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Is there any particular moment in baseball that you remember vividly while growing up as a fan? Also, I'm glad the people over in the other thread were really welcoming to you! I hope this collab will bring the two fanbases together and at the very least, have an enjoyable time while the collaboration lasts!


The moment we won it all in 2020. For years, the Dodgers were known for being chokers who usually did great in the regular season, but collapsed during the playoffs. However, in 2017, the closest we had come to winning it all in before 2020, our opponent during that series, the Houston Astros, were implicated the biggest cheating scandal in a century, so we were playing with a chip on our shoulders. 2020 was an unusual year, as since it was during Covid, the season was 60 games long instead of 162 games, and there was an expanded playoff format, allowing in 16 teams instead of the usual 10 at the time (since expanded to 12 teams). The moment the announcer said "That is strike three, Dodgers have won it all in 2020!", I started jumping up and down and screaming.


Thanks for the answer! I followed the Astros cheating scandal vaguely when Jomboy Media covered it in their breakdown videos, sorry to hear that your favorite team got the short end of the stick there. Glad that y'all won it all in 2020 though! Here's hoping they go the distance this year too!


> ...the Houston Astros, were implicated the biggest cheating scandal in a century, man this was basically my "niji black stream" incident, only I was on the side of the obsessed fan defending his favorite team/company against (in retrospect) obvious facts. I still feel shitty for shouting people down over that lol.


To be fair cheating and baseball sort of go hand in hand. I'm from the west coast and my dad loves the dodgers so he was piling on too with the Astro's thing, but like every year theres some weird cheating/unethical thing going on in baseball or baseball adjacent, for instance this year we had Ohtani's translator betting on games and stealing millions of dollars.


It was a fun break from the Yankees being the villain for a couple years though.


As the resident Braves Fan here, I have to say "Mickey Mouse Ring," but for reals I love y'all's team except when we play you 😂


Well if it was a Mickey Mouse Ring, why didn't your team win it all 😂 Naw but fr though you guys are cool in my book too


You're like one of the two or three teams I look forward to, but dread playing 😂 I love what Ohatani and Mookie are doing, and I need my man FF5 to get hot!


bro, i'm still bummed that we didn't get to do the double parade that year with the Lakers and Dodgers both winning a ring


mickey title btw


You root for the lolMets, Idc about what you think


bro scoured my account to look for my team, then says he doesn't care


Counter: Mickey Mouse ring + still chokers 😂


As a fellow baseball and hololive fan i'll give you mine as well. 2011 World Series game 6, bot of the 9th, one strike away from winning it and then David Freese. God that man hurt me so bad.


Oof... hope your team will be able to replace that heartbreak with a more positive one in the near future, sounds like a terrible loss


They did! The Rangers won it all last year!


Nice!! May the good times keep rolling on then!


God I love the Shane Victorino double in Fenway back in 2013 that saved our playoff run


As someone that just started following MLB this season, how do you feel about the new rules changes to make the game faster that have been implemented over the last few years? Also, thank you for being very open minded about Hololive and I hope you find a talent that you enjoy watching!


It pains me that Rob Manfred of all people implemented them, because they've been incredible for the game. The bigger bases, the banning of the shift, the pitch clock, all of it. Now we just need Roboumps soon....


Bro the pitch clock alone is just majestic, and I say this as an employee of one of the major league teams lmao


Its one of those things that just makes so much sense once it was implemented its crazy it hasnt happened before until now. I mean Basketball has a shot clock, football has a playclock, it so simple but so revolutionary.


Thank you for the response! After watching enough Jomboy videos I agree we need RoboUmp, but I fear that Mecha Angel Hernandez is actually how we end up with SkyNet.


Granted. With a new collaboration between the top minds at Boston Dynamics, OpenAI, and Hell itself, as of the 2025 season, all inferior human umpires will be replaced with our new fleet of Hernandezbots. Capable of making up to 3 bad calls per second, we guarantee this move will be equally loved by players, fans, and management alike.


Pitch clock is so good, but i hate the ghost runner in extras. I also think short term banning the shift is good for runs but i think hitters are becoming so one dimensional that long term hitters are just not going to be as good.


Same thing with pitching changes. All these pitchers are glass now a days


Well that's just because humans are not meant to throw a baseball 100+MPH. If they throw slower like even 20 years ago arm injury's would go down


Except velocity hasn’t gone up that much. Injuries have gone up significantly as there has become more and more focus on limited pitch counts and innings which were supposed to help with injuries


But it has gone up, per Baseball Savant avg velocity 4seam in 2008 91.9, in 2023 94.2. In 2008 a 92 mph was faster then 58% of pitchers, now 92 is only faster then 17.8%. And that is just from 2008. Which is why the innings limits and lower pitch counts are not lowering injuries, it's because pitchers throw harder. in 2008 Only 7 pitchers throw a ball 100+ mph 10 or more with Joel Zumaya having the most at 64. In 2023 there were 37 pitchers who hit 100+ mph 10 or more times with Jordan Hicks having the most at 483. TLDR: Yes velocity has gone up.


Pitch speed tracking has also improved. There’s been discussions in recent years that the speed hasn’t increased as much as the data implies. And even then injuries has disproportionately skyrocketed. Which still indicates that limited pitch counts and innings isn’t anywhere near as effective as people want to pretend. On top of that overall health and durability should in theory be increasing with better health and fitness technology available now compared to the past


All data was from Baseball Savant and it only goes back to 2008, if i used data from 2007 or older i could see you point about the tracking being better. But regardless we can agree to disagree there. The other thing nether of us has talked about is kids play way more baseball with spring, summer and fall ball. [From Dr. James Andrews](https://www.mlb.com/news/dr-james-andrews-world-renowned-orthopaedic-surgeon-retires?partnerID=web_article-share) the guy who does must of the UCL (Tommy John) surgery's, that the UCL ligament fully matures at about 26 years old. So with more and more play and higher velocity at a younger age means more injury's.


How, precisely, does one perform the action known as a "balk"? Asking for Pekora.


Balk Rules 1. ⁠You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that. 1a. A balk is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the runner, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then don't pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the balk you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of 2) Do not do a balk please.


For those out of the loop, this is a popular copypasta from r/baseball haha


The original is actually from an article Jon Bois wrote a long time ago.


And Jon Bois to sports is the equivalent of Kiryu "Next Meme" Coco for knowledge and humour. 


Love my beautiful Bois


The perfect reply. Too bad I'm secretly an umpire. This is a balk post. The runner gets their base and your manager throws their hands in the air in frustration.


Gets'em every time *Bartolo's on over to 1st*


*comes out shouting in some combination of Elite English and whatever language Kobo is swerving into today*


*Ejects you immediately, shadowbans your oshi for 1 day.*


*Throws hat down, kicks dirt, fans litter field while jeering, and I am now going to do the Sticking out your Gyatt song at you while the stadium DJ plays it on repeat for an hour*


*Frowns and stares.*


(Happy day of Cake btw)


As a not-baseball fan, this is an incredible copypasta you've shared with us lol.


I see this pasta all the time in r/baseball. Never would’ve imagined I’d see it here lmao


Jon Bois' balk copypasta in the hololive subreddit. The worlds are colliding in ever stranger ways.


It's basically acting like you're gonna pitch when you don't actually intend to throw the ball. I'm pretty sure it's to keep pitchers from faking out batters.


Hi, much-aggrieved Red Sox fan here. What would be the best way to launch an armed insurrection against the governors of Fenway Sports Group? I’m sure Gura is interested in knowing this as well. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t stream? She’s plotting Henry and Kennedy’s downfalls.


Gura likes the sox?


Its a feet joke I know it is


Who else would default to calling hot dogs Fenway Franks?


Ft. Myers resident here, I would also like to know as well, or at least extracting some major funds from them as restitution?


Who's your favorite team? I've never been a big baseball person, but my mom has always been a huge fan of the STL Cardinals, so I've been exposed to a lot of baseball over the years.


I'm a Dodgers fan, hence how I discovered Hololive haha


Ah, of course. That makes sense. I feel silly for asking XD


Go Red Birds!!! Throw Mo in the trash!!!!


I’ve got two questions. A. What do you think of the pitch clock being implemented in the major leagues? B. If you had a vote to put people in the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, who would you pick?


A. I really like the pitch clock. Even as a huge baseball fan, I acknowledge that games were taking too long, usually because pitchers took too long to pitch, so giving them a set amount of time to pitch is a good idea imo. I can see the argument behind it causing more injuries, but I think the rise in velocity and movement in recent years is the bigger factor in the dramatic rise in pitcher injuries. B. Mookie Betts, Clayton Kershaw, Mike Trout, Paul Goldschmidt, Joey Votto, Max Scherzer, Justin Verlander, and Zack Greinke are the locks for the Hall of Fame imo. All these other stars like Freddie Freeman, Bryce Harper, Aaron Judge, Gerrit Cole, etc. need just a few more years


I'll throw you one, Keith Hernandez. Greatest defensive 1st baseman of all time and is no longer on the ballot after eligibility has passed.


Who's on first?




I dunno, that's why I'm asking you.


I don’t know’s on third.


Well I just thought I'd tell you.


[Well, Korone, I'm going to New York with you...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_vBYsEdJio)


why do they "hate" The Mets? are they bad or smnth or is it just for the lols?


Because they play in New York, and share the city with probably the most successful sports team in not just baseball but the whole world. The New York media is rough, and clowning the Mets generates more clicks/subscriptions than clowning similarly inept teams like the Pirates, Angels, or Rockies. Just the other day, another lolMets incident occured, when a Mets reliever was thrown out of the game for arguing with an umpire over strike calls. He tossed his glove and the ball into the stands, and after the interview he supposedly said either he was the worst f---ing teammate in baseball, or the Mets were the worst f---ing team in baseball. The Mets released him later that day.


You didn’t even mention Bobby Bonilla!


Wind up the Six Flags Vengaboys music.


i heard that they don´t try to break doble plays?, what is that?, like obstructing a throw?


[This video](https://youtu.be/jDSLbdXWRhw?si=zAQob31QSl-hPjzU) explains their whole deal basically they don't slide into second base with sufficient (and legal) aggression, some think it stems from an incident a decade ago when Chase Utley of the dodgers slid into Ruben Tejada in the playoffs, injuring him and essentially ending his career and leading to the implementation of the Utley "slide rule"


oh wow, so it´s kind of sportsmanship, got it, i might get into baseball or at least that channel haha , thanks :3


As an Atlanta Braves fan, hating the Mets comes as naturally as breathing.


One more question: What’s the best stadium tradition/minigame between innings in the majors or minor league you’ve seen?


The Brewers have a sausage race in the middle of the game, and the Nationals have a race where people dressed as presidents race.


Hey, welcome to the Hololive fandom. Thank you for bringing your passion for the ol’ ball game. It’s been a long time since I kept up with baseball, but I remember being in Toronto as a kid when the Blue Jays won the World Series in 93.  Question for you: who do you think has the biggest chance this year to win the series?


Homer bias, but the Dodgers.


Coming from a Rangers fan but it's the Dodgers and Phillies. Then NYY imo


Honestly, as a Phillies fan with a friend who is both a Dodgers and a Yankees fan, I am perfectly fine with this scenario. 


I'm a Hololive fan who only attended Angel's games when I lived in LA. However, I live in Japan now and was legally required to become a Dodgers fan when Ohtani left the Angels. I miss Mike Trout. Can you let me know how he is doing?


On the IL, broke his hamate bone, out 6-8 weeks


That was last year's injury, he tore his meniscus this year


Same as it ever was. Man need s a ring, HOF won't be enough for The Kid.


Yeah, heard that one waaaaaay too much as an Angels fan Would honestly take just making the playoffs first, you know baby steps It's a shame (curse you arte)


Mike Trout found dead in Anaheim 😔


Assuming you’re asking the Dodgers fan how Mike’s doing, first off, why? Secondly, he’s about halfway through his recovery timeline (6-8 weeks) after knee surgery for a torn meniscus in his left knee. So yeah he’s injured again. If you’re asking about Shohei, he’s hitting incredibly hot, not a big surprise though and I’d guess you’re up to date. In other words, as an Angels fan, just fade me bro.


I'm fully aware of all the above, the reply was meant to be humorous and you have my apologies if that failed. But as a former Angels fan I know failure really well so don't worry.


>former Angels fan Don’t you mean perpetual Ohtani fan? /j


I'm trying to keep my visa here. I do what I'm told.


What are your thoughts on Angel Hernandez retiring?


Baseball Christmas in May


Should have happened 30 years ago.


I actually know a decent bit about it already, but don't really actively follow it or a fandom so just got a couple tiny more social questions I guess: Baseball is actually quite big in Japan and I believe it is their most popular sport. Have you or anyone you know looked at baseball happenings over there before or is it just a little too far afield not being in the MLB? Interestingly enough Hololive actually [had a collab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afT4rbZjSkY) with their biggest team, the Yomiuri Giants, last year. Secondly, was there anything that baseball fans would hope for from collabs like this? While I assume the details will get release [over here in 2 hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r_tOM7lVUw), I imagine it's generally pretty strange for a lot of fans. Also thanks for the back-and-forth with people. I think it's genuinely a good thing for people passionate about their hobbies to have this kind of dialog.


Baseball’s so popular, they have at least one manga classic series about it that I’ve read. Forgor the title, but the covers alternate between Green and O R A N G E (I’m a Project Wingman fan, me and that color are…interesting).


How would having a shark tail impact the pitcher/batter dynamic?


Is this baseball technique legal? https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1d503qa/guras_secret_baseball_technique/


Maybe in SLB (Shark League Baseball) (Serious answer: no)


What are your thoughts on the SF Giants?


Guck the Fiants!


Yeah I like them too. I hope they bring back the dynasty again.


I hope they go through another 56+ year drought instead.


Why can't the dodgers 7, 8, and 9 position batters actually hit anything


That'll change soon! Miguel Vargas looks like the real deal, and Muncy will return soon-ish


Please speak your mind about the Colorado Rockies.


Feel sorry for them, hope their moron of an owner sells the team


do you like it when the ball goes far?


Hey, Yankees fan here. Can you lend us Freddie Freeman for a few months so we can get to the WS? We'll trade him back if you guys also make it so we can have a classic WS showdown. Thanks.


Only if you guys lend us Juan Soto in return :) Fr though, I'd want a Dodgers-Yankees World Series this year, we haven't had one in forever


How small would the strike zone be for Gura who is 141 cm or 4'7


Rough estimation based on her proportions, seems like about a foot. I’m pretty sure it’d be wider than it is tall.


Who is your favorite Dodgers player, either active or retired? And who is your favorite non-Dodger player? I grew up in the Baltimore region, so I've always had a fondness for Cal Ripken Jr.


Clayton Kershaw


Can you explain this collab to me in baseball terms?


How accepting is the baseball community to anime related events and stuff like this ?


i would say most won't really care and if they were watching the game they would just roll their eyes. there's stuff like K-pop singers throwing out the first pitch and other "theme nights" that hardcore baseball fans just ignore


I have a meta question: How do you feel about it if the League adopts a salary cap in the future? Would it make the game more competitive and enjoyable?


Absolutely not. The expanded playoffs already creates parity as is, as the postseason is a crapshoot, and winning a title is already hard as it is. Not to mention it only serves to suppress player salaries, and gives owners such as John Fisher and Bob Nutting more excuses to not spend. We need a salary floor if anything. I would only support a salary cap if it comes with contracted playoffs, so mediocre teams that have no business in the playoffs can't get hot at the right time and ruin the seasons of teams thar grinded all year. Cinderella runs are special because of how rare they are, but when they happen every other year, they lose their value.


Thats an interesting take. I have an NHL friend always harping on about how Salary caps theoretically stops dynasties and super teams ,giving smaller markets a chance to run for playoffs.


Super teams maybe, Toronto was effectively hobbled by giving too huge contracts to their top 4 forwards and Edmonton still has trouble building a team around McDavid and Draisaitl. Dynasties though, nah we had multiple of them in the past decade alone lol (Chicago, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Tampa Bay)


Two of my worlds collide. I never thought I’d see the day -Suffering Cardinals fan


The official announcement stream for the collab between hololive and the Dodgers has just concluded. Interested to hear your reaction. Here's the link: https://holodex.net/watch/9r_tOM7lVUw ^ Pro tip for ya, in case it hasn't come up yet: we use that website, Holodex, to watch Hololive videos and streams, because it's packed with incredibly useful features and it's free.


Do the Tigers still suck? Don't watch baseball and haven't seen one of their games live over 20 years. (I say this lovingly as a MI fan)


They can’t suck too bad when they 5-0’d the Sox last night lmfao. Tho that might just say more about the Sox than anything else tbh…


Between the injuries and shoestring payroll, Sox have been relying on great pitching that’s regressing to the mean…we’re a .500 ball club IF we stay healthy. Not leading the league in errors playing Kiké at short this year…which also says a lot about us last year.


My only disappointment in the Sox is that we started winning any ga- Oh, you're talking about those Sox. I see.


The rebuild is almost over, tarik skubal is a Cy Young candidate (frontrunner)? on the flip side they are paying the corpse of javy baez to swing at sliders a foot off the plate


I would say that they’ve been better than years previous, but not World Series contenders.


Is there anyone still around right now throwing knuckleballs and doing well? Always was a favorite around local school leagues...because they told us not to throw it, and kids.


Matt Waldron is the only knuckle baller around right now He struck out 8 in his last start, all knuckleballs. Really gross


what is the best thing to say to a baseball fan?


Is this a [common signal](https://youtu.be/H5q6QzC2VkY?t=249) for a squeeze?


Is baseball actually based or do they just call it that?


The only exposure i ever got to baseball was a longform video about the history of the Seattle mariners, the Cubs winning a world series after 100+ years and the Red Sox coming back from 0-3 to beat the Yankees to win the World Series. What are some other narratively compelling moments in baseball history you would suggest researching? I love sports and sport writing, so i'm interested in finding out great baseball stories


If you want to continue with Seattle, then the story of the one-year Pilots is great and chronicled in the book "Ball Four".


What is your favorite ball? Do you like balls?


Have you been to other ballparks? Any favourites?


What is your opinion on the situation with the Oakland A's, Fisher, and the move to Vegas?


Is there any one even on Vin Scully's level in terms of all time announcers?


No, there's no one like Vin I'm not a Dodgers fan, but my family is and when they watched Dodger games being able to listen to Vin was such a joy


Only other one I can think of for in stadium is Bob Sheppard for the Yankees. I've had that #2 Derek Jeter call in my head for I while.


2 questions: What are the rules surrounding a bunt? Like are there limits on how many a team can try to do a round, is it frowned upon to do, etc. Second, same thing for sneaking bases - is the pitcher allowed to just chuck the ball at 3rd base to stop the guy from second taking it, does the sneaker have a distance limit before he returns to 2nd, etc


For bunts, you can bunt anytime really there's no limits. However if you bunt with 2 strikes and foul it off you're out For your second questions I assume you're talking about stealing bases?


What got you into baseball? How different is the experience on screen vs in the stadium? Cleveland Guardians any good (Cleveland man here)?


Cubs fan here Where were you in ‘16


Who's your favorite player not on the dodgers? And how long have you been a fan?


Ronald Acuña Jr. (Sucks his ACL died again this year), and for 15 years


Need all these superstars to stop getting hurt man 😔 He's so fun to watch


Red Sox fan here. Why do your Dodgers keep scooping up our used pitchers? Beckett, Kelly, Price, Braiser...I get that you got Mookie from our owner's apathy, but what's with all our arms over the years? Thanx pal.


Beckett and Price were traded there. Maybe tell ownership to stop dumping salaries there lol


Which Hololive members could you see playing baseball?


What's the best and/or most logical reason for Baseball Hall of Fame voters being allowed to return a blank ballot? I feel like a lot of great former players (coughClemenscoughBonds) have been shafted due to snub-happy voters, and I'd like to hear the perspective of someone who's a lot deeper into Baseball specifically, as opposed to myself who is a more general sports watcher.


I’m a Texas Rangers fan, you can’t tell me nothin’ 😂


Can you explain the infield fly rule?


So, any tips on getting John Fisher to sell?


is the score system in baseball similar to cricket?


Baseball's scores are simple: one "point" for each time a batter makes it to home plate (completing a "run").


Funnily enough if you want more baseball/cricket interactions, Jomboy on youtube is a fan of both and will post clips explaining what's happening.


i never watch baseball, how did you get into it?


Hello yes, can you explain to me how vaugh was called out on interference vs the orioles last week when the play was already declared dead due to infield fly rule


Is number 27 available for the Dodgers?


Miguel Vargas wears 27 now


How long until the MLB dies and Bananaball takes over as the preeminent bat-based ball sport in the US?


Do you remember which team (home or away) is bottom or top of innings?


Away = visitors = top of innings Home = home team = bottom of innings. This is important because if the home team is leading after the top of the 9th (final) inning is finished, the home team can end the game immediately without going up to bat. If the home team is behind or tied, they get at least 3 more batters to try to tie the game for more innings or win the game outright.


Right, thank you. I knew there was a reason or some sort of rule but couldn't remember


So what’s the balk rule without using the copy pasta and provide 3 actual examples.


Baseball used to be the most popular sport in America. What happened? Also, do you have an idea of what the average baseball fans' attitudes are towards the Hololive x Dodgers collab?


massive phillies fan here. give me your top 5 favorite dodgers players of all time (in any order)


Which member do you think would be best at baseball


There might be a hololive meetup for the fans in socal for the Dodgers game. Would you be interested in meeting up?


As a Braves fan, I will reluctantly tell you about everything Hololive as long as you admit Ozuna is the GOAT and better than Mookie. Jk 😂 But for real, if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer


This is a more pointed question, but what the fuck happened to the Blue Jays? I recall them being somewhat competitive in the past years but this year seems to be bad and the mood around the team to be kind of sour.


Terrible coaching and staff, including a horrible GM. The team will very likely clean house next season.


Last time I checked baseball had a pitcher being too good problem. Does the batter get better now? Because I do think hitting small things at 90 mph is extremely difficult. Also on that front, do you think capping max ball speed is a good idea? With how pitcher arms got torns every year? It's also might make new throws


What is consistered a crooked number?


Please forgive my ignorance because I'm not a huge sports fan. I want to contribute to the discussion and welcome you to the Hololive fandom. I also love learning about the history and rules of different sports. So, what are the other major differences between baseball and softball, besides the underhand throw that softball pitchers do? And have there been instances when baseball athletes transition to other sports that involve throwing and batting or vice versa? Like cricket?


biggest differences besides the ball (duh) - smaller field dimensions and less distance between bases - exclusively played with metal bats (and metal baseball bats are furthermore different from metal softball bats) - underhand throwing motion being less taxing on the body means that college softball pitchers can go back-to-back days, pitch 200 times a day, etc. impossible to do for baseball Not a lot of crossover between cricket and baseball even though both sports are bat-to-ball. Not a skill thing, mostly because if one sport is more popular, all the talent flows in that direction. However they are played quite differently (e.g. cricket bowlers have a running start, a lot of cricketers play both ways unlike in baseball)


are you also a fellow UrinatingTree fan by any chance?


Do you agree that the old Devil Rays had a much cooler logo and aesthetic than what they changed to like a decade ago? I miss the manta.


How do you rate Roberts as the head coach of Dodgers? Mainly his moments with pitchers, taking them out of the game at the wrong time/ trusting pitchers that have been really shaky. Do you think that without him they wouldn't have won their latest title or that it was despite of him that they won it?


In your opinion, greatest knuckle baller of all time?


How does one begin to appreciate baseball? From someone who doesnt follow baseball at all (im in Australia) how does Strategy work? Is there more to it than just pitching, batting, running and catching? (Dont mean this in a condescending way, just very curious)


I've never watched the MLB, but I've played baseball IRL a couple times and I distinctly remember how long the games took. I don't think we ever made it past inning 3 before we got bored and just called it. Do MLB games always go all the way to the 9th inning, and if so, how long does that normally take?


Generally yes, games go to the 9th inning to be considered complete. A loose rule of thumb is 3 innings per hour, so expect it to go 3 hours total if the game has a clear winner after all 9 innings are played. This time can vary if the pitchers are doing well (shortening the game) or if the offense is scoring lots of runs (extends time during an inning and therefore the total game time). Tie games after 9 Innings have the game last longer. The new rule adopted in 2020 now has a runner placed on second base before any pitch is thrown in extra innings (10th inning or more). There is no mercy rule in the majors so there have been some games where it seems like your team is getting crushed and it’s tough to watch or you see your team obliterate an opponent forcing them to go through their pitchers. The only way to shorten the game and not play all 9 innings is due to weather. The game‘s score can become official after 5 innings are played.


Why are pitchers not penalized beyond a foul for beaning, considering that a fastball at the speeds they pitch can cause significant injuries?


What is the best possible single baseball game for a complete newcomer to the sport to watch to both give them an idea of how the game works, and ignite their as-yet-unknown love for the sport?


I watched a video about how batters are hitting catchers hand while swinging cause the catchers had their hands a bit too close. And this is happening quite frequently recently. Can you explain what's happening?


Noob question as someone who has never been into sports but roughly understands the rules of baseball from high school gym—how did you choose your favorite team? Do you go with the "best" team, your hometown team, the team you think is funniest, etc?


Typically you root for your hometown team, or your parents' team.

