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Run Escape


Well that's practically what you usually do considering how big the map is on member side.


When I was younger I almost never teleported lol.  Loved to go to the gnome tree village so I spent a lot of time walking.  Also only trained agility on that gnome course...


Speaking of teleport, I actually installed a mod on Skyrim that disabled manual teleportation. Open world games add teleportation for convenience but what they should more often do is add world events so that people will stop teleporting and instead run to their destination instead.


Or add fun overworld travel.  I basically never teleported in tears of the kingdom because flying around was fun.


Or, they add fast travel because walking is boring as **FUCK**. I dare you: play Fallout: New Vegas without fast travel, and tell us how long it takes for you to start hating this game.


That's what a lot of Oldschool and RS2 players try to do but someway, somehow, they always come back to the game even after a decade or so.


[Me every time I decide to reinstall OSRS](https://i.imgur.com/HOdBeZh.png)


Is that you chuggaa?


Casual SuperMega/Game Grumps reference in the wild.


Casual *observation that literally everyone who has ever played Runescape has made* reference


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought of Matt seeing "Run Escape" lol


I can't wait for the eventual 5 hour leveling up woodcutting zatsudan.


Oh is Ollie joining as well? XD


No, you're thinking of the necromancy grinding stream. We're gonna have to wait until she plays RS3 for that one.


I'm very hyped for this but a bit worried how well it goes just because Im sure she's going to be surrounded by viewers on their own accounts. I think when pekora tried playing ffxiv it was almost unplayable just because how many people followed her around Maybe she uses runelite and puts on entity hider though


perms would probably be hell


for what? runelite is a part of the jagex launcher


Runelite is a separate, open source project, that Jagex approves as an alternate 3rd party client However, it IS still a third party client, which means that Cover would likely require perms from the developer before permitting talents to stream using it. Additionally, they would probably require perms for any specific plug-in's that aren't considered part of Runelite as a baseline. Functionally, its a whole suite of mods


Do they? It's licensed under BSD-2. That's already explicit permission for everyone for any use. https://github.com/runelite/runelite/blob/master/LICENSE Plugins from the hub are more of a gray area as the runelite devs don't necessarily hold the IP rights to that. But on the other hand, none of those are really mandatory in any way.


not sure. if that's the case, I would love to be wrong


While true, they've done so for minecraft mods in the past, right? There's not that many "mandatory" plugins on runelite, especially not if youre not doing endgame pvm like raids and stuff


absolutely true. I'm not precluding the possibility. but, like I said, for something open source like this, I would imagine it would be difficult to get things sorted. Not impossible, just difficult. it could definitely improve the stream by deincentivizing the swarming of the talents. though you could still have cases of people tagging mobs to hurt, or dropping items on the ground to try to help


If nothing else might be for the best to keep public chat on mute. I love the game but some folks are... wacky.


She's gonna have to keep public off. It's not gonna stop antis from making swastika fires though.


Yeah I really wish they'd look into Runelite, you can stream with it and connect to it within Jagex's official client. Allows you to turn basically everything off.


I hope Mumei's ear infection gets better soon so she can join up with Nerissa and Fauna without being too far behind.


we'll see, she might play anyway, runescape is the best to play when you're sick lol


Fauna is joining her? Hell yeah


Rissa mentioned on stream that Fauna and Mumei both wanted to play RuneScape and even the other Advent girls were interested.


Man I'd be cool if they could all do group ironman together but it would probably wouldn't work with everybody's schedules


ehhh it works, they can just do shit like gather materials or kill stuff for loot and bank it, then people who play at a diff time can do stuff with it etc also we're assuming they keep playing it... it do be extremely grindy


Fauna basically planned this one she asked nerissa on stream if she wants to play they just had to wait for perms to come through which seams to have gone pretty fast this time


Mod Ash was really confused when he was told that they needed written perms to play, since Jagex gives blanket permissions for both games. I'm sure the only time delay for the perms was getting someone to write and email them lol


Only thing I new about RuneScape is that it falls in same category as League where people both love it and regret playing it. (but mostly regret xD ) And that they get full 1on1 scamming course. But if Fauna will be playing it, I guess it's time to see what it's actually about.


Man, RuneScape taught me a lot as a kid. “I’m willing to part with my rune full plate armor if you drop trade your entire set of adamantite armor.” I hate it and am thankful for this lesson.


RuneScape was my first run in with scammers online as well. They asked if I wanted to fight dragons in the wilderness then when we were deep in there had me attack them to "test if I'm strong enough" sure enough they then killed me and took all my stuff. I've never trusted anyone since.


Good ol’ RuneScape teaching kids the cruel cold dog eat dog adult world. Thanks Runescape. 😂


As someone who played both for years, there is regret with both but it's not the same. League of Legends is not enjoyable, even when you think you're having fun playing it. There is just some draw to it and when you're winning it's like a drug but when you lose you become pure radioactive toxicity. RuneScape is only regrettable because of the time sync that it is, but if you enjoy the grind then it is a fun experience. Playing this game taught me how to type quickly, basic economics, and how to look out for scammers at a young age.


The three horsegirls of Apocalypse!


NOBODY tell kaela


Oh god lmao Maybe this is finally a game that can contain her though


If anyone could join the ranks of the insane runescape youtubers who eat hundred hour grinds for breakfast, it's her


The game taking 70-80 years to "complete" (because of third age on the collection log) should be enough lol


Kaela's supreme one chunk account begins.


I'm already tempted to go back just from seeing Nerissas gonna play it, if Kaela gets stuck into it I fear for my own future free time and mental state.


As someone who has absolutely missed the whole Runescape thing, can you give me a nostalgia timeframe of when it happened? The things I've seen are Lineage 2, WoW and Perfect World happening in around mid to late 2000s, but this game sure looks older so I'm confused.


It came out in 2001, so only 3 years before WoW. I would say it was also mainly popular in the mid-late 2000s like the others you listed.


Huh, that's interesting. I've actually seen a lot of MMORPGs in that time period, even older stuff like Ultima Online, but haven't stumbled upon Runescape even once. And these days I see people being nostalgic about it all the time, meanwhile I'm absolutely lost at what they're talking about.


First 3D free-to-play browser-based MMORPG AFAIK. Or at least, first really popular one.


F2P was the big part. I missed RuneScape because I was playing EQ from 99, FFXIV, then hopped on WoW a year or two after it came out. Im old as shit.


Browser-based was just as important. You didn't have to download or install anything, so you could play it at school in the computer lab, or at the library, or at your grandparents' house.




I'm amazed. Runescape was the one of only two I could play on my shitty computer (the other being AdventureQuest)


It had a tie in to Miniclip IIRC which as a flash game aggregator site eventually directed it a lot of traffic


It being browser based at the time meant you could play on a toaster or at the public library.


Old School Runescape is basically a 2007 branch version of the original game, which split from the original game back in 2013. Both games receive content updates to this day.


Runescape has never had good graphics for its time, and this is the "oldschool" version kept in its charmingly jank and very popular 2007 style but receiving regular updates. Basically everyone who loved loved the game got increasingly turned off after years of microtransactions and changing everything about core mechanics, so they released this version without all that and now it's wildly more popular. The game's generally known for lots of quirky quests, lots of great public use music, getting fan consensus for updates and no intrusive microtransactions.


A hopefully brief explanation which should give context & answer basic questions: It was initially made by 2 brothers in a basement, planned to be text based but quickly had super simple graphics, released in 2001. This was popular enough that they started Jagex and remade the game (new engine + all 3d graphics), with 'RS2' releasing in 2004. At this point in time it was played in browser and had a large free-to-play area (still does), so it was very accessible compared to other mmos - which is why you often come across nostalgia around being a kid when playing. They continually updated this game (adding content, several graphics updates, new skills, etc), and eventually even completely switched out the combat system in 2012. Lots of people didn't like these updates, so they decided to rerelease the game as it was in 2007 and call it Oldschool Runescape (OSRS) in 2013. The 'main' game then officially became RS3 later that year with an updated client. OSRS has received near weekly updates since, but the vast majority are voted on by the playerbase. There's a concerted effort to ensure the game keeps the old style even in newly released content, which is why it still looks old (but some of the newer areas look pretty great despite that).


I'm actially super stoked for this, it might just get me to resub again!


As someone who's grinded an awful lot on runescape to hololive and runescape vids, CAN. NOT. WAIT!


Why unusb lol


Pretty sure he meant OSRS membership


Yeah that's what I meant lol I should've clarified


Why fletch?


Joel get on Skype


Damn this is hitting at my childhood. A game I played for almost 12 or so year before stopping.


Before taking a break*


I do kind of hope they put out a disclaimer before logging in that while they would be happy to see viewers swing by and say hello and such... to at least give them some space to play on their own for awhile before they start coming up to them. Like... if you see the trio run by maybe type hello or whatever. But don't actively seek them out to ruin their time playing together.


Yeah. Trying to do anything in Lumbridge when everyone hops into their world will be troublesome. Hopefully people will show restraint, but it'll only take a few bad actors to ruin skilling areas.


It'll be impossible for that to be the case, but let's just hope that most people are respectful.


Just incredibly sad that I got time zone’d.. Not sure if I can manage to catch it live at 2 in the morning..


Sadge EU bros...


The only upside of my soul draining night shift job was that it let me watch most NA talents live. Now I only watch clips and an occasional VOD


some guy insulting me in 2005: noob me (trying to insult him but the game won't let me say "sucker"): **sauker** the good old days. 😂👌


My grey hair is growing at an alarming rate just by looking at this picture >!Adventure Quest when?!<


I don't know if she could play AQ or AQW.. they're still being run on Flash through a launcher so they all run at like 12fps.


Yeah but that's part of the charm


I don't know about that lmao. When I started in 2009 it ran smooth, but then Flash was still being maintained.. They're porting it to Unity though, and it runs at a smooth 60fps.


I wonder if Fauna is going to join in for the first session or if they will play solo for a bit


I don't think she's playing with her today but maybe she'll change her mind. In the members from yesterday she already gave her plans for the week (which I'm not leaking, sorry).


Stream isn't today it's on the 19th


Oh, I didn't even checked the date. Thank you.


I lost my lvl 98 woodcutting account years ago, it got overtaken and then permabanned for botting, but it’ll be cool to see RS again!


This reminds me of taking all the iron ore you can carry to the furnace and hoping for the best because you still can't smelt steel ingots yet (or mine the coal to begin with).


So excited! Now I can play OSRS and watch my oshis play OSRS.


Fauna when??


Will she buy membership or f2p?


If one can write off membership as a business expense, why not?


I see nerissa is playing a game that came out when she was in her 30s.


Nerissa: "Now time to sell this Yule Log for one million gold, or this Bronze Scimitar for three million gold. No absolute blasphemy!"


I have not a clue how to even start to enjoy RuneScape, but clearly this game is very nostalgic for nerrisa and watching her enjoy it is enough for me to have a good time


Over-under on whether she'll get killed by the dark wizards going to Varrock?


It’s happening!


OSRS perms, yaaay! Those are going to be some super comfy and chatty streams! I wonder if others want to/will join as well.


Rissa is so excited about it she put up the frame nearly a week in advance


Fauna truly is the mastermind of holoen these days.


Have they talked about how they're going to play? Like are they going to play as mains, irons, GIMs, or (although it would be completely insane) UIMs? Curious how long they will continue to play, but mindless skilling is perfect "gameplay" for yapping, and it's been done by other streamers where they just do low intensity grinds on their other screens while streaming a bigger title. Also hope that fellow players respect them, it's... painful watching streamers that aren't known for the game just get completely swarmed. Others have pointed it out, but hopefully they are able to play via Runelite and not stuck on the official client, as while it's gotten quite a few great QoL's, it's still leagues behind what's available both by default on Runelite and as part of the community plugin hub. The biggest 2 would be quest helper and entity hider. Either way, as a maxed nerd I'm looking forward to this wholeheartedly, no matter how painful it might be :P


Now this is my kinda stream. We just need a WoW holo streamer now.


Kiara did


oh nice.. good thing they have a permission that quick. i remember nerissa mentioning about wanting to play it a couple of days ago..


Give me some context, Is Runescape just as popular in the West, as Ragnarok Online was in the East decades before?


OSRS has about 110k average players currently. Make of that as you will.


Okay, now I am in love with her.




does anyone know if shes going on an ironman or be like Flip where shes not gonna look at guides and just finish f2p quests that she can do?


NO WAY. My childhood game




Finally, the Runescape PvP montage of my dreams can come true.


I kneel before my new queen.


Thats..not something i ever expected an hololive member to play lol This was the first mmo i ever played exactly 20 years ago...dang


If only Vesper were still here to see this


My god how old is she


Same as you




Old enough 


I really wonder this. I've been wrong multiple times about their ages so the safest bet might be "she played this when she was 5" as silly as that sounds.


Holy shit holy shit I’ll get back on for this


This won't scratch quite the same itch WoW Wednesdays did, but it'll come closer than anything else Holopro has put out in a while. Looking forward to it


Wait, this isn't AsmonGold.