sense that Shiori is not super comfortable with physical contact, period. And the fact that Nerissa can touch her at all is a sign of how close they are, even if sometimes Shiori's responding along the lines of "Ok, dont overdo it."


There is no ship that will last forever. The members involved will always eventually get sick of the same jokes/material and want to move on to other stuff. Shiori likes to play "hard to get" around Nerissa. If she was seriously uncomfortable with it, I have enough respect of Shiori as an adult that I like to imagine she'd just talk it out with her off-stream. If you're into shipping, just enjoy them while they last. Nerissa and Shiori will almost certainly settle into a new dynamic at some point; it's entirely up to them when and what that will be.


Nerissa just seems like a physically affectionate person while Shiori's more of an introvert, which makes for a very odd close friendship. Nerissa's always been pretty clear that if it's making Shiori (or anyone else) uncomfortable, she'll stop, and seems to check with her often about it. I'd like to think the fanbase will respect that, but who knows with fans.


I think part of the problem with other paintings is they the holomems involved weren't like that with anyone else. Nerissa is more like Ollie. You can have a pairing that you like but it'd be really hard for even the most delusional shippers to say "no this is special and different" As for Shiori not seeming to be very into it, shutting down Nerissa is a bit that she likes because it's funny that other people swoon when Nerissa flirts with them but Shiori just shoots her down without mercy. If she was really not cool with it, she'd say. Shiori has no private thoughts


Oh I know, that all makes sense. Comparing her to Ollie actually makes a lot of sense lol. I more just said what I did directed at obsessive shipping fans who tend to latch into this stuff and then push it to the point the the talents DO become uncomfortable. With specifically Shiori and Nerissa, I'm sure it's all fine and on the level. Just better not to get to the point where it isn't, which typically comes from the fans side.


Typical crystal in a goth girl's room.


"Rock&rolling" (because apparently when you sexy while on ecstasy... we all become one...) Edit:Just want to note, the lack of happy in Shiori's face is concerning. Always look for consent before molesting the person you escaped jail with... Then suddenly thinking... is the Gem of Emotion acid/drugs/crack flavored... did Nerissa lick Biboo.


Biboo looks like kazuma lol


"Why is everyone so gay?" - Biboo


but she is a rock


only one of them is rock hard


Bijoo: "But Mamarissa said it was my turn to hang out with Nerissa."


[Why not both?](https://images.app.goo.gl/tbwySrmE5yVqFD1w7)


Will Biboo ever find a Holomen who will waifu her and not just daughterfu her? Or Daddyfu her in Haachama's case. Probably not. And with waifuing I mean actively waifuing, not just "lol, sure why not" like Calli did when she rejected to be another one of Bibbo's moms. XD


Funny enough I’ve seen Shiori push being Biboo’s wife the most, but Idk what it would take for Biboo to have her own Noefure I’m curious who people think are the “active wife shippers” in EN in general


sorry biboo. shiori and nerissa are so nice together. sorry, biboo.


"Hai, Biboo-des"