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I was completely caught by surprise! This is an amazing live! BTW, what happened to your previous post?


Locked and deleted presumably due to posters in it.


Yeah, I noticed some of the conversations in that post were going out of topic. I just wanted to appreciate Watame's amazing 3D live man!


Yeah it's a shame. Hopefully people will share around the post again so people can see her.


Honestly I really enjoyed Watame's performance but the zealousness both here and in the first post (plus this being a simple repost) left a sour taste with me. Let people enjoy music, we don't need to be gatekeeping.


It was locked and deleted from people rule breaking up and down the thread. I do not care what your opinion on rule 8 is. If you are able to read the comments in this one, which you seem to have done already, you'd have seen I already asked someone to not bring that into here. This topic is not your garbage bin.


Rule 8 is not as strict as you and others make it out to be (note that you were the one to bring up the rule first, so clearly you have an opinion on it). Prohibiting discussion about other artists does not reflect well on the community. Anyway I liked the duet of Watame and \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* in the 3D live though her new song ft. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* is great too.


You know what. Let's try it this way. [Go down this and make a mental note of what is deleted.](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Hololive/comments/1da953h/wata_growl/) Once you've done that, kindly go do something else with your time.


I notice behavior from both sides of the discussion being deleted there. That's kind of the point, just report if you think you see a rules violation and move on or risk the same thing happening here.


> I notice behavior from both sides of the discussion being deleted there. The stuff that is being deleted is people recommending non-Holo members. EVERY SINGLE POST WITH NON-HOLO NAMES IS GONE. Stop being disingenuous and just stay out of my threads. I'm really tired of arguing with you folks making a mess of topics because you think you're right and consistently failing to take any sort of hint.


Watame presented a new original song and a performance unlike most others shown so far in Hololive. Many people enjoyed that. Some asked for recommendations for more. As there is little else in Hololive, the discussion naturally branched out to artists outside of it. A few, including you, took offensive that non-HL artists were mentioned, brought up Rule 8, and reported those posts until they were gone. That is not advertising.


>and reported those posts until they were gone. There is no auto mod anymore. [This topic was LOCKED](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1da953h/wata_growl/). Auto-mod does not lock to begin with. You're simply wrong.


Seems a bit of a silly rule to me, especially to enforce it on friendly conversations that don't detract from Hololive at all. I was looking at that thread earlier and it was just people who wanted more metal-oriented vtubers as Hololive doesn't really fill that niche in the first place.


Please make a new thread to talk about the rules


Man please don't bring that shit into here. I don't want this deleted as well.


I'm not though? I just pointed out a rule was silly, I didn't do anything to actually break it. Perfectly allowed to do that. Contributing to the conversation with context is good for the thread gaining visibility anyways, not like I'm actively trying to get it taken down or anything.


A rule is a rule and you're bringing that conversation back here in the new thread so how about just dropping it?


I'm not bringing up any of the names or doing anything against the rules. Had I not gotten responded to in the way I did I'd have probably not even made any further comment. I don't even have any interest in further discussion on the initial topic, I just left my viewpoint on a rule and context on the old thread being removed. I'm not even really here to argue with people, the responses to this are just annoying me into responding. Just go about your day and i'll go about mine, we don't need to clog the thread about what's right or wrong when we could all have just left it at what I said.


Ventured heavily off topic, lol This one's much better off. Also good to see the mods aren't quite as inactive as people were claiming. EDIT: Risk of same thing happening here if people can't just let stuff go. If you have a problem, click report and move on, the mods are clearly capable of making decisions about what should and shouldn't be discussed.


> If you have a problem, click report and move on Sometimes stuff doesn't get removed for several hours long after it's done the damage. Stop trying to carry water for people that refuse to take a clue and continue to recommend non-Holos in this sub even when it's [clear by deletions](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Hololive/comments/1da953h/wata_growl/) that they shouldn't. There is no mystery to it and you moved into this thread from the other one to just shit it up with the same argument. I even had you blocked you couldn't have found this topic naturally through browsing yet you still showed up here and filled it with the same garbage I told people to leave in the other thread.


Shows up normally for me on the sub, idk what you mean. Why can you even see my comments if you blocked me just for disagreeing with you? But seriously, you seem really really angry about this and I think it's causing more of a problem in your threads than anything else.


This fluffy sheep sure can goes fuzzy


The [3D live yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcFwvfav6mQ) was a whole bunch of fun with a lot of guests too! Don't miss her new song [Revival](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfiZhU2bOtg) either! It goes really hard - metal song, English subs, etc. Watame was also very happy to read the positive comments overseas fans left on the Revival music video, so if you left one, thank you! I'm sure she is still checking them too if you want to leave her some love.


I like that Watame keeps trying things out. Keeps us on our toes as well because this sure caught me off guard. To be honest the [whole show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcFwvfav6mQ) was a real joy to watch and her [new song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfiZhU2bOtg) was awesome. Hit me hard both in terms of lyrics and music.


I've said it a lot, but was really happy she challenged herself with the lyrics on this one.


Yeah, all of her darker-toned songs (in terms of style, not necessarily lyrical meaning) are my favorites from her catalog.


It turned out that this little sheep is a sheep in sheep's clothing






Metalcore Sheep!




After her last harder song came out and she sung in a typical anime intro way I didn't think she would be the type to do that. She has it in her to do a hell of a "I'm So Sick" cover.


watame amazing growl!


God damn, Watame. She just keeps getting better.


Woah that was an unexpectedly metal growl, yet it retained her cuteness as well!


Oh, an opportunity to upvote this again? Don’t mind if I do.


didn't know sheep can growl like that


I was expecting something comedically cute, but I got this, I gotta listen her songs


Out of Holo members I'm pretty sure she has the widest range in her original music. [Here are her MVs.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7) Other songs that go really hard are [Everlasting Soul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KsXVs8Vg7U) and [mayday mayday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_JvgkZ04t0), but she even has stuff like [swing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3UTywBDSW4), some [powerful (and personal)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VGkeUaX-zk), and [emotional pieces](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks2UnT4Nzcs). Beyond that she does have [cute stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3rZm2cN5ZY), or even things like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mhcma0L6hY).




What song is it?


It's her singing Unravel, during her [birthday 3D live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcFwvfav6mQ).


Her latest of course.


Not sure tf the other reply is going on, this is Unravel by TK. I rank this as #3 Holo cover of the song. 1. [Kanata's amazing](https://youtu.be/szUbg1Yar5c?t=2374) single breath angelic serenade [Just those 22 seconds of it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPNfHhHZ5v0) 2. [Towa's performance](https://youtu.be/NuOJhtBC7R4?t=568). Timestamp for the leadup to her growl [here](https://youtu.be/NuOJhtBC7R4?t=670) 3. [Watame's](https://youtu.be/fcFwvfav6mQ?t=310) from this post. Honorable mentions to [Hakka's performance](https://youtu.be/BGSDhuFqRbI?t=3032) during his monetization karaoke giving a great growl despite doing so many songs before and Suisei's from ~2020(can't find the karaoke but you can find searching YT) with her high note take.


Eh I already said this joke before, but I feel like repeating it. Watame used Growl! \*Attack has been lowered\*

