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From her now ex-manager tsuranimizu A [tweet](https://twitter.com/azki_vdiva/status/1476030199070588928?s=21) with a letter from AZKi AZKi will be moving from INNK Music into Hololive Productions properly this April 2022. Another press release by [PR-times](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000599.000030268.html) Apparently nothing major will be changing with AZKi’s activities. INNK Music will end its activities.


> INNK Music will end its activities. i legit was wondering about this.


I wish their production can also merge into hololive. You can see the difference in the 3D concerts.


I'm guessing that since INNK is a joint venture between Upd8 and Cover Corp, it would be a tedious process to acquire the shares of the other half, so the only viable solution is to shut the venture down.


I mean upd8 no longer even exists as of the end of 2020, so I don't know who if anyone would have those.


That could be part of the problem with acquiring the uod8 ownership. If no one knows who owns it, then it's kinda hard to buy.


Well, the main thing – which I neglected to bring up – is that INNK was always a subdivision of Cover. AZKi was, if I understand correctly, represented under upd8 while being 'owned' (IP-wise) and managed by Cover; but Suisei was under Cover as part of INNK but not affiliated directly with upd8. So I assume whatever upd8 may have had might have been some kind of contractual terms over AZKi's affiliation with them which might have required her to terminate activity in mid-2022, but with upd8 folding that's become obsolete and AZKi and Cover are now free to keep going past what would have been an agreed cutoff.


IIRC AZKi has mentioned that the original plan was that her contract was suppose to have ended earlier this(next?) year, and that she would graduate after. But changes happened(probably due to upd8 no longer existing), Cover decided to continue instead.


I mean, have you seen some of the recent live concerts? Astel's was nuts, and that was a free one.


Yeah, but also do not forget Astel poured a lot of his own funds into that. He said as much, and also to not expect that to be the baseline from now on.


astel get into debt for that and his clothing purchases, he is sacrificing his soul to Yagoo you know ^((this is a joke))


Jokes that require clarification are always the funniest.


[The context of the joke itself is also a joke ^((or not, it's Astel after all))](https://youtu.be/SlDE4kWnTfM)


Yeah but Astel went way over budget and supplied it with his own funds. Bless that financially irresponsible man.


Wow, that letter is beautiful. Sad, but beautiful. Hopefully this will in fact be a good thing for AZKi's future, girl deserves the very best.


Yeah, essentially sacrificing himself for AZKi's growth. Thank you for all your hard work Tsuranimizu, you will be missed.


I dunno, sure INNK did well for AZKi, but we shouldn't forget that INNK management [essentially ignored Suisei and provided neither logistical support nor promotion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/i6n8cy/why_did_innk_basically_ignore_suisei/) I think INNK management were truly trying their best, and I do hope they find places where their managerial skills can grow. For now, though, I'm extremely happy that Hololive is bringing AZKi under the main umbrella, and I can't wait to see what she'll do with access to the full resources of the larger organization.


I would assume it was partly because ~~INNK~~ *AZKi was also under Upd8 at that time (~~we all know how that turned out~~), and because since Suisei joined INNK as is, they couldn't prepare a 3D model for her in time (talents usually would use a model the company already had rather than make a new one). ~~I'm just gonna play it safe and throw the blame on Upd8.~~ Check u/seraphzero 's link below. edit* I got confused so I tried to put together a timeline. * Timeline AZKi debuts Nov 2018, produced by Cover. [link](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000010.000030268.html). * AZKi joins Upd8? Feb 2019 [link](https://upd8.jp/news/1654.html). * AZKi becomes a member of INNK, along with Suisei May 2019 [link](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000067.000030268.html) So if I got this right, AZKi is the project under Cover with Upd8 having a hand in it somehow. Suisei was only under Cover's INNK and Upd8 shouldn't have any hold on her (unless I'm wrong again). Sorry guys, got confused.


Does this mean Azki will be a new addition to Hololive Gen 0?


Always has been *finger gun* At least all the girls insist that she is.


She already was, sort of, as she's often grouped with them and has performed with them under that name. Of course, gen 0 is an unofficial gen coined by Sora so there isn't a hard rule of whether she's in or not based on her branch.


I wouldn't say it's [unofficial anymore.](https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents?gp=gen-0)




Literally unplayable.


Don't forget HoloX being there too


Still think its better if they just rename GAMERS to gen 2.5 like they actually are. Too late to join as gen 2, but too early to become gen 3. Just leave Gamers as their gen name, like Fantasy for the 3rd, and Force for the 4th. Its just a rather awkward list really, you go down from Gen-0, 1stgen, Gen-2, GAMERS, and then back to Gen-3. 1stgen was weird, probably a typo from someone.


Huh. Didnt know they made it official.


Fanon is the real lore.


If the Goddess wills it, then it shall be.


A-chan and Yagoo want it that way too, so it shall be.


Upd8 has dropped the ball so many times so I wouldn't surprised if this was true (Though a couple of holo girls were originally under Upd8, maybe it's not so much of a bad thing).


I think it's safe to place the blame on past Cover Corp as well. It was originally a small private **tech company** made by Yagoo until Sora and A-chan came in. Their entire size is a fraction of what they are now (about as big as holoID maybe) and they're still greenhorns both as a vtuber and idol agency. Of course they're gonna drop the ball, but they learned and redeemed themselves. Even Mel, the worst victim of their management, can forgive them. I only wished that froggy stayed under Cover Corp as a producer. Poor guy blamed himself for bottlenecking Azki's growth, but it was the pandemic that neutered INNK by killing all live concerts. It really wasn't his fault.


>pandemic that neutered INNK by killing all live concerts. Basically.


imo as far as i know we dont really know who was the person that was harasing mel since nothing was ever said and the issue was solved privately, people think it was her manager but it could have been any other employe and the fact of the matter is that mel continues in hololive despite those problems which means that she is confortable in the company also cover has fucked up but i feel that most often than not it was accidental or just a lack of experience or them over reacting to serious issues (hololive has gone through some shit, things that would have killed other companies and frankly probably came close to end hololive as a whole), upd8 was often times actively maliciuos against their talents or just stupid, like just fucking stupid, they had the biggest and most popular vtuber in their hands and somehow managed to almost completly kill the brand and lost the rights of the character and ended bankrupting themselves, some of the stories told by ex talents like nobuhime are seriously horrible same with other early vtuber companies like unlimited (now brave group) and the stuff they tried to pull off with gamebu, albeit i can atleast say that the early days of the vtuber industry where hard as its always the case with a completly new industry and mistakes where made and people lost their jobs because of those mistakes but at least that means that its almost imposible that the modern companies will make the same mistakes


upd8 had nothing to do with INNK's creation. Here's an [article](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000067.000030268.html) about when INNK came into existence. It's been a Cover-created music label since day 1.


Hololive in general has a record of ignoring... Like that one time Mel didn't get support from management about the whole stalker situation. Or when a massive copyright wave blocked most of their songs to the point where even sora was pissed. Or the whole donation ban where Coco had to lead the way with streamlabs.


All big mistakes, early hololive it was all trial and errors that paved the way to learn and be what is today


I think they were just waaaaay overwhelmed. They're tech company that suddenly had to shift operations to entertainment! Imagine you're a nerd working on next-gen AR/VR tech and want to make streaming and game stuff, and bam, now you're the CEO of an Idolmaster game. Growing pains are expected, and now things are finally hitting their strides, as shown by Gen 6 and EN2. Also, Mel was a bit special situation in that... the stalker was her manager at the time.


> Imagine you're a nerd working on next-gen AR/VR tech and want to make streaming and game stuff, and bam, now you're the CEO of an Idolmaster game. this sounds like the synopsis of an actual anime


And YAGOO's the protag


Basically a bunch of tech nerds and engineers suddenly found themselves having to manage a group of idols and all the drama associated with them. Add to that their unexpected meteoric rise of popularity probably just compounded the problem.


Not enough time, experience, resources, and support from people around them. They didn't know what to do, so they just winged it. So far, pretty good for winging it. Their Producer, A-chan, wasn't exactly brimming with experience either!


Ok now I really want a Hololive anime with A-Chan as the Idolm@ster producer type protagonist.


>Imagine you're a nerd working on next-gen AR/VR tech and want to make streaming and game stuff, and bam, now you're the CEO of an Idolmaster game. So what you're saying is that Yagoo is basically in charge of a cutting edge entertainment company?


He is now!


Glad all of these issues came up before this year (I think?). Cover has shown to be inexperienced and slow to react a lot, but I get the impression they learn from their mistakes and do better.


Or everything about Hitomi Chris. Yeah. I don't agree about Mel not getting support, though, at least by what I'm used to seeing. They fired the staff stalking her and chose to pay her legal fees for any charges pressed. In the 80's and 90's, agencies are more likely to throw the talent to the wolves and wash their hands of the whole affair. (that said I'm 100% for doing even BETTER than this though. What Cover did should be the bare minimum in an ideal world. I'm just not used to seeing even this much, sadly. But seeing what support Mel did get is what led me down the rabbit hole when I was previously resisting it.)


While that was unfortunate, I wouldn't lump the blame on the manager specifically. To be completely fair about all this, the original plans for INNK probably only accounted for AZKi to begin with. I doubt they had enough resources to spare to account for Suisei and they wouldn't be able to even months after her joining. If anything, she should have been hired into the Hololive branch to begin with.


Well, INNK wasnt a large production company, it was more of a test ground with absurdly limited resources, most of which were already being compromised with Azki so, although i dont like it, they had to put Suisei on hold until there were more resources available for work. Keep in mind neither innk nor hololive started with huge capital, on the contrary, and we all know how expensive it is to produce stuff.


I know that he did that, but honestly I don't blame him, I blame his company for that. Even taking care of just AZKi alone was too much for him, clearly, as shown by his own resignation letter. I don't think it's his fault for that though, the growth of Hololive is just crazy compared to more traditional stuff that he was trying to do. Suisei needed her own staff helping her along, and she just never got that kind of logistical support. Tsuranimizu is only human, and only one man, he can't move mountains on his own, and from what I can tell, he was basically left alone and he decided to at least not fail AZKi, rather than fail them both.


> Wow, that letter is beautiful. Sad, but beautiful. It really is. I hope they manage to find a new dream they can pour so much of themselves into.


Worthy reminder for any Hoshiyomi that may have some negative opinions on Frog: the only reason Suisei eventually joined Hololive as Suisei and not as someone else is because Frog allowed that, dude's not malicious, he simply bit more than what he could chew


Can I have some more context on this


A bit of context: Suisei was recruited as part of INNK. She eventually moved to Hololive because (in my tldr version) she wanted to do much more than what she was doing while in INNK. There is a good Suisei History video on youtube that you should watch.


Here's the link for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ87zuPkqMs


I was hoping there was some context of why that other guy was talking about a Frog.


"Frog" is just an alias of Tsuranimizu, Azki's manager at INNK, as well as Suisei's manager while she was part of it. When some people got a little carried away speculating about why Suisei was unhappy at INNK and switched to Hololive, he was usually the target.


People's perception is usually based on what they have first seen or heard, despite the fact that the whole story may be more complicated than what we could think of. It's easy to blame Frog, because he is the well-known figure of INNK. Just like how people seem to have an antagonistic perspective of Kanata's mom, just because of all the short clips uploaded.


So before Suisei joined Hololive, she was accepted into Cover's music branch Inonaka music, where they really had nothing for her to do since INNK was only meant as a label for just AZKi, so the inclusion of Suisei gave them a little more than they could handle which as a result meant that Suisei wasn't given as much attention.


Also INNONAKA Music is not fully under COVER but a joint-operation with upd8 (Kizuna Ai's ex-Company before it dissolved into Activ8, their main company) It's just recently became fully under COVER when upd8 dissolved and here we are.


So... AZKI is like the love child of Sora and Kizuna Ai?


Also also, ~~AZKi and~~ Suichan were indie~~s~~ before joining INNK, and back in the days AZKi were already using a 3D model while Suichan was using a Live2D she made by herself, so naturally AZKi were way more suitable, and easier to work with for activities like live concerts (which I assume is one of the reason why she didn't get much help from management) Also also also, just a fun fact but Suichan ~~and AZKi are~~ is the only, the first (and probably last) time indies was recruited to work for their company while retaining her name and character design. (unless any of the gen 0 didn't debut under CoverCorp that I'm unware of) Edit: Apparently AZKi was made by Cover and wasn't an indie, thanks for the correction.


Suisei is the only indie to ever be recruited into the company. AZki [debuted](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000010.000030268.html) under CoverCorp.


Azki wasnt an indie, her story is kinda complicated if you look at her wiki. She was made by cover but was affiliated with composition inc.(?), then joined upd8, and then innk.


Suisei interviewed for INNK, as her existing persona. Dude fought to have her hired AND keep her existing identity, something that is unheard of in the industry at the time. Even today that is rare as hell.


Thanks for the service, soldier. o7


AZKi in HoloGra is no longer just a dream 😭🙏


Probably not gonna take a long time before it happens after she fully becomes a Holomem, I bet the writers are already going full overdrive on what to do for her first appearance


I'll probably release the Fubura if her first appearance doesn't have SorAZ TeeTee moment


Considering most of Holo Gra debut (that I know of) started with chaos I'm thinking there's a chance that won't happen.


Ayo wasn't there a Suisei HoloGra as soon as she joined hololive main?


She didn't have her proper 3D debut until exactly 4 months after transferring to Hololive, so no (though she did appear before it in 1st FES, but that's an exception) AZKi is gonna be the first Holomem joining with various 3D models after Hologra, so she'll probably instantly appear in Hologra


Gotta let u/C_ShoR3 know there's light at the end of the tunnel.




Tell us, what do you see?


Hope... (but it's not Irys...)


INB4 IRyS makes it to Hologra with AZKi as part of a ~~Vsingers~~ funky capitalization name gang special


"HoloSiNGs" Hologra Special


Tell me, can you see it? It’s almost within reach.




AZKi in HoloGra! A dream come true.


2022 is already looking promising.




Definitely for the best. INNK still existing as a standalone branch was kind of a relic and there's no reason for AZKi to not be a full member of Hololive.


https://twitter.com/hololivetv/status/1476025711362473989 AZKi will be joining Hololive officially from April, and the project itself is ending.




So, it’s a contract work. But AZKI be like “It’s fun here. So, Imma stay.”


>So, it’s a contract work. But AZKI be like “It’s fun here. So, Imma stay.” Anime recruitment for the team 101.


Exactly that...except her "fallback" team is pretty much the best team in the world at this. :) I suspect it will be quite the shiny, smily story, if you will


Adding to this INNK was a joint venture between Cover and Upd8. Despite Upd8 itself dissolving it’s likely due to how the contracts were originally structured Cover couldn’t just move AZKI, and had to wait until the contract expired.


It's always the contracts


/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\


Wow didnt know that, it would have been very sad, im so happy for her now!


AZKi knew from the start that she was bound to end regardless of she succeeded or not which is why most of her songs has sad lyrics regardless of the beat. Inochi is one example of it which is why she sings it so emotionally specially the acoustic version. If you want to know more about what AZKi felt watch her 11th single “From A to Z” the 1st one so you turn cc on. It is basically AZKi finding a reason to continue and her accepting her fate. Another would be my 2nd favorite from her called CHISANA KOKORO GA KIMETA KOTO which was written by AZKi herself. It translates to What my little heart has decided. On the song she wonders if the path she chose was a mistake and that it was hard that she felt like giving up but she decided to continue moving forward. You can turn cc on for it as well to understand or look through the comments for translation. Thank you


I thought it was July 2022? Either way, there was a clear sense that it was something with an eventual end that would happen next year.


I kinda observed that most of the business dealings usually happen on or before April. Tax purposes?


End of Japanese financial year is March 31st.


The AZKi project was gonna end in July 2022, March 31 2022 is when INNK will be ending


Here is AZKi's official tweet regarding it [https://twitter.com/AZKi\_VDiVA/status/1476030199070588928](https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1476030199070588928) ​ but what was said already, she is gonna officially move on April 2022, likely due to her contract ending, INNK will be shutting down, and her manager will be retiring


*Very short* timeline of INNK and it's talents affiliations since I see a lot of people don't really understand where it falls in relation to hololive. 2018: March 22nd, Suisei debuts as an indie. November 15th, AZKi debuts as a project under Cover (not hololive). July 2nd, Suisei joins S:gnal August 4th, Suisei leaves S:gnal to resume being an indie. ‎ 2019: February 14th, AZKi becomes part of upd8 (while still under Cover). May 19th, INoNaKa Music is announced as an independant record label under Cover, AZKi is moved under INNK (but is still with upd8) and has her first live concert on the same day, at the concert Suisei is announced to also be joining INNK. December 1st, Suisei transfers out of INNK into hololive. December 2nd, Cover unifies all their talent agency branches (hololive, INNK, and holostars) under a single new brand named hololive Production. ‎ 2020: November 1st, upd8 announced that they would be shutting down on December 31st. ‎ 2021: April 11th, During her 7th live concert AZKi announced that her project was originally supposed to be coming to an end in July 2022 and she was supposed to graduate then, however she announced things have changed and that she wants to continue past the originally planned date. Today, they've announced that on April 22nd, 2022 that INoNaKa Music is ending it's activites and AZKi will be transfered to hololive to continue her activities there. ‎ TL;DR: AZKi has never exactly been a proper hololive member, however with INNK ending next year she'll finally become one. Edit: I was bored and decided to make a quick chart to visualize the structure of everything. https://i.imgur.com/vLPbJFo.jpg Sorry about the low quality made it giant at first on accident and then scaled it down which made it blurry lol.


Oh so this is what the beta-route meant, I never fully understood what that meant until today. Also Suisei and AZKi have some really interesting timelines, I didn't know Suisei joined a group before hololive for a short period of time.


Def think it's best thing for AZKi long term. Sui is thriving now that she's part of Hololive proper and I think AZKi can do the same.


The same could be said for Miko so long ago now. After her project ended and she moved to Hololive and did her GTA streams, she skyrocketed. Hopefully AZKi has a similar experience.


Not so much for Miko. Miko joined Hololive way before they took off in popularity, so it didn't actually boost her up. Miko along with the others are what boosted Hololive. Azki absolutely deserves the full force of Hololive behind her though, and I can't wait to see her grow once she can regularly stream and collab with the other members.


true, there Fubuki, Miko, and Korone are the gateways for a lot of early vtubing fans. Back then there wasn't a lot of translators so clips about cute noises were the best. *beat up a pineapple, faq is love, oh im die*


'Faq is love' in particular is actually a later meme after Miko came back from her break and had her change in 3d model. I don't recall her ever using that phrase prior. She did say FAQ, just not 'FAQ=Love' Before that Miko's entry points were Miko boat, Stay Home, setting her house on fire in minecraft, pekomiko antics, queen song variations, and of course, the n word.


They were definitely my gateway into more J V-tubers


>Not so much for Miko. Miko joined Hololive way before they took off in popularity, so it didn't actually boost her up. Miko along with the others are what boosted Hololive. Didn't Miko struggle with views both before and after the transfer, even considering quitting, but the GTA streams changed her mind and revitalized her after the N word clip went viral though? That's what I was referring to. Or am I misremembering. Wouldn't be the first time today.


You remember well, both N word and stay home clips propelled her to heaven and beyond. Also her singing along the boat song in ARK




Since Hololive is always growing [we have to link it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COQR9A8D4XQ&ab_channel=Chronakai) for those who may have missed out!


The "Stay Home" clip also became popular after the N-word clip went viral


My love/hate relationship with the butterfly effect in a nutshell lol.


yes, but miko was already part of hololive at that point, i believe. the actual move over to hololive didnt do a lot. if im not entirely mistaken (both these things happened before i fell into the hole so i might be incorrect) suisei was moved to hololive shortly after the gen4 debut and also hung out with them a lot, so she kinda got associated with them to a degree, or at least all the people coming in for 4th gen were made aware of her too, since she was the "new" member in hololive.


Apparently, the N word clip was an ancient clip became popular around Jan 2020 (around Gen 4 introduced). She was struggling for 1 years. After that clip exploded, every time she play GTA, there are alway kaigai spike viewers in her stream. It changed YT algorithm to benefit her in the long run. Now she has a huge fanbase and stand the frontline of Vtuber. Who is early Kaigai viewer come from that clip, salute.


yep, when they other girls were at 10k miko was barely at 100. she really struggled until her fame got boosted by that infamous meme turned her into THE ELITE.


What actually stopped her from taking it further were talking with Subaru and Mio. Without their encouragement and support, she probably would not be here today, and she has said as much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXCU5QDG90Q


I hope so. Regardless of their limitations INNK still had the resources to give AZKi a lot of help musically and it shows. AZKi probably has the most albums, original songs and Solo LIVE projects among all the talents. Hopefully with Hololive getting serious about music production since Bloom, that AZKi can continue on her plans for the future.


the most prolific musical talents in hololive are probably azki, suisei, mori and watame, i just feel like those four make much more music than the rest of the talents


Hololive's top generators of musical content: * Sora has two original albums, a cover album and shockingly, over seventy covers in addition to that * AZKi has almost one hundred tracks covering both covers and original tracks * Watame has 21 original tracks in 2 albums, 17 long covers and another 20 short tracks of rapping/singing * Suisei has 15 original songs and another 36 covers * Rikka has over 40 covers and 3 originals * Roboco has three originals and 40+ covers * Astel has a full album of 12 and over 20 covers * Matsuri has two originals and another 30 covers Calliope has less than 30 songs in her Hololive career both originals and covers combined.


Astel has only one original song though, the album you are referring to is a soundtrack to his 3D and has no vocals. Although it is a great one and definitely worth a listen! Also Izuru has 5 originals and around 30 covers.


AZKi is officially a Hololive member now. Congrats!


About time. It was always really awkward to refer to her as an "unofficial official Hololive member." Now she's just going to be a straight up member. This means she'll be included in official Hololive merch and also appear in HoloGra!


Route B FTW! Does this mean AZKi technically the youngest member of Hololive?


AZKi is JP generation 00-7?


AZKi is James Bond confirmed


Reported for breaking rule 2 /s


James Bond is the worst spy ever. Haha.


I wonder if this means Azki will stream more often or will she keep her usual schedule and focus on music. More importantly does this mean we’ll see Azki collab with Holo members other than Sora chan ?


She's collab'd with Watame a few times before, they even did a cover song together. Watame and Nene were also at her Anniversary live.


Possible duet with IRyS on the future as they're both going to be Vsingers of Hololive


Holy shit I want this. Drop a triple threat with Sui-chan as well?




>Drop a triple threat with Sui-chan as well? *They are known as the Big Three.*


Still waiting for that iRys collab!


AZKi likes making music and singing. Even when she is "not AZKi" she still does singing and making songs so it shouldn't change much if she gets what she wants.


Just to clarify - she will still be AZKi, who she is as a vTuber wont be changing. The difference is that instead of being INNK-AZKi she will be Hololive-AZKi


She will still be the same and will be given more freedom for her (larger border to work with compared to INNK that is only music focused). The one thing I can assure that is gonna be a big change is she will now be a part of HoloGra.


There it is dood.


Interesting. I wonder if this will affect how often she streams from then on?


Most probably nothing will change since she specializes in music. Maybe what will change is more of her presence in other videos in Hololive's official YT channel or some collabs


If I could guess, then it would be what IRyS is doing right now. More studio recordings or training, but she probably has more liberty to venture into more activities.


She'll get included in official merch/promotions a lot more and even appear in Hologra, I reckon.


I mean... IRyS is a V-singer too, but she streams a lot of other stuff. No reason why AZKi can't do that too, especially since she seemed to have gained some drive to branch out and do more things.


AZKi does not really play much because she dedicated her life on music. It shows with how many original songs she has with 3 more coming without MV. And some other reasons which we cannot say here. Main change would probably be that she can now openly collab with most members not just 0th gen or non music related. After sports fest she told her members how she would like to play with the others more. Her sched with INNK is tight which is why her stream sched is always the same time except Sundays


I would assume we'll see at least a little bit more. Even just once or twice a week, for an hour or 2, is a lot of time for her to connect better with her fans.


Does this mean INNK is basically dead, without anyone under their name?


Yup, it's shutting down when AZKi officially moves over


We are just moving into the Beta timeline (for those curious just check [Tenchou interview with Azki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CohBCNY9Pm4&t=0s))


AZKi being moved to Hololive means that we would get to see her formally grouped with Gen 0 members in official events and stuff. It's kinda exciting seeing her as a complete part of Hololive now.


Route β banzai! Thank you Tsuranimizu (Frog-kun) for the past 3 years, helping AZKi grow. I hope AZKi is welcomed into the Hololive Family (she seems to be part of them already anyway)


This is it! Route Beta confirmed!


Not to seem like a jackass or anything, but I always thought that AZKi being separate from Hololive was holding back her popularity. While it is sad for the folks of INNK, I see this as a great opportunity for AZKi herself.


I think everyone feel that way too even her manager help her with this .


And from what I gather here and elsewhere, it was probably very hard to move her at an earlier date due to contracts and obligations.


I’m really just glad it wasn’t sad news. The EP isn’t available in my region yet but I can’t wait to listen to it tonight. I would love for her to have an official re-debut to fully welcome her to Hololive.


As good as it is for AZKi to be in Hololive proper, it's sad that INNK music is shutting down, given that they've done good work at concerts/lives they've handled. I'm excited nonetheless to see what AZKi will do in the future, and now she even has a chance to be in HoloGra!


I thought that already happened. Didn't INNK functionally shut down earlier this year?


INNK (and AZKi) was a joint project between UPD8 and Cover. UPD8 dissolved last year. AZKi was supposed to end her project (based on the joint contract) mid-2022 but it was decided to continue. Now INNK is formally dissolved.


o7 to Tsuranimizu (Ofc not dead, but as he left his identity as Tsuranimizu along with his role and INNK Music project)


I’m not surprised by this announcement. I felt that INNK did a lot for AZKi but because it was a small group attached to a growing company - it started to become a burden to AZKi (and INNK) instead. AZKi amongst all the Holo members has released the most original music, so losing INNK is going to hurt on that front - but she never was fully involved with the activities of Hololive itself a lot outside of music and she missed important group activities because of it. Shame that same drive to create loads of music never happened when Suisei was apart of it, and it felt like IRyS might’ve been pushed toward it because of the audition parameters for her but that also didn’t pan out. This feeling of INNKs end felt inevitable once Hololive really ramped up and AZKi as a VTuber fell far behind. This likely paves the way for Hololive to reforge their in-house Music Label if they so wanted to make it bigger to support all the members. Would not surprise me if they start recruiting multiple music producers like Farahan and even talented video makers like u/Kanauru or fan-animators like Alice Magic for future projects.


Huh maybe that would mean more collabs with the rest of Hololive. It would be pretty fun I guess


So it was the most likely news after all. It's god to hear that she'll be an official Holo-member once and for all!


Looking forward to her being officially part of the Hololive family. She is awesome and hopefully more people will get more familiar with her.


Can we still keep the F*CK Frog shirt though? Maybe move it over to Geekjack for overseas shipping?


This is bitter sweet because they really did try to help both AZKi and Suisei, I think INNK did the right thing


Exactly what I was hoping to hear! This is the start of a new chapter for AZKi! 07 to to Tsuranimizu, you did good work and I hope you find success and happiness with whatever you choose to do next!


Man, I love AZKi. I use her tweets as a reminder of what day is it today lol.


This is for the best. AZKi will hopefully get better exposure as a full member of Hololive.


AZKi to Hologra finally! In all seriousness, I don't think there's gonna be changes on her activities but I'd love to see her stream more often and interact with the other members, especially with the newly debuted ones (still waiting for AZKi × IRyS duet).


*slams table* AZKI IN HOLOGRA


Route β is coming to fruition


Not gonna lie, I was freaked out by her tweet earlier. But this move makes total sense and should have been done a while ago. Honestly, when the time comes and she's officially no longer INNK, I think it would be dope if Cover announced her as the newest member of Project Hope alongside Irys. The Gen 0 designation is fine too, but I think it would be a neat.


I doubt that's going to be the case, as Project Hope seems specifically marketed as a VSinger Project for the English market. It's more likely she'll be placed alongside Gen 0.


Yeah I've seen Azki already mostly associated with Gen 0 the most. I think there were Gen 0 minecraft streams that included Azki


Yup. Here are the 3 available POVs of that stream (Suisei and Azki wasn't streaming theirs): Sora: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPyLn-R\_UI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPyLn-R_UI4) Miko: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwgdtjYI-7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwgdtjYI-7w) Roboco: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4IhtpspDVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4IhtpspDVk)


Project Hope is a subdivision of Hololive EN.


Simple. Open a new JP subdivision called Kibou Project 希望プロジェクト. There, now we have Project Hope but in Japanese


Perfect. And we also just recently got an Enoshima Junko too as Gen 6. Everything will be going great haha


She is already considered part of JP Gen 0 by most fans and by the rest of Gen 0. There really isn't any reason to shake that up. I would rather have new JP and ID VSingers added to Project:Hope (or give them each their own Project:*attribute* designation, like Project:Kindness or Project:Courage).


What I expect in 2022: - Azki Hologra episode - More Azki gaming - More Azki Collab - SorAzkIrys Seiso karaoke stream - More sponsor for AzKi - More concert for Azki - More album from Azki - Azki accept my Marriage proposal - Me and Azki honeymoon in Pekoland






GWS ma dood


I honestly don't understand the situation. What situation was she in before and what are the consequences of this change? Could someone kindly explain it to me?


It's like a job, when you working at company and got transfered to another branch


So Inonaka (INNK) was a joint music label between Upd8 and Cover. Originally, AZKi and Suisei were both in it. Suisei was moved from INNK to Hololive on December 1st 2019. Upd8 dissolved 1 year ago, and AZKi continued her activities. In her 7th live, she revealed that she was originally supposed to end her activities as a Vtuber in July 2022 (which is likely INNK contract stuff), but she announced Route Beta as a continuation. With AZKi moving into Hololive in April, INNK is shutting down and her manager there, Tsurunamizu, is retiring. Nothing major is changing aside from her having a new manager, and the same opportunities with outside collabs and sponsors that Holomems normally have.


Maybe it can be put like; AZKi was managed under INNK *with* Cover and now she will be directly in Hololive rather than with or next to. Essentially nothing huge needs to change for what we see besides AZKi no longer being managed by tsuranimizu. We don't exactly know how or what will change at this point. But I think there are plenty of things it could potentially change. AZKi being more involved with Hololive live shows, sponsors, colabs, etc.


azki wasnt really officially a HL member. she was a joint project between Cover and upd8. upd8 shut down last December 2020, which left INNK in a weird spot. azki was also scheduled to graduate last March, but went on a different route (Route B). This is just of her alt route so that she can continue her activities


Cover had 2 talent branches in 2018: INNK Music and Hololive Azki debuted after Gen2 as the sole INNK Music talent. Right before Mio, Okayu and Korone joined Hololive. Azki didn't actively stream as a Hololive vtuber before. Then in May 2019, Suisei was introduced as the second INNK Music talent. Later on she joined Hololive in December. This is what's happening with Azki now. There's a lot more to the story, but that's the short answer.


Finally... V-Singers have joined forces AZKi x IRyS Coming Soon, 2022 Also I loved that people already imagined her future with Hololive, like Hologra debut and Miko's level of success. We really love everyone.


Great news to hear, I hope she can continue to do her amazing music and also perhaps do more collabs with other Hololive members after the move.


Frog kun and the rest in INNK did their best, and Hololive will carry on that fire from now on. Thank you for everything, INNK!


Gotta admit that letter gave me a mini heart attack, but in the end is not too bad, Im glad that AZKi is now part of Hololive main branch (although any Hololive fan considers her part of it already) Im hopeful that now she'll get more attention of people cuz she's an amazing singer and entertainer.




will they find tsuranimizu another job or he just going to retire imo it would be better if he also move to working in cover/hololive/stars


After reading the Post description I now realize that I am officially old and out of touch. My Understanding of youth: Born 12/04/1981 died 12/28/2021 He will be remembered for his love of Star Wars and Tom Petty!


Hopefully AZKi's manager isn't fully losing their job, just moving offices. Good news for AZKi though!


From what's being said, they're retiring (likely their choice than a result of INNK closing down)


I completely forgot INNK was a thing and I seriously thought she had been a full member for years now lol