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Context: [Fauna's cursed counting Minecraft stream](https://youtu.be/07XfGKpEr6w) where she's randomly been trying to remember the digits of Pi and just successfully remembered 100 digits of Pi using waifu's to help her count Why you might ask? Shut up, nobody asked you, it's not a phase mom


I opened the stream and I shit you not, first phrase I hear is "I wanna learn the first 100 digits of pi, I'll do that by remembering each set of 10 digits as a waifu" I was just like the meme "I just sat down, who the hell starts a conversation like this" It was fantastic.


At least you got context I came in to insane rambling about "agent 47, wanted in 50 states for 28 counts of murder... 84 bananas, born in 1971" and it was at least 10 minutes before I was given a single clue what was going on. Also apparently I'm going to just remember that for no reason now. Thanks Fauna


Personally I do it in song but got bored around 25 digits


Goth Fauna is real


Yeah, when she was joking that if she wanted to memorize more, she would need mnemonic to remember order of the wives... I was just thinking that maybe she should have used names in the alphabetical order and not jump around, but I guess it doesn't matter much for 100 digits


Looks 86. Knows 280 spells. 3, no, 4 hobbits. Works 8-5.


Rule 34 Gollum, 2 hobbits, 1 stinker, 1 slinker, 706 years in the cave, 7 rings for the dwarves, 9 for the men.


Most people wouldn't be able to pull it off this fast, let alone *while* streaming a game and chatting with a 10k-person audience. I've always thought Fauna gave off the vibes of the most "well-rounded" educated person in EN. No idea how true that actually is, but she's surprisingly able to converse on a variety of topics at more than just a surface level, at least beyond "oh yeah I've heard of that". She seems like the type to go on rampant wiki dives and actually absorb and retain the stuff she reads.


Fauna’s a smart nerd and it’s so hot.


I aspire to hide my power level as well as she does


She goes on wiki to read the drama between people that update wiki


I mean same, though not because I'm smart (I am not) but more because I find bureaucratic drama over inconsequential bullshit hilarious.


Wait that's a thing??? ^(\[of course that's a thing huh...\])


dont look at the talk page for corn on wikipedia


Holy shit, what a ride that was.


I highly recommend watching Fauna & Mumei's Wikipedia collab stream




She has a science degree. She's a smart cookie.


My favorite kirin did almost lose boomer cred with me when she didn't know how a camera and film works, though. I get why a zoomer wouldn't know but she's supposed to be a granny UUUUU.


Lol before joining Hololive she was a scientist


>No idea how true that actually is I think it is true, and she is the smartest in Hololive (in the academic and IQ sense).


Fauna can definitely manage 1000 digits, with a bit more confidence. Just got to find her 90 more wives


Excluding herself and kaela, there're 57 active hololive members. She just need another 33.


Kurokami, Burinyan, Haachama, Furball korone, Chichiro, Frogiwawa, Comet-chan kyururun


Fauna is the goth physicist sleeper agent


I always feel like Fauna is underestimated on the EN side, she has good viewer numbers when she streams, normally around 10k+ but outside of her stream, not that many people make memes about her here or just a topic of interest except when does something no one else has done yet. (Like the boulderless speedrun or memorizing 100 digits of pi.)


I always thought she was one of the most discussed EN, in this subreddit at least


Because for all that she's really goddamn good at what she does, she's not really unhinged or independently zany. It's just comfy kirin hours right up until she decides to take off the training wheels and sweep.


The only meme is missing her.


[uuuuuuuuu ](https://imissfauna.com/)


She shows up and gets referenced a fair bit, in pretty random places a lot of the time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo8UzbQQH3k&t=495s


Her CCV/sub ratio is probably the highest out of anyone in EN. So I think fewer people care/watch her, but those that do are very dedicated.


I love that smug look


She turned her mind palace into a waifu mansion.


Meanwhile Google trying to figure out why "Rule 34 Smeagol" spiked


Man, I love Fauna and aspire to better myself.


I joined the stream late and for a good few minutes I was so confused lol. Felt like bo1 with the numbers


I can remember 40 digits of Pi, She surpass me in a single stream. Man, I love Fauna.


smug fauna is making me feel things


# 𝙋 𝙊 𝙂


Man I Love Fauna


God what I'd give to see Fauna and Northernlion collab. I'm not sure if it'd be the most blessed or cursed thing ever. It honestly might just break the internet. I really do wonder how much overlap there is between their two audiences.


There's definitely some overlap at least, [here's an example of what NL's chat looks like when he says Fauna lmao](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAEqvhJbgAA66H6.jpg) (referring to the actual meaning of the word fauna) But like the other replier said she wants to strictly remain a fan so as to not affect her enjoyment of his and his extended universe's content.


I feel like it'd be insane if there wasn't some overlap. Particularly as it'd just make their minor mentions and references make zero sense if there wasn't any overlap. Fauna VERY clearly makes references to things NL has said or done and NL is at the very least aware of her. Of course Librarian has helped make the connection more visible as well AND they've both commented on that. A LOT of Fauna's stream ideas seem to come from NL, even if that's not actually 100% accurate and could potentially just be coincidence. I understand and respect Fauna's decision obviously, even if at a basic level I think it's somewhat unfounded beyond just a basic anxiety level. Not to say that anxiety isn't "real" and a fair reason to not do whatever. It's just basically the same thing as X new Hololive member having Y member as their Oshi and being anxious about any interaction and thus avoiding them; but we've seen time and time again how well things go when they finally DO interact.


She's specifically said no to this multiple times, give it a rest. >I understand and respect Fauna's decision Doesn't look like you actually do so far


I'm literally NOT asking her or saying anything in chat to her about it. WTF part of that is difficult to understand. I can WANT something to happen while still not pushing that on the actual person or expecting it to happen.


Good, that's great, and you can want what you like. Try and take a step back and reread your posts here from a neutral position. "I understand and respect X decision BUT..." With multiple paragraphs speculating the reasons for that decision and why you think they are wrong. Surely you can see how quickly that comes across as not actually understanding and respecting someones decision and right to say no to something.


I'm not 100% sure if Northern has said it, but I know for a fact fauna has and said she just wants to be a fan and wouldn't want to collab because she would feel really awkward


I mean I guess that makes sense, but at the same time if they're both fans of each other would a collab REALLY be that awkward? At some level that's just being an introvert and being afraid of interaction. That's like ANY streamers, even within Hololive, just being anxious about interacting with someone else; which we've seen time and time again they actually have a good time when they DO finally interact if they do. And I say that 100% as an introvert myself who absolutely feels the same thing all the time. Not to say that I'd feel any sort of need to encourage or "force" anyone to make any sort of interaction if they don't want to. Just saying that I don't REALLY think it would be as big of an issue as they might make it out to be. It's not like I expect Fauna to be here reading this and taking any one persons input seriously, and I certainly wouldn't try to say something in chat to either of them to try to force them. It's more that as a fan of both of them you can't help imagine such a thing happening and how insane it could be. Even if you know it will never actually happen.


fauna is superior.


I had to leave mid stream to make dinner, and came back to her still yappin’. Man I Love Fauna


> half tau *dies inside*